Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-11-17 Thread InTheBath

Sorry this took so long, but I don't update my Logitech service much
these days as it is a bedrock of my listening pleasure!

Have installed the 16/11/18 version of 7.9.2, fiddled with the volume on
the synced and non-synced players. Neither group affected the other. All
seems right with the world!

I'm amazed that this got addressed at all, let alone that it was done so
quickly and efficiently. Many thanks.

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Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-11-05 Thread InTheBath

I'd like to help.
I'll have to install the latest build, I guess.

I looked here:
but couldn't see a relevant comment in the changelog. Is that the right

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Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-05-06 Thread InTheBath

Thanks Phillipe.

If I'm reading your message correctly, number 1 possibly sounds like an
enhancement. Number 2 though, I'd be surprised if anybody called less
than a bug. Player has an attribute of "don't sync volume", changing
volume of that player changes volume of other players. It is at least
partially synced, surely.

Thanks again for looking at this,


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Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-05-05 Thread InTheBath

Bug 18165 raised.

Thanks for your help everyone.

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Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-05-04 Thread InTheBath

Thanks Jeff for helping with this.

Certainly looks like a bug and I hope the text of this thread is enough
to allow anybody to replicate it.

Next question is how I report it. Never needed to do this before. Any
help on this, anybody?


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Re: [slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-04-30 Thread InTheBath

JeffHart wrote: 
> Just gave this a try - synced 3 Receivers and the Boom, set 2 Receivers
> and Boom to sync volume, leaving 1 Receiver at don’t sync volume. 
> When I change the volume on any player, every player that is set to sync
> volume does.  If I change the volume on any player other than the one
> set at don’t sync, only the ones set to sync actually sync.  I’m running
> 7.9.2, but if 7.9.1 works the same, you may need to readjust the volume
> on the Duet and Boom anytime you change the volume on the Classic, but
> the Classic won’t change when you change the Duet and Boom.

Thanks for doing this. I've read what you said carefully and have done
some more investigation.

When I adjust the volume on the Duet or Boom, they both change. The
Classic doesn't change volume. That's as expected.

When I adjust the volume on the Classic, all three players change
volume. That doesn't sound right although, reading your message, it
might not be the case you tried?

If you still have the players set up, I'd love to hear what happens when
you change the volume on the unsync'ed player.

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[slim] Syncing volume on some players but not others.

2018-04-29 Thread InTheBath

I have three players. A Duet and a Boom in one room and a Classic in the
study. They are synced to all play the same and it works fine.

However, I'd like to have the volume synced on the Duet and Boom but
control the Classic separately. Is that even possible?

It looks like it should be. Under the sync settings I have two of them
set to "sync volume" and the Classic set to "don't sync volume". However
(even after a restart of the service) the settings persist, but changing
the volume on any of the players changes all three. Perhaps this isn't
really a "by player" setting but is instead "by zone"? Looks like the
former in the UI, but seems to work like the latter on my system.

I'd appreciate any help (or somebody doing a test to see if they can
achieve what I'm trying to do).

I'm running Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.1 - 1494667952 so if
there's been a recent change in this area, then it may be fixed. I'm an
infrequent upgrader of the server since my system is pretty rock solid
at the moment and does everything I need (apart from the above!).


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Re: [slim] Ridiculously pleased - big thanks to Michael H & SqueezeBox community

2018-04-29 Thread InTheBath

This forum was a lifeline from me when I ditched my Netgear MP101 and
went the Squeezebox route. It wasn't always a smooth journey but I could
rely on getting help here (even when the problems were my own stupid

I'm back today to ask a question, but its only the second time since
November 2015. That's because my Classic, Duet and Boom all continue to
do sterling service and I spend my time listening to music rather than
tinkering with the setup.

Thank you to everybody that has made this forum a key part of using
these players successfully. Long may they continue!


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Re: [slim] 02 Joggler 50 quid again

2013-04-28 Thread InTheBath

I know it's an old, old thread - but for anybody using a joggler:

I've installed Linux Mint and it's a very pleasant experience.
Easier to set up than Ubuntu - although lots in the image files that can
be uninstalled if you just want a tiny LMS server.


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Re: [slim] How can I have albums sorted chronologically?

