Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-02 Thread Cape11

I agree with TerryS on this (noting PL's point about dither). I don't
think the evidence for the roughness of 16 bit CD sound is a subtle
audio point. Listen to any recording of a string quartet when they play
a quiet passage and the roughness of the sound is perfectly obvious. On
some recordings, where they have recorded at a rather lower level than
usual, the sound can be quite dreadful. A 'good' example of this is the
Caliope recordings of the Beethoven Quartets played by the Talisch. The
LPs sound fine - good, warm string tone; the CDs are so bad that you
might have difficulty identifying the source as a string quartet. So
I'm all for 24 bit delivered to the end user.

I'm also for higher sampling rates. One of the other failings of CD,
compared to LP, is the poor quality of transients. Without
over-sampling, CD delivers a frequency response flat to ~22 kHz and
then a cliff edge. Imagine the filter you'd design to achieve that, and
then consider the phase/frequency distortion that would occur. I doubt
over-sampling removes these phase artefacts.


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Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-02 Thread Cape11

Well, I simply speak as I find.

Loudspeakers: ATC SCM100 asl
Preamp: Chord CPA2800
DAC Chord DSC1500E
Deck SME20.2 with series 5 arm
Cartridge: Lyra.

(Expensive, yes, but then there's little reason to change the system,
and it's already done 15 years of good service).

Sample any part of the Talisch CDs esp. when quiet and it sounds rough
- opening of 131 will do. Go to the LPs and the sound is much better -
they really are string instruments!


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Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-02 Thread Cape11

Phil Leigh;614886 Wrote: 
 That whole filter thing is indeed history, thanks to oversampling which
 moves the filter way out of harms way...unless you think 384kHz and
 higher is still an issue?Well is it? Over sampling means there's no need for 
 an filter, but my
point was that the frequency response is shaped like a cliff edge, and
over-ssampling can do nothing to remedy that under-lying condition. I
remain concerned about possible phase distortion into the audio band
which would have a deleterious effect on the leading edge of percusiion
instruments. And that's what I miss on CD (the clink on the triangle
when first hit, attack of piano notes) but get on LP.

I would think 192 ksps would suffice, which is 'sort of' the sampling
equivalent of SACD. If all these effects have been nailed, why is there
almost universal agreement that SACD is better than CD?


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Re: [slim] 24-bit audio (new article)

2011-03-02 Thread Cape11

Well we're both arguing by repetition, so we'll have to agree to differ.


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Re: [slim] Now Playing screen for classical music

2010-09-21 Thread Cape11

It's good to see the Composer and other tags being used, and I will
make use of this - it has my vote. However, I'm only on 7.5.1 and I'll
not get to 7.6 until it becomes official.

The thing that really bugs me for classical music displays is the
lyrics tag. I loaded all the CD booklet information into the Lyrics tag
- this includes opera libretti. Now yes, you can see the Lyrics tag in
the LH column of SqueezeCenter player page, but only as a part-column
window; on a small screen (such as an eeePC) all you get is a miserly
three lines. Above that is the (useless) cover display and information
that can be seen on the RH column anyway. In days of yore, the lyrics
tag display could be a larger proportion of the left hand column.

Bring in a full column display of the lyrics column!

(By the way: I approve your choice of the Perahia Beethoven sonatas - a
superb CD!)


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Re: [slim] Showing CD Inserts (album notes)

2010-09-21 Thread Cape11

I've just made a suggestion to Co1 re the use of the Lyrics tag for
displaying the CD notes of classical CDs. gifs would be one route, but
another would be via text entries to the lyrics tag.

CD covers and booklet pictures are adequately handled by the present
artwork arranegemnts, I think.


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN from SB3

2009-06-16 Thread Cape11

I raised the issue about the apparent non-functioning of WoL in the
ReadyNAS PRO (well, of course, it does work!) and I received this link
about the operation of the Squeezebox products. This may prove useful:


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN from SB3

2009-06-16 Thread Cape11

I can't answer that. I don't use any mp3 files, sorry.

