Re: [slim] Scanning - Metadata Changes

2012-02-26 Thread pjs

OK, thanks to everyone for the really instructive responses.  I now
understand why I wasn't seeing the song artist being updated.  It was
the ol' Artist vs Album Artist issue.  I had changed the Artist in the
metadata, but I guess the "key" that's used when you browse "music by
artist" is the Album Artist, not the Artist.

Actually, that brings up a good point.  If we have a compilation

Album: No Alternative
01. Superdeformed   (Artist = Matthew Sweet, Album Artist = Various
02. For All to See  (Artist = Buffalo Tom, Album Artist = Various
19. Verse Chorus Verse (Artist = Nirvana, Album Artist = Various

If I browse the Squeezebox by Artist, I definitely do not want to see a
million "Various Artists" under "V".  So I think we'd want the
Squeezebox to display "Artist", not "Album Artist" in this case.

If we have an artist who has recorded albums under different names:

Surfing On Sine Waves  (Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = Polygon
Analogue Bubblebath 3  (Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = AFX)
Joyrex J9ii(Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = Caustic
Rushup Edge(Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = The Tuss)
Richard D. James Album (Artist = Aphex Twin, Album Artist = Aphex

I think I'd prefer to see all this under Aphex Twin, the Artist, since
this makes navigation with the Squeezebox remote much easier.

In both cases where there's a distinction between Artist and Album
Artist, I think I prefer Artist.  Is there a way to make the importer
use the Artist as the key and not Album Artist?

Other for our own personal knowledge, is there ever a time when Album
Artist is useful for tagging music?  I really don't care about the fact
that, say, an album was put out by "Frank Black" or "Frank Black and the
Catholics", although I *do* care if it's "Frank Black" or "Pixies".

I know this is pretty anal, and I apologize, but I'm sure many of you
must be as anal as me with tagging your music.  :-)



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[slim] Scanning - Metadata Changes

2012-02-25 Thread pjs

I have a lot of digital music and am on a lifelong quest to perfect my
tagging (e.g. changing Artist/Album Artist from "UB 40" or "ub40" to
the correct "UB40").

Just to make sure I'm *not* crazy, I wanted to verify that when I
rescan with "Find new and changed music" it won't update database
entries when the metadata changes only.

If I'm not crazy, and this is the case, is there a way to scan *just*
the mp3 metadata?  Or have the Logitech Media Server look at the mp3
metadata when deciding to update the DB entry without dumping the
entire DB at the outset?



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Re: [slim] Skipping Over Music Folders

2010-03-01 Thread pjs

All excellent ideas, thank you.

I was looking forward to learning how to write a plugin, but when it
comes down to it, I do enough programming during the day.  I just want
to enjoy my music.  :)

Thank you all!


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[slim] Skipping Over Music Folders

2010-02-27 Thread pjs

Some albums are so dear to me that I have both mp3 and flac versions of
them (for iTunes and home stereo use respectively).

I would like to limit the scan to the flac version only so the album
doesn't show up twice in SC.

What I'd really like to do is skip over certain folders during a music
scan based on some criteria.  Perhaps the criteria would be the
existence of an empty "dot file" in the folder to skip (like .skip or
something like that).

I'm a programmer, and wouldn't mind learning the SC's API if this can
be done via a plugin, but I don't want to wade through tons of
documentation only to learn it can't be done.

Does anyone know if this kind of thing is possible to do via a plugin?

If it is, I'll start reading!  :)



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Re: [slim] Scan terminated Unexpectedly

2009-11-17 Thread pjs

Thank you *so* much!

I'm running 7.4.1.  I didn't even know of the existence of nightly beta
builds... thank you!!!  I looked at the changelog for 7.4.2, and I don't
see anything related to fixing itunes artwork import, but I'll install
it nevertheless.  Bug fixes are good...  :)

I'll disable that part of the scan and see if the music folder
navigation starts to work again.

Do you know approximately where in "D:\bin\SqueezeCenter" the perl code
is that's responsible for the scanning/import?   I took a look in there
for the first time; I was expecting to see mountains of perl code, but
what I'm actually seeing is a bunch of exe files.  I was always under
the impression that perl powered the SC.

Thanks so much!


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[slim] Scan terminated Unexpectedly

2009-11-15 Thread pjs

I started a fresh scan (clear library and rescan everything) and towards
the end, the SC reports:

> >   >   > 
  - Directory Scan   (17334  of  17334)   Complete  00:33:56
  - Playlist Scan   (  of  )   Complete  00:00:00
  - iTunes Import   (1010  of  1010)   Complete  00:00:27
  - iTunes Playlist Import   (27  of  27)   Complete  00:00:02
  - Merge Various Artists   (2812  of  2812)   Complete  00:00:35
  - Artwork Scan   (2853  of  2853)   Complete  00:11:01
  - iTunes Downloaded Artwork Import   (743  of  1048)   Complete 
  > 00:00:42
  - Music scan terminated unexpectedly (iTunes Downloaded Artwork
  > Import)
  > Total Time: 00:46:43 (Sunday, November 15, 2009 / 3:23 PM)
  > > > 

