[slim] Transporter Effects loop input

2010-05-12 Thread StigErik

Does the Effects loop work when the digital inputs are in use? Say I use
the SP/DIF in and out for the effect loop, and connect my DVD player at
the Coax input. Will the Coax input be routed through the Effect loop?

My goal is to connect a digital equalizer in the effect loop, that
should work with the digital inputs as well.


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[slim] Transporter: effect loop and wordclock sync

2009-10-04 Thread StigErik

I have an external device (RME Fireface UC) that I've put in the effect
loop of the transporter using the Toslink connectors. This works fine,
except that the Transporter dont seem to accept clock sync at the
wordclock input when the effects loop is enabled. Is this supposed to
work at all?

The effect loop works fine if clocked from the input signal, or with
internal clock. Wordclock synk also works when the effects loop is

I'm running SC 7.3.3.


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Re: [slim] Transporter: effect loop and wordclock sync

2009-10-04 Thread StigErik

Phil Leigh;466207 Wrote: 
 The fireface is an adc/dac - why would you put it in the FX loop?

Its also an external computer soundcard. I use it to run room
correction filters in the computer. I know - it could have been done
with Inguz, but I have a very special application which makes this

Now - back on topic please! :)


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Re: [slim] Transporter: effect loop and wordclock sync

2009-10-04 Thread StigErik

My intention was to use the Fireface as clock source. I dont see any
problems using the TP as clock source, other than I did buy a wordclock

Using a discrete wordclock wouldnt work either, since the TP seems to
ignore the WC input when the effects loop is enabled.


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Re: [slim] Transporter: effect loop and wordclock sync

2009-10-04 Thread StigErik

Phil Leigh;466292 Wrote: 
 For best results, the DAC clock needs to drive the transport (and
 ideally anything in the fx loop too).
 Sean might be able to advise on the possibilities...

In the case the TP is both transport and DAC. Maybe the best option for
me is to let the TP clock the device thats in the effect loop?


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[slim] Transporter - why is there no digital output when using the digital inputs?

2008-12-18 Thread StigErik

When connecting a digital source to any of the digital inputs on the
Transporter, there is output at the analog outputs, but not at the
digital output. Is there any good reason for this? I would really like
this to work, as I use other digital sources with my Transporter, and
my subwoofers are connected to one digital output (I use a Behringer
DCX296 for room correction)


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Re: [slim] Transporter - why is there no digital output when using the digital inputs?

2008-12-18 Thread StigErik

I set the Effects loop input to RCA coac S/PDIF. Did not have any
effekt what so ever...

I'd wish the software developers could comment on this! Is it possible,
or not??


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Re: [slim] Now do the same with the Transporter!

2008-09-26 Thread StigErik

(I have a modified Transporter (I removed the handles...) - totally

Lets assume that the selling price of the Transporter is 10x its sheer
component cost. Thats not far from a reality I would guess. Then the
two displays and the Transnav probably acounts for 75% of the total
component cost. So - removing the Transnav (do anyone really use it? I
dont) and the displays should make it possible to sell the Transporter
for 500$, but thats not going to happen.

That being said - the 2000$ Transporter is NOT expensive, not by any
means. Just look at what the so-called competetion from hifi-brans can
offer, at 10x the price of the Tranporter!


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Re: [slim] Now do the same with the Transporter!

2008-09-26 Thread StigErik

Henk51;344361 Wrote: 
 Agreed to that.
 But what if your living in the European countries the price-tag is
 thats about 2900$ this is much more expensive!

I know, I live in Norway (Europe...). Still, I managed to get a new
Transporter for approx 2000$.

If you look at hifi products for a combination of source/transport
and DAC that can do the same as the Transporter and cost 2000$, you
wont find it. Even 2000$ hifi standalone DAC's that can match the
Transporter's clean pure sound are hard to find, if at all.


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Re: [slim] What do you do when your SB/TP locks up?

