[OSGeo-Discuss] candidate manifesto - Astrid Emde

2017-10-11 Thread Astrid Emde (OSGeo)


thanks for the nomination for the OSGeo board. It is an honour to be 
nominated and it would be a pleasure to work on the board with all the 
other great boad members.

Read my candidate manifesto at



Astrid Emde
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread nicolas bozon
Dear Cameron,

I appreciate the time and effort you have put into framing questions and
remarks for Jeff, although that sounds rather unusual in a Board nomination

As a Charter Member nominating Jeff, I thought that bygones were bygones
when we honored him with the prestigious Sol Katz award at FOSS4G 2016. The
thunderous applause from one and all present at the Bundeshaus on August
27th 2016 still rings in my ears. And I think none in our community would
have missed the passion that emanated from Jeff in his short acceptance
speech, but also the continued  effort he has silently put in helping the
Foundation since then.

Whishing all candidates a great campain and election.

Best regards,


Le mercredi 11 octobre 2017, Steven Feldman  a écrit :

> Jeff
> I agree with Cameron, I think the charter members are entitled to an
> explanation as to why you resigned from the board twice in the middle of a
> period of service.
> I, for one, would like to understand the basis on which we can be assured
> that if you are elected for a third time the pattern of resignation will
> not be repeated
> Regards
> __
> Steven
> On 9 Oct 2017, at 21:42, Cameron Shorter  > wrote:
> Jeff,
> I've had a number of people correct me to note that you have resigned
> twice from the board. Also from the conference committee and FOSS4G
> mentoring role as the global FOSS4G China was facing very hard decisions
> based on low registration numbers.
> References:
> Resignation from board in 2015: https://lists.osgeo.org/
> pipermail/board/2015-December/008820.html
> Resignation from board and conference committee in 2012:
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2012-February/004544.html
> Stepping back from mentoring FOSS4G China: https://lists.osgeo.org/
> pipermail/board/2012-January/004514.html
> Lessons Learned from FOSS4G China: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/
> FOSS4G_2012_Lessons_Learned
> On 9/10/17 10:01 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Jeff,
> While I agree with others that you have been very enthusiastic toward
> OSGeo ideals, I'm also believe that there are some unanswered questions
> which should be addressed.
> In particular, a while back you stepped down from the OSGeo Board
> mid-term, while you were in the position of OSGeo president. I don't think
> a public explanation was provided, but I was aware that there was some
> passionate discussion happening in public email lists at the time.
> If you are considering sitting on the board again, I think an explanation
> should be provided.
> Regards, Cameron

> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Open Technologies Consultant
> Geospatial & Software Architect
> Information Demystifier
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254http://shorter.net
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] board members candidates manifestos please

2017-10-11 Thread Helena Mitasova
Dear all,

you can find my manifesto here 


best regards, Helena

> On Oct 11, 2017, at 12:59 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> As a charter member, one of my main duties is to vote for the new Board.
> In order to achieve this responsible task in a proper way, I do need to know 
> the candidates personally
> But I DO need to know what they stand for, what their ideas are towards OSGeo 
> in general, and their ideas about a role in the Board.
> We're almost halfway the campaign week, and until now only 2 (Vicky and 
> Maria) out of 9 candidates supplied me on [1] with some information.
> That's far from enough to have a campaign, let alone to cast my vote.
> So, I'd like to invite Astrid, Venka, Jody, Sanghee, Helena, Dirk and Jeff to 
> write down their manifestos on [1].
> Even if it's just copying and pasting from previous years, although I hardly 
> can imagine that the development in the past 12 months (especially on the 
> marketing aspect) isn't influencing your actual point of view on our 
> organization.
> Kind regards from a "willing-to-vote-member" in the Lowlands,
> Gert-Jan
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2017_Candidate_Manifestos
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

Helena Mitasova
Professor at the Department of Marine, 
Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
and Center for Geospatial Analytics
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208

"All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which are sent 
to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public Records Law and may 
be disclosed to third parties.” 

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Members: What kind of an OSGeo Board do we want?

2017-10-11 Thread Helena Mitasova
1. If you are standing for re-election - what roles have you taken in the last 
2 years? what do you believe you have achieved and what has not worked as well 
as you hoped?

