[slim] SB3 IR Remote broke - need replacement in Germany

2009-10-28 Thread RaK


unfortunately my SB3 IR remote broke and is not working anymore. I try
to order a new one here
but Logitech will not deliver to Germany.

I called Logitech Support in Germany and they did not even know about a
replacement option.

Any help much appreciated. Where can I get one? WIthout the remote this
this is pretty useless. And a Duet Controller is not the right choice
for me (WAF).



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Re: [slim] SB3 IR Remote broke - need replacement in Germany

2009-10-28 Thread RaK

signor_rossi;478699 Wrote: 
 This is a link to the spare parts store of Logitech,
 unfortunately they only stock the Boom remote. :(

The Boom remote for 10Euro is better than a big one for 30$ plus tax et

That was extremly usefull! TNX a lot. Any reason why the official
Logitech Hotline with a dedicated Squeezebox Expert cant point me to
this web site? 

A disappointed customer which is healed by the fan group active here
in the forum. TNX a lot. Without you I would not be in love with this
product. Anyone from Logitech reading this? Make your thoughts about it.


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[slim] Napster Plugin - Login failure

2009-10-28 Thread RaK

Hi Guys,

there is a possible Bug in the Napster plugin. I tried to Login via the
Web interface suing the provided user:pass combination from napster.de.

It was impossible to login via the web interface. The status message
was always wrong user/pass. Using the menu on the SB itself worked

I assume that the webinterface did not use user:pass correctly. I
assume it used the password also for the username. This can not work.
Sorry, I cant reproduce the error here on my system as napster works



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Re: [slim] Overlaying current track with text to speech

2009-09-12 Thread RaK

* pull up *

Has anyone an idea how we can overlay some mp3 in a running stream?


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Re: [slim] Overlaying current track with text to speech

2009-04-18 Thread RaK

Guys, tnx for you feedback. Was on a business trip and hat honestly no
time to read your replies. Appologies.

@jaysung: The text2speech engine I use is swift. It has several voices
in different languages. You can test it for free. It produces some nag
text bevor your text is spoken. If you invest $15 this nag text/speech
goes away.

@agillis: I dont use softsqueeze on the machine as it is in the living
room together with a squeeze box. Does not really make sense.

@Mick Seymour: No the machine is called appolon (the greek god of the
light ;).

@matthijskoopmans: I dont want it to be played at the end of the song.
it should overlay.


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[slim] Which iPhone Remote App supports Napster

2009-03-31 Thread RaK


playing around with napster. Full potential would be to explore the
napster libriary with the iphone/ipod touch. Which App supports
napster? Saw a screenshot in iPeng, however it is not available,

Kind regards


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Re: [slim] Which iPhone Remote App supports Napster

2009-03-31 Thread RaK

It seems to be that I am a bit blind ;). Sorry, cant see any napster
menu parts in iPeng 1.0.5. I am running SC 7.3.2 and loaded the napster
plugin via the plugin extension downloader. 

As I say, no napster menu at all. Could you pls help an old blind man


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[slim] napster and softsqueeze

2009-03-31 Thread RaK

For me it doenst work. It says something like File format can not be
played. Sorry I have the german version and the string is not shown in
all its length. Is it a problem of my java installation or is this a drm
issue? KR


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[slim] Overlaying current track with text to speech

2009-03-21 Thread RaK


I enjoy my SB for years now. I have a sort of intelligent house which
is able to produce text2speech currently broadcasted over a pair of
speaker connected to the machine were squezzecenter is running on. Dont
get confused. The current text2speech uses only the same machine and has
nothing to do with slim at all.

I would like to use my SB setup to broadcast the text2speech in the
future. In this regard a question. The text2speech engine I am using is
able to produce a MP3 file.

Is it possible to interrupt the running title on the SB, play a
text2speech MP3 file and than resume/unpause the music to play from the
position it was before the text2speech message?

A even better solution would be to overlay the music with the
text2speech engine like in the car when paula (the voice of my
navigation system) says something and the sound volume of the music is
a bit reduced. You got it?

Any hints?



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-05 Thread RaK

Could be a dumb question, but it is possible to save a playlist within
the ipeng app? If so, how?


