Re: [slim] broken ?

2010-02-24 Thread Andy8421

I don't often go to the main site, but straight to the forum.  Checking
out the main site I see that the cringeworthy 'codebaby' has gone.

Was she a victim of the problems with the site, or have logitech seen
sense and given her a decent burial?


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Re: [slim] TCP/IP and S/PDIF protocols

2010-01-21 Thread Andy8421


Just to expand on DaveWr's point:

TCP/IP has flow control and error correction
S/PDIF has no flow control and embeds a clock signal in the S/PDIF data

With TCP/IP (or USB come to that) the DAC can control the rate of flow
of data from the server, and uses its own local and hopefully low jitter
clock to rebuild the analogue signal.

With S/PDIF the DAC is a slave to clock recovered from the input

Solutions for the S/PDIF problem all revolve around filtering the
derived clock in some way, and runing the DAC at an average clock rate,
rather than deriving every clock pulse separately from the input

If you are looking for DACs that can use TCP/IP and have good quality
local clocks, as DaveWr points out, the are called Squeezebox.  I have a
transporter, and I still regard it as one of the better DACs out there.



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Re: [slim] Logitech should hire Pippin! Those having difficulty w/Controller should get iPeng.

2009-12-08 Thread Andy8421

I am a huge fan of iPeng and have 3 copies across the various i*
products owned by my family.  I am in agreement however that an
officialy supported product gives comfort to users that the product will
continue to be supported going forward.

A case in point would be Inguz, the room correction add in. By all
accounts a fine piece of software that gives squeeze products
significant dsp capability.  I have held off implementing this as every
squeeze software update seems to break Inguz, and it is only because of
the dedication of the original author that the software is brought back
to life. 

What if Pippin were to win the lottery tomorrow and spend his declining
years on a beach somewhere? The next squeeze software update would
probably break iPeng (see the developers forum for discussion of
squeeze's lack of a stable framework to hang add-ins on), and who would
bring iPeng back to life?

No criticism of Pippin, he has done a fine job, but I would feel more
comfortable if it were a Squeeze supported product.


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Re: [slim] Any video steaming servers with library capability, like SqueezeServer?

2009-11-16 Thread Andy8421

Rather to my suprise, my son managed to get windows media centre to
stream SD video wirelessly to a PS3. WMC manages the library, PS3
hardware outputs HDMI and optical audio. No funny drivers or setup, it
just worked.


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Re: [slim] CodeBaby on new Logitech Squeezebox site

2009-09-29 Thread Andy8421

The animation looks daft, but of more concern is that who or whatever
hosts Logitech's site doesn't seem up to the task. Over here in the UK,
the performance of the site is now so poor that I give up most evenings
because it takes so long to load a page. I had wondered whether it was
the internet backbone UK / US links that were coincidently out of
capacity, but other clearly US hosted sites (Audiogon for example) loads
just fine.

It is not much of an advert for a company trying to sell streaming
media product when their own web page performance is so poor as to make
it unusable.


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Re: [slim] Bathroom compatible squeezebox

2009-09-12 Thread Andy8421

Depending on the construction, the things that normally suffers in high
humidity areas are the speaker cones. I have installed ceiling speaker
with polyprop waterproof cones and a duet / amp system in the loftspace
to keep everything away from the water.  The charger for the controller
is in the bedroom, again away from the water.  

Although I have been negative about the stability of the controller, I
cant say the same about its ability to swim.  My wife has dropped it in
the bath twice now, and given a day to dry out it still works OK.

There are very specific regulations in Europe (and probably the US)
about which electrical devices can taken or installed into a bathroom
from a safety perspective.  As a general rule, unless the device has
been specifically designed for bathroom use, then dont do it. Damp hands
and damp feet provide a very good path for fault current.  Even if you
keep the mains adaptor out of the damp area (eg wallmounting a touch in
the bathroom with a remote psu), you are still relying on whatever
insulation exists in the mains adaptor to keep you from wearing wings
and playing a harp. Battery operation is by far the safest.


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Re: [slim] Where's Dean?

2009-09-02 Thread Andy8421


Sorry to see you go. I had figured that the senior Slim team would be
departing when the earn-out came to an end.  Congratulations to both you
and Sean for the product line you created and your success in building
the company up and selling it on - no small achievement.

Just one question, with you and Sean gone - who is going to fix the


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Re: [slim] iPod / iPhone as a receiver

2009-08-25 Thread Andy8421

Just bought the app myself. Not got it going yet.  Think the problem is
stream format.

Exposing my ignorance here, how can I set SC so that I send FLAC to all
my squeeze boxes, but stream MP3 to the Squeeze Mobile?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [slim] Best of Luck - moving on...