First of all I am happy that we are in a different place than where we were 
when I ran in 2015
out of concerns for the future of OSGeo - thanks to the OSGeo community 
standing up and the new board
working together (thanks GeoCat for providing space for f2f board meeting at a 
critical time)
we have a thriving organization with the new generation bringing in energy and 
vision for future.

I served as vicepresident, taking responsibility for working with geoforall 
initiative and memoranda of understanding.
We signed several new MoUs and renewed those that were expiring, as a result we 
have co-organized sessions 
and workshops at partner conferences, presented webinars and formalized 
existing collaborations, 
spreading the knowledge and passion for open source geospatial.
For geoforall, see my presentation from FOSS4G 2017 here

I also tried to help with the website, although Jody did the heavy lifting for 
the board.
Website has forced us to go through everything that we do and re-evaluate what 
works and what needs to change
so the impact of this effort goes way beyond an outreach and webpresence.

What  has not worked?
On-line meetings and email exchanges have challenges, sometimes leading to 
Keeping track of meetings and action items has not always been easy, although 
loomio has helped (thanks Anita for introducing it).
F2f meetings help but we had very few.

2. All candidates - what role, specific topics would you like to work on within 
the board and why?
what do you hope to contribute and achieve in the next 2 years?

I plan to continue my previous work with geofroall and our partners
and contribute to successful delivery of the website to the community to take 
I would like to build bridges between academia and industry, both in terms of 
education and research/development 
to help open source geospatial grow new generation of passionate developers, 
users and community builders.
I also feel that from time to time it is useful to provide instituitional 
memory as one of the founding members.

If there was only 1 thing you could change in the next 2 years what would it be?

This may sound bureaucratic and totally non-visionary but although we have made 
a progress in dividing the work 
within the board and between the board and the committees,
 I would like to have an appointed board secretary responsible for scheduling 
meetings, managing agenda,   
minutes and votes to ensure that initiatives, projects and committees are 
served in timely manner
and board members can focus on more visionary discussions, activities and 
decision making.


> On Oct 9, 2017, at 10:12 AM, Steven Feldman  wrote:
> First up my respect and thanks to the 9 candidates that have agreed to stand 
> for a position on the OSGeo Board. 
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Member_Nominations_2017 
>  It is a fantastic 
> indication of our vibrant, passionate community that we have 9 people willing 
> to offer their experience, wisdom, energy and most importantly time to serve.
> Charter members, we have a tough choice to make to select 5 of these 9 
> outstanding candidates to serve for the next 2 years. I thought I would share 
> some of the considerations that will influence my choices when we get to 
> vote, they may help others to identify what is important to them in making 
> their choices and they may also prompt some of the candidates when they write 
> their personal statements/manifestos.
> We have an opportunity to shape the board in terms of professional 
> background, gender and experience
> The current board is balanced between practitioners/developers and academics 
> - do we want to maintain that balance?
> Currently 3/9 of the board are women (Anita is standing down, thanks for your 
> contributions, Helena is standing for re-election)
> 4 of the 5 board members standing down are standing for re-election, 
> additionally 2 past members of the board are standing for election. There are 
> 3 candidates who have not served on the board.
> Some questions for candidates:
> If you are standing for re-election - what roles have you taken in the last 2 
> years? what do you believe you have achieved and what has not worked as well 
> as you hoped?
> All candidates - what role, specific topics would you like to work on within 
> the board and why? what do you hope to contribute and achieve in the next 2 
> years?
> If there was only 1 thing you could change in the next 2 years what would it 
> be?
> May the FOSS be with you all 
> __
> Steven
> ___
> Discuss 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] board members candidates manifestos please

