[slim] Flickr on an SB Controller - how?

2010-07-24 Thread alanj

Hi, How do I get the Flickr App to work on an SB Controller?

It used to show up on my Home menu but said no account and to go to
Mysqueezebox.  I did this and added an account and authorized it

However now the Flickr icon has vanished from the SBC Home menu and the
My Apps submenu.  I've tried enabling and disabling Flickr in
Mysqueezebox. Tried enabling and disabling show on Home menu. Tried
rebooting the SBC many times.

But Flickr has refused to show its face again.

What have I done wrong?

Running 7.5.1 on Linux. SBC is at 7.4.1-r7915



Koolu (Ubuntu 9.10)  + SC 7.4.1 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs   - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

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Re: [slim] 7.2 Upgrade Woes

2008-09-05 Thread alanj

I also get exactly the same problem, following an upgrade from 7.1
to 7.2.
Anything I can do to help PD it?

Squeezecenter is installed on a Koolu running Ubuntu 7.04.

Tried using browsers on a windows XP box. Even installed Chrome and
tried that. All give the same errors as above. So not a browser issue I

I've also tried clearing the library and rescanning. Didn't change

Main UI window does not respond when any of the following items are
clicked on...
Music Library
Dynamic playlists

Playlists responds but does not display any of my playlists. Just a
blank screen

All others respond as normal.

The right hand pane either shows an empty selection or shows the last
played title/album art, but shows loading 

Trackstat displays on the browser but does not work when selected via
teh remote. It allows you to navigate but does nothing when you try to
play anything.

All the above functions used to work perfectly under 7.1  I made no
other changes apart from the 7.2 upgrade.

I've got firebug installed ... but don't really know what it's telling
me. I haven't seen the error reported before, all I see are Posts to
jasonrpc.js repeating every 20 odd milliseconds.

|Filename: slim2.jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5796|



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

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Re: [slim] The Microwave effect

2008-09-05 Thread alanj


I've replaced an old noname microwave with a brand new panasonic.
Old one never interfered, but the new one kills the SB3 every time.
Panasonic seem to be the common item here don't they.

I have found that simply closing the kitchen door or even standing in
the doorway blocks enough to allow the SB3 to carry on working,
although I'm not sure I'm entirely happy being a human shield!



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2008-01-02 Thread alanj

Well I have got the connection to SC on Linux to work now. Needed
the following changes ...
Edit the server.prefs file and change 3 lines, all close together. Look
for the bindAddress. Change from to your servers IP. Also add
the server ip to the allowedHosts line.
Change the hostname on the dbsource: line as well.

Above is best done with slimserver stopped so the file isn't updated
while you are editing it.

I also had to create a new user in the slimserver MySql with access
from anywhere and grant it access to the slimserver tables.

Finally edited the VB script line 41 to use the new IP userid and

The script then runs and retrieves data from the remote Linux server.
Sadly I am now stuck. lol  All albums are reported as Various Artists
- as per other posts where no compilation directory is set.  I haven't
yet found out how to add the Linux path of my compilation directory
correctly. I suspect either or both the lack of a drive value ( c: )or
the slash directions.
Whatever I have tried in the compilations directory field ( full unix
path with or without quotes ) causes the script to fail with a message
reporting that the script is causing IE to run slowly. Why IE? No
Also no album art at all is retrieved, presumably due to paths again. 

I have copied my music data to my Windows box and installed a local
copy of SC7 and the script runs fine against it. Only niggle I could
find is when displaying the tracks from multiple albums. It would be
nice to add a disc number sub heading.

Sorry to ramble on. Thanks for an excellent script Frank. Very useful.



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

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[slim] Grouping multiple albums, how does it work?

2007-12-31 Thread alanj

Can anyone explain how the Group multiple albums option works? ( using
SC7 )

I have it turned on but am not sure what results I am supposed to see?
Should I just see a single album rather than 2? If I play the first
should the second automatically follow?  ( Neither of these appear to
happen )

How should multiple albums be ripped to facilitate this option? 
I have many formats such as CD1, CD 1, disc 1 etc picked up from
freedb.  Should there be an option to list all that are acceptable? Or
should I change them all to a single suitable format? If so what?

Any clarification most welcome.




Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41586

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2007-12-31 Thread alanj

Brilliant idea, been looking for something like this for ages! 

Can't get it to work yet though  my SqueezeCentre is on a different
Linux server, so anyone know what the userid/password that an SC7
install would use is?



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41597

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Re: [slim] Grouping multiple albums, how does it work?

2007-12-31 Thread alanj

Thanks for that, all makes sense now! I was getting confused with the
folder structure.

A fun time ahead retagging all my multiple albums now. lol



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41586

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Re: [slim] Announce: Album Catalog Creator for SlimServer

2007-12-31 Thread alanj

Hi Frank,
Well been delving on my Linux server and found as already
pointed out by Fletch that only local connections are enabled.

This should be dead easy to change as it is only a setting in the
my.cnf file to alter the bind address from the current to
whatever your servers ip is.   lol However I have tried that but the
my.cnf file gets overwritten and reset to the original every time I
restart it!  Very annoying. 

