After picking up my SB2 from the floor once again (a daily occurrence as
our little one likes to pull the cables and drag it off the bedside
table), finally the SB2 has, perhaps coincidentally, developed a fault.
In almost all respects it works, connecting to SC, acting as a bridge
for a DECT/SIP phone base station, and streaming text from SC, but a few
seconds after starting the display fades gracefully and permanently to
black, with the SB still working. Only a power cycle brings it back
again, until a few seconds later when again it fades, and so on.

Any ideas? The VFD seems fine and is at full brightness just after
being turned on, so I'm wondering if it's the driver (inverter). I
haven't opened up and checked for any obvious faults yet. In the worst
case I can probably use it for another display-less application, but
would be nice to fix it as I prefer the "clock radio" style for beside
use, and these are rare to find on ebay now (none right now at UK ebay).

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