Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread Ed C


I used a port query tool from "our friends" at Microsoft. It's called
PortQryUI. The download is at:

Ed C

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-17 Thread Ed C


That's a similar problem to what I'm having: I can open SlimServer from
my office, I can play an mp3 stream through Windows Media Player, but I
can't get SoftSqueeze to connect. I haven't solved mine SoftSqueeze
problem yet, so I don't have any advice for you.

If I solve mine, I'll be sure to post it. Perhaps that will help.


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-22 Thread Ed C

Thanks Mark. I just read your post today, and, coincidentally, I was
"playing" with PuTTy earlier. Unfortunately, I don't have port 22
forwarded on my router at home and, a related issue, I haven't been
able to get remote admin to my router. My office firewall is probably
preventing communication with that port also. I'll forward port 22
tonight, and see if PuTTy can enable SoftSqueeze.

I may have another way around. Last night, I forwarded every port
between 2000 and 65534 (I did limit access to my office PC's IP
address!). This morning, a port scan of my home PC from my office shows
port 3389 and port 9000 as "open". I think I can use my router's
"virtual server" functionality to route a WAN connection to 3389 to LAN
port 3483. There's a setting in SoftSqueeze to tell it what port is the
slimproto port. If I set that to 3389, maybe that will give SoftSqueeze
the access that it needs to 3483.

I do like the idea of using SSH, then I can eliminate the access
controls. I need to learn a lot more about PuTTY and SSH, though. I
don't even understand how I can forward port 22 and not give the world
SSH access to my PC. (To someone who understands SSH, that question is
probably nonsensical.)


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-23 Thread Ed C

Success! Thanks everyone. Biting the SSH bullet did the trick (Thanks
Mark!). Setting-up OpenSSH was an act of "blind faith" (There's an
album that I should buy!) Typing Unix commands without bothering to
learn what they do was unsettling. It was also important to port
forward 9000 on my router so that I could then get into SlimServer to
limit the audio stream rate while SoftSqueeze was connected. (I wonder
whether I can get to port 9000 through the SSH tunnel? I'm sure I can,
now to go learn how.

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-23 Thread Ed C

I can try:

This thread was somewhat helpful:

and this one was even more so:

This web page was helpful in setting-up OpenSSH:

In the step entitled, "Configuring The passwd And group Files", I had
to change the command "cd c:program fileopensshbin" to "cd c:\program

When you execute the "mkpasswd -1 -u tunnel >> ..etcpasswd" command
that you replace the word "tunnel" with the name of a password
protected local machine user.

By the way, my previous comment about forwarding port 9000 can be
ignored. There's a button in the upper left of SoftSqueeze that opens
SlimServer through the SSH.


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Re: [slim] IP Address change in Softsqueeze

2008-01-23 Thread Ed C

I know this is an old thread, but for future reference: I found the
settings in the registry under:


When I changed them there, they changed the next time that I opened


Ed C

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[slim] Fileshare Problem with SqueezeCenter v7.0

2008-04-06 Thread Ed C

OS is Windows XP SP2. When I set SqueezeCenter to "start when I logon"
it can see my network storage drive where my music is stored. When I
set it to "start automatically when the computer starts" using the very
same username and password that I use to logon, it can't "see" the
network based storage.

SlimServer 6.5 needed UNC paths to work and I've tried that with
Squeezecenter 7.0, but it reports that it's not a valid path.

Thanks in advance. (I'm glad I saved the install for SlimServer 6.5. I
may need to backdate!)

(Yes, I've searched the forums and read most of the posts about using
IP addresses and UNC paths. None of that worked.)


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Fileshare Problem with SqueezeCenter v7.0

2008-04-07 Thread Ed C

Thanks Michael.

When I look at the SC properties in the Services application, the "Log
On" tab shows "This account:" selected, but it shows the account name
as ".\Ed" whereas my actual log on name is just "Ed". Also, while the
password is shown as a string of ".", there are more of them than my
password length. After testing SC and verifying that it couldn't find
my network drive, I went into the Services app and manually entered my
correct account name and password and then restarted the service. SC
still wouldn't recognize my network drive. I went back into the
Services app, and the account name had reverted back to ".\Ed" and the
password length again looked wrong.

I couldn't upload the complete log file - it's 167KB and the forum
tells me that there's a 19 KB limit. I trimmed it from the top until it
met the limit.


|Filename: server.txt   |

Ed C

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Re: [slim] Fileshare Problem with SqueezeCenter v7.0

2008-04-08 Thread Ed C

Thanks Michael. Yes, both "os.files" and "os.paths" were, and still are,
set to "debug".


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Fileshare Problem with SqueezeCenter v7.0

2008-04-19 Thread Ed C

Just to close this out and for future reference if anyone else ever runs
into this problem:

I just set my HP MediaVault network based storage to allow FTP "read
only" access and SC 7.0 can now access the music directory when running
as a service. I didn't have any logical reason to try turning-on FTP
access, just frustrated and willing to try anything. It - the
MediaVault volumes - were already set to allow read-write access for
"network computers" using CIFS and NFS, and to allow "read only" web
browser access. I never would have suspected that SC 7.0 would need FTP
access to access the drive when running as a service.


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[slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-11 Thread Ed C

I'd like to thank everyone whose posted in the past regarding how to
set-up remote access to SlimServer. Thanks to that wealth of
information, I was able to successfully access SlimServer remotely and
listen to the stream through Windows Media Player with the URL
http://:9000/stream.mp3 (In fact, I'm listening to it as
I write.)

What I haven't been able to do is get SoftSqueeze to work. When I
launch SoftSqueeze from the SlimServer window, it does launch, but
never gets past the "Please wait. Connecting to Slim Server." message.
I've spent a lot of effort scouring the forums, the FAQ, and the Wiki
looking for an answer, but so far, no luck. Any suggestions would be
appreciated. I think SoftSqueeze would be the better interface since it
could control the SlimServer directly instead of controlling the stream
with SlimServer in one window and listening to it through a separate
mp3 application.


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-11 Thread Ed C

Thanks. A "Shields-Up" probe tells me that 3483 is open. I only have it
set-up as a TCP port; perhaps I need to open it for UDP also?

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-14 Thread Ed C

Thanks aldente295, but my softsqueeze instance "Slimserver host" setting
is pointing to my home PC's IP address.

I have this nagging feeling that I'm missing something so blatantly
obvious that I'll feel idiotic when it finally becomes clear!


Ed C

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Re: [slim] Soft Squeeze Won't Connect Remotely to SlimServer

2008-01-16 Thread Ed C

Thanks Mark!

Both port 9000 and 3483 are forwarded. I learned some more last night.
This may have something to do with my work PC which is on a really
large company's network behind their firewall. I had an old Win95
notebook at home that I connected by dial-up to the internet. I
confirmed that it was at a different IP than my router's WAN IP. Then I
used a port query program to check the ports on my router. Since I had
access control turned-on, the port query showed them all as "closed".
Then I added the Win95 machine's IP address to the router's "allowed"
list and port query showed 3483 and 9000 as "listening". I brought-up
Slimserver on the "remote" machine with no problem. I couldn't test
SoftSqueeze because it requires Java 1.4 but Win95 won't run Java 1.4.
That said, the IP address of my work machine is also in my router's
"allowed" list. This morning, a port query of my home router from work
shows port 9000 as "listening" but shows port 3483 as "not listening".
I need to get a modern machine, outside my company's firewall, and see
if SoftSqueeze works.

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