[slim] Re: Transporter vs. SB3

2006-07-27 Thread ailean

Fifer Wrote: 
> I think you can opt for a pony instead of the free SB3. But I agree with
> Mark. It's a music player, not a Swiss Army knife.

My statement was more about how well Slim Devices could do a media
player compared to everyone else and there dog, there general
architecture and UI are streets ahead of the pack. :-P

On the audio front it's a shame there's no FireWire Audio i/o or even
HDMI Audio, AES isn't that common in home audio gear.

But back to the topic ;), it certainly looks the part and compared to
the SB3 it's a lot nicer design wise. I never really understood why
they went from the minimalistic SB2 form with only the display (the bit
you need to see) visible, to the functionally identical SB3 but with a
dirty great big bit of silver plastic taking up half the front (other
then to give them somewhere to stick a logo so to answer what must a
common question from Squeezebox virgins on there first sighting, "Oh
Wow! What's that thing?" :).

The SB2 is the only AV component that I don't hide away in the rack
now, it makes an excellent clock and weather/info display when not in
use and a perfect UI for music playback when it is in use... in fact to
be honest if I did have the Transporter, chances are I'd rack mount it
and just slave the SB2 to it for a display.


ailean's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25810

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[slim] Re: Transporter vs. SB3

2006-07-26 Thread ailean

I was definitely drooling when first spotted the 'Transporter' but $2k
for a new Slim box that still only does audio? EK! :)

I'd been wishing for a while that Slim would do a full media player
with video support as there interface just out does pretty much
anything I've seen but at $2k with 'only' audio support seems a bit
much. If it maybe had a built in harddisk so could be run without a
separate server or even act as the slimserver for the rest of the house
as well as being a kick ass high level player then maybe...

I don't like the SB3 styling so at least if my SB2 dies I have another
SB option that looks good (but at a premium! ;)!.

Not convinced by the DAC either, it seems a common 'mistake' (IMO) by
many companies that someone who'd be willing to pay for something this
high end, that could actually make use of some of the lovely high end
sockets and other features doesn't already have a big investment in
DACage! I hate to think of the amount of unused DACs/Scalers etc in my
current system (and it's not really audiophile!), probably enough to
buy a Transporter or two. ;)

But yes it's a very nice piece of kit and I'd certainly consider it for
a pro install, the outputs/inputs would certainly go well with
studio/live gear, again if it had a built in server it would be even
better suited to this.


ailean's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25810

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[slim] Re: Wireless issues with 6.2.2

2006-05-11 Thread ailean

You can transfer something! Lucky you! ;)

I seem to have lost the ability to even get a DHCP IP address from my
bridged PC. Tried resetting the router, the SB2 and going thru the
network settings again.

I'll try to get some time this weekend to look at it in more detail,
and there was me just thinking the other day of running some Cat5e down
to the living room rather then relying on the bridge all the time. 

Really wanted the 24b/48Khz flac improvements too. :(


ailean's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=598
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23562

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-23 Thread ailean

In theory no I don't think I should have bandwidth issues now, I've got
my new 11g wireless router in place... although I've no idea what speed
the sb2 is connecting at as the only indicator is a link quality %. :)

Is there some log somewhere that will say what datarate the SB2 is
attaching at?

I meant to get a bug report in before now but we've had a very hot
spell here and I've been avoiding the sweatbox (computer room :), the
bug 1820 from Michel does sound exactly like what I was getting with
pre fw15 thou.

This has fixed 90% of my >CD res tracks so I'll play about with
re-encoding some of the remaining ones with different flac tools and
see if there's a differance.

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-22 Thread ailean

Just noticed some related fixes in the 6.1/fw15 release and ran some
more tests, my 16b/48kz Flacs now seem to play okay! Thanks!

Tried one 24b/48kz track and it played better but would hickup every
couple of seconds.

Noticed a bug about dbpoweramp flacs, all my CD rips are EAC with
Flac.exe (several versions) but I think the > CD res ones are a mix of
dbpoweramp and goldwave.

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-07-10 Thread ailean

Thanks Michel, nice to know I'm not going made. :)

I've now got my new 11g router and managed to get WEP working with the
SB2 (had to leave my old router wide open to get the SB2 to connect!).

