Re: [slim] What would it take? (reciva thread)

2008-01-12 Thread sixofone

andyg;257735 Wrote: 
> Any radio directoy such as Reciva could be implemented similar to
> RadioTime, it's just a simple hierarchical listing of radio stations.

It is simple, but the Reciva implementation is far more convincing than
the current mish-mash of radio directories available on my

I can't help but think that Slim Devices/ Logitech are missing a trick
here: have they actually sampled Reciva radios to see what exactly they
do and how easily they do it?  Certainly the UK market for internet
radio devices appears to be building some real mass-market momentum. 
And of course radios using the Reciva platform can also stream the
content of a media library just like Squeezebox.  The popular Roberts
WM-201 even plays FLAC, in addition to packing an alarm clock, remote
control, wi-fi/ ethernet connectivity and decent stereo amplification
with iPod inputs and so on.   It typically sells for no more than the
cost of a Squeezebox yet appears to offer the mass-market consumer so
much more.


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Re: [slim] Wi-Fi Internet Clock Radio?

2007-12-16 Thread sixofone

ModelCitizen;249309 Wrote: 
> It doesn't have a remote does it?

Yes it does.

Check out the full spec and download a manual here:


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Re: [slim] Wi-Fi Internet Clock Radio?

2007-12-15 Thread sixofone

Well, to these ears the Roberts WM-201 sounds pretty good.  It has two
decent-sized full range drivers in a solid, bass-ported cabinet.  I
would say that it's at least the equal of a Tivoli Model One.

The Reciva-based internet radio functionality is in many respects
superior to what Squeezebox offers and the alarm works very well. 
There are 4 independent alarm programs.  The display is a backlit LCD
measuring about 3x1 inches.  This shows 3 lines of scrolling text when
the radio's on, or a giant-sized digital readout of the time when in
standby.  Brightness levels are fully adjustable.

As a media player it has limitations when compared to a Squeezebox,
though I've found it to be perfectly serviceable as a bedside device in
this role (EyeConnect is my upnp media server of choice).

To be honest, I use the Roberts far more that my Squeezeboxes simply
because it's somehow more. convenient, I guess. 

It's also sold in the US as the Sangean WFR-20.


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Re: [slim] I don't understand RadioTime. Help please.

2007-10-12 Thread sixofone

My point is that as a means of browsing internet radio by genre
RadioTime on Squeezebox doesn't appear to work.  Not that Shoutcast/
Live365 are much better (hopeless navigation, poor quality streams
often preferred, annoying adds for Shoutcast/ Live 365, etc).

This is an area in which Squeezebox is falling behind competitors -
take a look at RadioRoku or the Reciva-based devices for example.  What
is needed is a single, well-organised, comprehensive internet radio
directory that users can contribute to and which is capable of being
fully browsed using the remote control.


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[slim] I don't understand RadioTime. Help please.

2007-10-10 Thread sixofone

I'm trying to browse RadioTime by genre.  So e.g. I select Browse
Music>Classical and 12 stations are listed.  But I can also select
Browse Music>More music>Classical>All whereupon 20 stations are listed.

Neither of which bears much relation to the RadioTime website, where a
full 339 stations are listed in the Classical genre.

What do I have to do to see the complete 339 station listing on my


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-15 Thread sixofone

jeffmeh;209043 Wrote: 
>   The company will either see increased margins or they will be able to
> reduce prices to better consumers and improve their competitive
> position.  Lower consumer prices benefit all consumers, and the
> macroeconomics generally indicate that that outweighs the losses of the
> displaced workers (of course, that's little consolation to someone who
> cannot find employment).  The overseas employees obviously benefit. 
> Higher profits benefit the stockholders, whose primary reason for
> investing their capital is to get a return.
> The suggestion that a person in country A is more deserving of a job
> than another in country B is not only ignorant of economics, but is
> also ethically bankrupt.

Get real.  The motive for offshoring production to “low cost” countries
– i.e. China - is to increase profit.  The myth of the virtuous circle
you describe is exploded by even the most superficial research.  For
example, take this article (in which our Logitech friends rate a

A 1000% plus mark-up per Chinese-made computer mouse?

15-hour working days to earn less, per month, than an equivalent US
worker would earn in two hours?

A 20% incidence of industrial disease/ injury, with no sickness
benefits and no viable rights of redress? 

Chinese factory workers aren’t being uplifted economically, or in any
other sense.  They’re being exploited more rapaciously than has ever
been tolerated at any time in any Western society.

And I’m afraid the idea that it’s a choice between factory work
producing goods for the West and no job at all is simply a false
dilemma.  Again, just five minutes of Googling will afford some insight
into the complexities of the Chinese labour market and the immense
social and human cost of the current enforced migration of workers from
farm to factory.  Try this for starters:


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-14 Thread sixofone

killie99;208852 Wrote: 
> I think you're playing with semantics regarding whether something is
> "manufactured" or "assembled" and if you ask 100 people what they think
> that means you'll get a stack of different answers.

Maybe so.  I claim no expertise in anything quite as useful as
electronics manufacturing or the law of product marking, sadly.  As an
English graduate I suppose semantics is more my turf and there's a
clear distinction in my mind between "making" a thing and "assembling"
it (OED: assemble - fit together the parts of).  

I'd like to think I'm not excessively naïve about electronics
manufacturing in the global economy: God knows I own enough "Made in
China" Apple products.  Nor, as a UK national, am I banging any
patriotic drum.  It's just that when researching the Squeezebox I'm
sure I came across articles emphasising the in-house (USA-based)
manufacturing operation.   I suppose I equated that with a certain
ethical standard and to my way of thinking that was part of the
attraction in the product.  I like the idea of buying stuff from smart
guys trying to do things the right way on a small scale.  That romantic
idealism goes a long way in my mind to justifying a price premium (US
equivalent circa $375 per SB, and yes I know some of that's UK VAT).


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-14 Thread sixofone

The labelling may well have complied with the strict letter of the law;
however it would appear that the USA "manufacturing" operation amounted
to no more than screwing circuit boards made in China into cases.  In
other words the product was, in dictionary terms, being assembled in
the USA.  This is a distinction that many manufacturers choose to make
plain with the tag: "Assembled in..".  The fact that Slim chose not
to do likewise suggests an intent to obscure the true origins of the


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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-13 Thread sixofone

I’m sufficiently irked to register and post to this form for the first
(and probably last) time.

You see I was under the impression that the words “Designed and
manufactured in Mountain View, California, USA” meant just that. 
Whereas it now appears that the principal component of both my S3s was
actually manufactured in China.  Am I alone in finding that a
little…….well, disingenuous?

There’s no need for me to argue the economic and ethical rights and
wrongs of such a production model in such well-educated company. 

Nor do I need to point out that, for some of us, the considerations of
how and at what (human) cost a product is produced are factors in the
purchasing decision.  The fact that Slim Devices chose to slap the
“Designed and manufactured…” tag on in the first place shows just how
well-attuned they were to such sensitivities.

Enjoy counting the cash, Slim/ Logitech people.  Try not to think to
hard about that new, faraway workforce.  Or the old manufacturing
assembly staff a little neare to home who had to be “let go”.


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