Re: [slim] Scans seem slow? web, SBC ui slow? how to make them faster! vote for this bug!

2009-11-12 Thread Random Lurker

Here are results on my massive library:

PC Spec:
Windows XP SP3
Pentium 4 - 3.0 Ghz
2.5 GB Ram
Most music on 2 external 1TB USB Western Digital Drives, some on
internal 750 GB IDE drive.
Library size: 2.2 Terabytes, about 75% FLAC, the rest in MP3

Squeezebox Server Status
Version: 7.4.2 - r29203 @ Mon Nov 9 04:03:04 PST 2009
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Total Players Recognized: 1

Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (147326  of  147326)   Complete  03:18:19
Playlist Scan   (  of  )   Complete  00:00:00
Merge Various Artists   (8235  of  8235)   Complete  00:06:29
Artwork Scan   (8244  of  8244)   Complete  01:13:50

The server has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 04:38:38 (Tuesday, November 10, 2009 / 2:09 AM)

After adding moonbase's (And cleaning up some ALBUMARTISTSORT

Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (147326  of  147326)   Complete  02:29:05
Playlist Scan   (  of  )   Complete  00:00:00
Merge Various Artists   (8236  of  8236)   Complete  00:05:47
Artwork Scan   (8245  of  8245)   Complete  01:10:42

The server has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 03:45:34 (Wednesday, November 11, 2009 / 2:09 AM)

The total time dropped from 04:38:38 to 03:45:34 - a nice improvement. 
And more importantly, the responsiveness does have the promised gains. 
While the search function used to be worthless on my library due to how
slow it was, it can now actually return results.  Thanks for taking the
time to dig into this.

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-27 Thread Random Lurker

I finally took the plunge, and picked up an Ipod Touch to use as a
controller with iPeng to run a new Squeezebox receiver.  The short
version is.I love it!

The longer version - Some comments/questions:
1) Performance is generally very good, especially considering I have a
library of almost 8000 mostly FLAC albums.  The one area that was slow
is the screen I intended to be my standard view - The Artists-All
Albums list.  I prefer this list order for browsingjust like you
would see them in a record store.  When I first selected this item, all
you see is a blank screen.  (I assume is is getting/sorting the list). 
It takes a VERY long time for anything to display.  When it does, it is
very responsive.  I have seen vague comments that this timing will
improve... is this true?  If I left the list and returned, it still
took a long time to load.

2) Blank screens - on the above mentioned view and on search, when
something is actually happening but all you see is a blank screen, it
is hard to tell if the device is actually doing anything.  Some sort of
progress indicator would help immensely.

3) Custom Browse - I have seen some comments about CustomBrowse with
iPeng - but I assume they were talking about the plug-in, right?  And
these are planned to be supported in 1.1?  Do I have that right?

4) Pre-fetch - I appreciate that you have set it up so that it does not
lag while loading artwork.but is there anyway to add an option to
pre-fetch all artwork?  I would like to have all the art in place when
flipping thru the LONG list of albums, and would be willing to set
aside the iPod and wait while it grabbed all of this data, rather than
populating it as it was browsed.

5) Search navigation - The one place I got confused in the UI was while
using the search screen.  When the keyboard is up, I wasn't sure how to
escape.  I didn't intuitvly realize that I needed to make the
keyboard disappear to open up my navigation options.  Maybe it's just
me, but it was a little confusing.

6) Pauses in tracks - When I performed a search, it caused to audio
playback to stop.  It also took a very long time to return a result. 
With no progress indicator, no results shown for a long time, and an
audio dropout, I had assumed the app had crashed.  Ids the search time
due to the size of the library?  Or is something else happening here?

