Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2017-01-29 Thread R1200CL

toby10 wrote: 
> yes

Based on what ?

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2017-01-28 Thread R1200CL

With the latest release of MQA, it should technically be possible to
upgrade SBT to support MQA. (The analog part)

But how can it be done, and who can look into this, and how do we
finance such an option ?

Is it just to forget ?

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-28 Thread R1200CL

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-21 Thread R1200CL

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-17 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> Right - it is really a non-issue. Either no adaptations are needed (and
> MQA is handled in the DAC) or somebody would have to license the
> proprietary technology and implement it in LMS (and I am pretty sure you
> wouldn't be allowed to implement it as part of open-source software), so
> no go.

Maybe Roon can be a solution, as they like to support MQA if allowed.
Roon support will not cost extra. 

Squeezebox Touch works with Roon today. I've not tested.

Also IckStream is an option.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-13 Thread R1200CL

DanSmedra wrote: 
> In case anyone missed the beta screen that slipped out at TIDAL, which
> was quickly removed. But someone got a screen capture.

So no one actually has the installation file ? It's from Tidal webpage ?

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-11 Thread R1200CL

For those that enjoy these things.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL


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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

Correction to previous posting RE: MQA, written by someone not at CES.)
During CES, MQA discovered that wireless high-resolution Music Streamers
without built-in DACs (i.e., AURALiC’s ARIES, ARIES LE & ARIES MINI)
require a slightly different implementation of its technology.
MQA has not yet completed finalizing the definitive version of the
technology; no MQA partner has yet to receive the actual final version
of this emerging technology, which will be downloadable to any product
in the very near future.) Because of this, AURALiC’s original plan to
include TIDAL/MQA capability in the v3.0 firmware being issued today
will not occur.
Xuanqian Wang
President & CEO

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

Wombat wrote: 
> If they were interested in some honest facts they long had offered a
> HiBit file and the corresponding MQA->ANDBACK file. 
> You have to wait until some underdog blog creates such files.
> Lets see what all this shows. From the short silent parts of the first
> 2L samples the undecoded (16bit?) part has some noisefloor i'd very
> vague rate by eye as maybe 14bit noiseshaped, not more.

Not good enough this link then ?

What is missing ?

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

Wombat wrote: 
> Yes

He, he, maybe DVD John can do ;)
MQA is a patented technology.

But why would you like to decode a MQA file, as a reasonable DAC can do
as well as streamers ?
I do not know how hard it is to tap a spdif or USB interface, and save
the file, but that would fullfill your request I guess. 
You would in any case have a Tidal hi-fi subscription or purchase MQA
encoded music.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> ?..., for locally stored content MQA doesn't offer any advantage
> over 96/24 FLAC.

So even if original recordings is offered DXD FLC 24/384, I could
understand that those resolutions is just close to marketing BS ? My DAC
has limitations, so I can't test how good or better DXD might be.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

You need a new DAC. 

"It is unfortunately that MQA has decided to pull back the integration
on ARIES/ARIES LE during CES as they have decided to make it an 'end to
end' technology which means it will always requests a MQA certificated
DAC to work.
ARIES ARIES LE, will be able to playback or stream music contains MQA
format but will not listed MQA certificated device, to benefit from MQA,
you will need a MQA certificated DAC and this is the only way.
We are sorry about the decision made by MQA. DAR"

What a disaster.
I wonder what has happend behinde the scene the last 24 hours.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-10 Thread R1200CL

Wombat wrote: 
> Yes

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-09 Thread R1200CL

WOW Mnyb. I'm impressed. Very well written. I agree about what you say
about HD tracks, as I found their so called hi-res not better than
redbok. Exeptions for some tracks though. 

If I have understood the MQA prosess correctly as an end to end chain,
you actually have to go back to the masteres, so I do think the record
companies actually are doing this job you don't think they are. 

I might be totally wrong here, and if so, then I can't see any future
succsess for MQA for the privious recordings.
So yes, we need a confirmation from record companies that they will be
doing the MQA coding. Maybe also a reason why Tidal seems to wait
another 6 months before release MQA streaming. 

