Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G

2016-05-28 Thread Jonathan Moules

Hi List,
There has been some interesting discussion in this thread about how 
other conferences run, and comparisons between them and the 
professional/volunteer perspective.

I find the cost comparison between OSM Brussels and FOSS4G quite 
striking. The OSM Brussels conference "professional" cost of €180 all 
inclusive for three days as highlighted by Benoît, is only a smidge 
higher than the just-the-food portion of an early-bird FOSS4G ticket (€150).

Steven's created an excellent summary of assumptions that should 
possibly be assessed.
I think another question is - what's the primary purpose of the 
event and who is its audience? To fund OSGeo? To facilitate 
collaboration on FOSS4G software? Something else?
And given the purpose, would regional events be able to achieve it 
as effectively? I'm not convinced the smaller events facilitate 
collaboration to the same degree. They also don't bring together the 
same sorts of numbers (of delegates or projects) for code-sprints.
I believe regional events certainly have value, but they don't seem 
to have all that much overlap with the roving flagship international 
conference, at least, not for the developer-delegates. User-delegates 
however probably don't care which they go to.

Another thought - as FOSS4G moves around, why subsidise delegate 
travel, at least beyond the continent (I don't know if this is done 
currently)? A better use of limited grant funds for a delegate in say 
North America may be to wait for 2017's offering, and award the grant 
then, rather than funding a trans-Atlantic flight.

Just another 2p of thoughts.

On 24/05/2016 11:38, Benoit Fournier wrote:

Hi Johan and all,

I have been involved or simply attended a few conferences, in
particular OSGeo-FOSS4G France/Europe/World and OSM-SotM France/World.
I would like to comment on the cost and comparison of the different events.

TL;DR: I feel like FOSSDEM and State of the Map are in the same
category, "volunteer/community event". FOSS4G is not.

More inline.

Some of the other reasons that FOSDEM can be organised for free may
nevertheless apply to FOSS4G:
1) It is held in a weekend. [...]
2) There is a large crew of volunteers at FOSDEM. [...]
3) Food. Food is not supplied by the organisation. [...]

Anyway, OpenStreetMap is hosting state of the map this year in Brussels.
prices: 75 euro (early bird rate) for "community members" and a
regular ticket of 180 euro (early bird, ending today - grab one if you
intend to go!).

(early bird is not closed yet, but do grab one anyway!)
(and look for local FOSS4G event in Brussels too...)

A few reminders if I may, to compare the costs from the point of view
of an attendee:
FOSDEM: event for ~5000 ; 2 days ; no food included [0 EUR]
SotM-local France: event for ~200 ; 3 days + lunches and drinks [10 EUR]
SotM-global Brussels: event for ~500 ; 3 days + lunches and
drinks + 1 social evening event dinner [0 EUR scholarship / 75 EUR
community / 180 EUR professional]

Considering food and dinner (included or not), I very much feel these
events are in the (same) 'ballpark', that is to say with comparable
cost and quite easily accessible to community members.

FOSS4G is different, a more professional conference, or with less
support from sponsors.
FOSS4G-global: event for ~500+ ; 3 days + lunches and drinks +
Ice Breaker + Gala Event with dinner [590 EUR, what about

I should note that 75 euro still is a threshold even for some of the
Belgian contributors of OpenStreetMap to join, something to consider
in a world where hourly rates often exceed that.

Very true, community contributors in OpenStreetMap are not professionals.
Because of that and following early feedback about the "high price 75
EUR", even with food included for everyone, SotM propose also ways to
get in for free (scholar/volunteer).

Free food for thought.
Happy to discuss this further if you want a half-internal,
half-external point of view.

Best regards

OpenStreetMap France, OSGeo-FR
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[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G2016 and diversity

2016-05-28 Thread Marc Vloemans
Dear all,

To build upon the positive results as mentioned in the thread below, I invite 
anyone to supply any suggestion that may support the LOC FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn 
Germany, regarding diversity related policies during the actual Conference. 
Either directly to me or via this list.

As LOC we strive to be aware that public policies and personal experiences vary 
per continent, region, country and/or province. However, living in 
Western-Europe we sometimes are unaware how fortunate we are! That could hinder 
us in anticipating potential fears, uncertainties and doubts that visitors to 
Bonn may have.

For starters, please note the following from :

"Germany has become the first country in Europe to enact a law that allows 
German citizens to choose to neither identify as male or female on their birth 
certificate, which has been said to specifically benefit hermaphrodites and 
intersex persons."