The font of knowledge that solved my PRO SC clean-up add-on and gave
the link I referenced above was usbethjim (same monica here and on
Netgear - hadn't realised). Perhaps he, or someone else, knows this


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Re: [slim] Wake On LAN from SB3

2009-06-15 Thread Cape11

I'm coming around to being perfectly happy with the way the SB3 handles
WoL. Gorman: what you desribe is exactly the same as I experience - I
think - perhaps I didn't make it clear.

It means I can be selective in the way I use my hi-fi and perhaps
alternate between SN and SC without any unecessary use of the NAS; the
NAS can be off and saving power for much longer with this way of

I've now programmed my Philips Pronto to 'push' the correct SB3 buttons
as and when required - now all I have to do is wait (im)patiently for
the NAS to start SC (60 S. There might be ways of improving this
operation as well if I give it a little more thought.

Looks like the Duet could do with a bug fix though - but I haven't got
one of those.


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[slim] Wake On LAN from SB3

2009-06-10 Thread Cape11

My NAS is a ReadyNAS PRO; it has Wake On LAN capability.

I first assumed that all I'd have to do to turn on the PRO remotely was
to turn on any SB.

But a SB doesn't appear to do this. On first power-up the SB makes its
network connection and then tries to connect to SC, but because the PRO
is off it makes no connection. However, if you wait until the SB has
failed to make the connection to a 'dead' PRO and then press the On/Off
button on the remote controller, the SB display says 'Wake up
SqueezeCenter' (or something like this - definitely with the word Wake
in the line) and the PRO starts up.

That's a perfectly acceptable way of operating - it means that if you
have a SB integrated into a hi-fi system where there are other sound
sources, the PRO doesn't start every time you turn the hi-fi on, but can
be arranged to turn on when you want it.

But is this feature mentioned an any manual anywhere, and have I
understood everything about this 'feature'?


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Re: [slim] Announcement: SqueezeCenter 7.1.0 Now Available

2008-08-06 Thread Cape11

Well my upgrade wasn't easy: I lost all connectivity to SC, couldn't
reload SC, so I was forced to load a new version of radiator, then SC

I'm not happy about the new treatment of the lyrics tab in the Default
interface. I use the lyrics tab to display (a) the notes for the CD,
and (b) the lyrics for the opera/oratorio/song track. Therefore, this
tab can be VERY long. In some cases, several hundred lines.

On my Asus eeePC I now get 4 lines of the lyrics tab!!! On the
LHS of the screen (when I expand the lyrics tab) I get the Artwork,
Artist, Genre, Composer tags repeated from the RHS (no new information
whatsoever) and all locked in place, together with another locked, very
clever, but useless, scrolling window for the four lines of the lyrics
tab. This is useless for viewing any poem or song lyrics even when
they're only four lines long. (It's not so bad on a large screen PC).

Utterly unacceptable - we need either (a) an option to remove the lock
on this window as we had before or (b) go back to what we had before.
I've searched the settings options, but I can't see that this is


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[slim] SqueezeCenter 7 problem - where to get support

2008-05-19 Thread Cape11

I'm running SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 on a ReadyNAS. The Classic and Fishbone
interface views work correctly, as they did on version 6.5.4, and with
noticeable improvements in speed and functionallity.

But the default view doesn't run properly at all. When it comes up I
get a menu on the LHS of the screen with five options: Music Library,
Music Services, Favorites, Extras, and one other option whose name
escapes me. None of these options behave as an active link to another
page: if I pass the mouse over them, they do not appear as an active
link, and nothing happens when I click on them.

The problem occurs when accessing SqueezeCenter via Internet Explorer 7
on a PC and with Mozilla Firefox on a Linux-based Asus.

Can anyone either (a) resolve the problem or (b) tell me the
appropriate place to raise this issue?


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter 7 problem - where to get support

2008-05-19 Thread Cape11

toby10;303301 Wrote: 
 Might help to disclose what hardware you are running as the SB3 and the
 SBC interact a little differently with the server.  Have you tried SD
 customer support yet?

Thanks for your reply.

I'm running this with two Squeezeboxes.

I haven't tried SD support - I presume you mean SlimDevices. Have they
actually built the version of SC7 for the Infrant/Netgear device?


