[OSGeo-Discuss] Call for presentation suggestions - NC GIS Conference (Feb 2013)

2012-07-31 Thread julia harrell
The Program Committee of the 2013 NC GIS Conference is soliciting
suggestions for presentations
for the conference, which will be held February 7-8, 2013 in beautiful
Raleigh, NC. The conference theme
this year is "The Power of Place."

As a member of the Program Committee, I am trying to make sure that
the many facets of Open Source
GIS are very well-represented and I know plenty of you are working on
great projects that we'd love to expose
our audience to. The audience is predominantly city & county
government, but also state, federal, military,
non-profit, academic and increasingly, private sector.

Please submit your topic idea or title, a short (few sentences)
description, and relevant contact information
using this short online survey form:


You can suggest yourself or someone else as the presenter.  The
deadline for submissions is Friday, August 17.
 Multiple submissions are welcome.  Also, if you know any K-12
teachers who are using Open Source GIS in
the classroom (preferably NC, but elsewhere is also fine, if they can
travel), please provide a contact.

Please note: The NC GIS Conf is an 'all volunteer' conference that is
organized, staffed, and executed by various members of the NC GIS
Community and unfortunately there isn't much of a budget :(  We do
waive conference registration fees for all presenters, but that's
generally about all we can do in the way of financial assistance for

Presentation topic areas include, but are not limited to:

* Data: Open, Census, Orthophotography, LiDAR, Best Practices,
Sharing and Collaboration, etc.

* Applications:  Transportation, Public Safety, Planning,
Environment, Property Mapping, and others.

* Technology: Development Platforms, Cloud Computing, Mobile
 Spatial Business Intelligence, Web Services, etc.

* GIS in the Enterprise:  Management Best Practices,
Technology Trends, System Integration,
Professional Development,
Legal and Policy Issues, and more. etc.

Your submission will be forwarded to the Program Committee for
consideration and, if appropriate, you will be contacted by a
committee member for more information. This is NOT a formal "Call for
Abstracts" so a response may not be forthcoming to each submission.

The 2013 NC GIS Conference website is here:
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread julia harrell
>  And sometimes those processing steps
> are too complicated or convoluted to write down neatly.  It might be
> but the more you require/add to the atlas, the more effort required
> by the contributors.

very true.  maybe all the gory technical detail does not all have to
be included in the book itself. a short write up that includes a url
pointing to a more detailed how-to wiki page, or possibly even a
screen capture video might work just as well
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread julia harrell
I did not suggest that *all* the  maps would not be as 'pretty'. I
said that even if *some* of them weren't as pretty, that they'd still
be superior products if they included information on how they were
created and the design principles used, etc.

I think we are all aware that it is (for the moment) still a bit more
of a challenge to get really beautiful cartographic output from some
(but not all) open source GIS software products.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Barry Rowlingson
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:26 PM, julia harrell  
> wrote:
>>  This would make it a superior product - even if
>> some of the maps aren't quite as 'pretty' as those in the ESRI map
>> book :)
>  Why wouldn't they be as pretty? You're exhibiting the very prejudice
> I'd like to exterminate! :)
>  Actually it's probably an effect caused by weight-of-numbers and
> there being more professional carto types using commercial software.
> Barry
> --
> blog: http://geospaced.blogspot.com/
> web: http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings
> web: http://www.rowlingson.com/
> twitter: http://twitter.com/geospacedman
> pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spacedman
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread julia harrell
>>To me, telling how it was done with open source geospatial
>>tools is as important as that it was done with open source
>>geospatial tools.

I agree with Doug and others on this point. Those ESRI map books are
'pretty', but (much like the software) have little or no transparency
in that they don't include any details about the cartographic
techniques, design principles, or data processing rationales used.
They do not serve any educational purpose for the software users,
other than to show that it is possible to produce such a product -
without providing any hints as to how. An OSGEO map book definitely
should help educate. This would make it a superior product - even if
some of the maps aren't quite as 'pretty' as those in the ESRI map
book :)
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Doug Newcomb

2012-07-06 Thread julia harrell
I think Doug would be an excellent choice. A definite +1.