Unfortunately same sex marriage is still 'under construction', but that does 
not reflect negatively on a number of laws protecting the rights of the LGBTI 
community (including registered partnership).

Best regards and hopefully we meet in Bonn,
Marc Vloemans

Vriendelijke groet,
Marc Vloemans

> Op 28 mei 2016 om 03:04 heeft Andrea Ross  het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Dear Kristin, Everyone
> The sex/gender split was similar for FOSS4G NA 2016 as FOSS4G NA 2015. In the 
> range of 25 to 30 percent women for both speakers and attendees. We don't ask 
> people their gender as part of submitting or registering, so this is 
> obviously a best effort from having met a number of folks, and discretely 
> Google-stalking them just a little.
> We probably had a record high number of trans people participate, despite 
> North Carolina's HB2. Also because of HB2, many LGBT people reached out to me 
> before the conference to understand what was being done, and to help decide 
> whether to boycott or not. We are so grateful that so many did not boycott, 
> and came anyway. It was a moving experience for me to learn how big the LGBT 
> part of the community is and get a bit of the sense of how important the work 
> they're doing is.
> Also, I want to call out the exemplary work of the Raleigh Convention Center. 
> They really went above and beyond to ensure our   attendees were safe and 
> comfortable. So far as I know, there were zero instances of harassment of 
> LGBT people. Laurie Okun from the Convention Center in particular was a 
> superstar and so impressive & professional from our first contact when trying 
> to assess Raleigh, through the chaos that HB2 inflicted, and to the 
> post-conference follow-up. We are grateful.
> So many good things to note. I also want to note that it is still a mostly 
> white conference. So the job is not done, and there's still much more 
> important work to be done.
> Kind regards,
> Andrea
>> On 27/05/16 17:28, Kristin Bott wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing the synopsis; I'm especially encouraged by (1) gender 
>> (identity) parity in the planning committee (2) strong presence of 
>> female-identifying folk at the conference and (3) continued financial 
>> support for attendees.
>> I'd be curious what the gender split was across attendees v. speakers -- 
>> possibly something worth tracking across years of conferences to get a sense 
>> of any shifts in attendee demographics.
>> cheers -
>> -k.bott
>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Mark Lucas  wrote:
>>> I had the pleasure of serving as the OSGeo representative for the 2016 
>>> FOSS4G NA conference selection and planning.  I thought the team did an 
>>> excellent job in selecting, planning and running the conference.  The team 
>>> made the decision to not pursue a 2017 NA conference so as not to compete 
>>> for resources with the OSGeo international conference.  Our efforts will 
>>> focus on 2018 planning and selection for the next NA regional conference.
>>> On a personal note I was initially concerned about how the relationship 
>>> with Location Tech and OSGeo would evolve.  Our teaming has resulted in yet 
>>> another successful conference that I believe plays to the strengths of both 
>>> organizations.  I was very pleased with the openness and collaboration that 
>>> I witnessed.
>>> — Mark
>>> The synopsis from Andrea Ross is included below:  
>>>  FOSS4G
>>> NA 2016 Synopsis (please feel free to re-use
>>> this data)
>>> The
>>> conference ran from May 2-5, at the
>>> Raleigh Convention Center, in Raleigh
>>> North Carolina. The code sprint &
>>> unconference ran May 6 & 7 at Red
>>> Hat’s headquarters, a few blocks from

[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoAmbassador of the month - for Geo4All newsletters

2016-05-28 Thread Suchith Anand
Dear All,

 It is thanks to the efforts and help of the thousands of our amazing 
volunteers globally that we were able to build Geo4All . All our Geo4All 
volunteers are our Geo Ambassadors. They are all volunteers who support Open 
Principles in Education . Central to "Geo for All" mission is the belief that 
knowledge is a public good and Open Principles in Education will provide great 
opportunities for everyone. 

I suggest that from next month, we will highlight one Ambassador every month in 
our monthly newsletters (like the lab of the month) to acknowledge  the 
contributions of thousands of our amazing volunteers globally who support Open 
Principles in Education. Any volunteer can be nominated as the Ambassador of 
the month. Please send me thier details and example of thier contributions that 
helped make a positive difference to others through supporting Open Principles 
in GeoEducation globally . 

btw I have been informed that one of the properitary GIS companies  are using 
the term "GIS Ambassodor" for thier educator effort!  I am very surprised to 
know that GIS Ambassador term is being used for promoting one properitary 
software only! 

Best wishes,


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