At the start of every track (mp3) theres a high pitched 0.25second
nasty electronic sound....very similar to those you get with a ripping
error. All tracks were playing ok with 6.5.0 (except these issues but
after upgrading to 6.5.1 this error makes things unlistenable.

As I say, its already been posted by Neil
( and that was
with 6.5.0.

I also experienced this over the weekend. I installed the 6.5.1
2006-10-07 nightly into a clean directory, with only the latest
MusicInfoSCR plugin and a copy of my pref file. I haven't heard
anything like it before. Since only 1-2% of my music is mp3 and the
rest flac, I only heard it a couple of times. I was about to do some
troubleshooting tonight and came across this thread.

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