Re: [slim] Silent SoftSqueeze 2.0b99 workaround

2005-05-17 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
I installed the 5-16-05 Nightly of the 6.1 Trunk.  The Primary Sound 
Driver problem I was having with 2.0b99 seems to be resolved with the 
release of SoftSqueeze 2.0b7. I'll beat on it today and let you know how 
it holds up.

Tom Malsbury

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Silent SoftSqueeze 2.0b99 workaround

2005-05-16 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Sorry for the delay in this response Richard, I have been away for the 
past two weeks.  Has this problem been tackled yet, or would my 
debugging info still be of use to you?  Let me know where it stands, and 
I will help you all that I can.

Tom Malsbury
Richard Titmuss wrote on 5/3/05:
Can you enable all the javasound debug options, and then switch between
Java Sound Audio Engine and Primary Sound Driver a couple of times.
Then post the output of the log. I think this is a new problem ...
Thomas Malsbury wrote on 4/26/05
 Today I upgraded my SoftSqueeze install on my work PC from 2.0b2 to 
 my playlist loaded and everything seemed fine except there was no 
audio playback
 when I pressed play. The counter just sat at 0:00.  I had a memory 
that at one point
 there was mention of having to use JLayer instead of the Java MP3 
Plugin.  I
 switched that and still got no playback. Thinking maybe my memory 
was in question,
 I switched it back to the Java MP3 Plugin and changed the Sound 
driver from Primary
 Sound Driver to Java Sound Audio Engine. That seems to have done the 
 SoftSqueeze is behaving normally, and playback is fine.

 Any debugging info that would be useful, I should be able to get.
 I can reproduce it easy enough.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Slim and Spinal Tap

2005-04-27 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury

Is it me, or has someone recently changed the volume control in
SlimServer from 1-20 to 1-11? ...
I highly approve of being able to
go to 11 when I need that little bit more!  ;-)

in the web interface  it's been 11 for quite a while. The player uses 
another scale.

This feature appeared around introduction of Slimserver 5.0.1 and the 
release of the SB1. I think it started as a mailing list joke about the 
line level out of the new hardware being a little low, so the volume 
scale was shifted from 1-10 to 1-11 so it would be louder.

This and the free pony request  still make me laugh when they crop up 
from time to time.

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Silent SoftSqueeze 2.0b99 workaround

2005-04-26 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
This is mainly directed at Richard, but I have seen a few posts about 
AlienBBC being displayed but silent in SoftSqueeze, so it may be helpful 
in working around that issue as well.

Today I upgraded my SoftSqueeze install on my work PC from 2.0b2 to 
2.0b99, my playlist loaded and everything seemed fine except there was 
no audio playback when I pressed play. The counter just sat at 0:00.  I 
had a memory that at one point there was mention of having to use JLayer 
instead of the Java MP3 Plugin.  I switched that and still got no 
playback. Thinking maybe my memory was in question, I switched it back 
to the Java MP3 Plugin and changed the Sound driver from Primary Sound 
Driver to Java Sound Audio Engine. That seems to have done the trick. 
SoftSqueeze is behaving normally, and playback is fine.

This what my setup is:   Windows XP SP2
SoftSqueeze 2.0b99
JRE 1.5.0
Connected via SSH to Slimserver 6.1 
(4/24/05 Nightly) on a FC3 Linux box

Any debugging info that would be useful, I should be able to get. I can 
reproduce it easy enough.

Tom Malsbury

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Softsqueeze 2.0b6 (Over SSH), Slimserver 6.0.2-1, No audio...

2005-04-26 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
pbrubaker wrote:
I just upgraded to Softsqueeze 2.0b6 and now I have no audio.  It looks
like it's playing but there is no audio, the timer does not update and
the spectrum does not display.

Are you by chance using the Primary Sound Driver option in the audio 
settings section of the preferences?  I was seeing a similar behavior 
this morning, and was able to get around it by changing the setting to 
Java Sound Audio Engine

You can see my post on this thread for more details:
Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Tagless Library?

2005-04-25 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
JJZolx wrote:
On one of my networks I have a very large mp3 library, with about 15,000
tracks, mostly complete albums, but the id3 tagging of these tracks is
pretty hit and miss.  Many of the tracks were never tagged.  SlimServer
does an incredibly poor job of cataloging this library.
What this library _does_ have is a very strict and well-done directory
structure of Artist/Album/Track, and all tracks are names precisely in
the same manner of 

[tracknumber] [tracktitle].mp3
Can SlimServer be told to use the directory and filename structure when
it scans, rather than id3 tag data?

