[slim] Re: Linksys router pain

2005-06-29 Thread brawlski

yee ha, your idea stuorguk about the firewall not actually covering the
usb connection was spot on. i have fixed it and the SB sees the
slimserver perfectly! am i happy? well almost in my haste to get it
working i switched off the firewalls etc and managed to get a trojan!!!
it is never ending.

thanks for all your posts guys!

only thing i need now is a cd ripping service here in the uk!

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[slim] Re: Linksys router pain

2005-06-28 Thread brawlski

when you say the server is ok do you mean can i type in
http://localhost:9000 and get the browser? if so then yes i can. the
player side of the browser though says player not found. i have tried
to factory reset the player by holding the + while pluggin in the power
cable but it just seems like a normal restart i.e. the type you get when
you hold the power button down for 3 secs.

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[slim] Re: Linksys router pain

2005-06-28 Thread brawlski

the previous sb connection was via a buffalo wireless access point
(search on buffalo WLI2-USB2-G54) which is attached to pc via a usb. it
had is own IP address separate from the LAN card. i have Norton 2003
firewall on the pc (which was on with the other setup) currently i have
the router firewall dissabled (if it actually does!)

i have tried the norton dissabled also. the SB sees the wireless
network straight away it also finds the IP address for the slim server
but then at the last step just after it says setup complete it tells
you that it's lost connection with teh slim server and i should check
it's running?

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[slim] Linksys router pain

2005-06-27 Thread brawlski

fellow squeezers, need some help. just upgraded to a linksys wrt54g
wireless router. now i am squeezeless.

i was previously running the wireless net work in an ad-hoc fashion
with a buffalo usb access point. every thing was rosey but now! 

i set up the squeezebox as normal, it finds the wireless net work, the
dhcp is running and gives it an ip (i can ping the squeezebox) but on
completion of the setup the sqeezebox gives the  lost connection with
slimsever.etc) i am sure it's the built in firewall in the router.
i have (i think) added the ports i need but am not sure ( i dont have
the buffalo device to go back and test) i also run norton but this was
installed and operational with the buffalo access point so i don't
think its a problem. 

it' an XP/pro OS, running slimserver 5.4 (i tried 6.0 also)
i also tried (using a borrowed long enthernet cable ) to go direct viw
the router just to see if the wireless function is working but that
gave me the same  lost connection with slim...

anyone using this router please pass on your secrets.

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[slim] Re: Linksys router pain

2005-06-27 Thread brawlski

the fireware on the router is the basic 1.42 which it comes with. i did
upgrade it to 3.3 but that didn't seem to help plus i was worried about
messing with it's head!

last night i tried going to a specified IP , ie no server but no joy.
how are the port fowards setup so that the SB can get through the
router? i put slimserver ver 6 on again and it now hangs when i try to
load it!

di you need specific ip's assigned in order for the ports to be

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