[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-03-02 Thread Bonesteel

I've had this happen when I import a CD in iTunes (tags set by
Gracenote), then subsequently selecting all the tracks and adding the
album artwork.  In 6.2.2 I tried a clear and full rescan, but the dupes
remain.  If I turn off use iTunes for the server, the problem
disappears, but then I can not see artwork.  Anyone seen this or have a



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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-26 Thread mwoodroof

OK, so I have been thinking about this and surely there must be a way to
force SlimServer to properly rescan one artist/album to pick up
changes? Anyone know any more about this?

If there is not, does anyone know if this functionality has been
suggested to those marvellous folk at Slim Devices for a future update
of the software - it really would be a lot better than always haveing
to do a full library rescan...


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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread Siduhe

mwoodroof Wrote: 
 I am having a problem with tags - I have an album which SlimServer is
 picking up twice - once correctly and then a second time with the same
 name but only containing track 7.
 Having checked these forums for possible solutions I have now checked
 all the files in this album folder with ID3-TagIT and Mp3tag
 software, and there is the tags on all the tracks look OK - the album
 tag is identical on all of them, and all the track specific tags are in
 the same format.
 Naturally I have made SlimServer rescan my music folder after I have
 corrected the tags.
 Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?
 Is there anyway I can force SlimServer to forget the duplicate album
 containing only one track - as I said, the other album is fine,
 containing all the tracks, correct order etc.
 Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

I've had this problem a couple of times.  It sounds like a tag problem.
Even if the Album tag looks the same, it sometimes needs forcing for
Slimserver to see it as one.  Have you tried selecting all the songs in
the album in your tagger and forcing the same Album tag on all of them,
then doing a full clear library and rescan (not just a find new music
scan)? Let us know if that does the trick.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread mwoodroof

Thanks very much for the quick help!!

Read your suggestion and thought I would just try the library clear
and rescan option first - didn't know you could do this - and it has
done the trick without forcing the album names all the same!

Bit strange - surely the normal new and changed scan should have
picked up on these changed tags - in fact it usually does on other tag
changes I have made.

Oh well, thanks again for the advice, all is right in the SlimServer
world again!


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[slim] Re: Tags Problem - Duplicate Albums

2006-02-25 Thread Siduhe

Glad to hear it - I know what you mean about new and changed - in my
experience it only finds new music.  You usually need to do a full
rescan for changed music.


Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
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