Thanks again for all your hard work - these comments are not meant as
criticism.just trying to help move iPeng from very good to

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2009-02-27 Thread Random Lurker

Thanks for the quick reply and responses I filed tickets per your

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-21 Thread Random Lurker

Per another thread:
snarlydwarf;303382 Wrote: 
 SC merges ARTIST and ARTISTSORT as part of the scan process.  A single
 file with ARTISTSORT will set the sort order for every occurence of
 that artist.
 (Ie, it makes no distinction between Elvis Costello's with and
 without sorts defined... if any Elvis Costello track defines the
 artistsort, it will carry onto all tracks.)
 So you will have to look at every track with Elvis Costello as artist
 to see if it has the sort defined.  Note that this can be defined in
 multiple ways even on mp3: not just a TXXX ARTISTSORT field, but also
 TSOP or musicbrainz tags.  It may also come from iTunes integration or
 MusicIP, I think, if you use those.

If it is true that 1 instance of an ARTISTSORT tag can set the value
for that artist across the board, I can see a problem:

-Library has 1 soundtrack album with multiple artists, ARTISTSORT tag
is set to soundtracks (or any other value)
-Library has an album by 1 of the soundtrack track artists, with
ARTISTSORT set to that artist (Let's say U2)
-If the scan process reads in the soundtrack first and does set the
ARTISTSORT value in the db for all U2 tracks to either Various
Artists or Soundtracks - That would explain most of my problems.

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-21 Thread Random Lurker

snarlydwarf;362236 Wrote: 
 Well that would be severely mistagged then.  GENRE would be a much
 better tag (yes, I know Soundtracks is not a Genre per se, but
 especially combined with multiple genre tags makes browsing useful..
 want to find a Soundtrack, look under Genre=Soundtrack.  I do this, and
 have a bunch of other classifications like 'Live' and 'Bootleg' for the
 same reason.)
 Well, yes, that would.
 ARTISTSORT is tied to ARTIST.  It says, for this artist, sort them as
 this... it applies to the ARTIST, not the TRACK.

Severly mistagged is all in the eye of the beholder.  I have so much
music with so many genres (which in my mind are VERY subjective and
random), I don't enjoy browsing by genre.  I do use it by exclusion
for some views in J River Media center - for example, don't display all
albums with GENRE = CHRISTMAS.

However, I see your point - the problem is that nowhere are the sort
priority/rules defined so a new user would know what to set.

This helped explain things for me:

The punchline:
-I need to remove all ARTISTSORT tags from my compilations (or set each
track individually) - if that happens SC will not override the sort
order for those artists.

The remaining problem:
-I would like all of these soundtrack albums grouped together while
using an Artist / Album view.  I have seen reference to some requests
for ALBUMARTISTSORT ranking... I'll have to investigate to see if this
is my same issue.

It is just frustrating because I have other existing setups that
provide exactly the behavior I want based on tags I have carefully
scrubbed - and I can't even achieve that behavior in SC even by adding

Random Lurker

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[slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-20 Thread Random Lurker

A little background:

My music library is just about 1 terabyte.  Most of it consists of FLAC
files, which I have very carefully ripped and tagged.  I also have some
older MP3 files, some from sources such as eMusic, where I had an
unlimited account, other from my earlier ripping days when drive space
was more expensive.

I have used J River Media Center for years, and love it's almost
infinite capabilities to sort, organize, and display music.  I
currently run a plug-in thru my tivo to access the JRMC music on my PC.

However, what I have always wanted is a lossless transport that hooks
up to my receiver with a hand held device that works wirelessly with a
graphical cover art display.  The Duet appears to be my dream come true
(and at a price point that is reasonable).

I have downloaded squeezecenter, and have spent a few weeks playing
with softsqueeze, the compiled SqueezePlay app, and assorted plugins. 
After all this time, I am still unable to get a basic sorted list of
albums to display correctly.

File tagging:
-Every single file has embedded cover art
-Every single file has a defined ARTISTSORT, ALBUMSORT, and ALBUMARTIST
tag, along with the expected standard title, artist, track, disc, etc. 
No compilation tags exist

I want to simply see a list of my albums, sorted by ARTISTSORT first,
then by album.

This seems simple - I understand the options related to compilations, I
have scrubbed my tags with mp3Tag to make sure there are no issues, I
have tried playing around with CustomBrowse to see if that could
illuminate anything. but frustrating random results still occur.

The punchline: many albums do not appear where they should be seen, and
some are randomly placed elsewhere in the alphabet.  My testing seems to
indicate much of this is due to Compilation logic and file types.