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-05 Thread RaK

pippin;393008 Wrote: 
 Alarms: 1.1
 Do you have album art in SqueezeCenter?
 If yes: How many albums do you have? Are all albums loaded (do you see
 them all under the albums tab)?
 If yes: Do you use authentication? If yes, try to restart iPeng (no
 reinstall or something, just quit and restart)
 Do you see an iTunes like empty note or a SqueezeCenter like empty
 note (dark grey, with frame)? If its the latter, you could try
 Settings-Flush Cache.

SOLVED! Seems obvious, but I thought I checked before. I had Album Art
when looking on the album view. I digged deeper into it and found out
that its not available in the right half (now playing) within

A short look into the log files pointed to a missing write right access
on a /var/ directory. Solved quickly and it works! TNX!!. Impressive.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-25 Thread RaK

markstrom;363761 Wrote: 
 When are we allowed to say something about the icon ?

I volontier (is this the right spelling? Seems not ;) i am not nativ)
contributing an icon. Any wishes iPeng?


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[slim] Airport Express as Client for Squeezecenter

2008-08-03 Thread RaK


is that possible. Perhaps using a 3rd party plugin? The hardware should
be able to do that and the software is open source. Anyone an idea?
Together with an ipod touch it would be a great deal in an mixed
squeeebox/itunes eviroment which I have.



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[slim] Albumart again

2007-12-23 Thread RaK


I have cover.jpg's in the music folders. The Album art is displayed, if
I look at a certain album in detail, but when I look at the album
overview (50 albums per page and only the albumart plus album name) I
see only the default icon (with the questionmark).

It worked already, but I was forced to reinstall slimserver again. I
already deleted the brower cache and also forced a rescan of the music

any hints?



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Re: [slim] Universal remote using Nokia tablet + Squeezebox

2007-11-01 Thread RaK

SuperQ;171114 Wrote: 
 sometimes devices have undocumented discrete codes that are not the
 remote (may be on optional remotes by vendor)  You could try adding
 something like the remote codes for the RX-V series that do have
 discrete codes and trying it out.

Have you tried that one?

For the RX-V550 their is a list with all discrete IR Codes in the
download area.


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Re: [slim] Softsqeeze - Linux Client?

2007-07-30 Thread RaK

Seems like it was a silly question ;).

TNX for your help. I installed kaffe and startet SoftSqeeze es
proposed. Ive got a lot of errors.

Be aware, that I am running a headless system without any graphical
interfaces. I only have shell access.

Any hints on that? I just want to have a softsqueete running and would
like to control it via the web interface of slimserver only.



# java -jar /usr/share/slimserver/HTML/EN/html/softsqueeze/SoftSqueeze.jar
  log4j:ERROR Parsing error on line 2 and column 48
  log4j:ERROR null
  log4j:ERROR Could not parse input source [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  at gnu.xml.dom.ls.DomLSParser.doParse (DomLSParser.java:311)
  at gnu.xml.dom.ls.DomLSParser.parse (DomLSParser.java:159)
  at gnu.xml.dom.DomDocumentBuilder.parse (DomDocumentBuilder.java:179)
  at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure (DOMConfigurator.java:665)
  at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure (DOMConfigurator.java:616)
  at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure (DOMConfigurator.java:602)
  at org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure 
  at org.apache.log4j.LogManager.clinit (LogManager.java:113)
  at org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger (Logger.java:85)
  at org.titmuss.softsqueeze.platform.Platform.clinit (Platform.java:46)
  at org.titmuss.softsqueeze.Application.main (Application.java:52)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke0 (Method.java)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Method.java:255)
  at org.kaffe.jar.ExecJarName.main (ExecJarName.java:64)
  at org.kaffe.jar.ExecJar.main (ExecJar.java:57)
  Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
  at gnu.xml.stream.SAXParser.parse (SAXParser.java:660)
  at gnu.xml.dom.ls.DomLSParser.doParse (DomLSParser.java:299)
  ...14 more
  Caused by: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.next (XMLParser.java:1184)
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.hasNext (XMLParser.java:984)
  at gnu.xml.stream.SAXParser.parse (SAXParser.java:377)
  ...15 more
  Caused by: java.net.MalformedURLException: Protocol handler not found: dummy
  at java.net.URL.init (URL.java:470)
  at java.net.URL.init (URL.java:325)
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.absolutize (XMLParser.java:1583)
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.readExternalIds (XMLParser.java:2538)
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.readDoctypeDecl (XMLParser.java:1732)
  at gnu.xml.stream.XMLParser.next (XMLParser.java:1130)
  ...17 more
  (.:17169): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:


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Re: [slim] Softsqeeze - Linux Client?