Yes, go to Server Settings in the WebUI, then click on the Formatting 
tab. At the bottom of the page is a section titled Guess Tags 
Formats.  Enter the file structure of your library as the first entry 
in the list, then SlimServer will use that structure to index and 
catalog the files.

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] AAC with original SliMP3

2005-04-24 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Adlopa wrote:
Apologies if this is an obvious one but I'm damned if I can find mention
of it anywhere... I'm having trouble playing AAC (M4A) files on my
original SliMP3 box with SlimServer 6 -- audio just comes through as
staccato clicks. Am I missing something here..?

What OS are you running Slimserver on? I am playing .m4a's to my Slimp3s 
on my Fedora Linux  system successfully with both 6.0.1 and 6.1.  Is 
this a problem only with your Slimp3 and you are successfully playing 
m4a's on an SB1 or SB?

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Seeking Tech Info on Squeezebox Remote

2005-04-23 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Marc Sherman wrote:
cliveb wrote:
Hi, this is my first post. Yesterday I took delivery of a SB2, and jolly
nice it is to. I'm interested in building a remote receiver that will
switch on my power amps (using a power relay) at the same time as
turning the SB2 out of standby.
To this end, I need to find out some technical data about the remote,
such as the frequency it uses, and the codes it sends. I've tried a
search of the forums but came up with nothing. Does anyone know where I
can get this kind of data?

At least some of that info (the codes, not the frequencies, though I 
tink the frequency info is fairly standardized for IR remotes) is 
available in the file .../IR/ within the 
slimserver source.

If you've already got a remote that can control your amps, you could 
go the other way around, and program the Slim to respond to that 
remote; setting the d_ir flag will output every IR signal received to 
the log, and you can use those log entries to create a .IR file that 
maps the remote codes to symbolic button names.  Those buttons are 
then mapped to modes/features in the file in the same 

Another alternative you might want to consider is the geekport -- the 
SB1/SBG had a pin labled: s/pdif enable indicator (may be used to 
drive remote amplifier turn-on); I'm not sure, but I'd imagine that 
the SB2 geekport has a similar pin.

- Marc
It is planned that the SB2 headphone port will be able to send out IR 
signals to an IR blaster to control other devices. 

You can see the post that Sean Adams of Slimdevices wrote here:
Tom Malsbury

Discuss mailing list

Re: FW: [slim] Re: Problems/Frustration with Softsqueeze/SSH

2005-04-21 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Sorry, but I can't find the help page you refer to.  There's a Softsqueeze
SSH Tunneling Howto that points you to how to set up a (generic) SSH
Server, but doesn't address the steps necessary to make it and the
slimserver work together on a Windows system.

I guess I will look those over again and make any need changes once we 
get you up and running.  They were posted with the release of 
SoftSqueeze 1.0, not that much has changed in the SSH tunneling feature 
of SoftSqueeze2 but I'm sure they could be refined.

Sorry to reveal my ignorance (again), but your note raised a couple of
questions for me:
1) Which port on the Slimserver?  My firewall won't forward to just an IP
address, it needs a port number as well.

You need to set you router/firewall to forward Port 22 to the local 
network IP address of of your XP box running SSH and Slimserver.  You 
don't need to forward any other ports  through the firewall.  The point 
of SSH tunneling is that all traffic and ports needed are tunneled 
through the single open and secure port.

2) How does one set up the SSH config file? - it doesn't appear to be
something that Notepad can handle.

It should be.  It is just a generic text file that hold all the settings 
that SSH uses when it starts up. 

3) I didn't realize that one could enter the IP address in the SSH Server
box - it appears to be a dropdown with only one choice.  Thanks to your
note, though, I've put the right information in that box.  I still can't
connect, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere.

When you enter the IP address of the SSH Server, make sure that you are 
using the IP address assigned to your WAN/Router by your ISP, not the IP 
address of the XP box on your local network.

Let me know if any of that was helpful.  If not, don't worry we'll get 
it.  Lots of people use this feature everyday so it is just a matter of 
trouble shooting your setup and getting you enjoying your music 
collection from anywhere with an internet connection.

