Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Edu] Web cartography, SLD

2016-12-13 Thread Olivier Ertz
Right! seems the link to my old sample data is missing. I will try to 
find them back and tell you.

Yep, would be interesting to test with the latest GeoServer.

Especially I remember that I had some difficulties to use the MarkIndex 
capability of SE with deegree3 (see discussion 
No idea how GeoServer does implement what the SE spec describes about 
this MarkIndex (at the time of writing the tutorial, I finally decided 
to remove the Markindex example from it).

Best regards,

On 12/09/2016 09:04 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 7:03 PM, Olivier Ertz < 
<>> wrote:

Like GeoServer, deegree3 is a WMS/SLD OGC reference
implementation, but in 2013, it was also compliant with Symbology
Encoding 1.1 (SE) which is part of the replacement of the
deprecated SLD 1.0. Moreover SE1.1 does offer few new
capabilities, especially transformation functions (interpolate,
recode, categorize).

GeoServer also provides incomplete support for SE 1.1, and full 
support for the transformation functions, but they are so seldomly 
used in combination

that I cannot be sure they would be handled properly.

I was hoping to find an example ready to customize in the tutorial 
you're linking, but could not see it (I could also not find a full
style to just cut/paste, is it by any chance available along with the 
sample data? I'd be curious to try that map out on a recent GeoServer).

The main missing point in GeoServer SE support is raster symbolizer, 
the vector symbolization should mostly work.
Hopefully it's going to get better with the interest the user 
community is showing for style export between
QGIS and GeoServer (and for once, that will make for a use case meant 
for SE/SLD, that is, machine generation of the

styles as opposed to manual editing).

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via di Montramito 3/A
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39  339 8844549


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HEIG-VD, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Pr. Olivier Ertz, département comem^+
Professeur HES associé / Ingénieur Universitaire Master

HES-SO / UAS, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
MEI, Media Engineering Institute :: ::

"Aucune carte du monde n'est digne d'un regard si le pays de l'utopie 
n'y figure pas." - Oscar Wilde

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Edu] Web cartography, SLD

2016-12-09 Thread Olivier Ertz

may be this tutorial on SLD/SE1.1 with deegree3 is useful (it has been 
built at the time of FOSSGIS 2013 in Switzerland):

Like GeoServer, deegree3 is a WMS/SLD OGC reference implementation, but 
in 2013, it was also compliant with Symbology Encoding 1.1 (SE) which is 
part of the replacement of the deprecated SLD 1.0. Moreover SE1.1 does 
offer few new capabilities, especially transformation functions 
(interpolate, recode, categorize).

Of course, GeoServer does offer interesting additional "vendor 
capabilities", but if you want portrayal interoperability, then you 
shall not use them. Nonetheless, these are often relevant capabilities 
which are currently taken into account in the current on-going redesign 
process at OGC, although it is quite a slow process, unfortunately.

If you are interested in this redesign, there is an article "/Redesign 
of OGC Symbology Encoding standard for sharing cartography/" which tries 
to summarize some of the major ideas to build a sustainable next 
generation SE standard ( Feel free to 

Hope this can help you.

Best regards,

On 12/01/2016 07:44 PM, stefan steiniger wrote:


I know of these 2 tutorials in Cartographic Perspectives by Richard G Donohue, 
Robert E Roth, and Carl M Sack on web cartography:

but its not about SLD. For SLD it may be best to check the GeoServer 
Documentation directly

Although it also turns out that only half of the stuff is documented if I 
follow the GeoServer user list correctly ;).


On Dec 1, 2016, at 10:56, Regie Alam<>  wrote:


 Do any of the members in the list know of training and/or educational 
opportunities on web cartography and the use Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)?

Best Regards,
Edu_discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list


HEIG-VD, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Pr. Olivier Ertz, département comem^+
Professeur HES associé / Ingénieur Universitaire Master

HES-SO / UAS, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
MEI, Media Engineering Institute :: ::

"Aucune carte du monde n'est digne d'un regard si le pays de l'utopie 
n'y figure pas." - Oscar Wilde

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS'2016, the preliminary program is available

2016-09-16 Thread Olivier Ertz

3 days, 10 scientific sessions, 8 workshops, and 3 promising keynotes:

*Big Geo Data* by Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli (Politecnico di Milano), 
*Theory and Practice of Reproducible Research* by Prof. Riccardo Rigon 
(University of Trento) and *When the neo-geography creates commons* by 
Maurizio Napolitano (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)!

