Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board candidate manifesto - Nicolas Bozon

2018-11-24 Thread Luigi Pirelli
Hi Nicolas, do you have some more repo other this
where to see your OS activities?

Luigi Pirelli

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On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 17:55, nicolas bozon  wrote:

> Hi OSGeo,
> Please read my manifesto here:
> And have a good week end !
> Best,
> Nick
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board candidate manifesto - Nicolas Bozon

2018-11-24 Thread nicolas bozon
Hi Luigi,

Thanks for following my links and asking.

First of all, i am not a developer, so please do not expect to find core or
revolutionary code on my Github nor on the OSGeo projects svn.

I am rather a geo data product manager, cartographer and designer. I also
like to think that i am an OSGeo power user, with predisposition for
developer advocacy and community management.

I believe my most significant activity or contribution to open source is
co-founding ZOO-Project with Gérald Fenoy and Venkatesh Raghavan (former
board members btw) and promoting it with the ZOO-Tribe since 10 years now.

ZOO-Project is solid and scalable WPS implementation that allows to execute
and chain many of the OSGeo librairies such as GDAL, GRASS GIS,
OrfeoToolbox (but also others such as SAGA GIS, CGAL or R) all on the
server, in a OGC compliant way. I spent hundreds of hours designing the WPS
architecture along with co-founders, and i believe Gérald and other ZOO
developers implemented our vision the good way. I also wrote part of this
project documentation, along with Gérald and Jeff McKenna. If you are
really curious about my commits, please look way behind in the ZOO-Project
svn history and search for users like nbozon and nickboz :)

Another significant contribution of mine to geospatial open source is the
design of the MapMint software. This is built on top of ZOO-Project, GDAL
and MapServer and also interacts smoothly with some well known clients such
as OpenLayers or QGIS. Among numerous online processing capabilities,
MapMint really leverages MapServer for non-developers, as it writes
mapfiles for them using a friendly UI and crazy mapscript, all served as
WPS. As for ZOO-Project, i spent uncountable man-days to achieve this work
with my OSGeo friends, and to share it with the community. I did a little
bit of coding there too, especially for the front-end prototypes and
documentation. Once again, if you are really looking at code related to me,
please have a look at the mapmint-ui directory on the MapMint github.

For the record, these two projects are licensed under MIT styled licenses.
They were most notably used and extended within an innovative research
project from 2013 to 2015, funded by the European Commission FP7 Program.
They are also nowadays in production for a number of commercial projects
led by multiple private companies.

I believe my open source activity and direct contributions also remain
through my involvement in numerous local and regional FOSS4G events
Traveling around the globe to help and spread the word, melting with the
Asian and European chapters, sharing ideas and knowledge with many
different OSGeo people are also contributions. They do not necessarily
involve code or development, but they at least allow me to say that i got
to know many of my fellow charter members and that i now understand OSGeo

Past and current work with the OSGeo Marketing Committee are also often
impalpable yet meaningful contributions.
My pet project is another open source contribution, and even gets
a (very quiet) Github :)

Sorry for this long answer Luigi. I hope that it helped you consider that i
am and will ever be an active OSGeo activist and contributor.

I'd like to conclude by saying that i do not think being an active skilled
developer is mandatory to become an OSGeo director.
I think advocacy, strategy and openness are much more important for this

Best regards,


Le sam. 24 nov. 2018 à 10:57, Luigi Pirelli  a écrit :

> Hi Nicolas, do you have some more repo other this
> where to see your OS activities?
> Luigi Pirelli
> **
> * LinkedIn:
> * Stackexchange:
> * GitHub:
> * Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
> *
> * Hire me:
> **
> On Fri, 23 Nov 2018 at 17:55, nicolas bozon 
> wrote:
>> Hi OSGeo,
>> Please read my manifesto here:
>> And have a good week end !
>> Best,
>> Nick
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
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[OSGeo-Discuss] PostGIS 2.4.6 and 2.3.8 Patch release

2018-11-24 Thread Regina Obe
The PostGIS development team is pleased to provide
bug fix releases 2.3.8 and 2.4.6 for the 2.3 and 2.4 stable branches.

This release supports PostgreSQL 9.3-10.

* source:
* PDF docs:
* html doc download:
* html online:
* epub doc download:
* Changelog:


This release supports PostgreSQL 9.2-10.

* source:
* PDF docs en:
* html doc download:
* html online:
* epub doc download:
* Changelog:

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Board candidate manifesto - Malena Libman

2018-11-24 Thread Malena Libman
Hi list, as I'm having trouble logging in my wiki user to edit the page I'm
sending my candidate manifesto this way until I can upload it to the wiki.