2017-10-11 Thread Sanghee Shin
Hi all, 
Sorry for the late posting this. We Koreans enjoyed Chuseok holidays(Harvest 
Festival) for 10 days. 
Here are my manifestos mainly based on Steven’s questions. 
• If you are standing for re-election - what roles have you taken in the last 2 
years? what do you believe you have achieved and what has not worked as well as 
you hoped?
Recalling last 2 years as a board, it was great honor for me to have served as 
a board at OSGeo. However I also confess that it was not so pleasant experience 
as I expected. And it required much time than I initially thought. There were 
many endless debates and discussions all over the lists and I sometimes felt 
helpless being stuck in the endless maze having realized that Director’s role 
is setting Directions and sometimes time can fix the things. 
At first please take a look at my manifestos from 2015 election 
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2015_Candidate_Manifestos#Sanghee_Shin and 
my recent updates on my roles 
here for my roles for the last 2 years. 
Over the last 2 years I tried to bring in different views to OSGeo horizontally 
from Asia, vertically from business domains. Also I tried to put some efforts 
to increase the relationship with UN. I’m not sure whether the results out of 
my activities are satisfactory or not. I should admit that there were not so 
many chances to represent Asia’s view at the board level. It’s unclear if it is 
caused by Asia’s low activities or cultural/language barriers. However I’m very 
happy to see many vibrant local activities in Asia region over the last couple 
of years. As a businessman I tried to be more tolerant and permissive toward 
issues around OSGeo. Sometimes I saw the ‘Desire to the Innocence’ from the 
community. I’m confident we can grow more with more diverse views and 
impurities. This is far from the hostile takeover. Regarding the UN activities, 
I’m pleased to have played small set of role in developing a relationship with 
UN. As a result of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul’s UN special session, UN Open GIS 
Initiative officially started at the March of last year and I was designated as 
Chair of TAG(Technical Advisory Group of UN Open GIS Initiative) at the 
November of 2016. UN Open GIS Initiative is going well and hope UN could 
complete their plan soon with full operation of their system based on open 
• All candidates - what role, specific topics would you like to work on within 
the board and why? what do you hope to contribute and achieve in the next 2 
I believe too much devotions and affections to OSGeo will harm both me and 
OSGeo. I’ll limit my contribution time to OSGeo and keep distances from the 
Foundation as much as I love OSGeo. By doing this I think I can have the 3rd 
person’s view toward the OSGeo. Anyway my first priority will be representing 
Asia’s voice, that’s the reason why many of my Asian friends asked me to run 
for the re-election. And as a non-developers and a businessman, I’d also like 
to bring in users/practitioners/business mind to the board level. As our 
foundation grow, we need to hear and reflect voices from members other than 
developers. Tangibly to say I would like to see 2 things in the next 2 years. 
First I’d like to see the successful completion of UN Open GIS Initiative, 
which is at Spiral 1 and 2 stage now. Second, I will encourage Asian people to 
actively jump in Foundation’s activity without shyness.
• If there was only 1 thing you could change in the next 2 years what would it 
Many core parts of OSGeo project is being developed during the spare time of 
contributors. This could harm the sustainability of open source ecosystem and 
our foundation. One of my interest is how to make virtuous cycle within our 
ecosystem at least in our foundation, from developers to 
users/practitioners/businessman. Now we see that many companies and 
institutions get the profits/benefits using OSGeo projects. I believe some 
parts of those profits/benefits should be returned to real developers in some 
way. I have no concrete idea how to make this virtuous cycle work. But, I can 
share my experience here in Korea. Recently my company and other 11 Korean open 
source companies formed KAOS-G(Korea Alliance of Open Source Geospatial) as a 
legal entity. Unlike OSGeo, KAOS-G is a company alliance to capture the value 
by offering professional open source GIS to customers and return the profits, 
contribute back to the communities. It’s just start and experience however I 
expect some of good idea I can get from this KAOS-G activities. 

I’ll update my manifestos to the wiki page soon. 

May the FOSS & PEACE be with you & us all.  

Kind regards, 
Shin, Sanghee
Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company

보낸 사람: Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
보낸 날짜: 2017년 10월 12일 목요일 오전 1:59
받는 사람: 'OSGeo Discussions'
참조: 'OSGeo CRO'
제목: [OSGeo-Discuss] board members 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Steven Feldman

I agree with Cameron, I think the charter members are entitled to an 
explanation as to why you resigned from the board twice in the middle of a 
period of service. 