2011-12-15 Thread InTheBath

I wanted this for a while and a problem with compilation albums (I tag
each songs original release year) meant that it didn't work
I bit the bullet and entered an ALBUMSORT tag which means everything is
chronological within each artist, exactly as I wanted and I think as you

My albumsort tag was firstly made by copying the YEAR tags from track 1
of the non-VA albums and the highest value from the Various Artist
albums. I then went through and updated the oddities - mostly from
people who released two albums a year. I went for 2011a and 2011b for



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Re: [slim] Wireless DJ mating with Squeezeboxes?

2011-10-11 Thread InTheBath

I figured as much.
I'm sure I'll find a suitable home for it.



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[slim] Wireless DJ mating with Squeezeboxes?

2011-10-11 Thread InTheBath

Anybody have one of these or used to have one?
I've got one turning up and was wondering if I could integrate it with
my Classic/Duet network? If not, I'll have to find a good home for it.


PS: Did search but only found general info on the DJ system and a
German post that didn't translate well.


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Re: [slim] 02 Joggler 50 quid again

2011-08-24 Thread InTheBath

Hope somebody is still looking at this aged thread...

I have squeezeserver running on a Joggler using release 9.10 (karmic)
This is quite old and updates don't work for anything but squeezeserver
(which ironically I've got no reason to update).

Has anybody successfully updated to a newer version of Ubuntu on this
hardware? I know practically nothing about Linux (the original install
was all done using Stephen Ford's disk image and instructions.



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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-08 Thread InTheBath

Thank goodness for a post slightly down on SB that hasn't descended into
I am playing poker and drinking Talisker, so I apologise now if any of
the following is disjointed etc.

I think it is fairly well documented [citation needed] that VHS won
when the porn industry started releasing very little on Betamax format.
Perhaps a salutory lesson for Logitech - they keep trying to get in bed
with Napster and Spotify. They need to be trying to get in bed with
Cathy Barry (you can Google her - I went to school with her).

I struggled with a Netgear MP101 and enjoyed the results. I've
struggled with my Logitech stuff but again enjoyed the results. I think
there's a lot of stuff released now that falls well short of being ready
for release. If my Mum bought a washing machine and found that it didn't
complete a couple of the cycles occasionally until it had it's firmware
updated, she'd be bamboozled. Yet that's exactly what happened when she
went into a high street shop and laid down her cash for a new video
recorder (she walked out with a PVR). Some people and some products
expect plug and play. I doubt there's anything that really realises
this dream for music streaming (Philips Streamium looked good to me -
whatever happened to them?). I've always plugged in a TV and it's
worked, same for a CD player and same for an amp. And I've never bought
a cassette deck that, after setting up, I needed to consult the internet
to get it working properly (in fact, for most of these products, I never
had to look at the instruction manual). At the moment, streaming music
through the house demands "know how" and if you can't be bothered then
you return your purchase to the store.

Have just read the post that states the Duet was a pup. For me it's the
best fit of the SB products. I want a good controller (and the SB
Controller always has that quality factor with anybody who picks it up)
and the audio nuggets can go off and hide in a corner. My audio
equipment is not on a nice rack in full display. It's hidden away from
sight to stop my front room looking like a branch of Currys. I have one
receiver in the kitchen hidden in the coping of a kitchen cabinet, the
receivers are that slender. Lovely. When receivers are cheap on ebay,
I'll be bidding on a few.

In summary, the best product doesn't always win the day. And don't
always go for your AJ, even when they're suited.

Goodnight from Bath.


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Re: [slim] 02 Joggler 50 quid again

2010-06-07 Thread InTheBath

Thought I'd just record that I've got SqueezeCentre running on my
Joggler and it seems pretty stable so far.

I'm booting off a 4Gb pen drive containing the 1.3a Ubuntu Netbook
Remix. Downloaded v7.5 of SqueezeCentre and also attached a 500Gb
powered hard drive with all my music on.

It's attached to a Receiver, so I've not bothered installing a player
on it.

Photos (not that there's much to see) at




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Re: [slim] Why can't I play every song from 1984...

2010-05-17 Thread InTheBath

DigitalMitch;548339 Wrote: 
> InTheBath,
> I'm no expert on CustomBrowse, but it provided Years as 'standard' and
> that worked for me.
> I'm sure I read some previous debate on the potential interpretations
> of year which I think is this
> suggest you read and comment/vote
> If you are date focussed, you may want to look at this as well, if
> you've the stomach for lots of history!
> M

Thanks for that. I've had a skim through.

Not going to get fixed, is it...



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Re: [slim] Why can't I play every song from 1984...

