Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-13 Thread JeremyPayne

The NAS has no security setup ... and a different XP box was accessing
it with slimserver just fine.

But I tried that anyway.  I tried to set Slimserver to run as a Network
service and also under my account.  

When I set it as a network service, it started to startup and then
would stop.

When I set it to run under my account it totally failed to start.


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

Installing 6.3.1 had the exact same results.

Something is really wrong.


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

... I've tried both ways.

With iTunes - and there the problem is that it scans and comes back

Without iTunes/Direct Scan - there the problem is that it won't accept
the network path as valid.

I'm gonna try and install an older version of slimserver ... 6.3 or


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

What's even weirder is that it won't read the iTunes XML file anymore

I'd be happy to let iTunes do the scanning and then just read the
results, but it comes back with zero results.


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

I can access the Infrant using windows.

I can get there using the mapped drive or by opening the UNC path with
start/run and poke around no problem.

Even weirder ... if I declare a folder on C: to be the music folder and
put a shortcut to a file on the network drive, that gets read and put in
the library.  When I go look into the detailed info on such a file from
within Slim web interface, it tells me it is located on the network and
uses the drive letter to describe it.

The Infrant has no permissioning set.  There is no user accounts or
passwords on that volume at all.

Other instances of slimserver on the network - both XP and Vista and
Mac have all successfully gotten to the NAS.

This XP box used to be able to get there ... until the upgrade to
6.5.2.  The valid addresses were still in there from before the upgrade
... it was the first rescan after the upgrade that started the problems


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

I've tried everything ...

** Drive letters
** //name
** \\name
** //IP
** \\IP

I tried allowing the service to interact with the desktop.

I'm stumped.


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

New value for Music Folder rejected:

Oops - "// The Music In One Place"
doesn't seem to be a valid directory. Try again.

Oh well.


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

So ... if I state that the music folder is a folder on my C: drive, that
is acceptable as a valid directory.

If I put real files in there, it works and brings them into the library
... but that's no good as there is only 10GB free on the laptop.

If I put a shortcut to a file on the network drive into that folder,
that also works ... but making and maintaining 15K shortcuts seems

Guess I'm talking to myself ...


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Re: [slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

Un-installed everything ... iTunes, QT, Slimserver ... deleted all
directories ... deleted all registry keys related to all three ...
un-mapped all network drives ... 

Started over.  Reinstalled slim first ... 6.5.3

Still refuses to recognize any directory as valid.  Tried mapped drive.
Tried UNC path with both IP address and server name ... no luck. 

All I get is "Oops ... invalid directory".

Next tried iTunes.  Rebuilt new library using UNC path and IP address
successfully in iTunes.  I point Slimserver at the new iTunes library. 
Scans and returns 0 albums.



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[slim] Invalid Directory and other weirdness

2007-07-12 Thread JeremyPayne

I'm having all kinds of weird problems.  Any insight or suggestions
would be most appreciated.

There are a couple issues here, but they are all related ...

I just bought an Infrant ReadyNAS NV+.  I have a library of about
15,000 files - mostly mp3 and m4a - that takes up about 120GB of space.
The library is "owned" by an instance of iTunes running on a G4
Powerbook.  I use iTunes on the Mac to manage the addition of new music
to the file directory, to maintain the meta data and manage iPods.

Initially, I had thought I would run the embedded Slimserver on the
ReadyNAS NV+ ... which I tried, but the menus were very sluggish and
the lag to start up each track was painful.  Rescans - which I do
frequently to reflect changes made to the file directory by the Mac -
were also painfully slow.

I decided to use a spare XP machine (older thinkpad with 1GB of memory
and a 1.8 GHZ Pentium M) as the slimserver ... connected to the same GB
switch as the NAS.

Problem 1 ... I updated the slimserver on the XP laptop to version
6.5.2 ... it had an older slimserver version installed that had
previously scanned the network drives successfully, but was not being
used.  Slimserver had been set to scan the NAS directly via a mapped
network drive.  Following the update to 6.5.2, the first rescan after
the update failed and threw an error that started "Oops, that directory
is invalid."  Since then, every instance of slimserver put on that
machine refuses to accept any directory paths as valid that start with
a drive letter.

Problem 2 ... so ...  I decided to try and install iTunes on the laptop
... which went just fine.  I scanned my files over the network (which -
BTW - iTunes seemed to do MUCH faster than slimserver) and created a
new iTunes library to which I successfully pointed the slimserver.

It was all working great.  In fact, following the successful
integration of the new iTunes library into slimserver, slimserver then
even accepted my directory path for my playlists.

I should have quit ... but I didn't.

Because I wanted the slim library to reflect any changes to the file
directory made daily, I needed a way to keep this new iTunes instance
in sync with the directory ... I downloaded an app called iTunes
Library Updater.exe ( ... I tested it
out on a different instance of itunes on a different machine  using the
same file directory ... successfully.  So I tried it out on the new
instance of iTunes on the XP Laptop.  It ran successfully, but at the
end, it failed to save the iTunes library due to what looked like a
memory error.  I checked my system settings, and I had the memory set
to prioritize system cache over programs.  I had switched this because
I thought it would help the slimserver performance on that box. 
Perhaps a mistake ... but I switched back to programs and iTunes was
happy again and successfully saved its library.

BUT ... now Slimserver doesn't pick up anything when it scans the
iTunes library.

So now I am at a total loss ... the slimserver refuses to recognize any
directories as valid and when it scans the iTunes library it comes back
with zero songs found ... 

Any suggestions or assistance would be most appreciated!


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