Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-06-19 Thread stevie

mherger;293803 Wrote: 
  Anyone else having issues running Squeezecenter on Vista Ultimate. I
  have Trend Micro Internet Security 14. When I turm that off, I can
  Squeezecenter but that leaves my PC vulnerable.
 Do you see any message logged in SC's server.log telling us what in the
 product might be acting up?

I can't find such a file. Where do I look? When I ask Vista to look for
*.log it does not find any files.


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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-06-19 Thread stevie

mherger;297115 Wrote: 
  Now I can get Squeezecenter to run only if I diasble Trend Micro
  Internet Security 14. Frankly, I am just not willing to run my
  without virus protection just to use my Squeezebox.
 And you shouldn't. Did you try configuring your AV product to ignore
 files? I asked your for log files, but you didn't answer. Hard for us
 help you without any more information.

I am using Trend Micro PC-Cillin Internet Security and I do not have a
clue how I would do this. Where? Firewall? Seems if I turn off the
firewall altogether it works.
I cannot give you .log files since there do not seem to be any or I do
not know where to look.


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Re: [slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-29 Thread stevie

After trying for days, I am ready to throw my Squeezebox in the garbage
and go back to burning CD's. I want to play high quality lossless music
through my good amp and seakers using squeezebox.
Under Windows XP and Slimserver 6.5 everything was great.
Got a new PC with Vista Ultimate and decided to get the latest greatest
version of Squeezecenter. Since then I have barely heard any music and
spent countless hours getting nowhere.

Logitech has got to be able to support people who want to run
Squeezecenter on Vista. Maybe Vista is a pig but it's still an
important pig and most new computers are shipping with it - especially
home systems where people are likely to use a Squeezebox or

I managed to get the pig Squeezecenter to scan my music on my Buffalo
NAS which was a lot more cumbersome than it should have been for a
mapped network drive.

Now I can get Squeezecenter to run only if I diasble Trend Micro
Internet Security 14. Frankly, I am just not willing to run my computer
without virus protection just to use my Squeezebox.


I already got rid of my Transporter since I was so frustrated and soon
I will do the same with Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] Slimserver Problems running on Windows Vista

2008-04-19 Thread stevie

I Have a Dell XPS M1330 running Vista Ultimate and Trend Micro PC Cillin
Internet Security 14.
I had a terrible time getting anything to work in Squeezecentre or to
figure out how to use Squeezecentre to browse to my Buffalo NAS to scan
my music library.
Central to my most annoying problem is that Trend Micro PC-Cillin
Internet Security 14 and Sqeezecentre do not seem to like each other.
If I turn the Trend Micro off, my computer will detect the Squeezebox
otherwise it will not work. I have tried to add localhost:9000 to the
exception list in the PC Cillin but have not had success there.
I am tempted to scrap PC Cillin and go to AVG Free but I do not know if
that will help.


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[slim] Vista or Trend Micro Firewall Blocking Squeezecenter

2008-04-19 Thread stevie

Anyone else having issues running Squeezecenter on Vista Ultimate. I
have Trend Micro Internet Security 14. When I turm that off, I can ren
Squeezecenter but that leaves my PC vulnerable.
Scrap Trend Micro PC Cillin?


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[slim] Re: Streaming video is possible?

2006-05-16 Thread stevie-c

kdf Wrote: 
 I personally use MythTV installed using knoppmyth on an Athlon 2000+  
 box, along with slimserver.  Knoppmyth has the mythweb plugin  
 installed so you can stream video (recorded from tv or mpg) and  
 slimserver handles the audio part.  Knoppmyth does have mythmusic  
 plugin installed as well, but that interface is painful.  I overwrote 
 that section with a custom option that starts softsqueeze and reacts  
 to the mythtv remote via lirc. I added a graphic that roughly fits the 
 Project Grayhem theme

Would you mind sharing your softsqueeze graphics and your .lircrc file
that controls softsqueeze? I've been trying to to use irxevent to
control softsqueeze trought lirc but didn't succeed.
I am now calling a script that controls the player trough a telnet
session to the slimserver but that is a but of a hassle.



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