2010-05-17 Thread InTheBath

DigitalMitch;548187 Wrote: 
> I'm not at home to confirm, so I'm doing this from recall. 
> I went through the exercise of tagging individual tracks in
> compilations with the correct year, using MP3Tag on FLAC files, and
> still couldn't get correct 'by year' behaviour. I think (but it was
> several months ago) that the SBS treated all of an album as being by
> one (the earliest?) date.
> The solution I found was then to use the CustomeBrowse plug-in which
> did give the correct behaviour.
> InTheBath, suggest you check tags using something like MP3Tag and if
> they are okay and behaviour still doesn't suit you, then try
> CustomBrowse.
> Mitch

So many of my queries seem to come down to using this plug-in. I've
tried it briefly, but I'll have to take a proper look.

Thanks for the help - is there a bug raised for this, or should I do



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Re: [slim] Why can't I play every song from 1984...

2010-05-17 Thread InTheBath

pski;548063 Wrote: 
> "Year" is a "list like" entry. If you have compilations that have
> multiple years, your tagging software has no idea of which year to
> assign to each track in the "compilation."
> Hence: each song gets all years in the compilation.
> The fault is your tagging program.

I don't really understand this, I'm afraid. Each of my tracks has one
and only one year, but they are different across an album - mostly
compilation albums but also CDs with bonus tracks. Most of the tracks
will have the year of the CDs release, but the bonus tracks may be
earlier singles or songs that haven't seen the light of day until now.

I use mp3tag and JRiver Media Center (mostly the former) and they both
know which year to give each track because I tell them. Every track is
listed in a grid and I type in the years I want on a track by track

pski;548063 Wrote: 
> The answer to your question is that SBS CAN PLAY ALL OF 1984 but if your
> music "thinks" it's from 1984...
> P

Excellent. I suppose my question should have been -how- do I play
-only- the tracks from 1984. I'm still stumped.



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Re: [slim] 02 Joggler 50 quid again

2010-05-16 Thread InTheBath

This looks great. Mines on order. I've been looking for an ethernet
enabled photoframe for a while so being a Squeezecontrol is a great

Now I need to get a 4GB usb stick.



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[slim] Why can't I play every song from 1984...

2010-05-16 Thread InTheBath

(...or at least every song from 1984 that is in my library.)

If I browse to Years and then press play when 1984 is selected, I get
every track that is tagged as 1984 and every song that is on a
compilation that has a track from 1984.

Or at least, I think that's what is happening. All my tracks have year
tags (or maybe date tags). I picked a year to play just now and all the
tracks from "Queen Rocks"* were playlisted. But they're from a variety
of different years.

Does anybody use the Year option to play music?


*I won it in a competition, alright.


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Re: [slim] How do I prevent compilations from appearing under an artist ?

2009-01-30 Thread InTheBath

Philip Meyer;390788 Wrote: 
> >I have tags set as follows:
> >ARTIST=Britney Spears
> >COMPOSER=Johnny Cash
> >
> >So going to Johnny Cash and browsing the tree, you never see the
> >Britney track. But if you browse to Johnny cash and PLAY ALL, you get
> >all the JC tracks plus the Britney track.
> >
> This is not what I see.  I have an album Rocks The West by California
> Guitar Trio, on which one track has COMPOSER=Ludwig Van Beethoven.
> If I go to Browse Artists > Ludwig Van Beethoven, I see albums by
> Ludwig Van Beethoven, and also Rocks The West.  If I hit play on the
> Ludwig Van Beethoven, it plays what I see when I browse to that
> artist.

So there's no way to play all the tracks that have the Artist set as
LvB without also playing the tracks that have Composer=LvB.
Philip Meyer;390788 Wrote: 
> >This is expected behaviour apparently.
> >
> I would disagree with that.
Well this is what Logitech support told me after a techie had looked at
the code.
Philip Meyer;390788 Wrote: 
> I agree with you - it's wrong!
Logically it's wrong. I'm told this is what the code was written to
Philip Meyer;390788 Wrote: 
> Is there a bug report for this, that I can add a comment to and vote
> for?
Yes. Yer tiz:


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Re: [slim] How do I prevent compilations from appearing under an artist ?

2009-01-29 Thread InTheBath

Just replying to your last point.

I have tags set as follows:
ARTIST=Britney Spears
COMPOSER=Johnny Cash

So going to Johnny Cash and browsing the tree, you never see the
Britney track. But if you browse to Johnny cash and PLAY ALL, you get
all the JC tracks plus the Britney track.

This is expected behaviour apparently.


