[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-07-29 Thread born2bMild

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
  it is a mistake to allow any piece of software or hardware to know you
 are anxious for the results.

Yeah, I like that one!  
Since mine's been a good boy for a couple of days now, maybe it does
prefer its new home more.  (It's tucked under the desk rather than on

I've decided to show it who's boss (or reward it) with the SlimServer
update to 6.3.1 and Ultra's latest plug-in All-In-One pack.

Although my problem seems to have mysteriously resolved itself (fingers
crossed), it's nice to know you guys are out there with advice, moral
support, and daft comments. 


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[slim] Re: Opinions on TelCanto for SlimServer

2006-07-29 Thread ceejay

I tried Telcanto and didn't like it hugely... you might also want to
have a look at Michael's *free* Slimremote
which works pretty well for me on an iPaq.



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[slim] Re: Transporter!

2006-07-29 Thread el payo

VPC sucks. Windows runs so slowly that it would be easier to draw a
picture of the album cover and guess the track listing. Plus I'm not
sure it's even compatible with Intel Macs.

I haven't tried Moose using Parallels but it should work just fine. And
of course with Boot Camp, a Mac is a full Windows PC so Moose would
operate just as you've designed it to.  But why would I want to boot
into Windows? :P

One of these days I'll fire up xCode and attempt to create a proper Mac
app along the lines of Moose (first I'll have to learn how to actually

el payo

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[slim] Re: Playlist file type

2006-07-29 Thread Siduhe

try clicking on the new music option (which is a drop down box) and
changing to playlists. then click rescan. sounds like that may be
your issue. if that doesn't work, post back and i'll explain better
what i mean about the paths.


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[slim] Re: Administer Linux from XP Pro?

2006-07-29 Thread Andy D

For the odd occasion you do need to plug a monitor etc in it might be
worth getting a remote admin board - AMI MegaRac, Peppercon Eric etc. -
they're not cheap but occasionally come up on eBay for bargain prices.

Basically they allow you to drive the machine, edit the bios, reboot
etc. remotely - some allow a remote CD too.

Andy D

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[slim] Re: What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-29 Thread inguz

OK, I'll try this one.

 Can someone explain to me in non-audiophile terms what makes the
 various features of the Transporter so desirable, because it's hard
 me to understand what people are getting (besides a knob).

Function: plays better music:  (I don't think this is very important
yet, but we'll see)

- Feature: 24/96.  If you have program material in this format,
Transporter will play it.  And it should sound noticeably different
from 16/44.1 (CD).

Function sounds better:  (if your Squeezebox doesn't sound as good as
your vinyl, SACD, DAC, half-track master tapes, etc, or your
well-endowed friend's xyz, this will help).

- Balanced analog stages and XLR out.  If you have an amplifier with
balanced inputs, you can go from here to there without getting
unbalanced.  The main rationale for balanced interconnects is to remove
hum and noise, but balanced signal processing in the analog stages
should also reduce nonlinearity (if done right).

- Precision super-regulated power supplies.  Super-low-jitter clocks to
a wonder-DAC.  If done right, this extracts signifcantly more music out
of the same bits.

Function looks better:

- Pro-grade shiny connectors, and more of them.
- Handles so you can pull the unit out to show your friends the shiny
- Two displays. A bigger remote. Lots of buttons.  And a knob.
- Swap that Bang  Olufsen Thermostat look for a Bose Shiny Soyuz
look (http://www.niiao.ru/space/ids_soyuz_tma_en.htm)

Personally I think it's a nice-looking unit.  Can't afford one, but
that's half the point; besides hoping to sell a few hundred units off
the bat, it's aspirational too.  I know someone who will buy one, and
then they have me hooked.


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[slim] emails not bouncing?

2006-07-29 Thread Philip Meyer
I tried to post a message to the beta list, but my from address was incorrect, 
so the message wasn't accepted.

In the past, I've instantly received a bounce mail from the list warning me 
that the post is awaiting approval.

This hasn't happened this time - has something changed or is something wrong 
with the mailing list server?

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[slim] Emails not bouncing?