I, for one, would like to understand the basis on which we can be assured that 
if you are elected for a third time the pattern of resignation will not be 


> On 9 Oct 2017, at 21:42, Cameron Shorter  wrote:
> Jeff,
> I've had a number of people correct me to note that you have resigned twice 
> from the board. Also from the conference committee and FOSS4G mentoring role 
> as the global FOSS4G China was facing very hard decisions based on low 
> registration numbers.
> References:
> Resignation from board in 2015: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2015-December/008820.html 
> Resignation from board and conference committee in 2012: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2012-February/004544.html 
> Stepping back from mentoring FOSS4G China: 
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/board/2012-January/004514.html 
> Lessons Learned from FOSS4G China: 
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2012_Lessons_Learned 
> On 9/10/17 10:01 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> While I agree with others that you have been very enthusiastic toward OSGeo 
>> ideals, I'm also believe that there are some unanswered questions which 
>> should be addressed.
>> In particular, a while back you stepped down from the OSGeo Board mid-term, 
>> while you were in the position of OSGeo president. I don't think a public 
>> explanation was provided, but I was aware that there was some passionate 
>> discussion happening in public email lists at the time.
>> If you are considering sitting on the board again, I think an explanation 
>> should be provided.
>> Regards, Cameron
>> On 9/10/17 8:48 am, nicolas bozon wrote:
>>> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of Directors 
>>> election.
>>> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i 
>>> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless contributions 
>>> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and long 
>>> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of the 
>>> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who may 
>>> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good read 
>>> before you vote.
>>> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep understanding 
>>> of both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan. Experienced 
>>> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects and 
>>> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent globally. 
>>> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i 
>>> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all 
>>> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nicolas Bozon
>>> ---
>>> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the nomination 
>>> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to confirm 
>>> to himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page still 
>>> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the 
>>> nomination process in this special case.
>>> ---
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org 
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss 
>> -- 
>> Cameron Shorter
>> Open Technologies Consultant
>> Geospatial & Software Architect
>> Information Demystifier
>> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
>> http://shorter.net 
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Open Technologies Consultant
> Geospatial & Software Architect
> Information Demystifier
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
> http://shorter.net 
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 Academic Track: the call for contributions is now open!

2017-10-11 Thread Maria Antonia Brovelli
Here we  are!

We are ready for collecting your proposals for the Academic Track of FOSS4G 
2018 in Dar Es Salaam.

Please read carefully the instructions here:


The first step is to upload your abstract (500-800 words) by November, 20 2017.

A Scientific Committee will accept the best proposals (deadline 15 December) 
which will go to the second step: camera ready paper for the Proceedings  by 31 
March 2018. Remember that  you MUST register (at least one author for one 
paper) to the Conference for having your paper published. Therefore the 
registration is mandatory before 31  March 2018.

And then, see you in Dar!

Best regards,

Maria and Ally Hassan

Pay attention to this Special Issue and see if it is of interest by you:


Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
Professor of GIS and Remote Sensing
Politecnico di Milano

ISPRS WG IV/4 "Collaborative crowdsourced cloud mapping (C3M)" 
http://www2.isprs.org/commissions/comm4/wg4.html, Board of Directors of OSGeo; 
GeoForAll Advisory Board; NASA WorldWind Europa Challenge; SIFET Advisory Board

UN-GGIM Academic Network Deputy Chair, UN-GGIM Italy, UN OpenGIS Initiative 
(Chair of the Capacity Building WG)

Sol Katz Award 2015

P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,   

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Eli Adam
Hi Venka,

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 10:15 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan
> Hi Eli,
> First of all, thanks to Jorge for volunteering to be co-CRO
> and fixing the CRO alias promptly.

Yes, thanks Jorge.

> Regarding your other comment reproduced below;
> The Board did not appear to review this topic at
> their last meeting,
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
> of no concern to the Board.
> The question of review this topic at the 2017-10-05 board meeting did not
> arise
> as the nomination for our ex-co-CRO was filed on 2017-10-08.

Thanks for fixing my mistake, I misunderstood the dates and thought
that nomination for our ex-co-CRO was filed on 2017-10-01.  Sorry to
suggest that it was of no concern to the Board when it is actually

> I would like to assure you that I share your concern about the proper
> process.