I worked with Doug off and on for many years when I was with NC State
Government and he's always been a great collaborator and go-to person
when an issue with open source GIS software or big data needs solving.
He has worked on the NC GIS Conference Program committee for several
events and has been an agent of change there too - helping to bring
open source projects and software to the attention of the NC GIS
community. Something that particular conference has not been known for
until the last few years.

- Julia Harrell

>  I would like to nominate Doug Newcomb,
> a GIS guru at the US Fish and Wildlife office in Raleigh, NC
> as OSGeo charter member.
> I believe Doug would be a great representative of OSGeo and
> provide a much needed connection to government agencies
> as an active charter member.
> Helena
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Help building a tile cache from a large dataset of orthophotos

2011-06-10 Thread Julia Harrell

>> Can somebody suggest an open source tool that can produce a tile cache
>> that can be consumed by ArcGIS server 9.3.1?
>Tilecache (tilecache.org)? Then if Arc can consume wms-c services your
>are good to go.

Or GeoWebcache. ArcGIS desktop is able to consume wms-c natively. At one point 
last year, ESRI said they would be supporting WMTS sometime "post 10.0". I 
don't know if that materialized or not.  This is supposed to enable tiled map 
service support though.


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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Help building a tile cache from a large dataset of orthophotos

2011-06-10 Thread Julia Harrell
Clarification:  ArcGIS desktop is *NOT* able to consume wms-c natively, and 
probably won't ever. Maybe WMTS someday. ArcBruTile will fix that.
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[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: Metadata Server applications?

2011-03-04 Thread Julia Harrell

There's a recent report here comparing Buddata, Geonetwork & deegree CSW 

And a number of articles about different CSW servers here
one in particular

Might be helpful to you...

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[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: Next 5 years for OSGeo

2009-09-15 Thread Julia Harrell

One thing I'll mention, in addition to all the other good comments that have 
already been posted, is that I have a really difficult time trying to get the 
GIS users in my organization to even consider making a switch to one of the 
open GIS desktop applications instead of the expensive proprietary commercial 
package they currently use, because (more often than not) of the rather big gap 
in the "aesthetic quality" of the cartographic products the open GIS packages 
can (easily) produce. Despite continuing improvements over the last couple of 
years, the gap will still need to close a good bit more in terms of "average 
GIS users" being able to quickly and easily produce production quality map 
products before there's much real hope of any significant numbers of them being 
willing to migrate to open GIS desktop packages. Some of the open GIS server 
packages can produce some really beautifully rendered map images now, but the 
desktop packages don't seem to be quite there yet.  Easy map product templates 
(for unsophisticated end users) for placing all the map marginalia/decorations 
(labeling, symbols, legends, titles, charts, etc) and being able to produce a 
professional looking map quickly is still missing. All that "off the map crap" 
(as someone - I can't recall who - once called it)  really does matter to a lot 
of our users, who often have to be able to compose and print (or render to PDF) 
some really slick looking, high resolution maps for public hearings and other 
meetings and presentations. 

Being able to use the "old style" Arcview DBF file raster image catalogs in an 
open GIS desktop package  is another pain point for a lot of our users. We 
still use those a lot because we have some people who are tied to Arcview 3x 
(god help 'em) because of various extensions. I also prefer not to switch to a 
proprietary "geodatabase" raster catalog because the DBF-based ones can also do 
double duty (in complete shapefile format) as raster catalog tile index layers 
for Mapserver. I don't really want to have migrate a separate copy of our 
imagery to some proprietary "geodatabase" raster catalog data structure that 
only a single product can use. Also, with our "bandwidth issues" in remote 
field offices, connecting to a web map service is not always feasible, or even 
possible. We need to be able to have our imagery in a raster catalog that 
resides a local network file server where multiple users can all access it 
simultaneously in R-O mode, or even on a portable hard drive for use out in the 
field.  This kind of raster catalog functionality seems to still be missing in 
several open GIS desktop packages that might otherwise be somewhat viable 
contenders as an Arcview replacement for "average" or "casual"  desktop GIS 
users. If such functionality does exists as a plugin somewhere, maybe I just 
haven't found it yet, or maybe recent docs aren't fully available in English 
yet for some packages. If anyone can point me to a link for an open GIS Desktop 
package that has a plugin for Arcview "old style" DBF raster catalogs, with 
English docs, that "just works" with minimal manual configuration (no checking 
anything out of subversion or compiling any source code), a few of our users 
will be very eager to give it a test.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI - US Cong. Hearing on Geospatial Information