Discover the program of the 4th edition of OGRS, the Open Source 
Geospatial Research & Education Symposium:

Feel free to register: [] 

(early registration does run until Monday, 19th, September 2016)

Website: [] 
Twitter: [] 
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS'16 -> 2nd Call for Sessions & Workshops (new deadline < February 10th, 2016)

2016-01-25 Thread Olivier Ertz
About *Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium*, Perugia, 
Italy, 12/14 October 2016, also known as OGRS'16.

Please notice the new deadline date that has been extended to *February 
10th, 2016*. So you have still time to submit a proposal for a workshop. 
The same goes for a proposal of session dedicated to a subject that is 
important for you.

See below the text of first call.


The OGRS Community steering committee is pleased to announce the next 
edition of *OGRS, in Perugia, Italy, 12/14 October 2016*. The main 
scope of the 2016 symposium is within the general scope of OGRS events 
(see founding articles on the [ 
<>] website). In summary, the 2016 symposium 
aims at bringing together students, technicians, researchers, 
developers and teachers working in different disciplines but with the 
common interest of using and developing Open Source Geospatial 
software and Open Data.

OGRS2016 [ <>] is 
an exchange platform that will offer two days of presentations and one 
day of workshops. Grouped by thematic sessions, presentations 
(including posters as well) are about original and recent research 
results, educational practices and innovation experiences. Workshops 
are hands-on sessions on a specific theme and software with an 
educational component, reinforcing the education side of the symposium.

All OGRS publications will be released in collaboration with PeerJ 
Open Access publisher. On one hand, the short papers (1000-1500 words) 
submitted to OGRS2016 will be published in the proceedings of the 
Symposium in the frame of PeerJ Preprint. Moreover, the best 
contributions selected by the OGRS Scientific Committee will be 
invited to submit an article to the PeerJ Computer Science journal, 
Spatial and Geographic Information Systems subject.

*Prior to the opening of the call for short papers, we run a Call for 
Sessions together with a Call for Workshops (deadline < February 10th, 
-> [ 

Submission of short paper (deadline < April 15th, 2016)
-> [ 

Other important dates
-> [ 

Pr. Olivier Ertz
on behalf of the OGRS Community steering committee.

HEIG-VD, Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud
Pr. Olivier Ertz, département comem^+
Professeur HES associé / Ingénieur Universitaire Master

HES-SO / UAS, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
MEI, Media Engineering Institute :: ::

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: Call for abstracts OGRS 2014 (two weeks remaining)

2014-01-03 Thread Olivier Ertz
Open Source Geospatial Research  Education Symposium on June 10 - 13, 
2014 in Helsinki, Finland.


*Two weeks remaining, think of it !**
**Read the complete **call for abstracts**and **submit your 

We invite you to join the OGRS community in Helsinki next June,

OGRS community Steering Group
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Research Education Symposium :: register now !

2012-10-10 Thread Olivier ERTZ
There's still time to register 
Think of it !

Among all other presenters at OGRS 2012, we delight to listen to Prof 
Helena Mitasova 
from NCSU (Sol Katz Award 2010, Dr 
Gérard Hégron 
from Urban Europe Research Alliance, Prof Sergio J. Rey 
from GeoDa Center, and Prof Robert Weibel 
from UZH and Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance.

Discover the final program, including the 
workshop descriptions and the 
discussion topics details

Best regards,
OGRS 2012 program committee

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Open Source Geospatial Research  Education Symposium
Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, 24 to 26 October 2012
Go to and follow us on

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Early registration for Open source Geospatial Research education Symposium

2012-09-24 Thread Olivier ERTZ
It's the *last week* to take benefit of the early bird registration 
period !

Among all others, we delight to listen to Prof Helena Mitasova 
from NCSU (Sol Katz Award 2010, Dr 
Gérard Hégron 
from Urban Europe Research Alliance, Prof Sergio J. Rey 
from GeoDa Center, and Prof Robert Weibel 
from UZH and Geographic Information Technology Training Alliance.

Discover the final program !

Best regards,
OGRS 2012 program committee

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2012 :: tentative program is available and registration is open

2012-08-29 Thread Olivier ERTZ

OGRS2012 :: Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

October 24 – 26, 2012 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Hosted by School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)

Follow us on and tweet with #OGRS2012 !

(our apologies for cross-postings)

Dear colleagues,

The Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium (OGRS) 
program committee is glad to announce the publication of a tentative 
program. Also, the registration is now open. Register until end of 
September to take benefit of the early bird registration period.

