Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-15 Thread fortitude.five

This worked like a champ for my purposes of needing to browse through
the music folder.  PM me your address and I'll send you a bottle of
wine or something!

Thank you SO much.  You literally saved me from selling all my SB stuff
and going to Sonos.


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-08 Thread aubuti

fortitude.five;616362 Wrote: 
 If I go into music/lossless/random artist, all tracks have 01, 02, 03
 etc before them and sort correctly.  
 But, I also have many artists and albums that do not have the numbers
 in the track name.  On these albums, when listening through the music
 folder, SBS sorts the tracks alphabetically which is driving me nuts. 
 They are all have proper tagging.  Why can't SBS read the tagging?  
 If you can help me figure this out without going in and adding numbers
 in the track titles for 1000's of tracks, I'll send  you a present, I
 swear :)
Because browsing 'music folder' is the _only_ mode in which SBS does
not use tags. Browsing by music folder reads straight from the file
system. If you use any other browsing mode (Artists, Albums, Genres,
etc) then SBS will use the tags and sort by them. Although I recommend
first testing it on a handful of albums to make sure it does what you
want before you let it loose on 1000s of tracks.

So one option is not browsing by music folder. But if for various
reasons you still want to use 'music folder', then it's a simple matter
to add tracknumbers to the filenames IF you have the track number tags
in the files. Use a good tagging tool like mp3tag (freeware from and you can rename 1000s of tracks to add the
tracknumber to the beginning in about the same amount of time it took
for you to read this post.


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-07 Thread fortitude.five

First off, thanks a ton for sticking with me on this.  My music is
actually super organized by music/lossless, music/24bit, music/lossy so
I'm good to go there.  

I've isolated it down to one major problem that is giving me a real run
for my money and I'm hoping that it can be resolved.  

If I go into music/lossless/random artist, all tracks have 01, 02, 03
etc before them and sort correctly.  

But, I also have many artists and albums that do not have the numbers
in the track name.  On these albums, when listening through the music
folder, SBS sorts the tracks alphabetically which is driving me nuts. 
They are all have proper tagging.  Why can't SBS read the tagging?  

If you can help me figure this out without going in and adding numbers
in the track titles for 1000's of tracks, I'll send  you a present, I
swear :)


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-06 Thread fortitude.five

Yes, I almost always browse to my music folder with SBS and do not use
artist, album, etc.  The reason for this is that I like to go in and
either select lossless or 24bit albums to listen to, but I also like to
have access to my mp3 albums that I have only in lossy format if I want
to listen to those as well.  I also want to know what type of file I'm
hearing, and I don't have my library memorized to know each album by
bitrate.  Are we saying that there is no good way to really do this?


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-06 Thread aubuti

No, it's actually pretty easy to do what you want. However it sounds
like your file organization is a mess, and you probably need to
rearrange things to get them to work the way you want with SBS. For the
most part SBS doesn't care about your file/folder structure, but if you
insist on using 'browse music folder' then you'll have to have it

1) forget about iTunes integration with SBS. You can keep using iTunes
if you like, just think of it as separate from SBS.

2) put all your lossless files that iTunes can't handle (FLAC or
24-bit) in one branch of the tree, eg,
/music/lossless/[artists]/[albums] or
/music/lossless/24-bit/[artists]/[albums] and
/music/lossless/16-bit/[artists]/[albums] (NB: I'm using OSX or Linux
style pathnames here, so if you're on Windows just adapt them.)

3) put all the things you have only in lossy (eg, MP3) format in a
different branch, at the same level, such as

4) if you have any copies of the things in (2) that have been
transcoded so that iTunes can handle them, put them in a another branch
at the same level, such as /music/iTunes/[artists]/[albums]

If you're on OSX or Linux, put a symbolic link in /music/lossless that
points to (3), and put another one in /music/iTunes that points to (3).
If you're on Windows, use Windows shortcuts to the folders instead of
symlinks. Then point SBS to /music/lossless and point iTunes to
/music/iTunes. You should be able to see your entire library in either
program, be able to tell lossless/lossy and bit-depth, etc. without
memorizing anything.


