[slim] Any idea on how to hear this radio with SB or SN?

2006-05-05 Thread Nstor




Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Any idea on how to hear this radio with SB or SN?

2006-05-05 Thread Nstor

andyg Wrote: 
 WPL playlists are supported but only well-formed XML.  This file is not
 proper UTF-8.

Thanks Andy!
So, no chance with this one? So bad, it's an interesting one :-/


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Who are you on LastFM?

2006-02-22 Thread Nstor


(...but I have just noticed that my submitting has not been working at
all for a month or so, only the songs on lastfm radios seems to be
appearing lately... need to recheck the new versions of the
slimscrobbler for 6.5b1...   and that Elvis Costello's Spike album was
left on repeat mode for some hours without audio coming out, so it took
a while until it was noticed and stopped :-D )


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature request: Polarity control

2006-01-12 Thread Nstor

I created a feature request for this some time ago (bug 829), and it was
later merged with this bug: 1976

It still with NEW status.



Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature request: Polarity control

2006-01-12 Thread Nstor

I think bug 829 is really close to what you are asking. Maybe we can try
reopening the bug.


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature Request: Squeezebox 3 remote connect to my home server

2005-11-29 Thread Nstor

emarmite Wrote: 
 Well duh. I really hadn't thought of something so simple. I have a Mac
 at work, so it will be easy to setup the requisite tunnel on demand.
 Generally, I don't like to expose *any* ports to the public, I even
 hide my ssh behind port-knocking. What's the general view of exposing
 9000 to general access (save slimserver password)?
 Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply and clear my head.

You only need to be able to access your port 22, the rest are tunneled.
Of course, your pc at work shouldnt allow access to its own ports from
other pcs there.


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature Request: Squeezebox 3 remote connect to my home server

2005-11-29 Thread Nstor

rme Wrote: 
 Is there any way for sb2 to access an internet address based slimserver
 similar to softsqueeze parameters to set, without connecting through a
 pc for tunneling.
 For example, if I had an sb2 connected to a router in my office using a
 url/port/ssh info for the slimserver address?
 Is that possible as well?

I dont think so. If the ip address of the Slimserver is seen from the
network where you have your Squeezebox, and all the ports are
reachable, I guess you will be able to connect. But you cant use SSH in
the middle. 
I think this could be a good idea, just to able to take your Squeezebox
on a travel without a laptop, and connect using SSH to your home server.
But for this , the firmware of the SB should be able to handle it, and
theres no SSH on it, at least that I know.


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature Request: Squeezebox 3 remote connect to my home server

2005-11-28 Thread Nstor

max.spicer Wrote: 
 You could set up your work pc to handle the ssh tunnel.  The squeezebox
 could then connect to the work pc, which would forward the requests
 over an ssh tunnel.  I think putty can do this if you're stuck with

I know this is overkill, but even when you dont listen with
softsqueeze, you can get it (softsqueeze) to forward the ports you need
from your homeserver to your work pc.  I usually connect with my ssh
client from work to my home pc, using the 22 port thats being forwarded
by softsqueeze (while Im listening to some home music). This way I dont
have to worry about configuring some proxy stuff in the ssh client,
softsqueeze is already doing it... of course, if you forward port 9000
too , you can use the http interface for Slimserver, instead of using
the sofstqueeze remote control.


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Feature Request: Squeezebox 3 remote connect to my home server

2005-11-28 Thread Nstor

forgot to add...

you can connect with sofstqueeze to a remote slimserver using ssh
through an http proxy...


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Options for remote power on of non ir amp

2005-11-27 Thread Nstor

fcm4711 Wrote: 
 Hi all
 I found a way to switch an amplifier on and off without needing to
 decode the ir signal. :) Check it out here:
 Technical background: The plugin switches between audio and blaster
 mode causing the right output of the headphone jack to be either low or
 floating. That can be used to drive a transistor which in turn drives a

Hi Felix, 

thats good news!   Will try to get someone to build that for me :-)

One question , is it possible to build some circuit to accept inputs
from two sources (lets say SB3 and a regular preamp) and output to the
same amplifier, without hurting the other source device when you are
using one of the sources? (ie, no current is allowed to go into SB3
when using the preamp as source)



Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: Can I setup slimserver to log all files served?

