[slim] Dumb WHS SqueezeCenter install question

2008-04-04 Thread phicar2

OK, I know this is a stupid question but I just wanted to be clear. 
When people talk about remote desktop into their WHS to install
SqueezeCenter are they talking about the built in Remote Access
function of the WHS or are they talking about remote desktop in to the
WHS not from the web interface of the WHS?


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Re: [slim] Dumb WHS SqueezeCenter install question

2008-04-04 Thread phicar2

Got it, thanks.  I remoted in and installed SC.  It is rescanning my
library now...love the new interface :-)


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Re: [slim] Windows Home Server (search problem)

2008-02-06 Thread phicar2

Cool, thanks!  One more (stupid) clarification question: is the
best/easiest thing to do to copy all my music to c:\music folder on
my WHS (or d:\music?  I do have 2 hard drives, is one option better
than the other?) 

Then I assume in the future as I rip more CDs I would do that on a
client machine and then just copy those files to that folder on the


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Re: [slim] Windows Home Server (search problem)

2008-02-06 Thread phicar2

byKnight;266248 Wrote: 
 You should copy all of your music to \\SERVER\Music.
 You should also set SqueezeCenter (or SlimServer) to find the music at
 \\SERVER\Music (not D:\Music). That way, if you have folder duplication
 turned on for the Music folder and you lose a hard drive, you can keep
 streaming tunes with missing a beat.

Will do!  Thanks!


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[slim] Windows Home Server (search problem)

2008-01-21 Thread phicar2

Can I run Slimserver on a Windows Home Server?

Sorry if this has been answered but I tried to search and I got this

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 1024 bytes) in /www/forums.slimdevices.com/search.php on line


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[slim] Blank SongInfo screen

2007-03-14 Thread phicar2

I am getting a weird error all of the sudden.  Often, although not every
time, when I click on a song title in the playlist (using the default
web browser skin) all that comes back on the left side (SongInfo) is
basically a blank screen.  Well, not exactly blank.  It has the same
formatting but it just shows:

Play this song
Add this song to the playlist


And then, on the playlist, sometimes the name of the band will then

Any ideas?  Suggestions?


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[slim] Re: Update to v6.5.1 creates problems

2007-01-25 Thread phicar2

I'm sure you have tried this (and I'm not sure it will fix your issue)
but I was having some flaky things happen as well with the install of
6.5.1 on top of 6.5 and a complete uninstall of slimserver and then a
fresh install might help.  It cleared up my issues...


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[slim] Re: Nokia770 issue

2007-01-23 Thread phicar2

Uninstall and reinstall of 6.5.1 worked for me as well!  Sorry for not
trying that first!  Won't happen again...until the next update at


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[slim] Re: Touch/Nokia770 skin oddity

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

I have experienced the same thing...


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[slim] Nokia770 issue

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

I use the fantastic Nokia770 skin on my 770 but I have one issue I can't
seem to work out.  Any playlist that I have that is more than 1 page,
only the first page is accessible on the Nokia770.  How do I access
beyond the first page?  Thanks!


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[slim] Re: Nokia770 issue

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

6.5.1, just upgraded 3 days ago.  I have the problem before and after...


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[slim] Re: Nokia770 issue

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

I did do an upgrade, not an uninstall reinstall of slimserver so I will
do that tonight.  Here is what I see (from what I remember - at work
now).  I select playlists from the home screen.  I then select one of
the playlists (which I know is more than 1 page, at least when I use
the default slimserver skin on my PC, the list has about 140 songs). 
The playlist is displayed, but on ly 1 screen worth of songs, and I
don't see any navigation devices (arrows, numbers, next page, etc.) to
get to the rest of the list.

Thanks again for the AWESOME skin!


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[slim] Re: Nokia770 issue

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

What do you see now that enables movement between the pages of the
playlists?  Are there numbers like on the default skin?


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[slim] Re: Nokia770 issue

2007-01-22 Thread phicar2

I certainly don't see that now so I will do the uninstall and reinstall
of 6.5.1 tonight and see what I see...thanks!!!


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 Skin

2006-01-11 Thread phicar2

I just wanted to say that I think you guys are doing an awesome job with
this!  I went back and forth on Sonos vs Squeezebox and the 770 is what
finally swayed me to the squeezbox (well, actually it is what let me go
squeezebox [which I wanted for all its stong points vs the strong point
of the Sonos - the remote] and still appease my wife - she loved the
sonos controller).  The work on this skin is what will take the 770 to
the next level of the perfect squeezebox remote I think.  Heck, I
haven't even tried the skin yet (just got my 770 2 days ago and am a 2
month squeezebox newb so am a little hesitant to go to 6.5 until it is
released) but just reading through this thread has me pumped!  Great
job Ben and all the folks who have (and will) pitched in on this.


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[slim] Nokia 770 network set up advice needed

2005-11-30 Thread phicar2

After wavering between the squeezebox and sonos (because of the remote)
I decided to go squeezebox after learning about the Nokia 770 option to
use as a remote:


I placed an order for a 770 and am told I’ll be receiving it in January
(or thereabouts).  So I am trying to plan out the best set up.  I just
bought 2 SB3s, one I have attached to my home theatre set up (after
turning off the super g functionality of my Dlink router it works
great) and one which I will attach to my built in receiver attached to
the speakers that are built into my house in about 4 rooms.  My house
is kind of spread out so my router doesn’t reach wirelessly to the
whole house (does reach the first squeezebox at 70% signal) and won’t
make it to the receiver downstairs. So my initial plan was to run some
Cat5 to where my second squeezebox would be and then hook up the
squeezebox.  Then I thought I could use the squeezebox as a wireless
bridge for my Nokia to serve as the remote.  Will this work?  Can the
Nokia communicate wirelessly through the squeezebox that it will

Second option: run Ethernet cable to the location of the second
squeezebox downstairs but instead hook it into a wireless AP (sitting
essentially next to the squeezebox) and have the squeezebox connect
wirelessly; and the Nokia will also obviously connect to my network via
this AP.

Third option: run two Ethernet cables to the location of the second
squeezebox downstairs and hook the squeezebox into the network via one
of the Ethernet cables.  Then hook up an AP with the second Ethernet
cable that would be responsible for connecting the Nokia to my network.
The only reason I could even see doing this would be performance
benefit of having the squeezebox attached via cable and not sharing the
Ethernet cable back to the server.

Basically, I’m looking for the best performance for my squeezebox and
the nokia.  Obviously the cheapest option is number 1 (no new hardware
needed, just need to run Cat5).  Options 2 and 3 cost essentially the
same because of the AP needed (the second run of Ethernet cable for
option 3 would cost more as well) but I would think would result in
best performance for everything (squeezebox connected via wired
Ethernet and AP dedicated to the Nokia and not sharing an Ethernet
cable back to the server.  However, I just don’t know if that is true. 
Obviously if you have read this far you will realize I’m a networking
newb so any advice or practical knowledge would be appreciated!


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[slim] Re: Nokia 770 network set up advice needed

2005-11-30 Thread phicar2

Sounds like a great idea.  Is it true then that there is no performance
gains to be had by having the 770 and SB attached to the network
using different cables (option 3)?  If not then I'd say your suggestion
is the best.


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