Link to another thread discussions the subjekt about MQA.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-07 Thread R1200CL

pablolie wrote: 
> This probably has been discussed before, but I just wonder why I should
> be interested in MQA encoding for the music library I already have in my
> home environment. 
It will have no effect on your present library, as non of those files
are MQA encoded. So you should not be interested :D

pablolie wrote: 
> I see no bottlenecks to get even my 24/192 content (which I have, even
> though its merits in a home environment are a tad questionable to begin
> with, but that's another discussion altogether :D ) to any device in my
> home. Even with lowly, old 802.11g wireless (which the SB ecosystem
> supports), and even less so with 802.11ac which gets you a few Gbit/s
> across the house. So thank you very much, at home FLAC or whatever I
> already have works well enough.
Again you are 100% correct. 

pablolie wrote: 
> Which makes me think the sweet market spot for MQA is HiRez music
> streaming, since MQAs big virtue is it can pack a 24/192 stream 
> (~9Mbit/s) into the equivalent of a 16/44 stream (good ole 1.4Mbit/s).
> Which is relevant if (a) your bandwidth connection is less than
> ~12Mbit/s and (b) you still insist on listening to music in HiRez
> wherever you are. 
Again you are 100% correct, but read my last comment b.
Actually when I first read about MQA, I did not expect download MQA
files as an option. 

pablolie wrote: 
> Well, I don't, I am perfectly fine with Spotify-like streaming when I am
> not at home in front of the music shrine - but that's just me.
Actually I ask myself as well if hi res streaming has any value when you
are only using your phone and headset. As I think you need quite good
equiment to benefit from this. However my Tidal Hi-Fi subscription
sounds very well from my iPhone, and since I can download CD quality, I
can even bring the files with me and play on a plane. Or in the car. Or
just use Airplay / Chromcast. 

pablolie wrote: 
> So the question is - does the SB ecosystem even benefit from MQA?

Yes, if:
a: You are a Tidal Hi-Fi subscriber and has a Squeezebox Touch, and
probably other SB products, but I'm thinking 24/96 is needed as minimum.
Tidal is the only subscription available in CD quality on SB platform,
and said to support MQA. If other will come, those should be included. 
b: Download (expensive) MQA fils, and use SBT / SB-products. Look at 2L
or 7Digital store to get a price idea.

Also it's said that even non MQA equipment will benefint from a MQA
stream / file. (So Tidal Hi-Fi subscribers get a free ride:cool:)

No, if
Your DAC is MQA enabled.

I do not know enough about Squeeze Lite as a possible option.

Assuming MQA is as fantastic as those few who have heard say it is, I
still think you need good equipment in order to benefit fully from MQA,
but I may be wrong. But that apply to hi-res as well...
Also any stremer or sw player will have a standard DAC profile, so in
order to have the very best, you will probably look for a MQA enabled
DAC. I predic there will be a lot of discussions at a later stage if you
really need that last DAC specific parameter, as long as your SW player
or streamer support MQA.

I wonder if Chromcast Audio will support MQA :D Tidal will support CA.
(Airplay does not support HRA)

*(HRA = High Res Audio)

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2016-01-07 Thread R1200CL

You lucky Roon subscribers :D

They confirm MQA will at some time be implemented in their SW.
(Meaning you do not have to wait for SB implementation)

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-06 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> "The requested URL /tmpFiles/elib/20160105/17501.pdf was not found on
> this server."
> How about you actually explaining what you think we have gotten wrong
> about MQA? It is a proprietary way to compress "hi-res" files by using
> lower-order bits of a 24-bit file format to encode the high frequency
> content. It is kind of compatible with non-MQA systems because the
> encoded high-frequency material will drown in the noise margin of a
> 24-bit file.

I can't see anything wrong in your statment. It's the shortest or best
:p description I've seen so far...

So let us stop discuss what it is or not. I'm not the right person to
discuss this with, as I have no knowlegde except from what can be found

I have got a nice answer on the IckStream site about the possibilities
of having MAQ implemented. 

I may add it still seems that if you like to have the very last prosent
of audio quality implementert in a MQA chain, you most likely need to do
something with the DAC. But for sure decoding can be done by SW. As we
have seen pure streamer will have MQA firmware updates soon. We also
know from Tidal's Pål Bråterud the following

"At beginning, we will just transport MQA files (in FLAC wrapper) to
external hardware that's supporting MQA decoding. But we will certainly
also soft decode in the future also on desktop so you can enjoy MQA
quality with any DAC. In mobile applications we will of course soft
decode from launch.

To begin with it will be a rather limited offering of higher than
redbook content, but eventually we will also run all our redbook content
through as you then will lose the brickwalling artefacts and also get
better and more accurate coding of the PCM itself.

For us it is more important that we do this right rather than have a
vast catalogue of questionable character. Quality over quantity. As we
go along we will fill up the tanks quicker and quicker."

Furter reliability information is:
So you really do not need my explaination ;)

Bruken URL is OK.