Don't suppose anyone knows what in Slimserver is resetting the
/var/cache/slimserver/my.cnf file do they? 
I think it is being created from a /var/share/slimserver/my.tt file but
not sure how to change that to set the correct ip as it isn't a straight
copy but full of variables.



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==
SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
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Re: [slim] Simple amp speaker setup

2007-11-04 Thread alanj

Well I can recommend the Sonic Impact Super T amp.  Currently seems to
be $160.  ( http://www.si5.com/products.php?pID=4004 )

I use this in my bedroom coupled to Mission 771 speakers. 
Clarity is really very good. Fantastic soundstage. Plenty of power for
my room ( 12x14foot ) although I never use it very loud.
Amp runs cold so I leave it on all the time - as it's my alarm clock




SB3 - Cyrus 6vs - KEF iQ7
SB2 - Super T amp - Mission 771

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[slim] Alarm volume inconsistency

2006-03-22 Thread alanj

I've just been bitten by the inconsistency in the volume values used
by the SBx and Slimserver.  This is where the SB itself has volume of
0-40 while the Slimserver ( specifically the alarm settings ) shows
0-100. So setting 25 on the slimserver gives an actual volume of 10 -
not what I expected. 

I see this was discussed back in 2004 ( 2004-02-25 SqueezeBox Alarm )
but nothing seems to have come of it.

So can I make a plea for using a consistent value/range? So that I
don't set the volume accidentally low and am late for work again!

Personally I'd vote for using the 0-40 settings as that's the figures I
am most familiar with through using the remote volume constantly.  Its
the rare excursion to the Slimserver alarm settings that confuses.



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[slim] Re: Alarm clock lockout

2006-03-19 Thread alanj

Many thanks Dean!

I upgraded to the 6.2.2 nightly of 16th March which upped the SB2 to
firmware 35 from 28. 

This seems to have fixed the odd alarm behaviours completely.



alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
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[slim] Alarm clock lockout

2006-03-16 Thread alanj

I'm having a problem with my SB2 locking up and refusing to respond
to the remote control. This happens in a very particular situation and
does seem to be reproducable.

Wireless SB2.
Slimserver is current stock version on windows xp home.

I use the  sleep function to turn off the player at night ... while  it
is still playing. ( Think this is important as I don't think I have a
problem if the playlist has already ended by the poweroff. )

I have an alarm function to wake me up again using a Random Song.

In the morning the SB2 does indeed start up at the correct time however
it seems to loop through the last song or 2 from the previous nights
playlist rather than play the new Random Song playlist from teh alarm
function. ( Hard to tell exactly as i was asleep at the time! ).  It
displays Random Song mix on the display which appears to have locked.
The remote has no effect at all. The screen savers do not kick in.
The only way to resolve this is either to physically power off/on the
SB2 or go to the Slimserver and turn it off from there. Interestingly
all the functions from the slimserver to the SB2 seem to work, I can
change volume or select different songs, but until the SB2 has been
turned off and on the remote refuses to function.

Any suggestions on resolving this? Any PD I can do to help?



alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
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[slim] Re: Music scan under 6.2.1 problems

2005-11-26 Thread alanj

Well this is getting very annoying!

I have now downloaded and completely reinstalled slimserver 6.2.2

I ran the Slim.exe directly so that I could see its console and any
output it might produce and voila! On the first run it gave an error
about a missing Flac.  Ok I removed that album from my music folder
completely, deleted the cache and ran it again. This time it found a
second corrupt directory. Again I removed that and even ran a full
Checkdisk to ensure my disk was clean.

I've now run a full from scratch scan again and nothing has appeared on
the slim.exe console.  however I still only have 581 albums listed.
One of my newly ripped albums now appears in the list but not the

I am guessing that I still have a corrupt file somewhere that is 
causing the scan to fail. But how on earth am I supposed to find it?

I have 2 questions really.
1) How can I see what the scan is doing? Can it produce some sort of
2) Should a corrupt file really cause this sort of problem? Surely the
software should be capable of a) reporting any errors it finds and b)
skip any duff files and keep on scanning.

Any help would be much appreciated.



alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
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[slim] Music scan under 6.2.1 problems

2005-11-25 Thread alanj

I've just noticed a problem with the New Music scan function since
upgrading to 6.2.1 

I have a daily scan scheduled to look for new and changed music, so
after adding a few new albums I expected to be able to play these the
next day. However they did not appear in the Slim server list.

So I ran a manual New and Changed music scan. Still no new albums

I then ran a Clean library rescan.
This resulted in my total albums found dropping from 601 to 582. Yet I
still have 601 album directories in my music folder. ( I rip each album
to its own directory )
Oh and still no sign of the new albums.

I then deleted the cache directory and rescanned. Same result, I only
have 582 albums found now and not the newest ones.

Any ideas as to what is going on and how I can PD this?

Oh I'm on Windows Home XP+Sp2



alanj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2017
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