2006-07-29 Thread Phil Meyer
I tried to post a message to the beta list, but my from address was incorrect, 
so the message wasn't accepted.

In the past, I've instantly received a bounce mail from the list warning me 
that the post is awaiting approval.

This hasn't happened this time - has something changed or is something wrong 
with the mailing list server?

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[slim] Changing SB3 reported device id

2006-07-29 Thread stoobie-doo

My apologies if I could not find the right search term, but does the SB3
now have a way to report a device id to the router it connects to?


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[slim] Re: What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-29 Thread RadioClash

Well sure, the transporter will play 24bit-96kHz files, but will there
be any noticeable difference between this and a 24bit-48kHz file, which
the current SB2  SB3 already support?


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[slim] Re: 20% off UK Squeezebox This Weekend!

2006-07-29 Thread Fifer



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[slim] Re: New Slim Devices Product? The Transporter per 6moons.com??

2006-07-29 Thread Michaelwagner

I think this man has a valid point.

Masterbaron Wrote: 
 SD is truly a responsive company 
 SD has addressed most of the audiophile Mods..
 SD has addressed the long sought-after form factor..
 SD had addressed the blessed knob..
 SD has addressed potential sound quality..dac, ps, etc.


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[slim] Re: Qnap TS-101 Update

2006-07-29 Thread Michaelwagner

 advice, moral support, and daft comments

We're best at the *daft comments*. 

I notice those get the fastest response time. We're considering testing
some of the forum members for testosterone doping. In particular,
there's one guy whose daft comments show up on the forum before the
original posting. That guy's definitely using something!

After that, we offer *support* with dubious *morals*.

Running a dead last is our *advice*. Sometimes it's worth taking.
Sometimes not.

The good news is, if the daft comments get thrown out of the race for
doping, the advice moves up to position 2.

(and in case you can't tell, *I'm joking* :-) )


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[slim] Rescan not picking up new music

2006-07-29 Thread jodrell

I recently added several new albums to my iTunes library but when I ask
SlimServer to rescan the library to pick them up it doesn't.  I've
tried getting it to look just for new music and asking it to perform a
full rescan but neither picks up the new tracks.

I'm running SlimServer Version: 6.3.1 - 8476 - Mac OS X 10.4.7 (8J135)
- EN - utf8

Any ideas on what else I can do to kick things into working??



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Re: [slim] Re: Backlit Remote

2006-07-29 Thread dean blackketter

On Jul 27, 2006, at 1:54 AM, rick's cafe wrote:

Any chance that you can post a picture of the remote showing how it
looks when illuminated??

It's kind of tricky to photograph, but I'll give it a shot this week.


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[slim] Re: Backlit Remote

2006-07-29 Thread SadGamerGeek

dean Wrote: 
 It's kind of tricky to photograph, but I'll give it a shot this week.

I hope we're back to talking about the remote now.


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[slim] Re: 20% off UK Squeezebox This Weekend!

2006-07-29 Thread Mark Lanctot

radish Wrote: 
 Can anyone say inventory clearance? :)

Huh?  The SB3 isn't discontinued.  Maybe the reseller isn't going to be
selling it anymore?

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-29 Thread Sleestack

I'm sure about worth, but as a consumer of relatively high end audio
gear, this is my take:

For the sake of making the point, my 5.1, 2 channel and heapdhone
setups, collectively cost me well over $200K.  I'm not sweating $2K for
a Transporter or 2.. or maybe even 3.  That's just the truth.  

Also, having spent that much, I do want to maintain a certain aesthetic
in my system.  I don't believe in the significance of high end cables
but use Cardas Golden Reference XLRs on my headphone setup b/c they
match the setup in appearance. I buy certain pieces for their audible
impact alone (e.g. TACT, Andra IIs) and others for a combination of
sonics and aesthetic appeal(Esoteric  D-03/P-03, Singlepower SDS-XLR).
A better form factor alone would have been worth a jump to $1K for me.