Key Issues and feedback:
*No Simple set of rules for tag priority seem to exist

The wiki or documentation should clearly lay out which tags take
priority, and which ones get overridden.  Understanding how the schema
uses these tags would eliminate alot of floundering.

*Compilation logic is overly confusing for end users

I think I am a fairly sophisticated user, and the way the options are
worded and presented is confouding even to me.  Once again, a simple
statement (If you set tag X and Y for all files, select these options,
the Compilations will just work) could clear all of this up. 

*Compilation logic appears to break sorting

In many cases, I noticed albums not sorted correctly.  The culprite
seems to be compilations.  I have all compilations listed to appear
under Various Artists... if I have a soundtrack with one track by U2,
an ALBUMARTIST of Various Artists, ARTISTSORT of (Soundtracks), the
soundtrack appears correctly, but other albums I have in my library by
U2 do not appear under the letter U - rather they are randomly
displayed in the Various Artist section.

*Different file types seem to be treated differently

While trying different sort rules, in some scenarios I could get all
FLAC files sorted correctly, but none of the MP3 files.  I can see no
reason these would be treated diffently when they have the same tags

*VirusScan interactions

The setup, logging, and wiki don't quite do a good enough job of
explaining how this can give you grief.  Even if you think you disabled
it, McAffee can cause issues.  The log presnted by the scanner give
cryptic messages as opposed to explaing that it failed, andf the
Virusscan is almost always the culprit.

*New Schema

This work sounds promising - but will it help me?  I can't tell

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-20 Thread Random Lurker

CatBus;361970 Wrote: 
 Let's stop right there, one thing at a time.  As far as I know, there is
 NOTHING in the various artists logic that would cause an album to show
 up under Various Artists when every track on that album is tagged
 with the exact same artist.  So let's start there and once that's
 solved work towards the rest.
 So find an example album and verify that the ARTIST tag for every track
 on that album is exactly the same.  If you spot a problem in the
 tagging, then it's a tagging problem.  If your tagging is right, then
 we're looking at a SqueezeCenter bug.  I have to say that I'm inclined
 to believe the former, as what you're trying to do is very simple and
 I've been doing it for years through multiple versions with no
 problems.  But maybe there's something else very unique about your
 setup that's causing bugs just for you and nobody else.

I realize it should be simple - that's why it bugs me.

Picking 2 of the U2 albums in question - indeed, every single track has
the exact same ARTIST, ALBUMARTIST, and ARTISTSORT : U2.  Yet they do
not appear sorted in the U's.

Random Lurker

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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-20 Thread Random Lurker

idowantapickle;361983 Wrote: 
 Was there not an issue a while back that if the first time the scanner
 encountered an artist it used that artistsort for all subsequesnt tags
 for that artist?
 So for example, I couldn't figure out why Fleetwood Mac were appearing
 under 'B' in my artists list.
 It turned out that I had a fleetwood mac track on some blues
 compilation that some bright spark had filled in an ARTISTSORT tag of
 'Blues' on musicbrainz.  Because I normally use easytag, which doesn't
 show artistsort, I didn't spot this.
 The upshot of all this is that the database scan forever associated
 ARTIST:Fleetwood Mac with ARTISTSORT:Blues, even though I have 7 FM
 albums with the correct artistsort tag.
 My memory is quite hazy on this, but I know that I sat down one night
 and went through every artist that was in the wrong place and reset all
 the artistsort tags and did a full 'wipe database and start again' scan
 and they were all ok after that.
 Where do U2 appear in your list as a matter of interest, and do you
 have them listed on any albums that are compilations etc?

Indeed - I do have soundtracks and compilations with U2 tracks on them
(When you have that much music, you have compilations with almost all
artists represented).

If indeed having ARTISTSORT defined for a compilation album causes the
problem you describe - that could go a long way to explaining my

Seems like a bug - I'd think the idea of ARTISTSORT for an album would
be to define what artist name to sort that album under.  

I'll try deleting the ARTISTSORT tags from some of my compilations as a
test to see if it helps.

Random Lurker

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