Re: [slim] Artist list never compiles correctly

2007-05-18 Thread VooDooD

Too late! :)

A cleared the tag completely, rescanned and now I have 799 albums and
503 artists  

Still not quite there although from what you're saying, maybe I've now
got tags with no Artist or Composer?!?!



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[slim] Artist list never compiles correctly

2007-05-17 Thread VooDooD

Hi, bear with me... This may take a while.

My main machine which runs iTunes claims to have 945 artists and 590
albums.  On a daily basis it synchronises the entire iTunes folder to
my NAS device.

My server which is on all the time runs Slimserver as shown below

SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 11979 - Windows Server 2003 - EN - cp1252
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt 

and uses the NAS via a UNC path to connect to the iTunes folder.

Now, if I allow Slimserver to build the database without using iTunes I
get 799 albums and 478 artists.  So that's a lot more albums and a lot
less artists.

If I take off Slimserver management and use iTunes I get 791 albums and
320 artists...  Even worse!!

If I have both Slimserver scanning and iTunes on it doesn't get any

I followed the process in MP3TagGuide to remove all of the old crappy
tags and replace them with v2.3 ones but if anything it's made the
situation worse.  I used to have more ov both artists and albums but
after emptying the DB and starting again it's all going wrong.

Now the most confusing thing is that I can see the missing artists when
I browse the albums.  For example, if I browse to O there's an album
called On a Clear Night by Missy Higgins and if I click on Missy
Higgins I get a page that gives me a Various Artists Album that she
featured on.  It does not however show the two albums she's actually

If I then browse to M in Artists, Missy Higgins does not exist!

I'm sure it's a tagging issue but I think that I've done everything
that I should and still the Slimserver database ends up being totally

Can anyone suggest what the solution to my problem might be or point me
in the direction of troubleshooting it?


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Re: [slim] Artist list never compiles correctly

2007-05-17 Thread VooDooD

Hmmm.  I've just used MP3Tag to remove the comment and composer tags,
done a rescan and it's picked up the missing artist field and correctly
placed the albums..

Could it be the composer field that's causing the problems?  I had
tried enabling the add composer to artist option in settings and then I
had about 11,000 artist so that was what caused me to try removing the

MP3tag is currently running through the entire list of files blanking
the composer field. I'll rescan if and when it finishes and let you
know how it goes.


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Re: [slim] Slimserver iTunes on different PC's - Playlist Problem

2007-05-14 Thread VooDooD

Use a UNC path instead...  


I also found that I had to install a codec pack on my 2K3 server to get
it to allow the playback of m4a files.


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