Retested and still got the same issues, will get a test file and sort
out a bug report now.

Using 6.1b1 and fw14 was the same, will try again with b2 before


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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-06-29 Thread ailean

Just doing some messing about with setting after updating to 6.1b1 and
14 firmware.

If I set transcoding for FLAC files to WAV I can now playback my 16b
48Khz flac files, but they play at 44Khz so sound a little slow.

24b 48Khz are pure static.

If I set transcoding back to FLAC->FLAC then 16b 48Khz play normal
speed but constant pops and static over the top of the music. The Amp
reports a 48Khz signal and I have checked COAX, Opti and Analog
outputs, they feature the same effect.

There's a vague chance my new 11g router will turn up this week, if so
I'll retest stuff and submit a bug remote if still the same (didn't
want to submit a bug then go change half the hardware involved and all
the network settings).

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-06-28 Thread ailean

davel Wrote: 
> Ailean wrote:
> Could you share how you converted your SACD and DVDA CDs to FLAC?  I am
> a relative newbie and I thought these files were encrypted.  Did you
> make an analog to digital copy?  Details would be appreciated.
> Thanks

Alas yes I've not heard of any direct method yet for reading SACD/DVDA
data (SACD is also not native PCM so would require convertion).

I used a high grade Burr-Brown DAC with native SACD support linked to a
good external ADC firewire adapter and tried to sample at the same rate
as the original or at 24b 48khz (tested to be the most accurate setting
of the ADC I used).

Still haven't got >16b 44Khz FLAC to play ok on the SB2, even with 6.1
and 13 firmware, but I'm still awaiting my new router before I sort out
a proper bug report.

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-06-08 Thread ailean

street_samurai Wrote: 
> I can't help wondering as I read all these posts: exactly why do you
> have 24bit/96khz recordings taking up all that space on your hard
> drive?

I use Flac to archive music in it's original form, most of the CD+
stuff is 16b/48k but there's several DTS-CD/SACD/DVDA sourced albums.
>From these I can then convert to any lower rate/lossy version. 

As far as my ears go I can get away with a lot less! ;)
(normally ~220kps vbr mp3).

My hope for the SB2 was direct access to the original archive, or at
least as much of it as it could support. It'd be nice if it at least
skipped tracks that it couldn't play rather then the static.

By the way StreetSam.. cool game.

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-05-29 Thread ailean

I can hear the music in the background but it's covered by alot of loud
squeaks and static. I tested several albums yesterday, all 48khz 24b
except one that was 48khz 16b and they all had the same issue. Is it
worth trying out the 6.1 build (using 6.0.3 - 3085 at the moment).

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-05-28 Thread ailean

I've checked at least one that I remember and it's 24b 48khz, before I
file a bug is this likely to be a bandwidth issue as I'm still running
on 802.11b, my 11g router has been on backorder for a while... might
arrive next week... maybe. :)

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[slim] Re: 24 bit flac files?

2005-05-26 Thread ailean

I've also had problems with 24bit >44khz FLAC files on my new SB2. I've
not had a chance to dig thru and check the files as LOUD static coming
out of my system just makes me jump for the next button. ;)

There are a mix of 24b/48khz and 24b/96khz tracks in my collection, I
believe in theory the former should work okay with SB2 but I suspect
they didn't. 

It would be really nice if you can add a sample rate convertion to the
file type convertion settings so that it automatically downsizes any
files that are beyond the players specs.

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[slim] 128b WEP with SMC Router?

2005-05-18 Thread ailean

Has anyone else managed to get the SB2 to connect to a SMC7004AWBR
802.11b router (last firmware R1.96h3) when using 128bit WEP?

If I disable WEP it works okay, SB2 is in my MAC restriction list and
gets the fixed DHCP address fine but with WEP it gets as far as
inputing the Key and attempting connection but not beyond. Have triple
checked the key and reset and input all again a couple of times but no

Not had a problem with other WiFI kit including desktops, laptops and
PDAs with PCI, PCCard, USB and CF Card adapters from SMC, DLink,
Shuttle and others. SB2 came with v11 firmware in the UK.


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