And here are the gory details, where things look like they begin to go

> >   >   > 
  -  Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (701) Completed
  > Slim::Music::MusicFolderScan Scan in 2035 seconds.
  -  Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (567) Starting
  > Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan scan
  -  Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (567) Starting
  > Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer scan
  -  Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning:
  > DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more than one row. 
  > SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single
  > at /Slim/ line
  > 2523
  -  Carp::Clan::__ANON__ (216) Warning:
  > DBIx::Class::ResultSet::single(): Query returned more than one row. 
  > SQL that returns multiple rows is DEPRECATED for ->find and ->single
  > at /Slim/ line
  > 2523
  -  Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (701) Completed
  > Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer Scan in 28 seconds.
  -  Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing (430) Starting merge
  > of various artists albums
  -  Slim::Music::Import::endImporter (701) Completed
  > mergeVariousAlbums Scan in 34 seconds.
  -  Slim::Music::Import::runScanPostProcessing (438) Starting
  > artwork scan
  -  Slim::Web::Graphics:: processCoverArtRequest (262) Error: Unable
  > to resize music/21236/cover_100x100_o: Can't resize unknown type,
  > magic: "\20JFIF\0\1\2"
  -  Slim::Web::Graphics:: processCoverArtRequest (262) Error: Unable
  > to resize music/21236/cover_50x50_o: Can't resize unknown type,
  > magic: "\20JFIF\0\1\2"
  -  Slim::Web::Graphics:: processCoverArtRequest (262) Error: Unable
  > to resize music/21236/cover_40x40_m: Can't resize unknown type,
  > magic: "\20JFIF\0\1\2"
  -  Slim::Web::Graphics:: processCoverArtRequest (262) Error: Unable
  > to resize music/21236/cover_41x41_m: Can't resize unknown type,
  > magic: "\20JFIF\0\1\2"
  > > > 

I'm not afraid of code (especially Perl) or SQL, however, I don't know
where to go from here.  How can I further diagnose this?

I think I have a few folder images of type png.  Could that be the

A little while ago, I noticed that my SC "music folder" is empty. 
Everything else seems populated: albums, artists, new music, playlists,
etc.  But I can no longer click on "music folder" to manually navigate
the filesystem holding my music files.  Could these errors be the cause
of that?

My SC is on WinXP, unfortunately.  I plan on moving it to my Linux
machine after the semester is over.



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[slim] Music Services Stopped Working

2009-08-22 Thread pjs

When I try to listen to or Pandora, the SC responds with a most
curious message:

> There was an error loading the remote feed for Radio: (Couldn't
> resolve IP address for:

I don't know what to make of this message.  I just discovered the
wonders of a few nights ago, and I'm missing it!

Anyone have any ideas what could be going on?



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[slim] Stopped Working

2009-08-08 Thread pjs

Power to my apartment went out abruptly, and now my Squeezebox Duet
stopped functioning.  I believe it's a networking issue, not a hardware
failure issue.  I suspect getting it to work the first time might have
been more luck than anything else...   The problem is that I don't
*really* understand how this thing works.

The receiver is hooked up to my local LAN's switch via ethernet.  The
light on the switch, I believe, is low white, indicating "receiver is on
but music is not playing".  I'm not 100% sure of the color, so I'm
attaching a picture.  My DSL modem appears to recognize the receiver:

Device: Squeezebox
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
MAC Address:00:04:20:17:18:cc
Network Connection: Ethernet
Lease Type: Dynamic

And I can even ping the receiver.   As far as I can tell, the receiver
is as healthy as can be.

On to the remote.  I didn't realize this before, but apparently, the
remote is also assigned its own IP address by my DSL modem:

Device: SqueezeboxController
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
MAC Address:00:04:20:1b:23:2d
Network Connection: Ethernet
Lease Type: Dynamic

I can ping the remote as well.

So here's the problem.

1. On the remote I press Home | Settings | Music Source

2. I see 3 things: "SqueezeNetwork", "lucifer", and "Other Server". 
Lucifer is the name of my WinXP system that runs the SC.  Lucifer has
static IP and is not running any firewall or antivirus at present.

3. I'm not sure what the "SqueezeNetwork" option is - maybe it's fore
wireless setups?  So I choose "lucifer", and after a little while the
remote tells me "Could not connect Squeezebox 1718cc to lucifer".

4. So I go back and click "Other Server" and enter Lucifer's IP address
(  It dumps me back to the "Music Source" menu.  This time
I see "", "SqueezeNetwork", and "Other Server".  I try to
push "", but the remote makes an audible "click" sound and
doesn't do anything.

>From the SC:
Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 @ Mon Jun 15 15:14:08 PDT 2009

Hostname: lucifer
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Total Players Recognized: 1

I'm stumped.  Can some kind soul help me figure out what's wrong? 
Aside from being bummed not to have my music, I'm very curious what the
problem could be.

Many thanks!

|Filename: squeeze2.jpg |


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