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2016-01-06 Thread R1200CL

Thanks for nice information. I also found some YouTube video showing UI
etc. I think at some stage I will purchase a subscription. If I don't
purchase a Auralic product as I understand Roon is then part of what you
get. Not sure if that is correct. Time will tell.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-05 Thread R1200CL

Thanks Mynb

You have spent a lot of time explaining your point of view. Maybe it is
time for me to sell my Touch while prices are still are good, and
purchase an Auralic with Roon support.

I just got email from Tidal support saying the product (Squeezebox) is
discontinued, and MQA will not be supported from them.

If MQA ltd also indicates the same answer, I guess MQA never will happen
on Squeezebox, as without their support I guess it will be impossible to
implement MQA.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-05 Thread R1200CL

If someone like to read more real facts about MQA.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> What level of exam do I need to pass to show sufficient knowledge?

It seems to me that you just passes by your privious answer 

Would you have any interest and time to do the neccessary development ?
(If we solve any licence issues)

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

I've aksed.

Still I would guess a user like Triode, Michal H, and Pippin would have
the knowlegde of who to aks, effort of work, etc. 

I shall also sende a message to Tidal even though not sure how they can
contribute to a possible plugin or firmware upgrade. 

First I think we need to agree upon that the plugin has to be on the
player and not in LMS, next can it be a plugin, or does it have to be a
firmware upgrade. I'm sure someone reading this know for sure what is
needed from a pure technical point of view. 

If comersial issues I suggest to start something on kickstarter or
similar together with the person that are willing to so the development.
But leave that for now. I'm interested to know for sure if it can be
done and what is needed in order to make this happen.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Mnyb wrote: 
> If it's Done in LMS it can support all players even the older ones . And
> software players like squeezelite SqueezePlay etc a server
> implementation would include and enable a lot of players .
> And player firmware is very rarely updated these days . probably nerver
> .
> An "app" done for Touch is also a possibility . You can install apps on
> the Touch besides the server side plugins . So an MQA app is one idea .
> Advantage if an supported service include MQA you can
> run without a server .
> Yes I did read some of the links , but I have never come across an
> actual implementation yet . It been hinted that indeed deezer and tidal
> Aubusson with MQA will still work on non MQA enabled players . Anyone
> actuall tried yet ? I've seen on ickstream that some services started
> with 24 bit ?
> I can only run tidal or Spotify where I live ..

Thanks. This clear a bit. Let us hope the next two weeks can enlighten
us a bit as I guess some secrets will be answered during CES.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Mnyb wrote: 
> Y
> If the streams can be played anyway without MQA ? Or not ? That would
> also decide what's worthwhile ?

Yes it can be played anyway 

I'm a bit supriced you did not know. Please at least read the links i
provided in this thread, or search some basic knowlegde about MAQ. 

I'm after facts from those that know LMS and Squeezebox Touch firmware
and plugins. Not opinions.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> I guess the answer is "it depends", as usual.
> The first step would be to find out licensing terms and costs.

Who in the Squeezebox world be best suited to email MQA and ask ?

"MQA offers full professional support from its expert team of software
and hardware engineers for manufacturers wishing to incorporate a
decoder into existing or projected products with minimum delay.
Please contact MQA at for full details of the range of
development and support options available."

Maybe you could ask ?
I do not have enough technical skilles to email them, nor the autorithy
to represent the Squeezebox community.

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Otto-Wilhelm wrote: 
> Roon is great. I consider to go for it in addition to my LMS-Squeezebox
> setup. Squeezebox devices can be supplied directly from Roon with music
> streams, but with the disadvantage that the LMS in the network has to be
> shut down for achieving that a respective Squeezebox device connects
> automatically with Roon. Alternatively you can connect a respective
> Squeezebox device manually via the local device controls to Roon using
> "Switching library". 
> Further, there is the option to supply Squeezebox devices with music
> streams via Airplay, which Roon supports, and LMS with Shairtunes Plugin
> and Shareport, what apparently requires LMS running under Linux.
> Currently this is my favorite solution, since therewith Roon is in a
> sense integrated with LMS. It has still to be tested whether this
> configuration is stable enough.

If you use the password function on LMS, will that not eliminate the
problem ?

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Re: [slim] Roon, a SqueezeBox ecosystem alternative ?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Can I still use iPeng for radio ?

If I have understood this right, that is an area where Roon is not up
and running.

Apart from that, you may use Room instead of LMS and iPeng. Is that a
correct observation ?
(As a Tidal hi-fi subscriber).