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Just getting started...

2005-04-19 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
CavesOfTQLT wrote:
Sorry to jump into this thread but reading those flac comments makes me
want to try it out. Can someone point me to a good 'copy that CD into
flac' site or just to indicate the steps/instructions I need to do this
using EAC or other software. So far all my CDs are encoded in mp3 and
Ogg (mainly because my personal DP reads these formats), but I'd like
to start using flac for all my new CDs, in readiness for my SB2 system.
Any help/pointers appreciated.

This was discussed a little over a year ago in a previous thread, you 
can see my response there:
But in a quick summary here is what I did.
I used EAC to encode directly to FLAC. It is identical to setting up EAC 
to encode to LAME.
You just select Other Codec in the settings and point to where the 
FLAC.exe file is located.

You can get the codec at plus links to 
other software that supports FLAC.

Settings for using alternative codecs in EAC can be found at

dbPowerAmp, can also rip from CD to FLAC. It worked well in a few trials 
that I did. If you are not
willing to wait for EAC I think it is a good substitute. Even with its 
AccurateRip feature turned on ,
which I would recommend, it was about twice as fast as EAC.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Remote won't work

2005-04-11 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Tahir wrote:
Thanks Dean 

It's usually dark when I need to press the sleep button on my remote
and I just can't find it on the Slim one.

All the way to the right, one up from the bottom  that's the one I  
do every night with my glasses off and lights out.

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Re: [slim] Ugrading SoftSqueeze

2005-04-08 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Max wrote:
What is the correct way to upgrade SoftSqueeze?  I just went from 
2.0a4 to 2.0b3 by clicking on the install link in SlimServer 6.01.  
The upgrade went fine, but the player showed up as a new player in the 
server, forcing me to configure it all over again.  I'm assuming that 
this isn't meant to happen!

Max Spicer
Yes, the reset was intended. 

One of the versions along the way from alpha to beta forced the reset. I 
believe it was related to a MAC address problem that Richard corrected, 
that is why it appeared as a new player in the Server.

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Thanks for the Pony!

2005-04-08 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury

Are we talking about the ponies or the twins?

Sorry couldn't resist.

 You have tried looking into their eyes and squeezing their bodies,
 right?  I hadn't seen that before and laughed for 5 minutes straight.


 Jeff Coffler wrote:

 I got three black SqueezeBox 2's, and I received three different color

 My 3yr old twin boys promptly took them all.  They're very picky about
 the toys daddy gets to play with. :-(

-- Jeff

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Nightly RPMs not building

2005-04-03 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury

I just wanted to let you know that the nighlty rpms for 6.1 or 6.0.1 have
not been built for the last three nights, 4/1, 4/2 or 4/3.

I was able to check out the current SVN for 6.1 and use the
manually build the release for myself if that info helps.

Tom Malsbury

Discuss mailing list

[slim] Erratic scrolling with Internet Radio Stream in 6.0

2005-04-01 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
I have noticed erratic scrolling with the following internet radio stream.
I see the same scrolling behavior at home with my SliMP3s and now with 
SoftSqueeze2. It jumps back to the beginning of the Text as soon as the 
last character is displayed.  With other streams and files directly off 
the Slimserver, the Scroll continues until the first character is back 
to its original position at which point is pauses before it begins to 
scroll again. 

I know that this stream scrolled normally under 5.4.1 and have only been 
seeing this problem since upgrading to 6.0.  I normally access this 
stream through SHOUTCast plugin, but see the same behavior when I tune 
in directly with the link above.

I am currently running the 3-28-05 Nightly of 6.0 on a Fedora Core3 box.
Tom Malsbury

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SqueezeBox 2, Slimserver 6 and FLAC question

2005-04-01 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
When I re-ripped all my CDs to Flac, I used dbPowerAmp with the add-on 
Flac Codec.  It worked very well for me.
The only problem that I have is that all my ripping, tagging and storage 
was done in a Windows environment and my SlimServer runs on a linux 
box.  Since the upgrade to 6.0 some files with special characters were 
not found since the language sets were not specified in my samba share.  
This seems to be more a Linux-Windows problem in my setup and not a 
problem with SlimServer 6.0.  Just the changes in 6.0 manifested a 
problem with my setup. Dan Sully is already aware and helped me track 
down the problem.  I just wanted to through that out there since you 
mentioned you might be moving your files from one OS to another after 
the ripping process.

