Re: [slim] Suggestions for Squeezebox player replacement for a non-techie longtime SB user

2022-11-19 Thread TomAmes

GeeJay wrote: 
> I am not a techie.  Have no Linux knowledge at all.  Don’t have time to
> tinker, but figured I’d at least give a raspberry pi a shot while I own
> a workable SB Touch.  
> After getting over the initial fear I bought a kit with a case, and
> located the instructions on this site for how to load squeezelite.  I
> can’t recall if it worked flawlessly the first time I turned it on, but
> I did get it to work. In the past 2-3 years since I bought it I may have
> have to reboot it twice.  It works flawlessly. 
> As for multi-room, I decided to ditch the synchronized multi-SB setup I
> used to have and started buying Denon HEOS speakers and a Marantz
> HEOS-enabled network streamer. I was already going to upgrade my stereo
> so that money was going to be spent anyway.  Synchronization is much
> better than my old multi-SB network of players.  
> The lesson here is don’t rule out the Pi if you can’t find something
> else that fits your needs.  The hardest part, frankly, is getting over
> the fear factor that you’re going to spend months having to figure out
> how to make it work when it really doesn’t take that long once you
> commit to it.

I went through the same process with the Pi. And faced the same
trepidations. I bumbled my way through so happily that I now have three
Pi players in addition to my Boom. I could not be happier with them.

There is some assembly required and some relatively basic downloading
and configuring involved, but none require handyman or programming
skills. I got a little frustrated in the process, but members of this
forum helped walk me through the initial issues I was having.

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Re: [slim] Logitech is done making Harmony remotes

2021-04-11 Thread TomAmes

Apesbrain wrote: 
> It's a good product.  It fills a specific need.  No one else makes a
> worthy substitute.  Sound familiar?
> Anyway, I bought a backup this morning.

Does it ever sound familiar! 

jfo wrote: 
> I still use my Harmony 880 which I bought about 18 years ago. They were
> a Canadian company started around 2001 and had amazing customer service.
> I recall setting up my Tact digital room correction system, digital amps
> and other gear over the phone with a tech support person. He accessed my
> account and settings and implemented new settings on the fly for me. It
> wasn't the same after Logitech acquired them of course. Fortunately by
> then I didn't need support.
> Edit: I too just ordered a 665 backup.

My first Harmony was an 880. Probably my favorite and I hated when it
died. I currently have a One, a 650, and a Touch. I hope they last as
long as Logitech's support for them. I'm afraid they will outlive the

bernt wrote: 
> Oh no! The Harmony Companion is second best gadget I ever had.
> We all know that’s numbers one.
> Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk

Agree. But this time I fear there is no community like all the guys
around here who have kept the Squeezebox system going. 

This certainly makes one appreciate all the work that Michael and many
others have done. Thanks again to all of you folks!

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Re: [slim] Spotify to offer Lossless Streaming

2021-02-27 Thread TomAmes

+1 as well

But I pity Michael for having to deal with the likely oncoming demands
for what may be a Herculean task. As much credit as Michael gets here,
it still is not enough imo.

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Re: [slim] Bye bye wiki?

2020-09-11 Thread TomAmes


Archive it but don't waste any time or effort updating it.

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Re: [slim] John Darko talks about Squeezebox / LMS in 2019

2019-06-10 Thread TomAmes

d6jg wrote: 
> He has also missed off 2 other essential plugins - MAI and RP.

I was oblivious to these two plugins. I installed MAI a couple of days,
and it is absolutely awesome! Thanks to Michael for developing it, and
thank you for mentioning it here!

Perhaps I will give RP a try--and spend some time perusing the list of

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Boom power connection - Simple sollution found

2019-05-01 Thread TomAmes

edwin2006 wrote: 
> What to say. For you it works, for someone else it's something to try.
> Mine is still working without any hassle.


I'm glad it was posted in case I ever do need it. Thanks, OP!

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Re: [slim] Another yesr

2019-01-07 Thread TomAmes

Fahzz wrote: 
> You can always come here for counselling.

No, he can't. Only enablers hang out here ;)

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Re: [slim] Another yesr

2018-12-28 Thread TomAmes


This system has been such a nice enhancement to my life! 

Thanks to all who have contributed!

