Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on a DBMS

2008-11-04 Thread P Kishor
On 11/4/08, Chris Puttick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is not necessary to store the image file itself in the database to get 
 concurrency control, data protection, integrity and management features. 
 There are a number of good document management systems (Alfresco, 
 KnowledgeTree) that offer all the above for files, and the Zimbra 
 collaboration system makes use of database for emails much the same reason. 
 None of these actually store the files in database; the database is used to 
 provide all the controls, and the access to the files is only via an 
 interface that references the database and the additional functionality it 

That doesn't make much sense to *me*. It is one thing to not want to
deploy an rdbms to store images as it allegedly creates unnecessary
complexity. It makes no sense to replace that complexity with some
other complexity, that of a document management system in this case.
Given that I have personally never heard of Alfresco or Knowledge Tree
or other such document management systems, but I *have* heard of
PostGres/MySQL/SQLite, I would much rather deal with known complexity
than with unknown complexity.

  OTOH Microsoft put all their Exchange emails into the database and anyone 
 who has ever managed an Exchange installation of any size
  can tell you just how many problems that can cause you...

Yeah, but one allegedly bad or problematic approach doesn't
necessarily speak for all other such approaches. Besides, while I may
not like MS, for whatever reason, Exchange seems to be doing quite
well in the marketplace. In any case, that is not the argument -- the
argument is simply this -- does keeping images in a db make sense to
you, the implementer? That is the only thing that matters. The users
won't give a rip... all they care is that they can get to the images
in their own known and intuitive ways. Your project manager will not
give a rip as long as the project is under budget and on time (of
course, you could be the project manager as well, as is the case in
many FOSS projects). The only one who should give a rip is you, the
developer, the implementer of the solution.

I do believe that there may be cases where a raster-in-db makes sense.
I personally don't want to recreate the mechanism for storing images
on the filesystem... one can't just dump thousands of images in a
folder. They have to be named uniquely, stored so too many don't fill
a single folder, and so on... the db can do all these tasks for the
developer happily.

Nevertheless, the original premise still stands -- the world is big
enough for both approaches, and the best marketing for any approach is
the implementation of the approach. Hang it on the wall for the world
to see, and if they don't like it, they will ask you to take it down.


  - Gilberto Camara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear OSGEO
   Jim Gray´s paper and much more on
   this issue is on his site at MS Research.
   Storing images on a database gives much
   more benefits that simple retrieval of
   metadata. Databases offer concurrency control,
   data protection, integrity and management features
   that simple file systems are lacking.
   If you have hundreds of images scattered around
   as files, you lack data management. Your metadata
   may point to a file that could have been deleted.
   In a multi-user environment, file systems do not
   prevent different users from updating the same
   image. The result may be a data which is inconsistent.
   Allow me to reiterate my earlier argument, which is
   that FOSS4G should **allow** users the option of storing
   raster data in a database. Storing images in a database
   is not recommended in each and every situation.
   The user should have the option, according to his needs.
   The current debate on whether images should be stored
   on an RDBMS reminds me of a similar debate during the
   early 90s, concerning whether vector data should be
   stored in an RDBMS. Remember the days of ARC-INFO?
   In mid 90s, our team at INPE tried to use the
   Postgres-95 RDBMS to store vector data. The result
   was a system with a very slow performance.
   The concept was right, but the implementation was
   lacking. It was only when PostgreSQL and PostGIS
   came of age that we could develop a multi-user
   spatial database with good performance.
   By the same argument, these are early days of
   storing raster data in RDBMS. There are missing
   features on the database and the performance may
   be slower than file systems. But the concept
   is fundamentally correct. I predict that five
   years hence this debate will be solved and we
   will look at it as a relique of the past.
   Best Regards
   Christopher Schmidt said:
I don't see anything in that paragraph that indicates that storing
*image data* in the database is important. (A link to the paper
or something could change that, of course.) 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on a DBMS

2008-11-04 Thread Lester Caine

Lucena, Ivan wrote:
That would reduce the complexity a lot. It would be *just* 80 files. I probably don't even need a separate then in folder. I 
could also generate pyramids overlay on those. That would increase the data storage a little:

80 files

Does anybody advocate Geoserver, Mapserver, ArcServer, Imageserver, tile cache, openlayers or others? Or should I use raster 
or database for that?

I think the subject of this thread is the real problem?
Raster DATA. Raster information is only images. They require some sort of 
processing to extract any data from them?
Data overlays for raster images will help to provide methods of searching for 
features and then displaying the correct area of the raster image? Timestamp 
data to identify a sequence of images would also be best stored in a database, 
with features and locations extracted from particular images stored along with 
 links to the correct raster image.
So the raster images are stored as files, and the data relating to them in a 

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on a DBMS

2008-11-03 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Mon, Nov 03, 2008 at 08:57:53PM -0200, Gilberto Camara wrote:
 Jim Gray´s paper and much more on
 this issue is on his site at MS Research.

Gray has hundreds of papers listed on his Microsoft Research page. As I
said, I'm not claiming that Gray's paper said or did not say something,
merely that the section you quoted did not.

 Allow me to reiterate my earlier argument, which is
 that FOSS4G should **allow** users the option of storing
 raster data in a database. Storing images in a database
 is not recommended in each and every situation.
 The user should have the option, according to his needs.

I'm not sure if you feel that someone is preventing this from happening
in some way. It sounds like you think that there is some blocker here
other than someone investing the time and effort to make this happen.

Christopher Schmidt
Web Developer
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Raster data on a DBMS

2008-11-03 Thread P Kishor
On 11/3/08, Gilberto Camara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Allow me to reiterate my earlier argument, which is
  that FOSS4G should **allow** users the option of storing
  raster data in a database. Storing images in a database
  is not recommended in each and every situation.
  The user should have the option, according to his needs.


There are two kinds of users in this world when it comes to storing
raster data... and, fortunately, the world is big enough for both of

The FOSS in FOSS4G gives each kind to develop what they need/want.
There is no concept of allowing anyone the option.

Gilberto, my sense is that instead of convincing someone else that
storing rasters in a db can/may be a better option in some cases,
energy and resources might be better deployed in making options
available, and making existing options easier and more powerful.

In another thread you wrote --

INPE´s FOSS4G developement of raster data on RDBMS using the
TerraLib library is a tangible proof of concept. TerraAmazon
(built using TerraLib) is INPE's OS solution for monitoring
tropical forests operationally.

While I have an earlier version of TerraLib/TerraView that I got when
I visited INPE last year, I am not familiar with its raster-in-db
capabilities. Making and distributing a product that can work on
different platforms, Windows, Macs, *nix, will be the best marketing
for such capabilities, and provide the options that you advocate.

Fwiw, O'Reilly's database war stories series has an article on Flickr
that store metadata in a db and the photos themselves on directly in
the filesystem. See
Other stories in that series are also very instructive.

Apple's Aperture does the same thing... all the metadata are in SQLite
(Coredata on Mac OS X) while the images themselves are stored in
folders on the disk -- albeit hidden from the user. See and

Of course, both of the above examples are of the high number of small
size images variety while the raster/geographic applications are of
the relatively fewer number of very large size images kind. Still,
the case studies are instructive.

I think the best argument for any approach is the approach itself. The
free and open part in FOSS4G allows any and all approaches to exist.
Scratch your own itch, meet your own need, then put it out for others
to use. If they like it, they will adopt it and improve it. If they
don't like it, it will die a timely death. Darwinian at its best.

Puneet Kishor
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
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