I've got Composer set for all a couple of my tracks. I use it to set up
some dynamic playlists (Bowie covers for example: Artist<>Bowie +


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Re: [slim] How do I prevent compilations from appearing under an artist ?

2009-01-28 Thread InTheBath

I tried to tidy this up as well before realising that there was no way
to limit the Artists list to only their complete albums.

If I want to play all Johnny Cash albums, I can't just go to Johnny
Cash and press play* as I get all the odd tracks that he appears on
from other albums. It just is that way.

(Note that you also play every track that Johnny Cash wrote even though
he doesn't appear on it. So if you scroll to Johnny Cash and press play,
you also get to hear Britney Spear's cover of "Ring of Fire". That bug
is here )

To play all JC albums, I think I have to either set up a playlist (I'm
not going to do that for each artist) or scroll to each album and press
+ to add it to the Now Playing list.


* Surely this is what the "shuffle by album" setting is for. In what
context can people use this setting?


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Re: [slim] Composer wrongly picked up in Artist menu?

2009-01-20 Thread InTheBath

Just thought I'd reply to my own post for the sake of anybody finding
this thread as part of a search.

It's been narrowed down and is a bug. It's on the bugs database here:



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Re: [slim] Composer wrongly picked up in Artist menu?

2008-10-16 Thread InTheBath

Thanks for the response. I thought you might be right as I've tried just
about every option to get my compilations to work as I'd like.

I've just looked though, and I've got:
None of the three checkboxes (Composer, Conductor, Band) checked.
On the three other categories, I've chosen:
- Group compilation albums together
- List albums by band
- Treat TPE2 as Album Artist

Does that sound correct? It is still my biggest problem with the SB. I
simply cannot remove the guest artists from my artist list. (Not that
that is the main issue here.)



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Re: [slim] Composer wrongly picked up in Artist menu?

2008-10-14 Thread InTheBath

I've noticed this happens on Years too. If I go to 1969 then the files
played seem to be all those with an Album Year of 1969 (I've forgotten
how Logitech work out the album year, I have all the seperate tracks

Annoyingly, this means that remixes from old albums are played in the
wrong year (a 2005 dance mix of a track from a 1969 album would be
played as 1969). Also, compilation albums are often wrong unless all
the tracks are from the same year.

Does anybody use these levels (Artist, Year, Genre) to play a lot of
their music? I won't be able to use it at the moment due to these



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[slim] Composer wrongly picked up in Artist menu?

2008-10-12 Thread InTheBath

I just browsed to David Bowie on my artists menu and, with the SB on
shuffle, pressed play. "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop started playing.

I figured I'd got a tagging problem so checked the tags on the SB menu
(by scrolling right in Now Playing. Everything looked fine. Album
Artist was Various Artists, Artist was Iggy Pop. Composers were Iggy
Pop and David Bowie. I'm guessing this isn't right but am puzzled as I
don't see the same behaviour in the web interface.

Anybody able to confirm (or deny) that this happens?


(SB3, XP, WMA)


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[slim] Comodo Firewall: Correct settings

2008-06-29 Thread InTheBath

I've got SC7.0 playing nice with my SB3 through Comodo's free firewall.
However, I suspect I've opened up more things than I need to.

I could just close things down until it stopped working but I thought
(based on recent experiences) somebody might have an idea already of
what is needed and that would save me a load of time.

In the "Application Monitor" section I have the following set to
1-4 *mysqld* for any port and any destination called by either
services.exe or squeezecentre.exe and for TCP/UDP In/Out.
5 *scanner.exe* for any port and any destination called by
squeezecentre.exe for TCP/UDP Out.
6-7 *squeezecentre.exe* for any port and any destination called by
squeezetray.exe for TCP/UDP In/Out.
8 *squeezetray.exe* for any port and any destination called by
explorer.exe for TCP/UDP Out.

In the "Network Monitor" section I have set the following to "Allow"
(note that all items on the network have static IP addresses:
1 TCP/UDP In/Out from SB IP to PC IP, any source port, any destination
2 Ditto, but from PC IP to SB IP.
3-4 IP In/Out from IP in my network (including SB) to any destination,
any port, any protocol.
5 TCP/UDP In/Out from any source to any destination where destination
port is in 3483,9000,9090.
6 Ditto , but where source port is in 3483,9000,9090.

As you can see there's a whole stack of stuff and I suspect I have
overlaps and a lot of redundancy. Anybody more technical than me (not
hard) able to make sense of this mish-mash?

Many thanks for any help.



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