Re: [slim] Stuff for sale

2018-09-21 Thread w3wilkes

And why?

Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets
and Squeeseslave
Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 7.9.1 Official on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3
Model B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave

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Re: [slim] Play particular pause tone mp3 between songs in playlist

2018-09-21 Thread DJanGo

is this a single player or synced players?

in case of a single player (with alsa) you only need to kill the
squeezelitesession play that beep with aplayer or whatever other
audioplayer max2play deliveres and restart squeezelite again.

in case of synced players you need a little bit more.
playlist preview & play (your beep) & playlist resume
lms:9000/html/docs/cli-api.html wrote: 
>  playlist preview 
> When called without a cmd param of stop, replace the current playlist
> with the playlist specified by url, but save the current playlist to
> tempplaylist_.m3u for later retrieval. When called with the
> cmd param of stop, stops the currently playing playlist and loads (if
> possible) the previous playlist. Restored playlist jumps to beginning of
> CURTRACK when present in m3u file, and does not autoplay restored
> playlist.
> Examples:
> Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist preview
> url:db:album.titlesearch=A%20FEAST%20OF%20WIRE
> title:A%20Feast%20Of%20Wire"
> Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist preview
> url:db:album.titlesearch=A%20FEAST%20OF%20WIRE
> title:A%20Feast%20Of%20Wire"
> Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist preview cmd:stop"
> Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist preview cmd:stop"
>  playlist resume  
> Replace the current playlist with the playlist specified by p2, starting
> at the song that was playing when the file was saved. (Resuming works
> only with M3U files saved with the "playlist save" command below.)
> Shortcut: use a bare playlist name (without leading directories or
> trailing .m3u suffix) to load a playlist in the saved playlists folder.
> Optional tagged parameters are noplay, which when non-zero will not
> auto-start the track, and wipePlaylist, which will destroy the saved
> playlist from both the filesystem and from the DB (these tagged params
> are typically used for resuming a temporarily cached playlist, e.g.
> after exiting alarm sound preview on squeezeplay devices).
> Examples:
> Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist resume abba"
> Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist resume abba"

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[slim] Play particular pause tone mp3 between songs in playlist

2018-09-21 Thread nickxofficial

Hi there,

I run Logitech Media Server and max2play together in a production
envoirement (Theatre) now for around 2 years.

In this theater we  run a playlist with music in the breaks of the
shows. We want to play a beep or something (mp3 file) when the break is
over and the show starts again, so the people come to the hall again.

We would like to play this mp3 so when the playlist runs, that the
playlist pauses and the mp3 file plays and then the music from the
playlist continues. 

Can i do this with LogitechMediaServer or the API or something else like
this idea?


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Re: [slim] Stuff for sale

2018-09-21 Thread Shozzer

Just out of interest, what set up have you moved on to?

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