2009-07-15 Thread Julia Harrell

Might be of interest to some on the list  

This U.S. Congressional Oversight Hearing on the Management of Geospatial 
Information will be webcast live on Thursday, July 23rd at 10 AM EDT, as well 
as archived for later viewing.


Many thanks to Dave Smith for finding the link. Now who would have ever thought 
that an oversight hearing on Geospatial Information Governance should be buried 
down in a Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources ...

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and ESRI ArcIMS

2009-05-28 Thread Julia Harrell

>Have you considered whether surplused hardware from within your organization 
>could be used for some of this?
>It may not suffice for a windows server, and i did not see if you already have 
>linux boxes.

Surplus would work for a dev/test box, if/when you can manage to get your hands 
on one. But really, by the time anything gets surplused around here, it is 
completely worn out and dang near worthless. Unfortunately, the 'IT Overlords' 
also have some bizarre squirrelly aversion to Linux and refuse to allow it on 
any production GIS servers.
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Comparision between MapServer/OpenLayers and ESRI ArcIMS

2009-05-27 Thread Julia Harrell

Hi Bill

In addition to the excellent advice others have already given you, be sure to 
consider the extra hardware infrastructure that will be necessary to support 
this much 3D data, on-the-fly geoprocessing, and large numbers of concurrent 
users. If your client chooses an ESRI solution, it will take a lot more than 
they probably counted on purchasing to get a system that will perform 
adequately. ArcGIS Server is a real resource hog. Check out Dave Peter's new 
"Building a GIS" book. Not that I am a fan of the AGS software at all, but Dave 
is a really smart guy and he's put a huge amount of work into designing and 
fine tuning his "Capacity Planning Tool", which is now available. One used to 
have to go take the ESRI System Design Class in order to get a copy of the 
tool. I took it a couple years ago from Dave, and can attest to his 
thoroughness in building the CPT. You can download updated versions of the CPT 
from the website now. 


The CPT is pretty complex and does take some training to use properly, so 
unless you're going to take the system design class, you probably ought to get 
the book. It would be great if, one day, a similar tool was available for 
Mapserver/Geoserver/PostGIS systems (hint, hint listserv experts). 
Unfortunately, I'm just not knowledgeable enough about the inner guts of the 
OpenGIS softwares yet to be able to convert all the formulas in Dave's 
spreadsheet to something more appropriate for an OpenGIS system.

I was a little surprised to see just how *much* server hardware and network 
bandwidth it would *really* take to implement a usable ESRI server-based GIS 
system for my organization, which has offices all over the state and crappy 
bandwidth in a lot of the more remote places, not to mention the uncountable 
anonymous public users. Right now we've got AGS running on a single server, and 
it is dog slow and needs a lot of babying. When I told my "IT overlords" that 
I'd need at least 2 more load balanced GIS processing servers and a separate 
production GIS database server to speed things up to an acceptable level, well, 
they just laughed at me. Mapserver, PostGIS and Geoserver all run "OK, but not 
blazingly fast" on a single, older shared GIS server for me. AGS gets the 
other, newer GIS server all to itself - and is still a complete pig. Sure, the 
OpenGIS software would be a lot faster if they each had their own dedicated 
box, but in this budget climate, extra funding for more hardware is just not 

Hope this helps,

Julia Harrell
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Local Chapter, network and structuration

2008-08-26 Thread Julia Harrell

> For some of us who work in state (US) government, approval for out of
> country travel can be essentially impossible.  Even if the location is
> only about 60 miles out of the country...

