Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-14 Thread AndyC_772

There's more to it than that, though - every modern electronic device is
the result of a truly international effort, incorporating components and
sub-assemblies made all over the world. "Made", "assembled"... it's all
the same thing.

The Chinese "manufacturing" operation amounted to no more than sticking
components made all over the world onto boards. Looking at the big
picture, that particular part of the assembly process is no more or
less significant than the wafer fabrication (think Taiwan, Philippines,
Malaysia...), mining the raw materials or the final assembly and test,
wherever that may have been.

To qualify as 'made' in the USA, would you expect that the aluminium
ore had been mined there? Or that the plastics were derived from oil on
US territory? How about the tin in the solder?

Is there really something so special about where the electronic parts
were soldered to a PCB, as opposed to all the other manufacturing
processes involved in making a complete electronic device? Why?

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Re: [slim] How do you use your Squeezebox/Transporter?

2007-06-14 Thread AndyC_772

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Question: When you listen to music, do you connect to Slim Server or

- a) 100% of the time to Slimserver (on computer or NAS drive)
- b) 75% of the time on Slimserver / 25% on SqueezeNetwork
- c) 50% of the time on Slimserver / 50% on SqueezeNetwork
- d) 25% of the time on Slimserver / 75% on SqueezeNetwork
- e) 100 % of the time on SqueezeNetwork

Don't live365 stations tend to use mp3PRO, which the Squeezebox can't
really handle?

Anyway: I probably spend about 80% of the time listening to my own
music from a NAS drive. Typically I buy a few new CDs at a time, then
listen to them over and over until I'm fed up, then go out and buy some
more. So, I use the Browse>New Music feature all the time.

If I fancy a change, often I'll use random song mix instead - it breaks
up the monotony and can help me rediscover music I forgot I had - so it
sounds 'new' in some sense too.

The other 20% of the time it's a Shoutcast station. I keep its URL on
one of my favourites so it's always easy to tune in to. However, a few
weeks ago its URL changed, so my favourite stopped working - and I
assumed the station was off the air. It wasn't until I browsed the list
of available stations to find it again that I realised what had

So, it would be nice if the Squeezebox could store the name of the
station rather than just the URL, so it would have a chance of
retaining the link even if the server moves? Just a thought.

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-14 Thread AndyC_772

sixofone;208750 Wrote: 
> I’m sufficiently irked to register and post to this form for the first
> (and probably last) time.

There really is no need to be irked (IMHO). What Slim Devices have done
is absolutely the normal, accepted, legally correct way of labelling
their product - namely, to identify the country in which the _last_
major manufacturing operation took place. They have to apply this label
to comply with international import/export regulations, it's not
necessarily anything to do with national pride.

The individual components (chips, display, metalwork, PCB etc) are made
in factories all over the world, and that doesn't change depending on
whether they're all finally screwed together in the USA, China or
anywhere else. Stating ANY single country of origin for a complex
electronic device is therefore a bit of a misnomer - they are all the
result of a great deal of international co-operation. The fact that the
parts are soldered to the PCB in China really is a very small part of
the big picture.

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-13 Thread AndyC_772

Wasn't the Psion Wavefinder just a plug-in DAB radio for a PC? It always
struck me as a pretty pointless little gadget, one which would never be
able to overcome the fundamental problems that DAB coverage was poor
(especially with a tiny little indoor aerial), and that even with a
good signal its sound quality sucks. I doubt that DSG had much to do
with its failure.

Ron: I hear what you're saying, but it's a point of view that I
typically only hear from manufacturers, not one that I often hear from
companies which do the product design.

My own experience with Chinese manufacturing has been very positive.
Yes, they do try to substitute components, but I've always been given
the opportunity to check specifications properly first and to approve
or disallow them. Typically any changes are made for ease of
availability, rather than a cynical attempt to shave off a few pence
here and there, but as design engineer I can always insist that
specific components are used in critical positions where they matter.
It's certainly not something that the end user of the product should
have to worry about.

