[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder GSoC 2020 - Call for ideas and mentors

2020-01-31 Thread Rahul Chauhan
Dear OSGeo community,

It is time for *GSoC* [1] this year, so this is our starting
information to get involved!

If you are willing to act as a mentor [2], fill in this form:

< https://forms.gle/LACjb4x2DTCHvngK6 >

If you want to participate proposing ideas, you just need
to send us (admins:  ) the URL for your project's
ideas page.

Remember that every idea should indicate:

• A title
• A description
• 2 mentors
• A test for the students to submit to your evaluation. The test
aims at evaluating if the student is capable for the project, so
please design the test having in mind the skills required to complete
the project.

Time is short, we need to collect all URLs by Feb 3. After that date,
Google's admins will start evaluating the organisations based on the
submitted ideas pages and decide which orgs will be accepted for this

Thanks for your cooperation!

Kind regards
OSGeo GSoC admins

[1] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/ [2]
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code_2020_Administrative [3]
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for contributors

2020-01-31 Thread Pierre Abbat
I'd like to find some people to contribute to Bezitopo or PerfectTIN. They are 
in the initial stages of incubation. They're both on my GitHub site, https://
github.com/phma/. Bezitopo also has a website at http://

For Bezitopo, I'd like to define an internal (and maybe an external) 
representation of raw data files for both total stations and GPS systems. The 
input for least-squares adjustment will be in this format; I'll use a survey 
I've done as test data. Anyone interested in designing the data structure, 
please join the Bezitopo mailing list.

If you can enter instances of projections (Lambert conformal conic and Gauss-
Krüger transverse Mercator), that would help the program be usable in more 
locations. Also, if you know benchmarks in the Alaska panhandle or in 
Switzerland, that would help me make sure that oblique Mercator is correct. 
See testprojection() in bezitest.cpp for how I used Oakland and BV067202 as 
test data for conformal conic and transverse Mercator, respectively.

Also, any ellipsoids that Bezitopo doesn't already have, to go with the 
projections, would be a help.

Both programs need button icons drawn for the different feet. They have icons, 
but they're all the same, so the only way to see which foot you've selected is 
the tool tip.

Even if you just want to understand the code, to increase the bus number, I'd 
appreciate that. Some of the methods have quite high McCabe numbers, and the 
quarter function which I'm writing (I still have to make it lock the TIN) is 
pretty complicated.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Positions available in UP42

2020-01-31 Thread Miriam Mapanauta
Hi to all,

I hope you are doing great, besides saying hi I would like to share some
positions open in the company I work for. In case this is not the right
channel please feel free to let me know.


   - Engineering Manager Backend
   - Senior DevOps Engineer
   - Senior QA Automation Engineer
   - Senior Product Manager
   - Program Manager
   - Customer Support Engineer
   - Also Sales and Marketing positions available


Hope to see more people from the community around here :)

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