Great, I hope that the Board follows the proper process.  I'll stop
making noise and allow the proper process to work.

Best regards, Eli

> Best
> Venka
> On 10/12/2017 1:58 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> Hi Eli,
> I did it yesterday without having a ticket involved. My bad sorry.
> I confirm that the CRO alias is now sending emails only to Vasile and me.
> --
> Jorge Sanz
> https://jorgesanz.net
> Sent from my phone, excuse my brevity and typos
> El 11 oct. 2017 18:36, "Eli Adam"  escribió:
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Fenoy Gerald 
> wrote:
> Dear Eli,
> as you may have notice, Jeff has stepped down from his position of
> co-CRO when accepting the Nicolas’ nomination [1].
> I didn't find that thread while scanning through the archive.  Thanks
> for pointing it out to me.
> Jeff was involved in the charter member election process as co-CRO but
> he is no more so, I guess, there is no issue for the board election.
> Was the c...@osgeo.org email alias updated?  I didn't notice a ticket
> for that.  I'm impressed that there is so little concern about the
> proper process.  The Board did not appear to review this topic at
> their last meeting,
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
> of no concern to the Board.
> Best regards, Eli
> Best regards,
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-October/036449.html
> Gérald Fenoy
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
> Le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:04, Eli Adam  a écrit :
> Nicolas,
> On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon 
> wrote:
> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of
> Directors
> election.
> I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
> your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
> In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
> remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.
> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless
> contributions
> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and
> long
> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of
> the
> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who
> may
> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good
> read
> before you vote.
> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep
> understanding of
> both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan.
> Experienced
> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects
> and
> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent
> globally.
> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
> Best regards,
> Nicolas Bozon
> ---
> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the
> nomination
> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to
> confirm to
> himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page
> still
> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
> nomination process in this special case.
> ---
> The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
> the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
> counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
> the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
> doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
> nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
> appointment as CRO.  Maybe we 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] board members candidates manifestos please

2017-10-11 Thread Jody Garnett
Thanks Gert-Jan:

I had a number of other responsibilities this week that came ahead of
writing a manifesto, this is indicative of my priorities and time
management as a contributor. Group activities and group responsibilities
come first.

The most pressing responsibility has been keeping up our end of the
website/rebranding contract (you can see I have asked for some review on
this discussion list). , and following up on board commitments (trademarks,
chasing down prior action items, etc...).

It is my hope that my actions and email provides insight into my hopes for
our foundation. I will copy and paste one such email here as it touches on
ideas for OSGeo in general:

*I do not think the board was asked to reach a conclusion, the specific bug
report was the result of a mistake (made sure not to check who) and has
since been fixed: http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/projects/qgis/

*I will note that the website is still under active development by the
contractor, and that none of our community members had access to fix the
issue when it was reported - I am sorry if that made anyone feel like they
were not being listened to.*

*In terms of responsibility for website content:*

*- I feel that the project teams should have the final say on what appears
on these project pages (if they do not wish to provide "migrate from"
information then there is no requirement to).*
*- In a similar fashion committees, initiatives, goeforall labs should have
edit access and freedom to manage their respective pages.*
*- the board is responsible for the partner pages, as it maintains these
partner relationships*
*- the marketing committee has responsibility for a few sections, branding,
what is open source, and advocacy pages*

*With respect to the purpose of this website, the marketing committee was
asked by the board to take on this project to meet a couple of our goals as
an organization, that were being held up by our Drupal website (lack of
participation more than appearance). *

*- Outreach: To introduce members of the public to open source geospatial.
I view this as a calling for all of us in this organization (ie our
"Empower everyone with open source geospatial" mission statement) rather
than just the calling of the board, the local chapters, the marketing
committee, initiatives like GeoForAll and OSGeo, or the individual
*- Celebration: To celebrate our community, especially its members (the
goal is written as "celebrate excellence, openness and service within the
OSGeo community"), which results in the strong focus on team photos in the
design and presentation (there is of course lots more we can do as an
organization - would love to see some more diverse awards and recognition).*