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-05 Thread fortitude.five

Thanks for the response, Aubuti.  The reason that I want to point to
iTunes is because of the better organization/tagging.  I have lots of
music that is ripped with DB Poweramp or downloaded from online web
stores that will be ordered correctly in iTunes, but not when sitting
in a Windows directory.  Also would like the artwork and any other info
to populate from one central place into SB.

Directory structure where all music is stored is F: Music and then sub
directories of Lossless, 24 bit, mp3, etc.  Would like to keep this
sorting ability to group albums by bitrate even if I use itunes.  I
guess I could do this with huge playlists so that answers that

Maybe my main issue is knowing how to get SB to read correct track
order out of a windows file?  Is there a trick to that?


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-05 Thread aubuti

Not sure I can help you here. If your tags are correct then they should
appear fine whether they are in iTunes or viewed in SBS without iTunes
integration. Note that SBS does not use the filenames for browsing by
albums, artists, genres, years, etc. The only time SBS uses the file
and folder names is if you browse Music Folder -- other than that the
sort order you see in Windows is completely irrelevant to SBS.


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-05 Thread fortitude.five

I think you did help.  So if I browse to the area that I have designated
in SB as music folder then the titles are used instead of tags?  All
of my lossless, mp3, and 24bit subdirectories are under my main
music folder.  How do I keep the ability to search in my bitrate
folders while maintaining the tagging?


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-05 Thread fortitude.five

even more clarity on my main problem.  Tracks won't stay in order unless
I put 01, 02, etc in the beginning of the title when they are in my
windows folders.  The DB poweramp tags have the right info, but the
tracks are jumbled in some cases.  Got a solution?  I'm sure I'm being
an idiot and just don't know how to do it right.


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-05 Thread aubuti

Forget about Windows for now. How are you browsing your library with
SBS? Under My Music, are you using Albums, Artists, Genres, Years, or
Music Folder? Music Folder is the only one that cares what your
filenames are -- everything else is based on the tags in your files. 

As for your different bitrate folders, do you have the same tracks at
different bitrates? If so, the best solution for SBS is to keep the low
bitrate versions completely out of the music library path. For example,
I have three main music folders: (1) lossless, (2) lossy MP3 versions
of the lossless tracks, and (3) tracks that I only have in MP3. I have
my folders and SBS set so that it only sees (1) and (3). But when I
make copies for my portable player, I use only (2) and (3).

Btw, within Windows the leading zeros are needed because that is the
strict sort order for most software. If you have 1, 2, 3, ., 10,
11, 12 then a strict sorting based on the characters is 1, 10, 11, 12,
2, 3, .  But if your tags are correct it won't matter (except for
Browse Music Folder).


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-04 Thread aubuti

It's not clear to me why you would want to point SBS to iTunes when you
have music files that SBS supports and iTunes doesn't. As far as I
understand it, the only thing gained with iTunes integration with SBS
is access to your iTunes playlists. Which is more important to you, your
iTunes playlists, or your 24-bit files? If it's the latter, simply point
SBS to your music library.

Exactly how you point it to the library on the mounted drive depends on
the OS on the computer running SBS. Some other details would be helpful,
such as (1) how are your lossless, MP3, etc stored on the drive (ie,
what is the directory structure), and (2) what specifically do you mean
by sort by lossless/lossy?


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Re: [slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-03-03 Thread fortitude.five

Anyone?  Heard this is easy, just don't know how or where to find good
info.  Even if someone could point me towards a thread that would be


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[slim] Need help pointing towards itunes

2011-02-28 Thread fortitude.five

Guys - sorry for a question that's probably been answered endless times,
but I could really use some help.  A couple of questions that I've been
trying to figure out for months, and I just don't know enough.

I have my whole music library set up on a mounted storage drive.  I
also have my itunes library xml file/directory on this same drive.  I
can't get squeezebox server to point at itunes instead of my music
directory.  Anyone know a troubleshooting process that I can go
through?  The beginner's itunes sqeezebox setup page did not help.

I also want to be able to reach my 24bit files, which itunes will not
support.  Can I still point sqeezebox server at a music directory in
addition to itunes?

Even inside of the 16bit files in itunes, I want to be able to sort
them by MP3, lossless, etc.  Is the only way to do this through itunes
playlists if I'm pointing squeeze at itunes?  I currently have
different directories for each in my music directory.

Thanks for any and all help!!


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