Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-10-24 Thread undret

Hi Bluegaspode.
I have been away travelling in my work for some time, but now I am
back. I was thinking what state we left this question in?
I think my original posting was this:

And the problem was when I move into an area with bad mobile network
reception where the downlink bitrate cannot keep up with the streaming
bitrate, then (of course) the music starts to glitch stutter etc. as
buffer repeatedly gets emptied. You know.
The player shows repeatedly buffering - playing - buffering - ... cycle
with low percentages all the time.
In this state it is not possible to control the player. From the
commander I cannot pause or stop it, so the only exit is to disconnect
the player. Which is really bad since restarting everything takes an
effort: The commander loses track of the player, and then it has to
find it, and then go back to your favourite radio station etc. so that
could easily take up to a minute.
For a start, it would be a good step forward if I just could pause or
stop the player from the commander instead of being forced to

Can you reproduce this issue?

bluegaspode;650579 Wrote: 
> Hi undret, 
> thanks a lot for your feedback.
> It could be that SqueezePlayer ignores the 'pause' command, while it is
> buffering. 
> Seldom have loads of rebufferings, so didn't check that.
> Will investigate!
> I think it would be still the best way, if the user needed to actively
> stops the stream (and it worked) when he thinks it would not get
> better.
> I'm afraid I cannot change that :(


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-08-20 Thread undret

bluegaspode;650736 Wrote: 
> Yes Controller commands first go to the server, which sends them back
> (if needed) to the player.
> So there is just an indirect connection between SqueezeCommander and
> SqueezePlayer. 
> So it might be that the 'pause' command can get lost on the way back or
> forth. But this is a really small packet so a slow network (working)
> connection shouldn't be a big problem.
> As said: I rather think that SqueezePlayer only accepts a 'pause' when
> it's in the playing state (as buffering right now is implemented as an
> (automatic) pause - so I guess an explicit pause is just ignored).

Yes. Have you reproduced?

After a few more tests, I think that the problem appears if the buffer
goes empty while playback regardless of why. Then as soon as a piece of
data is written on it, that piece is immediately consumed for playback
leaving the buffer empty again. And there it seems to be stuck in that
loop showing buffering/playing one second each approx with small
percentages shown.
When playing I copied large files across the WLAN to put load on it,
and then the player kept stuttering in the loop even though network
capacity later had returned.

Even in HSPA, there can be small periods with low throughput. If that
is enough for the player to empty its buffer, there we go again. Stuck
there even though network is improved.

It was now a while ago, but I have seen it also when I connect to an
internet radio station where the data from the stream initially appears
low. That happened mostly with shoutcast streams.

If I am on a mobile network, then if I press |<< or >>| it sometimes
happen as well.

If the buffer is allowed to fill up slightly more before playing, then
that might help (in addition to what you write in your comment)? Or
what do you think? Or if the user could do some configuration of a
threshold value here if this is device-dependent.

It is very hard to give exact instructions to reproduce since it all
depends on network conditions. And probably on my device as well.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-08-18 Thread undret

I really love the combo of player + commander. It gives me a uniform UI
regardless of network streaming service together with a almost prompt
playback. The commander is sometimes slow to connect, though.

I am wishing that no user intervention should be necessary if the
behavior can be configured.
I would like it to work like the following:
1. When the reception goes bad (player detecting this situation when
playback empties the buffer and network connection is not able to keep
up): Player pauses the stream + perhaps give some notification (like
2. When in bad conditions, player monitors reception and perhaps signal
strength if possible to assess the current network condition. When fine,
streaming is resumed. I as user, can be able to set my conditions in a
coarse manner. This would be for me when the modem indicates UMTS
coverage (3G is displayed with at least one bar on signal strength) or
when I am connected to WLAN.
But actually, point 2 there should on a phone with a decent modem be
handled as the opposite of point 1, meaning that the player can detect
if the network connection delivers data at a rate greater than the
stream bit rate. And that the rate has been stable for like 5 seconds
or so.

This could be done automatically. Because while running or biking in
the Swedish forest I do not want to stop to check the phone.

I would be happy to help out here in any way I can.

But a good step forward would be to make the player responsive from the
commander when the buffer goes low. I realize that if network situation
has gone really bad, the commands might not be able to transmit? Or, I
do not know how the player control works, but are the commands proxied

I am working in mobile telephony with some Android experiences as well,
so I might be able to help out or contribute.
Thank you.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Music-Playback now on ANDROID! SqueezePlayer released to the market ...

2011-08-17 Thread undret

I am using the Player and Commander on my Android Nexus one and
connected to I listen to internet radio stations (almost all
saved from the TuneIn Radio app) while on the move outdoors. So I
stream over the mobile network.
Usually it works well. This combo is superior to the tunein app which
takes a good amount of time to connect, download presets, and buffer
the stream before play. It can take up to half a minute before music
starts playing.

BUT there is a big problem, and it might be just that it happens on my
particular phone model and operators
When I have good network coverage (meaning access to high-speed access
technologies UMTS, HSPA, and "best" variants of Edge) I get nice

But when I enter an area with bad coverage where the downlink bandwidth
is not sufficient to support the bitrate of the audio stream, the music
starts to glitch and interrupt. 
At this point the behaviour is pathological: Player goes into an
endless loop (repeatedly showing playing, buffering, connecting with a
few percent shown), The player gets uncontrollable and does not respond
to any Commander commands (like pause or power off).
Only way to exit is to disconnect player from the server, and then wait
to connect it again until I have better reception.

Then the modem of my phone behaves crappy as well. It seems like it
sticks to a certain bearer as long as it is available and there is a
connection using it. So if I have the player connected with UMTS, lose
coverage of that and the device switches to poorer Edge with
insufficient bandwidth, it will then tend to stick to that even if I
move back into UMTS coverage again! It will not switch as long as
player is connected.

The handling of this situation could be improved. I suggest:
* If the player buffer levels drops under a certain level and where the
rate of data from the network cannot sustain the playing rate then the
player could pause the downloading of the stream, silence the music and
give an indication to the user.
* Then it can wait and monitor better network reception. When that
happens the streaming can resume. Of course it is difficult to predict
if you will indeed get a sufficient bitrate in your downlink
beforehand, but UMTS and HSPA should do fine. Edge could be excluded
since that almost never works for me.
I don't know if it should also disconnect from the server, though. 

Any thoughts or experiences?


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