[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-16 Thread Old Guy

I agree.  But unfortunately, each media has its own individual
(financial) agenda and those comments may not be effective.  Roku's
founder is an experienced enterpreneur and apparently knows "how to
sell".  "Roku" means "6" in Japanese and according to him
(non-Japanese), this venture is his sixth.  So, we may just have to
post reviews or comments on various internet forums and/or consumer
review portal.  Otherwise, SD may have to bring in venture capitalist
who has capital and knows how to sell.

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Q on 6.1.1

2005-07-26 Thread Old Guy

OK, OK, now I understand the original question No. 1.  Thank you very
much.  I will get used to the IE interface for SS.
How about No. 3 and 4?

3. Title display now shows file name with .flac extention.  Rephrase ->
>From display via remote, choose "Browse Music Folder" and browse, then
it seems that it is just showing what are in the folders including file
names and file extention. This was not like that before, I remember.

4. Choosing some track (Browse Music Folder) only plays that particular
song. In previous version, I could set whether to play the particular
track only, or entire album.
Rephrase -> I found where to set the parameter to play entire album
(sorry!).  It WAS set "entire album".  When browsing music folder (note
the issue No. 3 above), and choose particular song, then SB2 stops
playing after one track.  Interesting another observation here is:
after a while, the display changes to "Now Playing" mode and then the
track title shown on the display is "normal" meaning that it is NOT
"file name.ext", AND remote's "forward" does not work.  Reminds me of
issue No.2 in my original post.

Thank you again!

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Q on 6.1.1

2005-07-23 Thread Old Guy

>> 1. Now the interface is IE (opens up from the being used IE, 
>> which is
>> a bit annoying). Is there any way to go back to Slimserver 
>> interface?
> it was always IE, just that it used to be a horribly crippled 
> ancient version of
> IE that sucked.
Not quite true, it opened in whatever version you had installed. So 
the word "ancient" should be removed. :)

-> I was using 6.0 or 6.1 branch (don't remember) nightly 5-13-2005. 
clicking SlimServer icon opened its original itnerface browser, NOT IE.
Where did SS original browser go?
-->> gharris999, THANK YOU!  It works.  But I like the older version
which brings up SS original.

>> 2. Remote cannot forward to the next track. It repeats the now 
>> playing
>> track.
> er...news to me.
Can you post more details on this issue?

-> Fixed after I re-rescaned the entire library.

>> 3. Title display now shows file name with .flac extention.
> also news to me. did you let it fully rescan?
Can you post more details about how you got this on the display?

-> From display via remote, choose "Browse Music Folder" and browse,
then it seems that it is just showing what are in the folders including
file names and file extention.  This was not like that before, I

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Q on 6.1.1

2005-07-23 Thread Old Guy

First of all, I have been away from this forum quite some time.  I
received announcement that 6.1 is official and I downloaded it.  Some
changes and I have questions.  Sure, they may have been answered
already and in that case I apologize for being too lazy.  I truly
appreciate your patience and kindness.  Here goes:

1.  Now the interface is IE (opens up from the being used IE, which is
a bit annoying).  Is there any way to go back to Slimserver interface?

2. Remote cannot forward to the next track.  It repeats the now playing

3. Title display now shows file name with .flac extention.

4. Choosing some track (Browse Music Folder) only plays that particular
song.  In previous version, I could set whether to play the particular
track only, or entire album.

That is about it for now.  Are they "bug" and if so is it being worked
on?  Or am I missing something?

Again, please pardon my ignorance and laziness.  Your help is quite

SS 6.1.1, FW 15, files are all FLAC.  Have 8000+ tracks.

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Artwork size

2005-05-08 Thread Old Guy

A-ha!  It solved.  My system deletes cache every night, so this is not
much issue for me...  Thansk, kdf!