*What happened to the Drupal website? While there were limitations around
presentation (a rebranding done in 2009 was never implemented), the largest
one was around participation. The website committee became in active and
disbanded, and the individual committees and community activities gradually
migrated to the wiki. Indeed much day-to-day maintenance fell on Jeff
McKenna and his dedication and perseverance has kept us online. *

*The key message is that everyone is needed to both finish this website,
and to make it a success for everyone.*

The key theme, and one I agree with, is one of distributing work around our
organization. Steps were taken in 2017 to work on this, starting with
providing a clear budget to committees (including project committees). I
think it will take a couple years practice but i am confident that
providing committees a clear mandate, budget and trust is good way to
distribute work and responsibility, increase effectiveness, and avoid burn

With respect to burn out, we have watched a succession of our leadership
extend themselves too far. I am particularly thankful for Venka stepping up
as president - and like the use of the vice-president role to share this
responsibility. Helena and Dirk have been effective in this capacity and
their contributions greatly appreciated.
Jody Garnett

On 11 October 2017 at 09:59, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl <
gert-...@osgeo.nl> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As a charter member, one of my main duties is to vote for the new Board.
> In order to achieve this responsible task in a proper way, I do need to
> know the candidates personally
> But I DO need to know what they stand for, what their ideas are towards
> OSGeo in general, and their ideas about a role in the Board.
> We're almost halfway the campaign week, and until now only 2 (Vicky and
> Maria) out of 9 candidates supplied me on [1] with some information.
> That's far from enough to have a campaign, let alone to cast my vote.
> So, I'd like to invite Astrid, Venka, Jody, Sanghee, Helena, Dirk and Jeff
> to write down their manifestos on [1].
> Even if it's just copying and pasting from previous years, although I
> hardly can imagine that 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Venkatesh Raghavan

Hi Eli,

First of all, thanks to Jorge for volunteering to be co-CRO
and fixing the CRO alias promptly.

Regarding your other comment reproduced below;

The Board did not appear to review this topic at
their last meeting,
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
of no concern to the Board.

The question of review this topic at the 2017-10-05 board meeting did 
not arise

as the nomination for our ex-co-CRO was filed on 2017-10-08.

I would like to assure you that I share your concern about the proper



On 10/12/2017 1:58 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:

Hi Eli,

I did it yesterday without having a ticket involved. My bad sorry.

I confirm that the CRO alias is now sending emails only to Vasile and me.
Jorge Sanz

Sent from my phone, excuse my brevity and typos

El 11 oct. 2017 18:36, "Eli Adam"  escribió:

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Fenoy Gerald 

Dear Eli,
as you may have notice, Jeff has stepped down from his position of

co-CRO when accepting the Nicolas’ nomination [1].

I didn't find that thread while scanning through the archive.  Thanks
for pointing it out to me.

Jeff was involved in the charter member election process as co-CRO but

he is no more so, I guess, there is no issue for the board election.
Was the c...@osgeo.org email alias updated?  I didn't notice a ticket
for that.  I'm impressed that there is so little concern about the
proper process.  The Board did not appear to review this topic at
their last meeting,
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
of no concern to the Board.

Best regards, Eli

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-October/036449.html

Gérald Fenoy

Le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:04, Eli Adam  a écrit :


On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon 


It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of



I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.

Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless


over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and


involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of


Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who


really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good


before you vote.

Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep

understanding of

both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan.


with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects


people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent


Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
welcome Jeff back at the Board!

Best regards,

Nicolas Bozon

Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the


directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to

confirm to

himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page


need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
nomination process in this special case.

The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
appointment as CRO.  Maybe we should return to the tradition of the
CRO being a sitting Board member with a year remaining on their term.
CRO is a difficult job and much credit to those who do it.  Also,
someone (other than me) should be paying attention to the basic
process and raise these issues.

Best regards, Eli

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] board members candidates manifestos please

2017-10-11 Thread Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting OSGeo.nl
Hi all,

As a charter member, one of my main duties is to vote for the new Board.

In order to achieve this responsible task in a proper way, I do need to know 
the candidates personally
But I DO need to know what they stand for, what their ideas are towards OSGeo 
in general, and their ideas about a role in the Board.