*About me*

I’m a enthusiastic and committed “porteña”, from Buenos Aires, Argentina,
of the Geographic Information Systems and of the promotion of the use and
development of FOSS4G through the development of communities.

In addition to my participation in OSGEO, within the communities related to
GIS I have been Secretary of the board of the Argentine Cartography Center
(an ONG with more than 60 years of existence), collaborated in the
organization of the SOTM LATAM 2018 here in Buenos Aires and I participate
in communities also linked to the issues like programming and mapping but
with a with with a gender perspective like GeochicasOSM and Las de Sistemas
(the systems ones (she)).

My university education is in GIS and I am currently a teacher of the
Degree in GIS of the Tres de Febrero University.

I have worked as a consultant, workshop trainer and GIS specialist for
companies and as a government employee in different GIS proyects such as:
Transport, Security, Health, Cadaster, Geology, Geography and Spatial Data

*My vision*

FOSS4G is central throughout the world, but it is especially important in
developing countries, where it is a key tool both for the construction of
local capacities and for its contribution to achieving greater cooperation
at the regional community level in contexts of strong limitations of

*What you have done within the community in the past*

I’m a part of Geoinquiet@s Argentina (Spanish speaking micro chapter) since
2012. I’ve participated in the organization of the regional FOSS4G
Argentina in 2013 and 2016. I also chaired the 2017 edition that we did
together with OSM Argentina, FOSS4G + SOTM Argentina de 2017. I was very
lucky to be able to attend the last FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
thanks to the travel grant program. Since then, I have been starting to
participate in the OSGEO Marketing committee

*What your interests are in terms of the board*

I want to contribute so that OSGEO can promote the use of FOSS4G all over
the world and for all people in a more effective way. For that, I consider
it strategic to complement the most diverse views possible. In this sense,
I believe that both Latin America has much to contribute to the
strengthening of OSGEO and OSGEO has great potential to deepen and expand
its actions in the region.

*Any things that you would like to change or introduce*

Reinforce the efforts for a more numerous, more protagonistic and more
diverse participation by women from all over the world and from people in
developing countries.

Promote a greater direct relationship between local chapters of the same
region and exchanges between different regions, for example, trough
participation in regional conferences of representatives from regions other
than those that organize it.

*What role you would wish to fulfil on the board (if any)*

To me, just the fact of being a part of the board would be a dream come
true, although I am sure that I have many useful things to contribute, I
believe that I still have much to learn from the commitment and experience
of the men and women who make up the board.

For that I would like to thenk María Arias de Reyna for nominating me and
the support of Vicky Vergara for the nomination.
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Board candidate manifesto - Michael Smith

2018-11-24 Thread Michael Smith
Wiki editing is down so posting this to Discuss.


About Me:

For those of you that don't know me, I'm Michael Smith, a physical scientist at 
the US Army Corps of Engineers. I've been involved with the MapServer community 
since 2001 and OSGeo since its inception. For the last 4 years, I've been 
honored to be a OSGeo Board member and the OSGeo treasurer. It’s been quite a 
learning experience and I greatly thank Daniel Morissette, the previous OSGeo 
treasurer for so much support in handling the transition.


My Vision:

In my time on the board and as treasurer, my focus has been on encouraging 
governments (in general) and the US in particular, especially the Department of 
Defense which, personally I know makes extensive use of OSGeo projects, to more 
actively participate is OSGeo and the projects beyond just use and occasional 


What your interests are in terms of the board:

If reelected, I plan to continue as OSGeo Treasurer. Its been a bit of a 
learning experience handling the funds from OSGeo, learning how to do the non 
profit tax filings for the US Government (where OSGeo is incorporated) and 
handling distributions of funds to Code Sprints and Events. Its also been a lot 
of fun to work directly with groups and individuals all over the world with 
OSGeo. Its been a very rewarding experience.


It’s really wonderful to see a great group of new candidates to the board. Its 
wonderful to see the diversity and multiple regions of the world represented in 
the candidates.


Thank you for the nomination, OSGeo Community!



Michael Smith

OSGeo Foundation Treasurer


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[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo-Wiki editing is back

2018-11-24 Thread Markus Neteler

I discovered why wiki editing failed: disk full [1] and fixed that.

After some emergeny cleanup the Wiki seems to be back (some more
homework is still needed, see ticket).

Happy editing,


Markus Neteler, PhD - free data with free software
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