Go to to discover the program and to do your registration.

OGRS is a meeting dedicated to exchanging ideas on development and use 
of open source geospatial software in both research and education. 
Several opportunities exist for presenting results, principles, methods 
and practices: keynote talks, regular presentations, posters with short 
presentations session, workshops and discussion groups.

Outcomes will validate the importance of the open source model and 
demonstrate how it can be used successfully for geospatial research and 

There will be opportunities to mingle at evening events such as ice 
breakers and the social event at the Grand Hôtel des Bains.

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this announcement to 
other interested parties of your acquaintance.

Looking forward to your participation in this event.

Best regards,
OGRS program committee.

OGRS2012 Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2012 :: CFP deadline extension to June 15th

2012-06-01 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

October 24 – 26, 2012 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Hosted by School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)


(our apologies for cross-postings)
Dear colleagues,
the program committee is pleased to announce an extension of the 
submission deadline until June 15th. All information to submit a 
presentation, a workshop, a poster or a discussion group subject is 
available on the symposium website :

If you were short in time, please consider these last weeks to submit 
your contribution. We look forward to read your contribution proposal 
and to see you in Yverdon-les-Bains.

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other 
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Please note, registration for OGRS2012 will soon open in early June.

Best regards,
OGRS2012 program committee.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2012 :: CFP reminder and keynote synopsis

2012-05-21 Thread Olivier ERTZ

OGRS2012 :: CALL FOR PAPERS REMINDER (closing at May 28th)
Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

October 24 – 26, 2012 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Hosted by School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)


(our apologies for cross-postings)
Dear colleagues,
the program committee would like to remind you that the deadline of 
OGRS2012 call for papers is soon closing (at May 28th). All information 
to submit a presentation, a workshop, a poster or discussion group 
subject is available on the symposium website :

Moreover, the organizing committee is pleased to announce that four 
prominent scholars will present keynote addresses. The synopsis of these 
talks are now published on the symposium website :

- The open source GIS, an ideal framework for the development of and 
integrated modelling platform devoted to sustainable urban planning: 
first steps with OrbisGIS and CartoPolis (Gérard HEGRON Ifsttar/IRSTV);

- Building open source geospatial education at research universities: 
where we are and what is holding us back (Helena Mitasova, Department of 
Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University);

- Open source spatial analysis: lessons for research and education from 
PySAL (Sergio Rey, GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, 
Arizona State University);

- How open source can help achieving sustainability of e-learning 
content: The GITTA experience (Robert Weibel, Department of Geography, 
University of Zurich and GITTA Association).

Please consider these last weeks to submit a contribution. We look 
forward to read your contribution proposal and to see you in 

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other 
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards,
OGRS2012 program committee

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2012 :: SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS - Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

2012-04-23 Thread Olivier ERTZ


OGRS2012 :: SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS (closing at May 28th)
Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium

October 24  26, 2012 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Hosted by School of Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)


Notice, PDF version of this call is available here :

(our apologies for cross-postings)
Dear colleagues,

The Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Symposium (OGRS)
is a meeting dedicated to exchanging ideas on development and use of
open source geospatial software in both research and education.

Motivated by the inaugural symposium in Nantes, France, OGRS2012
will be held from October 24  26, 2012 in Yverdon-les-Bains,
Switzerland. The symposium is hosted and organized by the School of
Business and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD), in partnership with EPFL
Lausanne, University of Lausanne, University of Geneva, which are
all academic institutions in Western Switzerland, and the Institute
for Research on Urban Sciences and Techniques in France.

The main goals are:
- to build a panel of new scientific research and education
practices using and contributing to open source initiatives in the
geospatial fields;
- to discuss a framework and highlight a rationale about geospatial
open source technology usage in research and education activities;
- to provide an innovation platform to network and develop ideas for
future collaborative work between academia  from research to
education  and other actors of the field (associations,
foundations, local authorities, industry etc.).

For more details, visit the overview page on the website.

Keynote speakers :
- Luc Anselin, Director, Regents' Professor and Walter Isard Chair
at School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences and Director at GeoDa Center for
Geospatial Analysis and Computation, Arizona State University;
- Grard Hgron, Scientific Director in charge of sustainable city
at IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science and Technology for
Transport, Planning and Networks);
- Helena Mitasova, Associate Professor at Department of Marine,
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University;
- Robert Weibel, Professor of Geographical Information Science at
Department of Geography, University of Zrich.