I will definitely second this for NC State Gov staff. Even if travel 
funding is a) available and b) you can actually get approval, 
international travel is impossible for anyone except the Governor's 
Office and Council of State types. Local Govs have the same issues.

In order to attend the MUM 2005 and FOSS4G 2007 (which were both 
awesome, btw) I had to do it on own personal leave time and dime. I am 
glad I was able to go, but that's not going to be possible/affordable 
but every few years. With airfare costs on the rise so steeply, even 
trying to make it to Australia next year is not looking real hopeful at 
the moment.

A national level US FOSS4G conference could be a great thing to have - 
even if it is held every other year. That's how we have to schedule the 
NC GIS Conference, since it is put together and run primarily by public 
sector employee volunteers, and doing it every year is just not feasible.

Best Regards,

Julia Harrell
GIS Coordinator, NC DENR
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Map of Wiki/OSGeo Members

2008-08-13 Thread Julia Harrell

There is number of geo-plugins available for MediaWiki, so it's easy to
get lost. I found Google Map Extension [2] for MediaWiki that looks

I'd like to hear opinions about such map and recommendations of map
extensions for MediaWiki, that we could use for that purpose.

You might want take a look at what was done last winter at the OEI 
Symposium for the Puget Sound Information Challenge. They build a very 
nice Slippy Map/Mashup Builder for MediaWiki that allows users to add 
OGC services, GeoRSS, KML.

Uses OpenLayers, among other things.



Best Regards,

Julia Harrell
GIS Coordinator, NC DENR
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Opportunity to help with radar image processing for US Midwest flood disaster response

2008-06-10 Thread Julia Harrell

Saw this post on an NCSU GIS Listserv this morning and thought I'd pass 
it on. Some in the OSGEO community might have an interest in pitching in 
to help.

>  Original Message 
> Subject:request for help with flooding radar image processing
> Date:   Mon, 09 Jun 2008 13:23:48 -0500
> From:   Sam Batzli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:   Sam Batzli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization:   University of Wisconsin - Madison
> All,
> The current Midwest flooding disaster in Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana,
> Michigan and elsewhere is prompting a need for remote sensing
> for extent and damage mapping.  Current and persistent cloud cover is
> making optical sensors ineffective.  By invoking the "International
> Charter" (that removes access barriers to military and foreign sources
> of imagery and data during emergencies) Wisconsin Emergency Management
> is requesting before/after radar and possibly high-resolution optical
> data of Southern Wisconsin.  I believe Indiana emergency managers are
> doing the same for Indiana.
> I am seeking individuals with expertise in processing radar data for
> GIS applications that would be willing and able to help.
> If you would like to take a shot at processing the data to produce
> polygon (shapefile) or raster (GeoTIFF-like)  output of inundated
> areas, let me know, and I will send you links to posted data sets
> if/when they become available.
> Right now I just need to know who can help.
> Thank you!
> (sorry for cross postings -- I'm blind copying several
> AmericaView, WisconsinView, and UW-Madison lists with this note)
> Dr. Sam Batzli, WisconsinView Director
> Environmental Remote Sensing
> Space Science & Engineering Center
> 1225 W Dayton ST,  RM 1215
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> Madison, WI  53706
> Voice 608-263-3126
> Fax 608-262-5974

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[OSGeo-Discuss] NCGIS Conf 09 - Hot/Cold Track - more potential topic ideas

2008-06-06 Thread Julia Harrell

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 10:51:04 -0400
From: "Andrew Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Osbootcamp6/geocamp2008: Success

Hi Everyone,

I would like to report that this week's biggest osbootcamp event so far and
the first ever geocamp was a success. 

For those that could not make it, the slides, abstracts, and video of 10/18
talks is available online from the bootcamp web site.


Thank you to the sponsors (Ingres, Autodesk, DM Solutions, and PCI
Geomatics) and supporters (Carleton University, Talent First Network, Video
Telephony, Blindside Networks) for making this event possible. Special
thanks to the speakers and volunteers who contributed their time and

For more information about Open Source Bootcamp, please visit:


Andrew Ross

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