[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: Invitation virtual UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific

2020-09-02 Thread Angelos Tzotsos

Hi all,

We have received this invitation, it could be of interest to some of our 
local chapters or individual members in Asia-Pacific regions.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Invitation virtual UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific
Date:   Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:59:26 -0400
From:   Carol Williams 
Reply-To:   roundta...@uia.org
Organization:   http://www.uia.org
To: i...@osgeo.org

To: Open Source Geospatial Foundation
E-mailed to:i...@osgeo.org

We send you this invitation because your organization has an office in 
the Asia-Pacific region or has members in the Asia-Pacific region!

The Union of International Associations (UIA) cordially invites Open 
Source Geospatial Foundation to participate at its

1stVirtual UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific
Thursday 17 and Friday 18 September 2020

Last day to register: Monday 7 September!

UIA´s host partnerSeoul Tourism Organization will provide the virtual 
meeting platform where easy access, networking and educational content 
will combine to provide an engaging and rewarding experience for delegates.

The Union of International Associations is inviting people working in 
and with international associations,

·we will virtually meet and attend presentations on common challenges by 
peers working in international associations
·we will discuss in workshops and break-out rooms and you will have the 
chance to ask in-depth questions and to share and exchange knowledge and 
·participants will be invited to join mini games individually or in 
teams, with opportunities to win prizes
·UIA team members will moderate the sessions throughout, guiding and 
assisting the delegates

·the Seoul Tourism Organization Team will assist you in any technical need
·we will have breaks!
·and you will have the chance of a Virtual Seoul Tour

See the topics of the programme below - and watch the Round Table 
websitehttps://uia.org/roundtable/2020/asiapacificfor updates and more 

Thanks to the support of our host,Seoul Tourism Organization, we will be 
able to offer a high-level educational programme through a high-level 
and easy to access technology platform for a low fee of KRW 50,000 / 40 
US dollars.

How to register for the 1stvirtual UIA Associations Round Table 

(1) Go tohttps://uia.org/roundtable/
(2) Click on "register now" for Round Table Asia-Pacific
(3) Fill in your username XJ0041
(4) Fill in your password (Angelos note: please ask me if interested)

You can use this username and password to registerany number 
ofdelegates; each of your delegates will need to log in and register 

UIAis an independent non-profit research institute founded in 1907 which 
documents and promotes the work of international associations. UIA 
shares its information on associations through its publications: 
theYearbook of International Organizations, and theInternational 
Congress Calendar. UIA also promotes the work of associations by 
organizing educational activities, such as the UIA Associations Round Table.

For over 110 years the UIA has been working to promote and document the 
work of international associations. We look forward to welcoming you at 
ourRound Tablesthis year.

Carol Williams
Union of International Associations

PS. While you are logged in on the UIA website, you may also wish to 
check your association´s profile in theYearbook of International 
Organizationsand as well complete ourSurvey on International Meeting Issues

1stVirtual UIA Associations Round Table Asia-Pacific
Thursday 17 and Friday 18 September 2020

hosted and powered by our partnerSeoul Tourism Organization

Moderation by UIA team members
Virtual meeting platform and technical support by Seoul Tourism Organization

Speakers and Topics

· Opening Keynote
· by Cyril Ritchie, President of UIA: "The UN´s 75thAnniversary and your 
association - why it matters"

· panel discussion with all speakers and group discussions

· Presentations / Case Studies / Workshops in break-out rooms
· Mr John Peackock, Associations Forum:"Why All Associations Need Good 
Structure, Governance and Plans"

·Dr Christie Chang, Past President, Sakyadhita International Association 
of Buddhist Women:"Looking for and negotiating a destination for an 
association event"

·Mr Octavio B Peralta, Secretary-General, Asia-Pacific Federation of 
Association Organizations (APFAO), and Secretary-General, Association of 
Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific 
(ADFIAP):"Association Business Model Innovation"

·Dr Wai Yie Leong, Member of Board of Directors, International Network 
of Women Engineers and Scientists:"Measuring the impact your association 
has on the community"

·Mr Zar Gomez, Regional Coordinator, Caritas Asia:"Mobilizing resources 
from within and from outside a federation"

·Mr Ryan Brubaker, Web Designer, UIA:"Achieving goals, finding partners: 
UIA´s Global Civil Society Data

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Parsing well-known text

2020-09-02 Thread Even Rouault

> I just added code to PerfectTIN to read the variable-length records of a LAS
> file. I found a WKT record in a square of West Virginia terrain, with no
> line feeds; I added line feeds and indentation and attached it. The other
> point clouds do not have variable-length records. I'd like to heed the WKT
> units when loading a point cloud, if there is a WKT.
> I'm also working on a program called Wolkenbase (not public yet) which will
> separate ground from non-ground in a point cloud. If you load a point cloud
> with no unit information, I'd like to add a WKT that indicates only the unit
> and nothing else. What would that look like?

As far as I know, you can't create a CRS WKT with just unit information. The 
most minimal 
content that validates the WKT1 grammar would be something like:

LOCAL_CS["unspecified CRS",
LOCAL_DATUM["unspecified datum",2000],

> Do you have code to parse and manipulate WKT? The WKT is in a std::string.

Yes, PROJ >= 6 has support for parsing and creating WKT in several versions of 
the WKT 

See proj_create_from_wkt() at 
https://proj.org/development/reference/functions.html, and 
all other proj_ getters.

For creation of WKT, you might need the more advanced functions of 
https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/blob/master/src/proj_experimental.h , before 
with proj_as_wkt()

GDAL's OGRSpatialReference class showcases using number of the above mentionned 

You may also look at PDAL that uses PROJ and/or GDAL underneath to deal with 


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[OSGeo-Discuss] Parsing well-known text

2020-09-02 Thread Pierre Abbat
I just added code to PerfectTIN to read the variable-length records of a LAS 
file. I found a WKT record in a square of West Virginia terrain, with no line 
feeds; I added line feeds and indentation and attached it. The other point 
clouds do not have variable-length records. I'd like to heed the WKT units 
when loading a point cloud, if there is a WKT.

I'm also working on a program called Wolkenbase (not public yet) which will 
separate ground from non-ground in a point cloud. If you load a point cloud 
with no unit information, I'd like to add a WKT that indicates only the unit 
and nothing else. What would that look like?

Do you have code to parse and manipulate WKT? The WKT is in a std::string.

The Black Garden on the Mountain is not on the Black Mountain.
COMPD_CS["NAD83 / UTM zone 17N + NAVD88 height",
  PROJCS["NAD83 / UTM zone 17N",
SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],
  VERT_CS["NAVD88 height",
VERT_DATUM["North American Vertical Datum 
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