[OSGeo-Discuss] FYI: New optical satellite remote sensing data archeology project: D-Sat Germany mosaic from 1991/later)

2024-07-11 Thread Peter Löwe via Discuss
Hello list,

I have been asked to forward this announcement about a new grassroots open data 
project. The goal of the project is to make historical satellite image data 
publicly available/accessible from a historical, previously propietary, CD-ROM 
set from the early 1990s ("D-Sat 1 is a satellite atlas of Germany, consisting 
of pictures taken by russian COSMOS satellites in 1991").

At the dawn of time (1996), prior to geospatial web services such as OGC, OSM, 
GoogleMaps, etc. p.p., the D-Sat data were a game changer, as they provided for 
the first time easy access to aerial and satellite image mosaics for Germany.

The project is still looking for collaborators.

Details and project blog here: https://dsat.igada.de/

Point of contact is Robert Jäschke from HU Berlin (IBI): robert DOT jaeschke AT 
hu-berlin DOT de

I remember that there was a discussion about this in the early 2000s (?) on the 
German GRASS User Association (GAV e.V.) and/or FOSSGIS (OSGeo local chapter 
Germany) lists. 

It would be great if technical access to the historical image mosaics could be 
now provided by open geospatial tools and services.
Another interesting aspect could be the (orphaned?) ownership/copyright status 
of the data.


Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] EGU General Assembly next week: OSGeo Townhall with NASA on Tuesday, 19:00 hours

2023-04-19 Thread Peter Löwe via Discuss
Hi all,

for everybody attending next weeks EGU General Assembly (https://www.egu23.eu/) 
in Vienna, I would like to point out and invite you to the annual OSGeo 
Townhall on Tuesday evening 19:00 hours.  A big thanks to Alessandro Frigeri 
for organising this. Please share the news:

OSGeo and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Earth and Planetary 
Details: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/sessionprogramme/4917

OSGeo event announcement:

Highlight: The chief data officer of NASA is among the presenters and will 
present aspects of the NASA  TOPS programme (Transform to Open Science).

The paradigm of Open Science is based on the tiers of Open Access, Open Data, 
and Free Open Source Software (FOSS). However, the interconnections between the 
tiers remain to be improved. This is a critical factor in enabling Open Science 
as a context where researchers, especially the younger ones, can express their 
potential thanks to a scientifically healthy practice.

This townhall meeting focuses on discussing best practices not only on using 
Free Open Source for geospatial but its developments and support, and how extra 
efforts required to publish not only the results can be recognized as part of 
the work of a scientist.

At this townhall, we will touchdown on the most up-to-date topics related to 
Free Open-Source for Geospatial software and Open Science practices.

Alessandro Frigeri from Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica of Italy (INAF) will 
introduce the session and briefly overview the latest developments of FOSS 
tools interoperable with geospatial data coming from missions from Mars, the 
Moon, and other bodies of the Solar System.

Kevin Murphy (NASA HQ, Washington) will present the Transform to Open Science 
(TOPS) initiative aimed at transforming agencies, organizations, and 
communities to an inclusive culture of open science.

Peter Loewe will report how Persistent Identifiers (PID) like Digital Object 
Identifiers can be used to improve indexing not only our scientific papers but 
also software projects and geospatial data.

Libations will be available.

Kind regards & maybe see you on Tuesday,

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] EGU General Assembly 2022 - Call for Abstracts - Deadline extended: 26 January 2022

2022-01-21 Thread Peter Löwe via Discuss

Dear OSGeo communities,

this is an update on the extended deadline for submissions for this years 
Euorpean Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly and an invitation (below) from 
the Head of the Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) session for 
submissions from our communities, especially for the session "ESSI3.3 Free and 
Open Source Software (FOSS), Cloud-based Technologies and HPC to Facilitate 
Collaborative Science".

I want to point out a new exciting feature for the increasing number of OSGeo 
projects which have registered Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for their code 
repositories (Details here: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/DOI):

- Each accepted EGU abstract will receive a DOI (being a scientific 
- Whenever the DOI for a particular software release of an OSGeo project (e.g. 
GRASS 8.0.0 RC2: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5854713) is cited in such a 
publication, the underlying DOI infrastructure will (should - this is new!) 
automagically assing due credit to all involved OSGeo project committers 
(coders, maintainers, etc.) which have an ORCID. Committers without an ORCID 
receive of course also due credit, yet without the automagic part (for now).  

Kind regards,

 Latest update on EGU GA 2022 --

In view of increasing event restrictions in Austria, currently limiting events 
to 2000 people, which the conference organizers anticipate will be relaxed 
later in the year and attendee concerns over the high infection rates in 
Europe, the EGU has had to make some important changes to our plans for this 
year’s General Assembly.

Firstly, the conference organizers have moved the date of the meeting to 23-27 
May 2022. Moving the meeting back closer to summer months means that infection 
rates are likely to be lower and the Austrian rules around large events will be 
more flexible.

Secondly, the conference organizers have changed the format of the meeting (see 
https://egu22.eu/about/provisional_meeting_format.html), so that all 
presentations will now be short orals that can be delivered and viewed either 
online or in person. This change is a result of restrictions on having a large 
number of non-seated people in an enclosed space, like a poster hall, which has 
meant that the conference organizers can no longer offer the poster or vPICO 
options in 2022. In order to support hybrid participation, the conference 
organizers have changed all sessions to have short orals that can be presented 
in the various lecture rooms at the venue, or online by live-streamed zoom 
channels. The the conference organizers are also creating opportunities for 
both online and in-person audience participation with this format, that the 
conference organizers hope will maintain the accessibility that they were 
aiming to achieve with this, as a first step towards a fully hybrid meeting.

For more information about the changes to the General Assembly please read the 
full news announcement 
or the updated FAQ (https://egu22.eu/about/egu22_faqs.html). You will also 
receive detailed instructions at the opening of each phase in the meeting 
preparation process.

 Original message from ESSI 

Dear Colleagues

The call for abstracts for the EGU 2021 virtual General Assembly is open and 
will close on 12 January 2022 [EXTENDED TO 26 January 2022]. 


In 2022, EGU is planning to host parts of EGU22 as a hybrid meeting held in 
Vienna and online. Please note that only the vPICO sessions will be hybrid. All 
other sessions will require you to present in person in Vienna. 

The provisional programme has many exciting session proposals. I would like to 
highlight a few of them and invite you to consider contributing an abstract.


ESSI3.1 Best Practices and Realities of Research Data Repositories: Balancing 
the needs of Repositories, Researchers and Publishers | vPICO



ESSI3.3 Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), Cloud-based Technologies and HPC 
to Facilitate Collaborative Science | vPICO

Co-organized by GI2, co-sponsored by AGU 



ESSI3.5 Innovative Evaluation Frameworks and Platforms for Weather and Climate 
Research | vPICO

Co-organized by CL5.2/GI2



ESSI1.2 Strategies and Applications of AI and ML in a Spatiotemporal Context

Co-organized by GI2/NP4, co-sponsored by AGU 



ITS2.6/AS5.1 Machine learning for Earth System modelling

Co-organized by CL5.3/ESSI1/NP4/OS4 



ESSI2.3 Established and Establishing Disciplinary International Frameworks that 