2007-07-30 Thread RaK

With the keyword headless I found a few options for what I would like to

I found slimp3slave which is exactly what I searched for. I got some
trouble setting it up.

I start slimp3 

 #./slimp3slave -s -c 'splay -M'

. I could see the new player in the web interface of slimserver. I play
command starts the music, but approx 15sec later the music stops.

I tried several mp3mplayers (mpg321,mpg123, madplay, splay) all with
the same effect.

Any hints?


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[slim] Softsqeeze - Linux Client?

2007-07-29 Thread RaK


I have an Linux Server up and running 24/7 with some speakers attached.
I am looking for a softsqueeze application running nativ under linux.

I would like to snchronize this with a existing squeezebox. So playing
the mp3 stream with mpg321 seems not to be the ideal solution.

Any hints?


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[slim] 6.3.0 ugly font on SB3

2007-06-15 Thread RaK


I set up a new server today and the debian repository installed 6.3.0.
It is running quite smooth. There are several skins missing ;(, but the
main draw back is an ugly new font on the SB3. It is fairly unreadable
as I am using the middle size quite a lot.

Any hints how to change the font on the SB3. Is this something which
could configured somewhere?



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Re: [slim] 6.3.0 ugly font on SB3

2007-06-15 Thread RaK

Valid point. Just changed sources.list and everything was back as it
was. I only noticed that the album cover view was *much* faster with
6.3.0 ;(. KR


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[slim] TrackStat - Automatic Rating of non rated Tracks

2007-06-07 Thread RaK


I like the feature very much, but I would like to rate non rated tracks
with 2 instead of 3. This is not a number which could be configured
within the features of that plugin.

Could someone point me to the right file/line in the source code to
change that in the sources?

For the Plugin author: A big thanks to that great plugin! Perhaps this
could be taken as a feature request to enable this number to be edit in
the plugin preferences.



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Re: [slim] TrackStat - Automatic Rating of non rated Tracks

2007-06-07 Thread RaK

Found it alone. 

Plugin.pm line 3486

Search for Setting default rating


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[slim] Playlist not available

2007-06-06 Thread RaK


i updated recently to 6.5.3. I think since than I am not able to view
the playlist. I changed nothing since 6.5.2. The playlist folder is
mentioned in the general section of the options, the pls  file is
there, but I dont see the list either in the web interface nor on the
sb itself. Of course i tried a rescan already.

Any hints?



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[slim] Re: Take a hint from iPod interface?

2007-01-30 Thread RaK

Sorry guys, but I didnt get the point. If you want to scroll fast
through a alphabetical list just press the number keys and like a in a
phone text message you can jump to the place you want in the list
beginning with that letter. This is faster than the iPod style, isn't


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Re: [slim] Anyone used Songbird?

2007-01-30 Thread RaK

*Push up*

Any progress on this issue? songbird gained attention in the iPod
community. Has someone songbird already in use with SB and SS? It would
be a good point to start integration of this both worlds.


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[slim] Re: Favourites and Playlists

2006-12-19 Thread RaK

TNX a lot for that hint. It is pretty straight froward. I tried it, but
I scrolled not wide enough ;). KR


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[slim] Favourites and Playlists

2006-12-18 Thread RaK

Hello guys,

I am new to SB and I like the device more day by day ;). I have a litte
daughter which also wants to listen to her favourite music on the SB.
She is still not able to read, so using the menu is not the right

I learned that it is possible to put a internet radio stream as
favourite on f.e. key number 1. So if she presses 1 the strem would
start. I am searching for a feature to play a playlist instead of an
internet radio stream. So she would be able to press 1 to get her
favourite album nr.1 and 2 for ... .

You got it? Is that possible? If this is a FAQ could someone point me
in the right direction? I was not able to find something relevant using
the search until now.



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[slim] Re: Will there ever be a video squeezebox ?

2006-12-15 Thread RaK

Do you guys know VDR (http://www.cadsoft.de/vdr/). 

Of course it is per se not a client server application, but it does the
job of a PVR quite well. Of course you can have access to content on
your hard disk beside the broadcast TV (DVB-S/T/C). 

The WAF his extremly high.


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[slim] Re: How do I map a remote control button to bring up the date and time display on demand?

2006-12-04 Thread RaK

The principle Syntax of Custom.map is clear to my, but are the
possibilities somewhere documented?


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