2009-08-25 Thread Andy8421


I am very nearly in your camp. My Wife is of the 'throw that damn thing
away and give me my wave radio back' school, but I have stuggled through
and now have a system which is stable - most of the time. I have
recommended squeeze proucts (the Duet unfortunately) to non technical
friends (3) who have now all given up on the system and have it
gathering dust in cupboards.

As an aging EE graduate who cut his teeth programming PDP-11s in binary
from the front panel switches I have enjoyed learning about TCP/IP and
wandering around my house with NetStumbler, but I think that raises real
questions about whether the products are really ready for the
mainstream.  For those who care, my experience is:

Transporter (wired) - no problems
SB3 (wireless) - occasional problems
Duet (2 of them, wireless) hopeless until the last couple of releases,
still not great
Boom (2 of them wireless) - occasional problems

Given the new products that Logitech seem to have in development
(Radio, Touch) it does look as if their engineering smarts are being
dragged away from software developing and fixing for existing products
and are working on the new stuff. Development of the whole new database
back end must also be a significant distraction. This is unfortunate, as
most forums on the web(correctly in my opinion) describe the squeeze
products as innovative, but really only suitable for geeks. I do think
Logitech should focus on getting their existing line stable.

My next door neighbour has Sonos. In my opinion, it isn't cutting edge,
looks clunky and has limited options.  He had it professionaly
installed, and says he has never had a single problem. My Wife would
drop squeeze and get Sonos in a heartbeat. I just keep hoping that the
next software release will fix all my problems


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Re: [slim] RedEye universal remote control?

2009-08-20 Thread Andy8421


IRtrans is a bit pricy, but is an impressive bit of kit.  Very similar
to the global cache product, it can be controlled by PC resident
software (supplied) as well as the iPod app.  Can drive discrete
flashers or use the high output LEDs on the box.  Took it to bits,
nicely built, based on a PIC microcontroller. I notice that the
iRedtouch site is now mentioning compatability with the Global Cache box
(beta), you might be able to get one of these GC boxes cheaper than the

The IRtrans PC software gives macro capability and can control the unit
functionality from a PC, but if you want macros on the iPod you have to
'teach' the button you want to contol the macro the correct sequence of
commands. A bit clunky, but it works.

Switching between remotes is quick, two or three button presses on the
iPod and the iPod responds immediately displaying the new remote. 
Slight delay when controlling devices,  but not enough to be annoying.

I particularly liked the feature that displays an image of the real
remote on the iPod, makes it easy to use if you are familiar with an
existing remote key layout.

Had some problems with keys responding twice when pressed once -
particularly the SKY HD remote.  Problem solved by using the 'NATIVE'
mode - IRtrans product support helped out and were very responsive to my

Just a question on redeye - the site says beta trial has finished and
it isn't available at the moment?


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Re: [slim] RedEye universal remote control?

2009-08-19 Thread Andy8421

I have been using iRedtouch - an iPodtouch or iPhone app that uses a
network resident IR flasher.

1. Take a picture or use a scanner to get an image of the remote
2. Display picture on iPod
3. Define button areas on the picture (app comes with a very neat tool
for doing this)
4. Teach the system from the original remote

The system works, and I have no problems finding the buttons.

Have a look at

The IR flasher box is not cheap however, but seems to work well.


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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-07-10 Thread Andy8421

atrocity;439598 Wrote: 
 HDX 1000 uses the Networked Media Tank (NMT) middleware provided by
 Syabas, which is a established middleware company.
 I've got a Popcorn Hour, which is also using the Syabas's nice enough, but it's not particularly stable (I'm
 using an older firmware, because the newer ones are even less stable),
 can't play DTS FLACs and isn't gapless.  Reliability-wise, a Squeezebox
 is 100 and a Popcorn Hour is 50.
 Maybe the HDX1000 is better, but I wouldn't count on it.

As an early adopter of the Duet, I don't exactly regard the Duet as a
rock of stability, so if Squeeze is 100, and Popcorn 50, I wont hold out
too much hope for me ever seeing a picture out of the HDX.

The point that this raises is that as audio / video delivery devices
turn more and more into fully fledged computers, then the pricing is
becoming more and more computer like. It is interesting that the high
end audio firms with the resources to develop equipment of this type
(notably Naim and Meridian) are moving to offer streaming product, but
trying to defend their price points. When 99% of the active devices in
the box are digital, all of the functionality is software driven, and
only the DAC and subsequent filters and line drive circuitry are
analogue (and can justify the audio high end 'hocus pocus' premium) what
does this do to the overall pricing of the box?

I guess we shall see.


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Re: [slim] New Logitech MM STREAM Squeezebox Touch spotted !!