It's not just labour costs that are much reduced, but component prices
too - a Chinese factory making thousands upon thousands of products has
much greater buying power than a small company making batches of a few
hundred at a time, even on components that are unique to a low volume

Whilst I'd agree that cost savings aren't guaranteed, once a design is
stable and there's reasonable volume, they can be very substantial

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Re: [slim] FLAC Streaming

2007-06-11 Thread AndyC_772

Odd... it definitely should work. I listen to FLAC files on my SB3,
streamed wirelessly from my ReadyNAS NV+ all the time - it works a
treat. The only time I get dropouts is when I run an rsync backup of my
laptop's hard disc, which uses up both wireless bandwidth and ReadyNAS
CPU cycles.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-11 Thread AndyC_772

Agreed. If it were me, I'd be talking to John Lewis (a chain of
department stores that typically have good audio & video sections and,
in my experience, intelligent and well trained staff), and hi-fi chains
like Sevenoaks and Audio-T.


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-11 Thread AndyC_772

I disagree. TiVo can control Sky and Freeview boxes, and once they're
set up, the user doesn't even have to worry about the medium over which
any given channel is transmitted; they all appear in the same EPG and
the unit selects between sources automatically.

Freeview wasn't really an issue at the time anyway - cable and
satellite were the usual sources and it handles those just fine. In
fact, TiVo's ability to integrate with external video sources was just
one of the features that put it streets ahead of most other recorders
at the time.

I guess that goes to confirm my point - great product, shame just how
few potential customers realised quite what it could do.

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-11 Thread AndyC_772

JimC;207874 Wrote: 
> in the U.K., we will be featured in the "Digital Home" section in the
> largest UK electronics retailer.

Well, I wish you all the very best with that - but I'm pretty sure that
was one of the main reasons TiVo failed so completely over here. Like
the Squeezebox, it was one of those wonderful gadgets that has the
potential to really transform how we experience home entertainment. I
still have mine and love it - nothing else has come close.

BUT, it was sold through clueless retailers, who had no real idea what
it was, or why it was better than a VHS recorder at half the price or
less. In the store where I bought mine, the demo unit wasn't even
switched on. And if the store staff don't understand it, their chances
of explaining it to the even more clueless public are nil.

With that in mind, I think the Squeezebox will be a tough sell. It's
many times more expensive than many CD players, and it needs a computer
switched on all the time, and you have to rip all your CDs to a hard
disc and organise them somehow, and set up a network... convincing the
average joe that all that cost and effort is worthwhile certainly isn't
a job for the non-tech-savvy. If my experiences this week trying to buy
a new TV are anything to go by, that's what you're dealing with.

You know this already, of course - but please don't underestimate the
magnitude of the challenge ahead. They won't just fly off the shelves
like a cordless mouse... :(

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Re: Transporter. �Boom� at power on/off.

2007-05-21 Thread AndyC_772

Free Lunch;201230 Wrote: 
> I really think a high end device like the Transporter must control
> transient behavior on the outputs .  And if it can't be fixed
> in firmware/software than there should be a free hardware fix offered.

How would you feel if such a fix, which by definition must alter either
the analogue circuitry or the power supply, had an effect on sound

IMHO that's a trade-off that hi-fi designers must make. We all know
that simple designs with short signal paths are desirable for the best
quality; adding a soft-start/shutdown circuit is adding extra
complexity in critical circuits.

If you'll pardon the expression: There is no free lunch ;)

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Re: [slim] Speaker wires identical length?

2007-03-01 Thread AndyC_772

It's nothing to do with delay - the sound travels a lot faster along the
cable than it does from the speakers to your ears.

Keeping the lengths similar is to do with matching levels between left
and right. Provided your cable is thick enough not to attenuate the
signal significantly, I'd be surprised if you hear much difference.
Unless you have a perfectly symmetrical listening room, I'm sure there
will be greater differences between L and R than are due to any
mismatch in speaker cables.

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