Re: [slim] Squeezeplay Mountain Lion Install

2012-08-05 Thread Wariole

Same issue for me... 
I also have 2 Airplay capable devices in my local network.

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Re: [slim] constant re-scaning

2012-08-05 Thread Timbo22

Hmm, see what you mean, have all music on external HD, it finds it okay
but not my playlists grr. stopped automatically scanning though.

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Re: [slim] constant re-scaning

2012-08-05 Thread Mnyb

Timbo22 wrote: 
> Hmm, see what you mean, have all music on external HD, it finds it okay
> but not my playlists grr. stopped automatically scanning though.
> Cheers,
> Tim.

Yeh the external drive must be avaible to the server all the time , if
you remove it while the server is running or if it's not there when the
server starts ,the server will rescan .

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Re: [slim] Google Nexus 7 phone support

2012-08-05 Thread banned for life

If you get a Nexus 7 that has "ghost images," Google considers it a DOA
and you are entitled to a full refund and replacement.

If you look on the web, no phone support is apparent. Hence the "rare"
phone number.


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[slim] Better Logitech products than the Squeezeboxes

2012-08-05 Thread mortslim

I have 6 squeezeboxes (3 classics and 3 booms).  I have used them for a
few years.  However my needs required that I look for a different
solution.   What I have found is better than the squeezeboxes for my
needs.  I thought I would share these alternatives with you.

I bought the "Logitech Wireless Speaker Adapter for Bluetooth Audio
Devices" and also the "Logitech Wireless Boombox for iPad, iPhone and
iPod touch with Bluetooth" (better model than the Logitech Wireless USB
Speaker Z515).

The wireless speaker adapter connects to an existing stereo system.  The
boombox is self-contained in that it has its own speaker.

The source of my audio is streaming media from my iPad, my iPod Touch
and my Samsung Galaxy Nexus cellphone.  All these devices have bluetooth
and pair easily with my new gadgets.  Any bluetooth capable device
should be able to pair.

Audio quality is great.  I find it just as good as audio from my

I feel I now have more control over my streaming media.  I used iPeng
and SqueezeCommander apps to control my squeezeboxes.  They are great
apps.  Now that I am mainly using bluetooth devices, I use the
respective streaming apps for control.  For example, I have Rhapsody on
my phone and Spotify on my iPad.  I use the Rhapsody and Spotify apps to
control the music.  

What prompted me to get these new bluetooth devices?  I like podcasts. 
I was using mediafly on the squeezeboxes.  However mediafly stopped
providing this service.  I suggested that Logitech replace it with
Stitcher.  Logitech ignored me.  Stitcher  also contacted Logitech
directly.  Logitech wasn't interested.   I think this is because
Logitech is not devoting the resources to the Squeezebox line like it
used to.

Advantages of my new bluetooth devices:
As new streaming apps appear for IOS (Apple) or Android, I don't have to
wait forever for Logitech to decide to put these apps onto the
Squeezebox.  My impression is that there won't be any new apps added to
the Squeezeboxes.  My impression is that there won't be more development
or improvements on the Squeezeboxes.  It seems to be an "end of life"
product.  (I am openminded if Logitech proves me wrong, but I am not

On the other hand, IOS (Apple) and Android and their respective apps are
constantly being improved and with more choices arriving all the time.

My new solution is also cheaper for new customers.  The cost of these
bluetooth devices and maybe an extra home charger for your cellphone or
iPad in the room where you listen (if you don't want to worry about
battery life) is cheaper than buying a new squeezebox.

So there you have it: cheaper, more control, and a future.

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Re: [slim] What if Logitech pulls the plug

2012-08-05 Thread mortslim

I believe the Squeezeboxes are "end of life".  There most likely won't
be any improvements to the line hardware-wise and no new apps.

However the corporation Logitech will continue and because of the large
squeezebox user base, it is very doubtful that the
service will ever disappear.  Cloud hosting services are getting cheaper
by the day, so it won't cost much for Logitech to maintain this

But there are examples in internet history for once popular services to
shut down.

If it does disappear, I started a new thread as to what I consider a
better alternative, as far as streaming services are concerned:

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Re: [slim] Better Logitech products than the Squeezeboxes

2012-08-05 Thread mortslim

And there is an additional reason why my new alternative is better:

There is a possibility (remote at present, but still a possibility) that
eventually may disappear (as discussed in another thread
in this forum.

Thus my suggested alternatives are also more future-proof relative to
the squeezebox world.

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Re: [slim] Better Logitech products than the Squeezeboxes

2012-08-05 Thread pippin

The one problem with Bluetooth is that the audio codecs supported by
>>90% of all bluetooth devices make mp3 look audiophile.

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Re: [slim] The Google Squeezebox: Nexus Q

2012-08-05 Thread musicom

erland wrote: 
> By the way, I still love the physical design of my old Squeezebox
> Classic with silver bottom, looks a lot better and less plastic compared
> to the newer Squeezebox Touch.

I agree.  The Classic also had one of my ultimate control schemes that
actually was introduced with the RCA 2000 TV set (from the 1960's - the
model # was the price) - 100% operation by remote control - no knobs on
the set so you HAVE to use the remote in order to do anything with the

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Re: [slim] Better Logitech products than the Squeezeboxes

2012-08-05 Thread erland

How do you handle remote control with this solution ?

Doesn't this solution assume that the device that act as a source is the
one you also hold in your hand which often means that it's not connected
to the charger and will be drained of battery fairly quickly ?
Or can you somehow remote control your iPhone sitting in the charger
which is acting as source with the Nexus you are holding in your hand or
vice versa ?

What if if you have a iPhone in the charger acting as source and holding
the iPad in your hand, is remote control of the Spotify, Rhapsody,
Pandora apps possible in such scenario ?

I guess you can forget about synchronizing music between multiple rooms
(Just asking, it's probably not critical to most users)

If someone wanted to replace Squeezebox, wouldn't a Sonos system be a
better alternative ? What are the advantages of the bluetooth setup
compared to a Sonos setup ? Price ?

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Re: [slim] Better Logitech products than the Squeezeboxes

2012-08-05 Thread mortslim

Regarding battery life of a cellphone or iPad, my experience is that
when not being charged, with screen off, just with wifi on to receive
the audio stream and bluetooth on to broadcast the audio stream, there
is relatively slow battery drain.  My typical scenario is that I pick a
streaming service, select an album or genre, and then put down the
source device without the need to look at the screen while listening to
the audio.   

It is only when the screen is on that battery issues arise.  If you
prefer to keep the screen on, there are multiple charging options:  an
a/c extension cord, a usb extension cable, and for apple products, there
are extra long charging cables.Any three of these solutions, or a
combination of them, will bring the actual source device into your lap
while being charged.

As far as audio quality, this isn't your grandfather's bluetooth.  I am
very happy with audio quality.   There are many reviews of these
suggested products on and the vast majority are very

I don't know how a remote control setup would work to have one mobile
device control another mobile device.  I haven't tried it.  As far as I
know, an app on one mobile device can only control the audio on that
device, not the audio on another mobile device that is using the same
streaming service.  

I am not too familiar with Sonos, but I thought this was another "walled
garden" where you are at the mercy of the selection of apps that Sonos
picks, versus the more open world of the app stores for ios (apple) and

I guess there is no such thing as a perfect device.  You give up
synchronizing between multiple rooms, but you gain more selection over
current and future audio streaming apps.  And as mentioned on another
thread, even if doesn't shut down, there is still a
risk that services now hosted on will be updated to the
point of not being compatible with if no Logitech
employees are there to coordinate the updates.

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