2009-07-09 Thread Andy8421

iPhone;438303 Wrote: 
 I would love to see Logitech take a crack at video, but there is the
 HDX-1000 for $219 that I think does just about everything video wise.
 Looking at what is in the box, I can't figure out HOW they could make it
 for $219 much less sell it of that. That device is mentioned someplace
 in the Forums. Here is the 'HDX-1000'
 So having said that, is it worth trying to expand into that market when
 the price is hammered down that low already? Looking at the available
 box, it is like the computer market. Who in their right mind would start
 a mom  pop computer business or try to start a new Computer brand with
 what is out there now IE no margin whatsoever?

I have been banging on about the HDX1000 for a few months. Logitech
have done well to maintain the pricing of their products, but I do see
devices like the HDX as game changers.  All the functionality of an SB,
for less $$, with video, local hard disk support and a great case thrown
in for free. I have ordered one, just to see if it really has anything
inside the box for that price. On a similar note, I do think the
Logitech Harmony product faces similar challenges from iPod touch based
multi remotes.
If I were Logitech, I would be tempted to stick a 'squeezebox' sticker
on the front of an HDX1000, and spend all the development $$ I had saved
on excellent front end and server software to support it.


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Re: [slim] I am leaving Logitech!

2009-05-26 Thread Andy8421


Sorry to see you go. 

There are very few (no?) other firms where the founder took the time
and effort to reply to questions on a web forum.  This set the tone for
the 'slim' approach, which has built up such a loyal following.  It was
your no-nonsense answers to a number of frankly daft audiophile
questions that persuaded me to buy a transporter. I hope that logitech
streaming media manage to hang on to the ethos and open approach that
you fostered.

I wish you well.



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Re: [slim] Who's going to fill Sean's shoes - technically?

2009-05-26 Thread Andy8421

I can't imagaine we will see a transporter #2, the market for £1000
streaming network players is very small. While Meridian, Naim and others
can charge premium prices for streamers, it doesn't seem to fit the
Logitech biz model, and I am not sure the Logitech brand name would
support that level of pricing ex the loyal Slim following. The
transporter does give the rest of the Slim range audiophile credibility,
and there is value in that, but why design a new model?

The world has moved on in the 9 or so years that Slim have been around.
I do think the real challenge for logitech streaming media will be
video, and with products like the HDX1080 being given away (I don't know
how they make the box for the price they charge, let alone put anything
in it) it is going to be a tough battle. 

Having said that, the Boom is clearly a quality product at a reasonable
price so perhaps there remains a growing market for audio only streaming



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Re: [slim] Any new toys coming out from SD

2009-04-17 Thread Andy8421

For what its worth, I think it Logitech are facing a number of
challenges on a number of fronts.  I am a big SD fan, (now up to 8 SD
boxes in the house), but I think their biz model is under some
pressure. SD's model is to charge for the box and give the software
away. So, for the SB controller, iPeng has completely changed the game.
Price comparable if you need to buy an iPod, a no brainer if you already
have one.

For the streaming media boxes, I would guess video is the next 'big
thing'. Have a look at the HDX box. At $219, it seems to be being given
away. HDMI 1.3 and full 1080p.

Slightly away from SD, but using using an iPod as a universal remote
puts you in Logitech harmony territory.

Dont think either are quite there yet (one seems to have stalled), but
clearly this will be a challenge for logitech going forward.

So what would I like? (and would buy tomorrow)

A streaming media box with the video capability of the HDX1080, and the
audio quality of a transporter.

A handheld remote to control it based upon the iPod touch

Outputs to drive IR flashers and an rs232 port so that the system could
be fully integrated with a home AV system.

If I am prepared to work at it, I could just about assemble my 'ideal
box' (ex the audio quality of the transporter) from separate components
currently available for less than the price of a transporter.

Interesting times in mountain view I would guess.   

Before you write off SD, I think there is nothing out there currently
to touch the Boom.  I now have 4. The DSP approach and resulting audio
quality is remarkable for a box with the form factor of the Boom. The
transporter is great in its own way, but will never be a volume product
at its current price point. I am however a huge fan of that as well.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-04-06 Thread Andy8421

Thanks all for the comments.  I am definitely not suggesting Pippin
butcher the iPeng, but I was thinking of a sister application for AV
remotes. As for why anyone should want such a thing - I have 8 remotes
in my AV room, one of which is always lost down the side of the sofa.

I think Iredtouch is not associated with the manufacturer of the
network resident IR driver that it works with, so I may try suggesting
to the software author that he looks as whether it would be possible to
use his user interface to work with a squeeze unit driving the IR leds. 
I guess it all depends on how much functionality is in the IR box.