Tom Malsbury

Jay Sissom wrote:
This is more of a general question about Flac encoding.  Quite a few
people are using it, but I've found the tools that I've looked at are
just a little difficult to deal with.  I used CDex and iTunes to rip
CD's to mp3's.  Is there an open source tool like that for Flac?  So
far, all the tools I've seen require multiple steps for ripping, CDDB
then flac conversion.  I have Windows, Mac OS and Linux, but would
prefer a Windows or Mac OS tool because Linux is my server.

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Re: [slim] LinkStation as SlimServer... Performance Issues?

2005-03-17 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Marc D. Field wrote:
Who's running the deep discount on the 160?

I saw on earlier this week that is offering them 
at $209 with free shipping.
Looks like the offer is still valid, and its $40 less then Amazon, so 
this might be the deal he was talking about.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SoftSqueeze - where did the search UI go?

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury

Andy Hawkins wrote:


In the first version of SoftSqueeze I used (that went with the 5.4 release
of SlimServer) it had a nice button that let you type in (using the
keyboard) an artist name, title etc., and search based on that.

In the newest version of SoftSqueeze, this appears to have disappeared. Is
this deliberate, or am I missing something?



>From the SlimServer 6.0b1 release notes:

  Softsqueeze know issues:

  Spectrum Analyzer is not working correctly. 
  SB2 features not yet implemented: native FLAC, audio
  Excession, lcd, full screen and applet skins need updating. 
  Experimental music search is now disabled, this was not
working with slimserver 6.0. 
  Java MP3 Plugin may use 100% cpu, if this effects you try
jlayer instead for this release. 


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Re: [slim] Anyone else having problems with the JavaMP3 Plugin on Windows?

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Patrick Dixon wrote:
Only problem is, having downloaded javamp3-1_0.exe, the installation doesn't
progess beyond choosing an install directory (where it just loops).

I had this problem when first installing the Java MP3 Plugin from Sun.  
It seems to be a problem with their installer not a problem with 
SoftSqueeze or Slimserver.  I found that if I chose another directory 
other then the one is it trying to create the install proceeds without a 
problem.  I think in the end I just moved up one directory to the main 
JRE folder and let it install it there.  As long as Windows and JRE know 
where it was installed even if it was not the default location, 
SoftSqueeze can find and utilize it.

As a side note the version of Softsqueeze shipped with SlimServer 6.0b1 
(SoftSqueeze 2.0a11) doesn't work with the Java MP3 plugin.  If that is 
a feature that you are looking to use it has been fixed in the 3-14-05 
Nightly and is updated to include SoftSqueeze 2.0a12.

Tom Malsbury
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] RFI with SB. Will it happen with SB2?

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
Alan D. Falk wrote:
Also, anyone from SlimDevices care to comment on whether the power supply in
the SB2 is the same as the one in the SB?  If different, is it better
Thanks again.
Jeffrey Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sean from Slim Devices addressed this in a previous thread:

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] WikiSlim? SlimWiki? SlimWikiCity?

2005-03-02 Thread Thomas B. Malsbury
For the record it is located at:

Craig, James (IT) wrote:
There is already a Wiki on SlimDevices web site.
Not much on it though...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Damon Riley
Sent: 02 March 2005 17:26
Subject: [slim] WikiSlim? SlimWiki? SlimWikiCity?
Hi, everyone.
I've enjoyed being a part of this mailing list and plan to continue with
it.  I do find it easier to stay on top of things when the messages land
in my 'slim' inbox.  BUT...
There is a project called WikiCities that the creator of the Wikipedia 
has begun.  How much interest is there in starting a WikiCity to compile

and refine what we know about the Squeezebox, slimp3, slimserver, 
softsqueeze  other related topics?  A WikiSlim could be like an FAQ on 
steroids.  There would be no one maintainer-- we could all add our two 
cents without waiting for the FAQ owner to get around to making updates.

 Yes, there are ups and downs to this, but what is there to lose, 
really?  WikiCities lets us use their software  servers to run the wiki

and they get to place ads on the site.  The content is free to anyone.
To see what's starting, you can look at WikiMac:
If you're not familiar with the Wikipedia concept, you could look in the
March issue of Wired where there is a decent article.  An excerpt is 

-- Damon

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