Hi all,

My name is Emily Miller and I work at Forrester Research alongside principal
analyst, James McCormick, and researcher, Rowan Curran. At the moment, we
are conducting research for a new Forrester report titled, "Spatial
Insights Power Actions Throughout The Customer Journey." This report will
discuss the opportunities, use-cases, and practices for application
insights professionals must consider when supporting applications,
analysis, and business processes with spatial data and context.

We are looking to set up an interview to discuss your viewpoint on this
concept and how you are dealing with this problem today. I've attached the
premise document which outlines the topic of the
report and provides some sample questions we would like to ask during the
interview. Please let me know if you or a colleague would be
for a 30-minute phone call on this topic.

If so, kindly take a look at Rowan's calendar availability below to book
a time! http://meetme.so/Rowan_Curran_A

If you are willing to participate but none of the sessions on Rowan's calendar
work for you, please let me know and I will work with you to schedule a
time/date that does.

Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thank you so much,



*FORRESTERChallenge thinking. Lead change.*

*Emily MillerResearch Associate, Serving Customer Insights
Professionalsdirect +1 617.613.5870  | emil...@forrester.com

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Attachment: Vendor Interview Premise Document.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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