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-04 Thread R1200CL

Mnyb wrote: 
> I'm with Julf here , why ?
> Unless actually not implementing MQA ( but using some legacy mode and
> bypassing it ) makes the service sound worse than the good old 16/44.1
> they seems to want to abandon :(
> I do see the streaming service benefit here ( not us consumers ) it is a
> proprietary lossy format with DRM . A FLAC service like tidal
> practically broadcast the CD master which makes the paranoid record
> companies unhappy . I do understand why streaming services may like the
> format .
> You can ofcourse record "off air" as in the good old days , but
> reintroduce some generational loss would make some happy .

I think you have totally misunderstood what MQA is and offers. You
should not tell direct lies like this.

MQA is Lossless. No DRM. They do not want to abandon 16/44.1. And all
major record companies support MQA, and actually have started the
prosess of implementing MQA into their masters. Tidal will support MQA.

I'm sure you are able to do a Google search for MQA (you may even limit
it to the last week)

I can't understand why you are against implementing MAQ into Squeezebox,
or have I misunderstood your post ?

I like to use my Tidal hi-fi subscription with MQA on my Squeezebox
Touch. (For hi res streaming). I think this is a fair request or ?

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2016-01-03 Thread R1200CL

Finally a prove (or indication?) that MQA does not have to be
implemented in a DAC. 

"A soon to be released firmware update to all three Aries streamer
models will bring AURALiC’s Lightning platform to v3.0, from which the
Aries, the Aries LE and Aries Mini will all get MQA compatibility but
that RoonReadiness (initially) only applies to the two big fellas. Roon
support for the Aries Mini in still “in progress”."

So now I hope someone with the right knowlegde investigate if or what is
needed technically in order to implement MQA into a Squeezebox Touch.

I'm convinced it can be done. I like to hear those deny from a technical
point of view.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-12-04 Thread R1200CL

Good video to learn more about MQA.

I can confirm MQA works with FLAC.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-12-03 Thread R1200CL

BTHOEM wrote: 
> Hi,
> In an article in a Norwegian magazine today, Tidal seems to have decided
> for MQA as their format for a high resolution streaming offering next
> year:
> Can we hope for a codec for Squeezebox?
> Bjørn Tore

I think there is an error in that article, as there is others places as
well when the technical part of Tidal is discussed. 
It says the implementation has to be in the DAC. That is not the only
way to implement MQA as far as I have understood this. It could be done
there. But it can of cause also be done in the player/streamer. 

MQA is SW based, so there should be no need of a new DAC, if your
streamer can be upgraded. But you can of cause purchase a new DAC as an
(expensive) solution. Or maybe get a payed? firmware upgrade. 

Will be interesting to see what other companies choose to do. (Sonos,
Blue Sound, Aralic, EC, and more). 

An other interesting thing is what type if MAQ we will get. I thaught
there only exist 24/96. But now the article takling about MQA 44,1 is
better than PCM 24/96. I'm confused. 

We will just be pasient and wait to understand if there will be
different MQA qualities as well.

Can we hope for Triode to write a codec ?

Personally I do not mind to pay for MQA on my Touch, if that is what
will make it happen.

Tidal hi-fi on a good stereo is much better that CD. Even if you have an
expensive CD transport.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-12-03 Thread R1200CL

Mnyb wrote: 
> It can be an issue if they also remove their current hifi option with CD
> quality FLAC ?
> The article does not say what they intend to do with the current hifi
> offering ?
> It would be really bad if they removed that . For the reason that the
> majority of recordings >99% they have in thier catalog (or any catalog )
> is basically in less than CD quality and would not benefit from MQA (If
> there was a benefit which I strongly doubt ).
> So its select labels like 2L AIX or LINN etc that have recordings that
> could take advantage of this .
> If they introduced some kind of super hifi service good for them , but
> if the old hifi service is intact we can still use that with our
> squeezeboxes ?

Tidal will not remove hi-fi. In order for MQA to work, it has to be
implemented two places as you probably know, so even if all Tidal was
MQA, you would still only get the old hi-fi. Actually it important to
understand Tidal will only support MAQ. This mean that they just
"transmitt" what has been offered to them from the record companies.
Right ?

Also most Tidal is FLAC quality today. I hope you are not saying than
less than 99% isn't. It's rater the opoøsite.
(All Tidal is CD quality). 

Since takling about streaming quality. I'm using iPeng. I have several
times tried to convince Pippin to have a more easier way to show what
quality your stream is. With MQA even more important I think. We will se
what he comes up with.
He has given a solution that most likely will be available next year.
(You find his replay to me in his thread).

