[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-04-09 Thread simonjkendrew


I've downloaded the latest nightly build, with firmware version 37 and
wireless now works, with WPA encryption!



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[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-03-29 Thread Mark Lanctot


One item to note - unfortunately this won't solve the problem, but
it'll increase security.  Do not port-forward SlimServer's ports in
your gateway.  Port forwarding is to allow Internet access.  It directs
external (Internet) port requests to a certain machine's ports on your
internal network.  It won't help with Squeezebox access at all as both
your Squeezebox and your SlimServer are on your internal network.  All
you've done is opened up three ports to the Internet, which was
probably noticed 30 seconds after you opened them.

Unfortunately your problems seem connected to wireless incompatibility.
We can conclude this from the following:

1.  You can connect to SlimServer wired.  This means you've handled
your IP addresses assignment and firewall configuration correctly.

2.  You can't connect with open encryption.  This means you haven't
made any errors with passphrases.

All I can advise at this point is check for new router/gateway firmware
and try the latest Squeezebox firmware.  Also make sure you have SSID
right - enable broadcast and change it to something different to make
sure that's the network you're seeing.

I had the same problem as you and concluded incompatibility between my
Squeezebox and my SMC2804WBRP-G router.  The options were: return the
$450 CDN Squeezebox or get a new $80 router.  Obviously I replaced the
router, going for a Linksys WRT54G, which worked fine the first time
and has continued to work in all modes but WPA2.

Combined ADSL modem/gateway/routers seem very popular in Europe.  I
don't know why - it seems to me that multipurpose devices end up being
Jack of all trades, master of none.  Plus if there comes a need to
replace it, your costs are higher.

So get in touch with Slim Devices support and give them the
manufacturer/model number of your ADSL gateway.  They are working hard
on compatibility, there have been more firmware releases in the last
three months than in the entire lifespan of the SB2.

Mark Lanctot

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[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-03-29 Thread rtitmuss


You should try the lastest slimserver 6.2.2 nightly, this includes
firmware v36. This firmware fixes compatibilty issues with some

Please be aware that some issues with WPA are still being worked on.
Depending on your router/gateway, if you have problems connected with
WPA not using DHCP might work ok.

If you still have problems could you post the make, model and firmware
version of your ASDL gateway.



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[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-03-29 Thread simonjkendrew

I am still having problems trying to connect my squeezebox to my
wireless network. Let me explain what I have done so far.

I have my squeezebox (firmware v35, slimserver 6.2.2) wired into my
ADSL gateway, and it can then communicate to my wireless PC through the
gateway. This works great.

However, trying to connect the squeezebox wirelessly is proving
troublesome, as the connect option times out after 30 seconds, failing
to connect. I have removed all wireless encryption, and have located
the squeezebox, the ADSL gateway, and my computer all next to each
other, so there can be no signal problems. I have totally uninstalled
norton anti-virus, disabled the Windows XP firewall, and opened the 3
required ports on my ADSL gateway. I have turned DHCP off and manually
configured my USB wireless adapter and squeezebox. I know the wireless
adapter and gateway connect when setup manually, as my PC can still
access my internet conenction from the ADSL gateway. When I do a
factory default reset on the squeezebox, and then look in the settings,
under wireless network, it lists signal strength as 0%, but then once I
have entered all the wireless setup options and it times out, I go back
into the signal strength and it is between 95%-100%, so am I correct in
assuming that the squeezebox is actually detecting my wireless

Here are the settings I am using

USB Wireless adapter on my PC
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
DNS server

IP address
Subnet mask
DNS server
Bridge (wireless to ethernet) No
MAC address listed is the same as that printed on the bottom of the

ADSL gateway
IP addresses range from to
The 3 requested ports are opened for the IP address

Any suggestions please?


simonjkendrew's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4581
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[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-03-17 Thread Siduhe

simonjkendrew Wrote: 
> I seem to be unable to re-enter the ethernet setup options, where I can
> specify IP addresses, etc. Reseting to the factory default settings by
> holding down 'add' whilst powering on the squeezebox does reset the
> wireless options, but does not seem to reset the ethernet setup
> procedure.

To get back to the ethernet (wired) set up options, use the left arrow
key until the menus won't go back any further, and then scroll down. 
You should then see the option to set up a wired connection, go right,
and all the options should be there by scrolling down.  If not, what
are the options available to you in your top level networking menu ?

With your wired connection, I'm a bit confused at which stage you are
stuck at.  Can the Squeezebox see the SSID of your wireless network and
just won't connect to it, or can it not even see the network at all ?

If the former, it's more likely to be a firewall, router or permissions
issue - if the latter, it's more likely to be that your wireless network
itself isn't set up right.

Let us know and we'll do what we can.

P.S.  Is your router listed as one which is known to work with the
Squeezebox in the router status pages ?


P.P.S.  Have you tried rebooting the router - that may help with the
"ethernet appears to be disconnected" problem.


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[slim] Re: Cannot connect a new squeezebox

2006-03-17 Thread oktup

I got my SB3 a few days and also had problems connected to slimserver.
Don't know if this will help your particular case, but it might help
someone in the future, so I'll post it anyway.

Symptoms - SB3 seemed to set itself up fine both via ethernet and
wirelessly. It obtained a proper IP address. I could ping it from my
Slimserver PC. But it wouldn't link up - it just hung on 'Connecting to
Slimserver'. From the router lights I could see that it was talking to
the Slimserver PC (and slim.exe was using increased CPU time) but it
just wouldn't connect. Strangely, it connected to Squeezenetwork quite

I tried every combination of everything I could think of, turned off
all encryption, deactivated my PC's firewall, my router's firewall,
etc. Still nothing. Searched the forums for any clues. Was tearing my
hair out.

About 5 torturous hours later, I stumbled across a post by (IIRC)
Michael Herger where he mentioned the 'blocking' control on Slimserver.
I'd installed SS on my new server a couple of months ago, well before
the arrival of my SB3, and being the sort who verges on paranoia over
such matters, had enabled the 'block access except for these IPs'
setting. *Of course, I'd completely forgotten to go back in and add the
IP address my new SB3 was now occupying.* Which is presumably why
SlimServer was ignoring my SB3's repeated plaintive entreaties to
connect. Oh, how I laughed hysterically!

In hindsight, it wasn't such a bad thing, because I underwent a crash
course in wireless networking (first time I'd tried it) and configuring
my router - irrelevant as it all turned out to be, it was good to learn
a bit about such things. However, given this is a rather elementary yet
maddening mistake, I wonder if it might be worth including in the SS
FAQ, or something? I suppose I should add it to the Wiki myself. Has
anyone contemplated doing some kind of 'Troubleshooting wizard' for all
this sort of stuff?

(PS - thanks Michael, you saved my sanity that night ;)


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