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Re: [slim] What are your long-term SqueezeBox solutions?

2018-09-07 Thread TomAmes

menno wrote: 
> Interesting to read what everyone is doing/planning.
> For me I think it comes down to the fact my 4 year old son can say "Dad,
> play me the Trolls soundtrack", and he'll have to wait for me to do it,
> or for me to tell him I dont want to hear that again! But he can easily
> now say "Alexa play the Trolls soundtrack" and he gets what he wants.
> Finally got 2 Echos last month as a test, primarily to work with my new
> home automation.
> But even the missus, who's been happy to use the Squeezeboxes all these
> years, now finds Alexa easier due to the voice control. 
> So unless I can get Alexa voice control working for the Squeezeboxes,
> then I'll suspect the rest of the family will probably end up wanting me
> to setup more Echos.

Preference for convenience over audio quality is a trend that I have
found disheartening. Unless I am in the immediate area my wife prefers
to listen to the Echo in the kitchen rather than the SB Boom. My adult
daughter, her husband and all of their friends are satisfied with poor
audio and video quality as long as it is at their fingertips. Some
friends we frequently visit have apparently totally abandoned a small
audio player of some sort in their living area for an Echo *sigh*

On the bright side my son who is in college is far more interested in
audio and video quality even though he often takes the "convenient"
route. The flip side of that bright side is that he entered the vinyl
rabbithole a few years back, and there are no signs of his emerging from

But, back on topic, I recently built my 2nd RPi player and couldn't be

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Re: [slim] SB3 Receiver free to good home*

2018-07-31 Thread TomAmes

Spoken for again. 

Thanks for reading.

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Re: [slim] SB3 Receiver free to good home*

2018-07-31 Thread TomAmes

This receiver (and power supply) is available again. I was apparently
mistaken about the receiver part of a Duet simply being a SB2 or SB3. My
apologies to the initial respondent.

Anyhow, the receiver and power supply are boxed up and ready to go.
Postage to the continental US is on me.

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Re: [slim] SB3 Receiver free to good home*

2018-07-26 Thread TomAmes

Spoken for already.


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[slim] SB3 Receiver free to good home*

2018-07-26 Thread TomAmes

A receiver (I think SB3, but don't know the difference between a 2 & 3)
I have had for years has been balky for several months and now seems
unable to connect to the network. I don't think I have the skills or the
patience to troubleshoot and most likely replace the wifi card if
necessary. A few months ago I added an RPi player just to see if I could
do that. I did, and I have already ordered the necessary items to build
another to replace this receiver.

*If for some reason I am unable to cobble another RPi player together, I
may try to revive this receiver. I do not anticipate that being the

Symptoms of the receiver: For several months whenever there was a power
failure or a router re-boot, the receiver frequently had to be
unplugged/re-plugged to re-establish the network connection while none
of my other SB devices did. A couple of times the receiver required
re-setting. Today there is no connection and pressing the button on the
front has no effect that I can tell--no slow or fast flashing red lights
no matter how long I hold the button. It does sometimes briefly flash
red, white, or green, but never long enough for anything I try to have
an effect.

After searching here, I am guessing an issue with the network card. My
life will be simpler if I can just put together another RPi player.
However, if someone in the community thinks they can resurrect this
receiver and put it to personal use, I am more than willing to ship it
to them (unless * noted above occurs). Please PM me if interested. I am
really too attached to these things to even think about dumping one in
the trash.

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Re: [slim] What are your long-term SqueezeBox solutions?

2018-03-22 Thread TomAmes

Just added a Rpi/Hifiberry DAC+pro/pCP to my Squeezebox system of Boom
and Duet with two receivers. Following Apesbrain's "How-to" on another
page made it a much simpler process than I anticipated. I only hit one
minor speed-bump which was quickly resolved with a couple of helpful
responses to a question in another thread on this forum.

I didn't really need another player now, but I wanted to relieve my
anxiety about what I would do if a player failed. I'm willing to take a
shot at repairing one of my players if necessary, but I'm not confident
in my abilities. I wanted to ensure that I would be able to replace them
if necessary. 