Submission :
The symposium will integrate several opportunities for presenting :
oral presentations, workshops, posters and discussion groups. To
participate in any of these opportunities, authors are invited to
submit an extended abstract (1000 to 1500 words, references and
keywords excluded) through the conference website. The official
language is English.

The international scientific advisory board will review and select
abstracts for inclusion in the symposium and publication in the
symposium proceedings. A subset of contributions will be invited to
submit full papers for possible publication in a special issue of
the Journal of Spatial Information Sciences (JOSIS), pending a peer
review of full papers.

For more details on how to submit a contribution, please visit the
call for papers page on the website :

Important dates :
- submission deadline for abstracts is May 28, 2012.
- authors will be notified by June 30, 2012 on program inclusion and
selection for JOSIS submission
- deadline to submit full papers is September 30, 2012.

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to
other interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards,
OGRS2012 program committee 


Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] PAL community platform

2009-10-20 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce the start of PAL community platform and we 
invite you to visit

The major focus is to federate and bring together forces to maintain, 
offer support and follow innovative new developments in the field of 
labeling through PAL opensource library. Currently, a stable release of 
PAL automated label placement library is available, and the source code 
can be downloaded from the website. Also a start of documentation is 
ready to help new integrations and developements on the core library. A 
Trac instance and mailing-list was setup to manage the project 

Notice there are currently two integrations of PAL : for gvSIG and for 
QuantumGIS. Also, an integration for MapWindow is in progress.

If you plan a new integration or enhancements on the core library, feel 
free to join the mailing-list so as to post your needs, comments and 
ideas (

Best regards,

Olivier Ertz olivier.ertz at
PAL initial team project member

HEIG-VD, University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
IICT, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Olivier ERTZ 
Avenue des Sports 20

CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
+41 24 55 77570

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2009 : pre-program registration

2009-05-25 Thread Olivier ERTZ

OGRS2009 : pre-program is available  registration is open
First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009

Dates  place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)

First international Open source Geospatial Research Symposium 
(OGRS2009), that will be in Nantes, France 8-10 July, 2009, is now open 
for registration and the pre-progam is available. See

During the tenth edition of Libre Software Meeting (RMLL -, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and 
Techniques (IRSTV) in partnership with the University Of Applied 
Sciences Western Switzerland, Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de 
La Loire will organize a Research and Innovation Symposium about free 
and open source geospatial methods and technologies.

Main goals of this symposium are :
* to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models 
or using open source tools
* to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source 
technology usage (benefits and limitations)
* to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future 
collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday 
operational world (companies, local authorities ...)

The symposium is composed of scientific presentations, companies and 
authority testimonies (showcases) and training sessions (labs).

Thus, we invite you to go to where you will find :
* a pre-program containing talks from 3 keynote speakers, 20 scientific 
talks, 14 showcases and 12 lab sessions
* a registration form to fill in so as to attend to this unique event : 
fees are about 50€, one price for one, two or three days including an 
access badge to attend all presentations and labs, a conference bag, 
proceedings, coffee breaks and lunch for each day.

Get more information on our website and if you want a direct contact, use :
* for specific questions concerning your attending
* for all other questions

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this announcement to 
other interested parties of your acquaintance.

Hope to see you soon in Nantes for this event.
OGRS2009 organizing committee.

HEIG-VD, University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
IICT, Institute for Information and Communication Technologies
Olivier ERTZ
Avenue des Sports 20
CH-1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
+41 24 55 77570

fn:Olivier ERTZ
adr:Bureau T154a;;Centre St-Roch, Avenue des Sports 20;Yverdon-les-Bains ;VD;1401;Switzerland

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGRS2009 Call For Research Papers, Showcases and Labs - Deadline extension

2009-02-11 Thread Olivier ERTZ

OGRS2009 Call For Research Papers, Showcases and Labs - Deadline extension
First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009

Dates  place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)

Dear colleagues,
(our apologies for cross postings)

From July 8th to 10th, 2009, during the tenth edition of Libre Software 
Meeting, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques (IRSTV) 
in partnership with the University Of Applied Sciences Western 
Switzerland, Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de La Loire will 
organize a Research and Innovation Symposium about free and open source 
geospatial methods and technologies.

Main goals of this symposium are :
* to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models 
or using open source tools
* to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source 
technology usage (benefits and limitations)
* to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future 
collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday 
operational world (companies, local authorities ...)