In principle the harmony unit should do all of this, but my Wife has
given up on it as it is too complex to use, and crestron are out of my


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-04-04 Thread Andy8421

Pippin, Chris,

Having read your comments, I can see this is rather more involved than
I had appreciated.  I looked at Airremote and Iredtouch and they are
both pretty much what I was after - iPod multiple remotes - but both
involve buying relatively expensive hardware that sits on the network
and drives the IR leds to control the AV equipment.  I already have
that functionality in the squeeze products and they are already sitting
next to the devices I wish to control. So I had hoped that it would be a
'relatively' simple task to use the squeeze IRBlaster capability under
the control of iPeng to drive the AV equipment. 
Pippin, if you have a couple of minutes to have a look at the websites
for the two products mentioned, they do a good job of describing the
functionality I am looking for.

This does raise an interesting question for Logitech and other box
manufacturers who make their money by giving software away and charging
for the box. While some may disagree, the Squeeze Controller and
Logitech Harmony handheld remotes are not is the same league as the
iPod touch, either in form factor or usability. Harmony in the UK is
twice the price of an iPod touch, and is not without its issues. 
Whether Apple realised it at the time or not, they have produced a
multi purpose handheld controller that happens also to be an iPod. This
could be a game changer for Logitech and similar.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-04-03 Thread Andy8421


Slightly off topic, but have you looked at using the IR capabilities in
squeeze products to give iPeng control over other AV devices? To my
simple mind, it doesn't seem that much of a stretch.

I was wrestling with my Logitech harmony remote yesterday, which has a
beast of a touchscreen interface and thought that the iPeng / iPod type
application would be much better.  

Wouldn't involve any additional hardware except for the IR wand as I
think squeeze products (apart from duet?) can drive an IR LED

The concept of a single remote using an iPod touch that was wireless /
networked across all my AV equipment sounded very appealing.

Just a thought.


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Re: [slim] Boom and Duet popular on Ebay

2009-03-09 Thread Andy8421

I would suspect part of the demand on Ebay reflects European buyers who
are attempting to circumvent the differential pricing structure of
Logitech. Where the prices on Ebay higher than the price of a 'new in
the box with warranty' from Slimdevices in Europe?


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Re: [slim] Boom and Duet popular on Ebay

2009-03-09 Thread Andy8421

I wish it was different. I would agree that in many cases, products are
more expensive in Europe.  Many arguments as to why, expensive
distribution channels, higher employment costs, the list goes on and
on.  For the savvy European buyer, most of this can be circumvented by
buying from the US over the net.  Back in the days of Slim you could
buy from their US site, and ship to Europe.  Logitech have barred
European destinations from Slim on-line store and Europeans are now at
the mercy of a very flaky Logitech European distribution system and
sigificantly higher prices. To give a couple of examples, if I wish to
buy any Slim accessories I have to email customer service first because
I cant get them off the Slim site, and when the Boom was launched (in
spite of Boom's being 'stacked up in the backroom in mountain view') we
had to wait about a month while Booms filtered their way through a
distribution channel that was clearly more suited to wireless mice.   

So the service has gone down, and prices have gone up. We do have
better beer however.


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Re: [slim] SBC cradles now for sale...

2009-02-11 Thread Andy8421

For those of you in the UK looking for a UK adaptor plate to fit the
wall-wart supply, I was directed by another forum member to who sell adaptor plates that fit perfectly. 
Didn't cost much so I bought a handful.


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Re: [slim] SBC cradles now for sale...

2009-02-11 Thread Andy8421

mparry;395340 Wrote: 
 Yes the power supplies do require the power plate which is not
 we will ship accessories overseas.To find out how email us at
 we do not sell returned Transporters as new.They are used for
 tradeshows and other functions.

Ahh.  Just re-read the thread and came across this.  What we have here
(for us long suffering European residents) seems to be a chink in the
Logitech you have to use our decrepit European distribution system so
we can keep our differential pricing armour. It still peeves me when I
remember trying to get a boom when they first came out and was told that
'we have boxes full in our back room' in Mountain View and the UK
delivery at higher price was 4 weeks.  Just for grins, you should see
the places that Slim will ship to out of the US (have a look at the
drop down box on their website). I am not sure all of them are even
inhabited.  Pretty much everywhere in the world except Western Europe.

I may need to move.


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Re: [slim] Squeeze controller losing network connection

2008-04-14 Thread Andy8421


I would like to pick up on one of Denmennis's points about the number
of views vs. the number of posts (over 7000 views now).

It has been suggested elsewhere in the forums that the SBC contoller
problems are relatively isolated - the reason given that there are
relatively few users posting on the subject. I think it more likely
that having checked the site once or twice and having established that
the cause is being championed by a vocal few, most owners (myself
included) are happy enough to let someone else do the work and wait for
the fix.

I don't know (and wouldn't know how to establish) whether this forum
supports polls, but it may be useful for your software team to
establish what percentage of users are having SBC connection problems.

On behalf of the silent majority, I would like to thank all of the
posters who are continuing to bring these issues to Jim's attention,
and the professinal response of the slimdevices team in their



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