The pi player is working great. Now I will be able to move the player
that was in that spot to a system in the den where my son didn't want a
Squeezebox player "cluttering up" the system there that was primarily
"his" as he only wanted to listen to his vinyl collection. Now that he
has gone off to college he no longer has a vote :)

I will now re-focus my anxiety onto the Boom in the kitchen that has
been doing yeoman's work for several years now and is still chugging
along without complaint.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic failing

2018-02-13 Thread TomAmes


I hope I never have to return to this thread, but it is nice to know it
is here if I need it. Thanks for the detailed pics and other info!

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Re: [slim] Spotify Question for Michael - Will it really go away?

2017-04-18 Thread TomAmes

zordaz wrote: 
> I dropped by this thread and also read the announcement on the Spotify
> developer website that Libspotify will finally be phased out somewhere
> this year.
> This is worrying news for the majority of the Squeezebox users I think.
> So what surprises me is that apparently not many people seem concerned.
> Or is it all happening behind the scenes?
> The Squeezebox community was able to handle many challenges during the
> years, but can it handle this one? So far it feels to me like a possible
> final nail...
> Or am I too pessimistic? Is it yet possible to find technical (and
> legal) solutions to replace Libspotify? If so: do we already have any
> clue in which direction to go?

I am quite concerned. It would be a huge loss for me if I could not
access Spotify via my Squeezeboxen. I am hopeful that someone can find a

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Re: [slim] Spotify playlist length limited to 500 tracks?

2017-02-16 Thread TomAmes

mherger wrote: 
> > We can post about in the official spotify app tread I think the limit
> is
> > there , its been asked before .
> Yes, I can confirm that you cannot change that limitation. It's been 
> discussed before.
> -- 
> Michael

Thanks for the confirmation. And my apologies for not finding that
discussion previously. I will search again--and figure out the simplest
work-around for me.

Thanks again for everything you do with LMS!

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Re: [slim] Spotify playlist length limited to 500 tracks?

2017-02-16 Thread TomAmes

callesoroe wrote: 
> It is a LMS setting. Change it in settings>advanced>performance>max
> length of playlist

garym wrote: 
> I recall that I have the same problem. Haven't looked back at it lately,
> but the issue was that even if LMS settings had max playlist of 25,000,
> I still got 500 on the Spotify playlists in LMS (using logitech spotify
> app combined with the Spotify Protocol Handler plugin in LMS).  I don't
> think it was ever resolved.


I have changed that setting numerous times. As stated in my OP, I can
shorten the length of the playlist but can not increase it higher than
500 tracks regardless of that setting. This was not an issue earlier
(with Triode's plug-in, I guess) as Spotify allows up to 10,000
tracks/playlist (according to my Google search).

But recently it has become an issue--presumably when I deactivated
Triode's plug-in and changed to the Spotify app + the Spotify Protocol
Handler plugin.

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[slim] Spotify playlist length limited to 500 tracks?

2017-02-14 Thread TomAmes

I just noticed that my Spotify playlists are being truncated at a
maximum of 500 tracks on LMS (most recent 7.9 nightly). I don't know
when this started, but LMS used to play my complete Spotify playlists.
Several weeks ago I disabled Triode's plug-in and replaced it with the
Spotify Protocol Handler. I can keep adding Spoitfy playlists to LMS to
total far more than 500 tracks, but I can not get a single playlist to
play more than 500 tracks.

I have gone to, disabled/re-enabled my Spotify account
there and all looks normal for my three players (one Boom, 2 Classics)
and controller. In Settings > Performance I changed the maximum playlist
length from 5000 to various settings. I can shorten the maximum length
of playlists but not increase it.

Is there something I am overlooking? Maybe uninstall/reinstall LMS? Do I
need to commence chopping up my Spotify playlists into 500-track

And thanks to Michael and everyone else for keeping this eco-system
alive and improving!

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Re: [slim] Spotify not working

2017-01-26 Thread TomAmes

Disable Triode's plug-in. 
Enable Official Spotify plug-in. 
Enable Spotify Protocol Handler.

Let us know how that works out.

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Re: [slim] Spotify not working

2017-01-20 Thread TomAmes

The only time I have seen that exact behavior with Spotify on my SB was
when my Spotify account was playing on another device--not necessarily
even a SB. Are you certain that your Spotify account is not playing on
another device?

I am assuming you have read the other recent threads re: changes with
Spotify in the LMS?

