My friend has an SB3 and running wirelessly to SS 6.5.1 12/31 daily on
Win XP. All has been running flawlessly for the past 4 months.

The router is a Linksys WRT54G.

The problem he began having (quite suddenly) is that suddenly the SB3
lost connection with the server and could no longer connect to either
it or Squeeze Network. We tried to troubleshoot a number of different
ways including turning off wireless security, assigning an IP address,
and even running wired all to no avail.

In DHCP mode, it will eventually timout and come back with "cannot find
DHCP server".

In assigned IP address mode, it simply cannot connect.

I've run out of ideas of what to try next - can anyone help? (please -
we need some good music to bring in our new year!!!) :)


SB2 --> Axiom passive pre --> Portal Paladin monoblocks --> Dynaudio
Contour 1.3 MKII
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