[slim] Sequential Songs

2005-10-23 Thread leonyu13

Is there a way to group tracks that are normally listened to
sequentially? For instance Queen's We will Rock You and We are the
Champions; or Styx A.D. 1928 and Rockin' the Paradise. Obviously this
couldn't be automatic, but I would like to be able to manually tag

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[slim] Re: Sequential Songs

2005-10-23 Thread leonyu13

I'm talking about sequential album tracks that are essentially treated
as a single song. When these songs pop up in a play list or  in random
play, they sound incomplete.

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[slim] Re: Indication of selected shuffle mode in the Squeezbox display

2005-09-15 Thread leonyu13

I find myself doing the same thing with shuffle--hitting the button to
see which mode is active and it switches modes. I would vote for such a
feature enhancement.

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[slim] Live Search - Erratic Behavior

2005-09-06 Thread leonyu13

I can't use the default skin at all because Live Search crashes
SlimServer every time. I am able to use Default2 but I get some strange
behavior, not sure if it's intentional, just me, or a bug. 

When I begin typing text to search for, the results are narrowed as I
type. I get results in Artist, Album and Song, as expected. But if I
hit Enter or click Search, I only get Song results.

This wouldn't be all that bad, except that at this point, the Live
part of the search no longer works. In other words, back-spacing and
typing characters in the search field does not give any new results
until I hit Enter or click Search, so I end up with only Song results.
I have to refresh (which takes me back home) then click on Search to
get the Live functionality back.

SlimServer Version: 6.2b1 - 4166 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1 on Redhat
Accessing server via browser on XP machine, same results using Firefox
1.0.6 and IE 6.0.

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[slim] Re: Live Search - Erratic Behavior

2005-09-06 Thread leonyu13

Yes, I submitted http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2030. It
was marked as fixed in the nightlies, but it may still need some

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[slim] Re: Search kills Slimserver 6.2b1 (was search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X)

2005-09-01 Thread leonyu13

Still not able to search reliably. Sometimes, if I type fast, I get
search results without the server dying. But if I type just a single
character, and wait about 1/2 second before continuing, the server will
always crash. And even if I do get results, backspacing to change the
search text results in a crash. 

I'm running the 9/1 nightly (SlimServer Version: 6.2b1 - 4144 - Linux -
EN - iso-8859-1).

Bug #2030 was marked as fixed, should I open another one?
Anyone having similar problems?

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[slim] Re: Search kills Slimserver 6.2b1 (was search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X)

2005-08-31 Thread leonyu13

Running perl version 5.8.0

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[slim] Search kills Slimserver 6.2b1 (was search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X)

2005-08-30 Thread leonyu13

I'm still getting a dead server whenever I try to search. I had filed
bug #2030 which was marked as fixed but the problem persists and has
gotten worse, in that it now fails for me 100% of the time. 

I'm starting from the home page and going to search music. As soon as
I type any character in the search field the server dies immediately
with the following error:

Modification of a read-only value attempted at
/home/leon/SlimServer_v2005-08-30/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 1198.
2005-08-31 00:07:11.5073 Got to the END.
2005-08-31 00:07:11.5076 Got sigint.
2005-08-31 00:07:11.5077 SlimServer cleaning up.

Server on Redhat 9.0. Accessing via XP machine using Firefox 1.0.6 and
IE 6.0 (same behavior in both). I'm running the 6.2b1 8/30 nightly

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[slim] Re: Search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X

2005-08-28 Thread leonyu13

I get the same behavior running slimserver on Redhat 9.0 and accessing
from XP machine using both Firefox 1.0.6 and IE 6.0. I filed bug 2030

Running latest nightly 8/27 RPM.

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