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Artwork size

2005-05-07 Thread Old Guy

Now I have edited the original jpg so that the size is almost 300 x 300,
which should nicely fit in the album page.  Thumbnail pages show the new
photo (I see that because I trimmed the edges), but the album page (left
side frame of the page) still shows the original, big, with
supposedly-timmed-edges photo, after "wipe cache".  Needless to say,
the photo which is still shown on the album page no longer exists
anywhere in the hard disk.  Is this some bug?  I am using 6.0.3 5/6/05

PS: By the way, I have filed a enhancement request (#1515) for
"auto-resizing" the artwork on the album page.

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Artwork size

2005-05-07 Thread Old Guy

Tag&Rename can do that also and I would if they were all in Amazon
database.  Most of my CDs are classical which are now hard to find even
on Amazon (very old, out of print, foreign origin, etc.) and
artist/title format is far from standardized thereby makes it even
harder to find even if it were still available.  So I decided to scan
my CDs instead.  Am I asking too much?

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Artwork size

2005-05-07 Thread Old Guy

I have been scanning some of my CDs' cover so that I could enjoy "Browse
I found that the "thumbnail" page nice, where all artwork is sized the
same (it would be also nice if the titles are displayed below the
thumbnail as well, though...).  But the artwork .jpg size is different
on the pages of each album, depending on the resolution I selected for
scanning.  It would be nice if the size of thumbnail is standardized
(or normalized?) on those pages.  Some album's artwork is so big and
the artwork itself can be seen only left half!  Of course, I can scroll
the page, but a little awkward.  should I file the "enhancement
request"?  Thanks!

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Platinum SB2's??

2005-04-13 Thread Old Guy

I received a shipping notice from SD on Monday for my order of one black
and one platinum.  I placed the order pretty early, though.

Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Squeezebox2

2005-04-11 Thread Old Guy

Dean and others,

Update.  I boxed Belkin for return and my good old D-Link 614 put back
in.  SB1 is connected instantly everytime I re-power it.  No loss of
connection.  It seems that Belkin Pre-N has some problems in certain
surroundings (i.e. Linksys router is in the vicinity).

Now I got notice that my SB2 (black and platinum) has shipped.  They
are finally coming, but my "g" router has (D-Link 624) not yet

Anyway, my apologies for even slightly doubted SB.  I can't wait the
arrival of SB2 (despite I will have to use under "b" for a while.



Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Squeezebox2

2005-04-11 Thread Old Guy

Thanks Dean,

I don't have any MP3 file, so I cannot compare.
Also, I don't have any other wireless devices, so I cannot comment
about it either.

But one thing I saw was, when re-powering the SB1, I do not see any
other wireless SSIDs, and SB1 cannot connect to the wireless network). 
As I live in an apartment building, I normally see at least three other
SSIDs, but when this phoenomenon happens, I don't see any other and
from this I assume this might be SB1's mechanical (or firmware) fault
(maybe not!).

In the meantime, I found from Google the following article about Belkin
Pre-N router.

And, there is usually an SSID "Linksys (isn't this obvious?)" in my

All in all, I am returning Belkin as the return period is approaching
and getting D-Link 624.  I had been happy with D-Link 614 ("b") for
quite a while with no hiccup or no drop at all.


Old Guy
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Squeezebox2

2005-04-10 Thread Old Guy

Dean or anybody,

My SB1 (still waiting for Platinum SB2 :-) "sometimes" has trouble
connecting wireless network since I changed to Belkin Pre-N as well as
Slimservre 6.  Would you kindly let me know how you set up the Belkin
Pre-N router?

Sometimes it finds wireless network quickly (distance is several feet
and normally strength is 80% range) and slimserver 6 runs smoothly. 
But after a while of listening, drop out starts and then stops.  SB1
needs to be powered down, but it won't connect the wireless network,
etc.  It usually takes a while - after repowering SB1 several times
with various intervals, rebooting PC, restarting router, etc. - until I
can listen to the music again.  My music files are WAV, and "No limit". 
Thanks in advance.


Old Guy
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