The new DAC should provide some improvement. In addition, the ability
use the DAC for multiple devices is valuable for those who need/want a

For me, the connectivity is also well worth the money.  With all the
gear I and many audiophiles have, one shouldn't overlook the value of

With the AES and word synch, I can use an external clock to synch the
Transporter with each of my TACT BOZ2200 digital amps(that also accept
word synch). Slaving everything to the same clock in an all digital
system is something that is important tom me and again, conributes to
the increased value.

With the new XLR connections you can make long runs, increasing the
number of ways you can use or place the Transporter. For instance, in
my 2 channel room, I will have the Tranporter in my headphone setup.  I
will either run the XLR outs directly to the heapdhone amp or run SPDIF
and word synch to my Esoteric D-03 DAC (and then go XLR out from
there).  At the same time, I will run AES across the room to my 2
channel.  I might also take an AES out direct from my computer and run
it into the Transporter DAC.  Without all of those connections, that
configuration would be difficult.

I completely understand why some people feel the $2K price tage on the
Transporter is too much.  Nevertheless I think there are many people
who actually consider it modestly priced.  while there might not be an
additional $1,700 in parts in there, I think many people are actually
going to consider it a value.


*headphone:* singlepower sds-xlr at, teac esoteric p-03/d-03, hd650  
*2 channel:* tact rcs 2.2.xp w/ full aberdeen mods, bel canto oneref.
1000 monoblocks x 4, classe sacd2, epiphany 20-21s, tact w210 corner
load subs
*5.1 channel:* tact tcs mkii w/ aberdeen power supply, tact boz
216/2200 (x5) w/ aberdeen power supply, tact adc6 w/ full aberdeen
mods, denon 5910, bel canto pl-1a, eggleston andra ii (x5), velodyne
dd-15, pioneer elite pro 1130hd

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[slim] Re: 20% off UK Squeezebox This Weekend!

2006-07-29 Thread Fifer

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 Huh?  The SB3 isn't discontinued.
... yet?

post too short, blah, blah ...


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[slim] Re: 20% off UK Squeezebox This Weekend!

2006-07-29 Thread Mark Lanctot

Fifer Wrote: 
 ... yet?
 post too short, blah, blah ...

Nah.  Doesn't this reseller do this once per month?

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] SliMP3...

2006-07-29 Thread DynamicalSystem

I know it's been a while, but how do I get these things to show their
MAC addresses so that I can upgrade the firmware?

I have to say I've been a bit lax recently - they are on 1.3 following
a spell in storage.

I've also forgotton how to get the remote (Sony RM-V201) working - Do I
have to switch it to DVD?  Was there something in play with the recessed
S button?



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[slim] Re: Fishbone Browse Artist View in 6.3.1

2006-07-29 Thread kdf

treble Wrote: 
 I just installed the latest Slimserver version (6.3.1.).  Is it me or is
 the Browse Artist View broken in this version?

seems to work fine here.  all songs, plus the list of albums.


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[slim] Re: Changing SB3 reported device id

2006-07-29 Thread radish

I think he means the hostname which can be sent along with a DHCP
request (some routers then use that to make the list of IPs in use more
readable). As far as I know the SB doesn't send anything, at least my
router doesn't seem to think they do.


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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-29 Thread chris . mason

MyPicks rawks, as they say.


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[slim] Re: Changing SB3 reported device id

2006-07-29 Thread stoobie-doo

Yes that is what I meant. Device name shows up blank in my router DHCP
connection list. I want it to have a name,


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[slim] Re: Changing SB3 reported device id

2006-07-29 Thread Nickok

I have Linksys WRT54G. I can view the router's DHCP client table but the
SB3 hostname never shows in it although other devices do.


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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-29 Thread Triode

Good to see people like MyPicks.  

Do people see this as something which happily co-exists with
favourites, or could there functionality be merged?  If so how would
people see this working?  [I ask as it was an idea which was
tentatively discussed a while ago with Dean.]

BTW - if you like MyPicks, why not also install WikiRadio and upload
your radio faviourites for others to access.