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter 7 problem - where to get support

2008-05-19 Thread Cape11

mherger;303305 Wrote: 
  But the default view doesn't run properly at all. When it comes up I
  get a menu on the LHS of the screen with five options: Music
  Music Services, Favorites, Extras, and one other option whose name
  escapes me. None of these options behave as an active link to
  page: if I pass the mouse over them, they do not appear as an active
  link, and nothing happens when I click on them.
 Make sure your browser has JavaScript enabled. Do you see any error in
 the browser's error console?
I'm not sure how to do this but when I check the Sun Java Console it
lists Java Plug-in 1.6.0_05.

I don't get any errors when I click on the 'inert' choices.

I should have pointed out that there are some active links on the
failed DEFAULT view, one of which, fortunately, takes me to the set-up
page and allows me thus to return to the CLASSIC interface, which


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Re: [slim] New NAS devices by Netgear (Infrant)

2008-02-12 Thread Cape11

I don't use the SB as an access tool, but use an eeePC. 

My previous comments re speed apply to this method. 

When I get time I'll trial my Cripped collection (300 gBytes) on
another platform c.f. the Infrant (Netgear) NAS and report.

But for now the system runs faster than my finger/decision making


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Re: [slim] New NAS devices by Netgear (Infrant)

2008-02-08 Thread Cape11

I have a Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ and I've got nearly 1,000 CDs loaded onto

I realy don't understand the comments about slowness.

I trialled Slimserver on my PC before embarking on the large store
concept, and that was no quicker.

The NAS is quite capable of streaming to two squeezeboxes (different
streams), performing a backup to an attached USB disc, and accepting
new ripped files in an uplift from my scanning PC ALL AT THE SAME TIMER
with no stuttering.

The one time that it's a bit slow is if the NAS has run down its discs
(30 minutes idleness) and I then require Slimserver to start; but I can
live with that.


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Re: [slim] Suggested modification to Fishbone Skin

2007-11-14 Thread Cape11

snarlydwarf;242470 Wrote: 
 Click on the track name on the right hand pane, that will bring up the
 Song Info on the left hand pane, which will have all the usual info
 including lyrics.Yes, that works! Problem solved! Many thanks again for your 
 help and


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Re: [slim] Suggested modification to Fishbone Skin

2007-11-13 Thread Cape11

snarlydwarf;242209 Wrote: 
 Why not just use the LYRICS tag, which works fine?
 (USLT on mp3, but LYRICS on Flac...)
Snarlydwarf: thanks for the reply. Can you explain what you mean
please? I've tried to find references to LYRICS in the slimserver
documentation and help files but with no success.


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Re: [slim] Suggested modification to Fishbone Skin

2007-11-13 Thread Cape11

SnarlyDwarf: ah yes, I think I begin to see your point. I've just
downloaded TagRename (3.3.5) on trial and I can now see the Lyrics
tag. And yes, it's very useful, especially as this tag remains 'fixed'
to the main flac file. That's certainly half the problem solved. Now
all I need is a Slimserver skin that allows you to show the Lyric tag.


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Re: [slim] Suggested modification to Fishbone Skin

2007-11-13 Thread Cape11

snarlydwarf;242422 Wrote: 
 Fishbone and Default do.
 You can even use Advanced Search to search lyrics.

Yes, you're right, the advanced search allows you to search the lyrics
files, which is very useful. And Fishbone allows me to display artwork
on a track by track basis. But how, when I'm playing a 'CD' can I get
Fishbone to display the lyrics track by track? I'm stuck on that.


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[slim] Suggested modification to Fishbone Skin

2007-11-12 Thread Cape11

The Fishbone skin allows the display of a second graphic image, on a
song-by-song basis, in the Squeezebox status window; this image is
stipulated to be no larger than 100 by 100 pixels. Because of this size
restriction, the image is of limited use. I would like to suggest a much
more useful approach, but this will require a new, or modified Fishbone,
I listen to classical music, which will include opera and vocal
recitals. There are thus words accompanying the music, and these are
usually given in the accompanying CD booklet. I have no doubt that a
similar situation occurs with other types of music. I’d like to be able
to display the words for each individual track/song as the second
graphic image. This can be done quite easily in Fishbone, but the size
and resolution make the images impossible to read. So: can we have
larger images? And then again, why display an image? What is needed is
a display of text. So why not allow the presentation of .txt files as
the second image?


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