2008-08-15 Thread StigErik

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=46642

Question: What do you do when your SB/TP locks up?

- Go to the trouble of unplugging it?
- Reboot the computer with SS on it?
- Stop and restart SS?

I have two SB3... never locks up
Transporter stopped locking up after SC 7.1
Controller well all the time.


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[slim] SB volume control - I want dB scale, not just %

2008-08-14 Thread StigErik

The title says it all. I want dB scale on SB3, just like the mighty
Transporter. Is this possible?


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Re: [slim] SB volume control - I want dB scale, not just %

2008-08-14 Thread StigErik

aubuti;329231 Wrote: 
 Try Michael Herger's MusicInfoScreen plugin. I think that the enhanced
 (or whatever he calls it) volume display is in db.
And so I did... thank you very much. :-)


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Re: [slim] Dont Buy!!!!! (merged to remove cross-posting)

2008-07-17 Thread StigErik

I think wifi in general is a bit of a nightmare. At work we had big
problems with wifi IP phones (Cisco 7920). Even if the phones just
require a mere 100 kbps bandwidth we got choppy audio and lost
connections. To make it work at a reasonable level we ended up with no
more than 16 AP's, and that's in a 300 sq meter 3 storey building,
running on three different channels to avoid overlap between AP's. We
also had situations where we had no signal just 2 meters from an AP.

At home, all my Sqeezeboxen are wired. There is a reason for that!


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Re: [slim] Scaled Down VU meter

2008-07-11 Thread StigErik

The VU meter on the SB is just gimmick, really useless if you ask me. It
doesnt even follow any accepted standard for 0 dB. A digital peak-meter
with peak-hold and RMS value would be better I think, but who wants to
look at the meters all the time? I like to listen to the music!


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Re: [slim] Scaled Down VU meter

2008-07-11 Thread StigErik

JimC;318868 Wrote: 
 Well it is a screensaver, after all, and wasn't intended to be used for
 actual measurement or mastering.  I find it entertaining and,
 therefore, not useless but that's just my opinion.
 In this case, one man's gimmick is another man's visual entertainment.
 -= Jim

Maybe I'm just a geek..?  When I see a meter, I want it to be
reasonably accurate. Its like having a clock thats 1 hour 34 minues
off, just because its a screensaver and not indended for accurate



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[slim] SC Bitrate limiting - why not 224 kbps?

2008-07-10 Thread StigErik

The bitrate limit that can be set per player use the standard bitrates
used for MP3, but 224 kbps (as well as 112 kbps) is omitted. Any reason
for this, and is it possible to specify 224 kbps manually in some way?

The reason I ask is that I would like to stream music from home when
I'm at work (using SoftSqueeze), and my ADSL at home is too thin for
256 kbps, and I can hear that 192 kbps is slightly worse than 256


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[slim] Controller menus

2008-06-20 Thread StigErik

Is it possible to customize the menus on this thing, the same way is can
be done with SB3, TP and so on... ? There are lots menu items I dont
want or need.


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Re: [slim] Controller vs. Remote

2008-06-20 Thread StigErik

One thing that I would love to have on the Controller, is that album art
is displayed when browsing my Music Folder... a bit iTunes, if you


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Re: [slim] Controller vs. Remote

2008-06-20 Thread StigErik

aubuti;313697 Wrote: 
 Maybe I *don't* understand, or maybe things have changed since the last
 time I used iTunes, but as I recall iTunes doesn't let you browse your
 music folder, strictly speaking. It lets you browse your library as
 organized by genres, artists, and albums, or the list of tracks on the
 bottom part of the screen. Of course, you get album art on the
 Controller if you browse by genres, artists, or albums.
 Various people have been working on hacks to get album art to display
 when browsing by Music Folder on the web ui -- search the forums if
 you're interested. So there's probably others interested in it for the
 Controller. The big hurdle is that by design, BMF doesn't use the MySQL
 database -- it just reads directly from the file system, which is why
 you do get album art when you drill down to the album folder (assuming
 you have cover.jpg or folder.jpg in there). But getting BMF to
 accommodate all the different ways that people can store album art is a
 nontrivial task.

