Does anyone here have any experience with satellite broadband?

It looks like its the only way i am going to be able to get a decent
internet connection where i live and i was wondering what the
implications are for for my SB3.

I read somewhere that Windows Media player needs to be specially set up
for it, for the proxy servers i guess, so can i access the squeeze
network/internet radio this way?


*SlimServer Version:* 6.5 - Windows XP.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Demon MD30 (bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Cambridge Audio Explorer
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox3 + Softsqueeze.
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