Other than those two items to troubleshoot, I have no idea. Good luck
tracking it down.

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Re: [slim] Boom on top of subwoofer - isolation needed ?

2016-06-05 Thread TomAmes

If it were me, I would try my best to separate the Boom from not only
vibration but heat. It should be relatively easy to tell if the Boom can
safely reside on top of this sub or not.

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Re: [slim] Guy Clark Dead at 74 - RIP

2016-05-17 Thread TomAmes

What a songwriter!


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Re: [slim] Is the Wiki down?

2015-08-01 Thread TomAmes

cdmackay wrote: 
> Nightly builds are here:
> which is still up.


Just noticed that the Wiki is back up. Nicely done, Michael!

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Re: [slim] Is the Wiki down?

2015-07-31 Thread TomAmes

Thanks, Michael. I know you're covered up with work already. I was just
afraid that Windows 10 might have done something idiosyncratic to my
machine. Or something worse might have happened :-)

Thanks again for all your work here!

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[slim] Is the Wiki down?

2015-07-31 Thread TomAmes

I upgraded to Windows 10 on the 29th, then went to the Wiki and
reinstalled LMS 7.9. No issues.

However, yesterday and today I have been unable to access the Wiki. Is
the problem on my end? Is that the only location from which to download
the Nightly Builds?

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Re: [slim] Recommend a WAN router with good wifi range?

2015-06-08 Thread TomAmes

neilcoburn wrote: 
> I am very happy with my ASUS RT-N66U.  It's dual band, which can be
> useful though not that big a deal.  Squeezeboxes only work on the 2.4GHz
> band of course.  I use the 5GHz band for iphones, ipad etc, but it
> doesn't have the range of the 2.4GHz, though there's a lot less noise. 
> I use the router with modified firmware from
> It is however quite old now, so there may
> be newer models to consider.  
> Final point - positioning in the home is really important - I ended up
> drilling holes in floorboards and running a long network cable
> underneath to place the router in the middle of the house - the cable
> entry point is almost never the right place for the router.

I have two of these, both flashed with Merlin firmware. One is set up as
a wireless access point. Never a problem with either, but, as stated, a
bit dated now.

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Re: [slim] Amazon Prime Music!

2014-06-13 Thread TomAmes

aubuti wrote: 
> Interesting -- I've found Amazaon prime movies work fine on my iPad,
> computer, or on my tv via a Roku box. The menu/selection functions fine
> and haven't had issues with the streaming itself. The current music
> selection seems much less extensive than most other services (they boast
> "over a million songs", which is a small fraction of Spotify, Rhapsody,
> and probably others).


And my cursory initial search fails to find any music that I want that
is not available via Rhapsody.

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Re: [slim] RiP - Steve Fromholz

2014-01-25 Thread TomAmes

Dang! I hadn't heard this. His sense of humor will be missed almost as
much as his music. I saw him a few times at the Kerrville Folk Festival.
One of my favorite memories is of him on stage performing "I'd Have to
Be Crazy" and intermingling a few comments into it such as "Thank you,
Willie. Thank you, Jesus. First things first."

Sad news indeed.

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Re: [slim] No more radio streaming on SB Classic after network reconfiguration

2012-08-30 Thread TomAmes

epoch1970 wrote: 
> Did you try to power off the player by pulling the power cord yet ? I
> think a power cycle refreshes it better. I'm a bit unsure, but I guess
> there's no harm in trying.

I have had a similar problem as OP, and unplugging the receiver has
always been the simplest and most effective remedy.

I have a Duet with two receivers (wired) and a Boom (wireless), and they
occasionally "disappear" from LMS. Unplugging/replugging fixes it. 

I have the same router as OP, but mine is flashed with Tomato firmware,
so I wonder if that might be the source of our issues. I have discovered
that assigning IP addresses to all SBs in addition to re-setting the
router's static lease time to "infinite" has made this issue occur far
less frequently.

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Re: [slim] OT question about IE7

2009-03-19 Thread TomAmes

Not the answer to the exact question, but perhaps close enough:

I can open a link in a new tab in IE7 by clicking the scroll-wheel of
my mouse on the link.  I don't recall if I had to change the software
settings on my mouse to do that, but perhaps I did.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the link and select the drop-down
option to open the link in a new tab.


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