
** sorry for the duplication on lists, but I am keen to get a large sample **

I would like to canvas all of you. Please either send your response to the 
lists or to me directly (the latter will avoid clogging the lists with 
responses). I will tally and publish the summary of results ASAP. I don't 
intend to specify individuals just provide tallies of licenses used and 
reasons for not publishing. I hope to use this in future discussions regarding 
licensing relevant to OSGeo Members and potential obstacles to the release of 
valuable reference material and how these obstacles can be addressed.

The questions are...
1. Under what license do you release online resources (forum posts, blogs, 
books, videos, tutorials, documents) that you publish?
2(a). Have you not released information due to licensing issues? 
2(b). If so, why? (short answers please)

If you do not specify the license implicitly on your work please indicate "not 
specified". It is implied then that local copyright laws apply in which case 
indicate the country forum hosted in.

If you publish under different licenses depending on your output please split 
you response into type of material created. If you accept the license of the 
site provider indicate this and preferably indicate what license this is.

For example...

1. stuff released...
    - Ubuntu forum posts; site provider license; not specified (UK)
    - OSGeo forum posts; site provider license; not specified (USA)
    - Make-Believe forum post; Public Domain
    - private blogs; not specified (Aust)
    - company website; work protected under Australian Copyright Act 1969.
    - tutorials; Creative Commons (+Attr. -Deri. -Comm.)
2a. stuff not released...
    - tutorials using sample projects, data use prevented by someone else's
      copyright or by a Data Supply Agreements.
    - tutorials showing specific methods, avoid competitors knowing how to
      conduct certain analysis 
    - any documents, concern quality will be degraded as others translate or
      change works to meet their own means.
    - any documents, concern that work will be used for commercial gain by
      others to no benefit to myself.
    - any documents, too much like hard work to get permission to use local 
      datasets relevant to my industry (i.e. red tape)

If you know of other people that publish or don't publish on the web involved 
in the FOSS4G community please feel free to send this email to them.

Hopefully I will get enough responses that the result is meaningful.

Please have you results in by Friday, 30 July 2010 at 07:00:00 UTC Time. [1]

Thanks in advance...

PS. I know that this is only a short time but my experience is that people 
either answer straight away or not at all.  


Cheers Simon
Simon Cropper 
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
mailto: scrop...@botanicusaustralia.com.au 
web: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au 
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