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-12-03 Thread R1200CL

Julf wrote: 
> There is probably a steep licensing fee, as well as NDAs, making an open
> source implementation unlikely.

I'm afraid you are right. I've tried to investigate, but I do not get
any answer from Tidal support here in Oslo, nor from MQA itself.

Still this licence fee should not be a showstopper. I'm sure someone has
a clever solution to that. Maybe even as part of your Tidal streaming
service to Squeezebox. Meaning your Tidal hi-fi subscription will cover

Those who know this much better than me, must hava a technical solution
to how solve a one time payment for a new codec to your Squeezbox

Maybe Pippin or M. Heger can explain this better.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-12-03 Thread R1200CL

Here is a better article:

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-10-29 Thread R1200CL

mherger wrote: 
> > Hopefully, a LMS option will evolve if MQA catches on?
> Ahmm they claim "Downloaded/ streamed in any lossless format", "100%
> compatible. Easy to download and stream.". That's about all the facts 
> they give. Sounds like hot air compressed losslessly to zero bytes?
> -- 
> Michael

Any update? Is MQA technically possible to implement in either the LMS
or SB Touch?

I guess the SW modifications must be done in SB Touch, not the LMS.
Correct ?

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Re: [slim] Announcing iPeng 9 - Support for iPad Multitasking, iPad Pro and more

2015-10-29 Thread R1200CL

pippin wrote: 
> You mean while browsing or on the NowPlaying screen?
> While browsing I can't show it for services, the information is simply
> not in the menus.
> For files iPeng already shows the file type, doesn't it?
> On NowPlaying... see my comment above. I'm not going to clutter the main
> screen with this, >99% of all users probably don't want this but I do
> plan to have an "info" page as an alternative to the Lyrics screen
> saver.

No, when browsing does not make sense. As the hifi subscription user
assume he/her gets CD quality. And such information can of cause only be
detected while playing. 

Yes, iPeng shows the streaming quality after pressing to menu items. So
yes, I'm requesting on the main window or both. Somewhere on the top.
(Similar to the Auralic app).

If this is only of interest for 1 % of the users, then what you are
saying is that only about 1 % of the users has a hi-fi subscription.
Really ? I was expecting a higher prosentage of the iPeng was hi-fi
subscribers. (As this only will serve those, and those that does not
have control over their local files). 

The idea is to easy see that you are not getting the expected sound
quality. This will be even more important when or if MQA is implemented,
as only a few tracks will be available in the beginning. 5000 has been

Well anyway you already refused main screens. Even if it was adding a
color that only those with hi-fi subscription could see.
Just have to see what info screen brings then. Not sure that helps, as
that also may need two touches on my iPad for every song from main
screen. Well it will probably save me the long press.

Thanks for a quick replay. 
Still hoping for a reconsiddering :D

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Re: [slim] Announcing iPeng 9 - Support for iPad Multitasking, iPad Pro and more

2015-10-29 Thread R1200CL

We have discussed this before.

I just like to encourage you again to have the streaming quality
available somewhere in the main page. Not hidden under the more info
Mp3, Flac (16/24 and 44/48/96/192), and if MQA is beeing implemented,
that also of cause. 

I understand this will be something most usefull for those of us having
Tidal/Wimp hi-fi plan.
I often find music I'm playing only to be available in MP3. Also usefull
for your ripped or phurchased tracks. 

If you argue it's hard to find a place, you could even use a color code
in the play symbol as an example.

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Re: [slim] Meridian MQA - Breakthrough? LMS possible?

2015-10-29 Thread R1200CL

Mnyb wrote: 
> ... But again why if you have a wimp/tidal sub at HiFi rate your covered
> ?
> Yet another format to a market that already has 10 times more format
> than it needs .
> Well if it takes of commercially and be a major player .. I'd want it
> to, but I don’t see that yet .
> There is no point in early adopting this until they offer something
> unique that people really want and cant get otherwise .
> What would it cost ?

MQA is hi res streaming, and not the same as hi-fi subscription, that is
16/44. It is mayby wrong to call it a new format, as it's Flac. 

Early adopting would benefit those that would like to stream hi res and
And yes, very unique, as only a few media players would have this option
I guess. Maybe only Auralic.

Cost: the effort of adding a plugin to SB Touch ?

Hope someone that understand MQA can answer my question.

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Re: [slim] Transporter final firmware?

2015-01-07 Thread R1200CL

Is 77 the latest firmware ? (duet)

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