2005-11-25 Thread Nstor

tomsi42 Wrote: 
 I have had a SB2 for a few weeks now and are really enjoying it. A
 question from a friend popped up today.
 Is it possible to see which songs that have been played on my SB2
 during a given period?
 Why? may you ask. What do I listen most ? I let my friends loose on
 my music collections. What did they choose?


check www.lastfm.com , and then check the Slimscrobbler plugin. It may
be all you need (altough not as detailed as you may want)


Whole album Flac files -- Squeezebox (3) -- direct to Outlaw 7100 amp
using Slimserver Preamp Vol Control -- Monitor Audio S6i

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[slim] Re: SB2 wireless getting bizarre IP address

2005-11-18 Thread Nstor

I just hit the same issue: 

on my D-Link 624 I had to change from G Mode without Turbo (worked
flawlessly with SB1) to Disabled.  Previous to that, SB3 couldnt
connect to the router, now it does.


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[slim] Re: SB2 wireless getting bizarre IP address

2005-11-18 Thread Nstor

bossanova808 Wrote: 
 I have run into the same issue, but with an SB2.  I could only get a
 conenction by disabling the turbo mode.  This is what D-Link support
 staff advised me to do, saying they are havign many instances of the
 problem.  Since the Sb2 and occasionally a laptop are the only things
 that use wireless in my house, this doesn't bother me very much.  
 Personally, I blame the D-Link router (DI-784 one of the higher end
 models) - it is flakey in many ways.  
 If my cable internet connection goes down, then the D-Link router drops
 all its wireless clients (the only clients it has as the others are on a
 wired switch).  This is even without Turbo-G turned on.
 Even with turbo-G on, I never actually experienced a sustained increase
 in throughput, even with the laptop and router 1 meter apart.
 It is, I think, a pile of poo.

Thats bad! :-/

Honestly I cant complain about my DI-624, it has worked flawlessly for
almost two years, and I have indeed experienced an improved bandwith
when using my laptop and the router both in Turbo G mode (strict, no
11b devices on the net). I have a wireless card for the laptop with the
same TurboG protocols.   Of course, I stopped  seting that mode, to
acomodate my SB(1), and perfectly happy with that...


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[slim] Re: Pandora.com

2005-11-11 Thread Nstor


tried the site, after what seemed years I got to enter some songs. As I
needed my daily Piazzolla fix, entered some songs, they werent 
recognized , so I went for some worldwide known one from him, and typed

After lots of waiting I was greeted with some Samba by Bond...

Im back with Softsqueeze streaming from home ...   :-)


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[slim] Re: This is getting frustrating - MORE problems with reading files with 6.2

2005-11-05 Thread Nstor

Cleve Wrote: 
 Ok, I *did* find a workaround for this problem.  Out of the 45 albums I
 ripped into uncompressed AIFF files, I discovered there were 5 albums
 in which the songs would not all play in Squeezbox.   
 So, I did an experiment - I deleted the albums in question, and
 reimported them, but first in iTunes advanced options for importing, I
 UN-checked the option Create Filenames with Track Number.
 That worked - now all the tracks in the affected albums are available. 
 Unfortunately, the album tracks for that album are not in sequence - 
 I'm not sure how to fix THAT problem.  Sigh!

Hi, I dont use iTunes, but I guess if you dont use that option, the
file names will not start with a number, so Slimserver will not be able
to order your songs in the album order, but just in plain alphabetical
order with the _name_ of the song (I dont think you can tag AIFF files
internally either).

I would try to find a pattern for the songs/albums that dont work in
your original case: album + song name length? any special feature all
those songs share? any difference in file extension?, etc...

I dont use AIFF (just FLAC, and very ocasionally mp3) but I had never
encountered this issue with my files.

Try to get a pattern for the files, and open a bug report if its
something you think its a bug.



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[slim] Re: This is getting frustrating - MORE problems with reading files with 6.2

2005-11-04 Thread Nstor

Have you tried (just as a test) extracting the files  exactly in the 
same way but with a different ending format, lets say mp3, to see if 
the problem persists? That could help isolate the problem or point you
in the right direction.


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[slim] Re: This is getting frustrating - MORE problems with reading files with 6.2

2005-11-04 Thread Nstor

This may be a serious issue, but it may be quickly fixed. 

Use http://bugs.slimdevices.com  to create a bug report, and upload all
the info you have, the more complete you can.

I have had different issues using SlimServer, and everytime I found
what I thought was a bug, I opened a report. I dont think even one of
those issues was left unresolved. Sometimes its really fast, sometimes
it takes a little time, but its worth.


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