We're almost halfway the campaign week, and until now only 2 (Vicky and Maria) 
out of 9 candidates supplied me on [1] with some information.
That's far from enough to have a campaign, let alone to cast my vote.

So, I'd like to invite Astrid, Venka, Jody, Sanghee, Helena, Dirk and Jeff to 
write down their manifestos on [1].
Even if it's just copying and pasting from previous years, although I hardly 
can imagine that the development in the past 12 months (especially on the 
marketing aspect) isn't influencing your actual point of view on our 

Kind regards from a "willing-to-vote-member" in the Lowlands,


[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Election_2017_Candidate_Manifestos

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Jorge Sanz
Hi Eli,

I did it yesterday without having a ticket involved. My bad sorry.

I confirm that the CRO alias is now sending emails only to Vasile and me.
Jorge Sanz

Sent from my phone, excuse my brevity and typos

El 11 oct. 2017 18:36, "Eli Adam"  escribió:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Fenoy Gerald 
> wrote:
> > Dear Eli,
> > as you may have notice, Jeff has stepped down from his position of
> co-CRO when accepting the Nicolas’ nomination [1].
> I didn't find that thread while scanning through the archive.  Thanks
> for pointing it out to me.
> >
> > Jeff was involved in the charter member election process as co-CRO but
> he is no more so, I guess, there is no issue for the board election.
> >
> Was the c...@osgeo.org email alias updated?  I didn't notice a ticket
> for that.  I'm impressed that there is so little concern about the
> proper process.  The Board did not appear to review this topic at
> their last meeting,
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
> of no concern to the Board.
> Best regards, Eli
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-October/036449.html
> >
> >
> > Gérald Fenoy
> > http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
> >
> >> Le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:04, Eli Adam  a écrit :
> >>
> >> Nicolas,
> >>
> >> On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of
> Directors
> >>> election.
> >>
> >> I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
> >> your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
> >> In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
> >> remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
> >>> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless
> contributions
> >>> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and
> long
> >>> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of
> the
> >>> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who
> may
> >>> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good
> read
> >>> before you vote.
> >>>
> >>> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep
> understanding of
> >>> both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan.
> Experienced
> >>> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects
> and
> >>> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent
> globally.
> >>>
> >>> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
> >>> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
> >>> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>>
> >>> Nicolas Bozon
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ---
> >>> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the
> nomination
> >>> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to
> confirm to
> >>> himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page
> still
> >>> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
> >>> nomination process in this special case.
> >>> ---
> >>
> >> The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
> >> the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
> >> counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
> >> the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
> >> doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
> >> nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
> >> appointment as CRO.  Maybe we should return to the tradition of the
> >> CRO being a sitting Board member with a year remaining on their term.
> >> CRO is a difficult job and much credit to those who do it.  Also,
> >> someone (other than me) should be paying attention to the basic
> >> process and raise these issues.
> >>
> >> Best regards, Eli
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Discuss mailing list
> >>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> >>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> >> ___
> >> Discuss mailing list
> >> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> >> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> >
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Eli Adam
On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Fenoy Gerald  wrote:
> Dear Eli,
> as you may have notice, Jeff has stepped down from his position of co-CRO 
> when accepting the Nicolas’ nomination [1].

I didn't find that thread while scanning through the archive.  Thanks
for pointing it out to me.

> Jeff was involved in the charter member election process as co-CRO but he is 
> no more so, I guess, there is no issue for the board election.

Was the c...@osgeo.org email alias updated?  I didn't notice a ticket
for that.  I'm impressed that there is so little concern about the
proper process.  The Board did not appear to review this topic at
their last meeting,
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2017-10-05, so perhaps it is
of no concern to the Board.

