Re: [slim] Apple aiport Express to Squeezebox through Ethernet

2009-01-10 Thread morps

Same topic, slightly different issue. I have a first gen SB without
wifi. So I plugged Ethernet cable into it, connected to an Airport
Express. During the SB setup, I get as far as the SB getting an IP but
then it cannot find the SC server. I then get that error that says the
SB cannot find the server. 

This same SB was connected hard wired into my network and was working
fine before.

Any ideas?


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[slim] Re: Requesting web page to keep SlimServer unswapped, re-request interval is 30 minutes

2005-11-27 Thread morps

Thanks Tass...

Nope, don't necessarily lose connection every 30 minutes. Rather, I was
looking through the log and this was something I didn't recall seeing in
the past. After seeing your response, I went through the server settings
and noticed several thangs in there I hadn't seen before .

As it relates to losing server connection, the only thing that I have
consistently seen is when the server is rescanning the library, both of
my Squeezeboxes go dark and don't light up again until the server rescan
is complete. However, I don't see anything in the log at all (I've
forced the rescan and noticed the behavior). Very strange...


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[slim] Requesting web page to keep SlimServer unswapped, re-request interval is 30 minutes

2005-11-22 Thread morps

I'm getting this error in my log. Not really sure what it means.  I am
consistently losing connection from my Squeezebox to the server. I was
going through my log and noticed this entry multiple times. Any ideas
if this is the culprit?

Mac 10.3.9

Thanks in advance...


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[slim] Re: Search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X

2005-07-27 Thread morps

kdf Wrote: 
> On 26-Jul-05, at 8:04 PM, morps wrote:
> Are you searching for something that doesn't exist?
> Which search mode are you using, live or advanced?
> Which skin are you using, and which browser?
> -kdf

1. Nope, searching for known artists.
2. Under the Search Music section, I am using the "search music" link
which brings up a single text field where I enter what I'm looking for
(as opposed to using the "Advanced Search" in the same section).
3. Web interface = default. Browser: Crashes both with Mac OS X Safari
1.3 as well as Windows FireFox 1.06.

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[slim] Search kills server in 6.1.1 OS X

2005-07-26 Thread morps

If I do a search through the default UI (not sure if that really
matters), the server dies. In the console, the following is reported:

Modification of a read-only value attempted at
line 1194.
2005-07-26 20:00:06.0555 Got to the END.
2005-07-26 20:00:06.0560 Got sigint.
2005-07-26 20:00:06.0562 SlimServer cleaning up.

Going back into the Preference pane and restarting the server gets me
back up, but this failure happens 100% of the time.

...any ideas???

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[slim] Re: iTunes Playlists Empty

2005-07-05 Thread morps

That did it. All is well. Thanks for your help, Dean!

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[slim] Re: iTunes Playlists Empty

2005-07-04 Thread morps

Nope. I have attached a print screen for your viewing pleasure.

|Filename: mainSettings.pdf |

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[slim] Re: iTunes Playlists Empty

2005-07-04 Thread morps

Sure, Dean. 

Music Folder: (left blank)
Playlist Folder: (left blank)

...and 'cause I suspect you're going to ask this next:

iTunes settings:

iTunes Reload Interval: 60
Ignore Songs Disabled in iTunes: Ignore songs unchecked
Find iTunes Library Automatically: Find iTunes Library Automatically
iTunes Music Library.xml Location:
/Volumes/Homer/Users/mikemorper/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
iTunes Music Folder: /Volumes/AudioVisual/Music
iTunes Playlist Format: (both fields left blank) you will have just noticed, I do not keep my mp3s on the same
drive as the default location of iTunes
(/Volumes/Homer/Users/mikemorper/Music/iTunes). I've read where that
appears to be a challenge right now.

A Bit of Background
For what it is worth, I noticed some problems with playlists upon the
6.0 server upgrade where the syncing between iTunes and the server
essentially stopped--thus my interest in the latest beta. I should tell
you that in the 5.x server days, I had my Music Folder setting pointing
to /Volumes/AudioVisual/Music and also had the "use iTunes to manage
playlist" (sorry, I can't remember what the exact label was in 5.x, but
hopefully you're following me). This worked for me in 5.x... iTunes and
Slim server worked perfect--proper syncing. Upon upgrade to 6.x,
whatever playlists I had at the time of the upgrade of the server in
iTunes all came over, but I never had a successful sync again.

Through the 6.0 upgrade, I never changed my settings from which I had
everything successfully working in 5.x. Again, this experience of mine
seemed consistent with some of the workaround scenarios I read in the
bug referenced in this thread

Status Today
Right now, so that I can at least listen to something, I have changed
the initial Music Folder setting to: /Volumes/AudioVisual/Music.  I do
successfully have the server working through my SB. And for what it is
worth, all of my iTunes server settings are exactly as defined above,
but the server is behaving as though they are null.

I hope this all helps and please don't hesitate to ask me to do any
troubleshooting that may help the cause.


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[slim] Re: iTunes Playlists Empty

2005-07-03 Thread morps

In reviewing this thread, a few of my questions (as to why I just lost
my playlists) are sorta answered. However, to be clear... I have also
lost my library. After a rescan server reports nothing in the library.
Is that also part of this nastiness discussed here?

SlimServer Version: 6.1b1 - 3582 - Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98) - EN - utf8

Right now, I'm dead in the water. Bummer.

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