[both plugins available from:



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[slim] Playlists Problem

2006-07-29 Thread bolfings

I'm using a SB3 in my store, using SlimServer Version: 6.3.0 - 8148 -
Windows Server 2003 - EN - cp1252 , and my wife has found a problem -

We have a bunch of playlists that we have set up over the last year or
so, and we recently discovered they no longer show up on the SB3 or
under the playlists option of the server.My employees are all allowed
to so into the server from whatever machine around the store and modify
the current playlist, and so I thought at first someone had deleted them
all, but when I go to the folder on the drive they are all still there.

I tried defining a new playlist folder and moving them all, then
rescanning for playlists only, but no go - 

Any other ideas?


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[slim] Re: What makes the Transporter worth $1700 (or more) more than the SB3

2006-07-29 Thread tomsi42

Yes, I believe that the transporter is worth $1700 more.

The reasoning behind this claim is this: My experience with hi-fi is
that to get a real improvement in sound quality is to replace the unit
in question with something that cost ten times as the old one. 

Based on this theory (should that be hypothesis?), the transporter
should actually cost $3000, so at $2000, it is in fact cheap.

I know that this is a bold statement; it based on my own experience:
replacing a $200 CD pleaer with a $250 one, 



SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact, Kimber Kable 4TC and Timbre.

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[slim] Re: Difference between favorites and playlists?

2006-07-29 Thread atlslim

Triode Wrote: 
 Do people see this as something which happily co-exists with favourites,
 or could there functionality be merged?  

I use both - Favorites as pretty much the family's combined most
listened to list (10 - 20 entries at most); one step to access - it is
the home page for my wife on the Nokia770.

MyPicks offers more choices via its folders/menu structure - each
family member can have their own menu(s) w/in MyPicks. I guess
Favorites could be a top level menu, but IMO both should exist as
separate items.

Keep up the good work!!


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[slim] Re: Internet radio issues with 6.3

2006-07-29 Thread colglfr

I seem to have a problem launching Internet Radio stations using
playlists.  It seems to freeze up and I have to shutdown the
Squeezebox.  I can launch the same radio stations either manually or by
setting it up in the SqueezeNetwork and it works fine.  I am using 6.3.1


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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2006-07-29 Thread Pat Farrell

Jazz1 wrote:

I did find the digital coax in. I'm just not sure how to
fire it up.

I'd just grab some TV video cable ( it is the right impedance) and
plug it into the back of your SqueezeBox and into your Receiver.
try it, it might work for free.


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Re: [slim] Re: Boombox to plug SB into?

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 02:23:09PM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
 Some devices that are renowned for sound quality are products from
 Tivoli like the 'PAL' (http://www.tivoliaudio.com/home.php?cat=266)
 (scroll down unless you want one in crazy colours) that comes with an
 input jack for the SB, an excellent radio and NiMH battery pack.  Not
 stereo though, but with speakers that close together you won't get much
 of a stereo effect anyway.

i have the tivoli model one and would certainly check out the PAL for
this application. just be careful with any of these when running at full
output. i accidently left my squeezebox alarm clock on full volume with
the model one cranked up and was out of town. the squeezenetwork alarm
sound went for a long time and did a little damage there.

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 06:49:07PM -0700, Mark Lanctot wrote:
 What OS could take suitable advantage of hardware like that?

either freebsd or linux would use all the hardware in the compaq machine
you point out. i worked at a company that used freebsd and a rather large
amount of those proliant machines. i may take the buffalotech terastation
that i've bricked and just hook up the ata drives to one of these machines
w/ drop-in ata card. makes a great power case for them. :)

-- bill
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Re: [slim] Re: Connecting my Squeezebox to external slimserver

2006-07-29 Thread bill fumerola
On Fri, Jul 28, 2006 at 07:37:11AM -0700, staalelor wrote:
 Have you tried this on an ip-address outside your own subnet? My
 squeezbox does not connect to anything outside my subnet.
 I've acutally tried it from three diffent subnets. 

 I have no problems connecting to a slimserver inside my subnet the way
 you describe. Allso: It can't be a firewall or NAT-problem either,
 because I have no problems connecting using winamp. 

set a working default gateway? i use remote connections all the time.

-- bill

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