I messed around with the Applescript below (found via James's link
above) and could not get it to work. My incompetence is the likely
culprit, but it could also be that SlimServer and/or iTunes have
changed enough since late '04 that it just don't work. 

Should the below script still work as originally designed? Spousal
ambivalence has turned into downright hostility, and being able to use
iTunes as the interface is the key to bringing her 'round.



Old  2004-10-02, 11:12
Anton F. van der Kraaij
Posts: n/a
Default Control SlimServer _from_ iTunes
Hi Everyone,

Well I think I have a solution for my problem. This applescript will
check if a song is playing in iTunes. If that is the case, it will
it in the SlimServer. There is a check made for special symbols in
filenames. My guess is that some symbols are not fully supported yet
(it works for my library so far). Save it as an application and don't
forget to tick the 'stay open' checkbox. Probably still bugs or
features missing, but it is a start :-)

Hope this helps. Oscar, thanks for your help and the link to the old



-- Begin of Script
-- iSlimServer: Control SlimServer from iTunes
-- Plays whatever song is currently playing in iTunes on the
-- Copyright Anton F. van der Kraaij 2004
-- Thanks to a script by Barry Brown for inspiration and help from
Oscar Marsch
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- Set your variables server_address and server_port to your situation
-- Save this script as an application, making sure to click 'stay

global server_address, server_port, current_file_track

set server_address to "" -- This is the slimserver's address
set server_port to "9000" -- This is the slimserver's port

set current_file_track to ""

on idle
tell application "Finder"
if (get name of every process) contains "iTunes" then set okflag to
end tell
if okflag then
-- iTunes is running. Check if it is playing a song.
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is paused or player state is stopped then
-- iTunes is not playing. Stop slimserver.
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=stop\"")
set okflag to false
return 10
end if
end tell
end if
if okflag then
tell application "iTunes"
if class of current track is file track then
copy current track's location to file_path_of_track
on error errText
display dialog errText buttons {"Cancel"} with icon 0
end try
end if -- not a file track
-- return file_path_of_track
if (current_file_track is not file_path_of_track) then
-- File in iTunes is different than file on SlimServer.
-- Thus update variable
set current_file_track to file_path_of_track

-- convert mac path to unix path for use in URL with curl (be
careful with special characters here)
set mac_path to (file_path_of_track as text)
set root to (offset of ":" in mac_path)
set rootdisk to (characters 1 thru (root - 1) of mac_path)
tell application "Finder"
if (disk (rootdisk as string) is the startup disk) then
set unixpath to "%2f" & (characters (root + 1) thru end of
set unixpath to "%2fVolumes:" & mac_path
end if
end tell
set chars to every character of unixpath
repeat with i from 2 to length of chars
if item i of chars as text is equal to "/" then
set item i of chars to ":"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to ":" then
set item i of chars to "%2f"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "\"" then
set item i of chars to "\\" & "\""
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "*" then
set item i of chars to "\\*"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "?" then
set item i of chars to "\\?"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to " " then
set item i of chars to "%20"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "+" then
set item i of chars to "%2b"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "&" then
set item i of chars to "%26"
else if item i of chars as text is equal to "\\" then
set item i of chars to "\\\\"
end if
end repeat
set filetoplay to every item of chars as string
-- end conversion
-- Tell slimserver to stop current song and play the song
currently playing in iTunes
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=stop\"")
do shell script ("curl \"http://"; & server_address & ":" &
server_port & "/status.html?p0=playlist&p1=play&p2=" & filetoplay &
end if
end tell
end if
end try
return 10
end idle
-- end of script

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