Album art *DO* show when browsing the music folder in the web
interface, as long as a album.jpg (or similar) file exists in the
folder. See screenshot. My only wish is that the same would work using
the Controller

|Filename: MusicFolderArt.JPG   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5314|


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Re: [slim] Can't find Player with 2nd Computer

2008-06-15 Thread StigErik

You say that the SB is connected to the old computer. It cant be
connected to two SqueezeCenter servers at the same time, so no wonder
you cant find it on the new one.

Go into setup on the SB and connect it to the new SS server.


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[slim] Sean: can the Transporter's single-ended output drive a 600 ohms load?

2008-06-11 Thread StigErik

and if so, it would be nice


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Re: [slim] Sean: can the Transporter's single-ended output drive a 600 ohms load?

2008-06-11 Thread StigErik

The output impedance is set to 100 ohm with output series resistor, but
thats not really the problem here. The output impedance could be close
to zero if we wanted, but that would not make it possible to drive a
loudspeaker directly. The question is really if the ouput OP-AMP can
deliver enough current, and if it can do so without any increase in


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Re: [slim] Best Music File Renaming program

2008-05-05 Thread StigErik

I had the same problem ... had to rename approx 1 WAV files (tags
are rather useless with classical music - I prefer to used folders)

Spacetornado renamer worked for me. You could try it.



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Re: [slim] What do you do when your SB/TP locks up?

2008-04-22 Thread StigErik

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=46642

Question: What do you do when your SB/TP locks up?

- Go to the trouble of unplugging it?
- Reboot the computer with SS on it?
- Stop and restart SS?

Press and hold the on/off button on the remote to force a power cycle...
it works.


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Re: [slim] How do I do a clean reinstall?

2008-04-02 Thread StigErik

I also had problems with this. I cleaned everything I could find in
\program files\ and the Windows Registry. Still, some settings were
retained, like the path to the music library. Are the any hidden things
in the Windows user profile maybe?


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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter 7 + Transporter problems

2008-03-31 Thread StigErik

haunyack;285542 Wrote: 
 Incompatible plugin(s)?

I think not. The problems happened even with a 100% pure untouched
fresh install also.

By the way, it happened also without any music in the library. I tested
walking around the menus, and playing internet radio, and it still

A possible explanation could be that I use Norwegian locale on my
computers? Windows XP pro English though.


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Re: [slim] Squeezecenter 7 + Transporter problems

2008-03-31 Thread StigErik

mherger;285565 Wrote: 
  My Transporter was locking up randomly, remote stopped working, music
  stopping and so on. At the same time my Squeezebox worked 100% fine.
 Make sure you give your player a name - or update to 7.0.1. In 7.0
 there was a bug which caused lock ups in the player interface when the
 player had no name.

Thanks, I could try this. I didnt (re)name the player, it just showed
up as Transporter.


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[slim] Squeezecenter 7 + Transporter problems

2008-03-30 Thread StigErik

Anyone else experiencing problems with Squeezecenter 7 and Transporter?
My Transporter was locking up randomly, remote stopped working, music
stopping and so on. At the same time my Squeezebox worked 100% fine.

First I suspected that my computer or Squeezecenter install was bad, so
I tried an other computer - got the same problems here. When I had tried
the forth computer I gave up...

Well... I went back to Slimserver 6.5, which actually DOES work for

Any ideas?


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[slim] Squeezecenter removal - how?

2008-03-29 Thread StigErik

I got a problem with my Transporter locking up when connected to
Squeezecenter. I decided to try a uninstall and reinstall. However ...
uninstall dont clean up all settings. Things like the location of the
music folder is kept. Any ideas as to how to do a complete cleanup?

Anyhow .. I installed Squeezecenter on an other computer, so I solved
my problem with the Transporter that way.


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