The symposium will integrate scientific conferences (research papers), 
companies and authority testimonies (showcases) and training sessions 

Thus, we invite to submit contributions which can be :
* a full paper or extended abstract for the research session,
* an abstract for the showcase session,
* an abstract for the lab session.

Contributions should address the following overall topics but are not 
limited to :

* Cartography and advanced styling ;
* Cultural heritage ;
* Earth Observation ;
* From Webmapping to WebGIS ;
* Integrated risk and disaster management for society ;
* GIS and SDI interoperability (data, knowledge, language, ...) ;
* GIS and SDI for participatory learning and action ;
* GIS concept and theory (semantics and ontology) ;
* Landscape and ecology ;
* Spatial Analysis and Integration ;
* Spatial and Spatio-temporal data and analysis ;
* Sustainable Development and Governance ;
* Urban and Environmental Planning ;
* Visual Languages and Querying ;
* Web and desktop convergence in the geospatial field.

Keynote speakers :
* Câmara Gilberto, Brazil's National Institute for Space Research
* Neteler Markus, Fondazione Mach - Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Italia
* Steiniger Stefan, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

See all committee members on OGRS2009 website :

Important : submission deadlines has been extended due to several 
requests from authors

Research paper submission (see :
- Full paper :
* Extended submission deadline : April, 3th 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract and a 12 pages full paper
* Notification to authors: May, 11th 2009

- Extended abstract :
* Extended Submission deadline : April, 3th 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract
* Notification to authors: April, 29th 2009

Lab abstract submission (see :
* Extended submission deadline : April, 3th 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract
* Notification to authors: April, 29th 2009

Showcase abstract submission (see :
* Extended submission deadline : April, 3 th 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract
* Notification to authors: April, 29th 2009

Contacts :
* for research submission :
* for lab submission :
* for other questions :

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other 
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards,
OGRS2009 program committee

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Call For Papers, OGRS 2009

2008-12-27 Thread Olivier ERTZ

Call For Papers - OGRS 2009
First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009

Dates  place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)

Dear colleagues,
(our apologies for cross postings)

From July 8th to 10th, 2009, during the tenth edition of Libre Software 
Meeting, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques (IRSTV) 
in partnership with the University Of Applied Sciences Western 
Switzerland, Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de La Loire will 
organize a Research and Innovation Symposium about free and open source 
geospatial methods and technologies.

Main goals of this symposium are :
* to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models 
or using open source tools
* to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source 
technology usage (benefits and limitations)
* to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future 
collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday 
operational world (companies, local authorities ...)

The symposium will integrate scientific conferences (research papers), 
companies and authorities testimonies (showcases) and training sessions 

Thus, we invite to submit contributions which can be a full paper for 
the research session or an abstract for the labs session. Notice, the 
call for showcases will also be launched during January 2009.

Contributions should address the following overall topics but are not 
limited to :

* Cartography and advanced styling ;
* Cultural heritage ;
* Earth Observation ;
* From Webmapping to WebGIS ;
* Integrated risk and disaster management for society ;
* GIS and SDI interoperability (data, knowledge, language, ...) ;
* GIS and SDI for participatory learning and action ;
* GIS concept and theory (semantics and ontology) ;
* Landscape and ecology ;
* Spatial Analysis and Integration ;
* Spatial and Spatio-temporal data and analysis ;
* Sustainable Development and Governance ;
* Urban and Environmental Planning ;
* Visual Languages and Querying ;
* Web and desktop convergence in the geospatial field.

Keynote speakers :
* Câmara Gilberto, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research
* Neteler Markus, Fondazione Mach - Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Italia
* Steiniger Stefan, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

See committee members on OGRS2009 website :

Research paper submission :
* Full paper deadline : March, 1st 2009
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract and a 12 pages full paper
* Notification to authors: April 12th, 2009
* Final paper due: June, 1st, 2009
* See

Lab abstract submission :
* Submit a 500-1000 words abstract before : March, 22th 2009
* Notification to authors : April 12th, 2009
* Final documents, material and tutorial aure due for : June, 1st, 2009
* See

Contacts :
* for research submission :
* for lab submission :
* for other questions :

We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other 
interested parties of your acquaintance.

Best regards and best wishes for the coming new year,
OGRS2009 program committee
fn:Olivier ERTZ
adr:Bureau T154a;;Centre St-Roch, Avenue des Sports 20;Yverdon-les-Bains ;VD;1401;Switzerland

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