Best regards, Eli

> Best regards,
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-October/036449.html
> Gérald Fenoy
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Djay
>> Le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:04, Eli Adam  a écrit :
>> Nicolas,
>> On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon  
>> wrote:
>>> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of Directors
>>> election.
>> I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
>> your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
>> In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
>> remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.
>>> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
>>> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless contributions
>>> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and long
>>> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of the
>>> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who may
>>> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good read
>>> before you vote.
>>> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep understanding of
>>> both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan. Experienced
>>> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects and
>>> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent globally.
>>> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
>>> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
>>> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nicolas Bozon
>>> ---
>>> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the nomination
>>> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to confirm to
>>> himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page still
>>> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
>>> nomination process in this special case.
>>> ---
>> The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
>> the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
>> counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
>> the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
>> doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
>> nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
>> appointment as CRO.  Maybe we should return to the tradition of the
>> CRO being a sitting Board member with a year remaining on their term.
>> CRO is a difficult job and much credit to those who do it.  Also,
>> someone (other than me) should be paying attention to the basic
>> process and raise these issues.
>> Best regards, Eli
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Fenoy Gerald
Dear Eli,
as you may have notice, Jeff has stepped down from his position of co-CRO when 
accepting the Nicolas’ nomination [1].

Jeff was involved in the charter member election process as co-CRO but he is no 
more so, I guess, there is no issue for the board election.

Best regards,

[1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-October/036449.html

Gérald Fenoy

> Le 11 oct. 2017 à 16:04, Eli Adam  a écrit :
> Nicolas,
> On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon  wrote:
>> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of Directors
>> election.
> I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
> your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
> In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
> remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.
>> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
>> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless contributions
>> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and long
>> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of the
>> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who may
>> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good read
>> before you vote.
>> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep understanding of
>> both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan. Experienced
>> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects and
>> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent globally.
>> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
>> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
>> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
>> Best regards,
>> Nicolas Bozon
>> ---
>> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the nomination
>> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to confirm to
>> himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page still
>> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
>> nomination process in this special case.
>> ---
> The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
> the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
> counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
> the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
> doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
> nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
> appointment as CRO.  Maybe we should return to the tradition of the
> CRO being a sitting Board member with a year remaining on their term.
> CRO is a difficult job and much credit to those who do it.  Also,
> someone (other than me) should be paying attention to the basic
> process and raise these issues.
> Best regards, Eli
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Board nomination: Jeff McKenna

2017-10-11 Thread Eli Adam

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:48 PM, nicolas bozon  wrote:
> It is my honor to nominate Jeff McKenna for the OSGeo Board of Directors
> election.

I don't think that you can nominate the CRO, nor can the CRO accept
your nomination, https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Chief_Returning_Officer.
In some past years the CRO was a sitting Board member with a year
remaining on their term thus avoiding this situation.

> Most of you knows Jeff's energy and passion for everything OSGeo, and i
> would probably be mistaken trying to summarize his countless contributions
> over the years, at every level of our Foundation. His leadership and long
> involvement in the OSGeo and FOSS4G communities made him the Winner of the
> Solz Katz Award in 2016, and i cannot add more. For those of you who may
> really not know Jeff yet, the User:Jeff_McKenna wiki page is a good read
> before you vote.
> Jeff already served three times at the board and has a deep understanding of
> both the director role and the current OSGeo strategic plan. Experienced
> with OSGeo governance and bylaws, Jeff also knows a lot about projects and
> people. He is always ready to help build locally and to represent globally.
> Jeff is a great communicator and enthusiastic community leader, and i
> believe he will be an excellent OSGeo director again. Please let us all
> welcome Jeff back at the Board!
> Best regards,
> Nicolas Bozon
> ---
> Jeff McKenna agreed to be nominated and i decided to send the nomination
> directly to the Discuss list with cc to CRO, so it avoids Jeff to confirm to
> himself that he accepts the nomination. The Board Nominations page still
> need to be updated, could you please Vasile ? Sorry for shortening the
> nomination process in this special case.
> ---

The point is not to avoid Jeff confirming to himself that he accepts
the nomination, it is to avoid the CRO running an election and
counting votes when they are also standing for election. It is really
the Board's (and CRO's) responsibility to ensure that this situation
doesn't occur.  The Board should not appoint CROs who might accept a
nomination and people who might accept a nomination should not accept
appointment as CRO.  Maybe we should return to the tradition of the
CRO being a sitting Board member with a year remaining on their term.
CRO is a difficult job and much credit to those who do it.  Also,
someone (other than me) should be paying attention to the basic
process and raise these issues.

Best regards, Eli

> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
Discuss mailing list