Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-09-01 Thread awy

I have no idea where a 5s gap could come from, unless some preferences
have been explicitly set to achieve that.

In terms of what you can fiddle with in 7.2, the two most likely
candidates are the syncBufferThreshold (per player) and syncStartDelay
(server wide, under Networking in the WebUI, default 100ms). This
latter is new and, in the case that perfect synchronized track start is
not required, could be reduced to 1 (not 0, as 0 = default = 100ms).
This would add to the chance of resync jump just after track start in
which case, if you were happy with the old behaviour where sync can
drift during a track, you could turn off maintainSync (per player).

There is no UI to change syncBufferThreshold, but the default is only
4kB and it has not changed since SC6. If you want to change it, then
you need to use the CLI.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-08-31 Thread CatBus

FWIW most remaining gapless sync issues seem to be fixed right now with
the brand new sync code in the 7.3 betas.  Please try it out and report


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-08-31 Thread ModelCitizen

The biggest change in 7.3 is the New Streaming. It was introduced into
the Boom beta branch for a while and was very impressive. Logitech
obviously take the synced streaming issue very seriously indeed and are
about to cure what for me is probably the largest issue of the current
architecture (and the only reason I'd ever consider buying a Sonos

I don't know why you get a 5 second gap though. Mine is in the region
of a quarter of a second or so...



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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-24 Thread rbl

GeeJay;294910 Wrote: 
 I switched all players to start as a group.  Things seem to be working
 fine right now, so I think I'll try going back to the Default skin and
 see if the problem recurs.

How do you switch all players to work as a group? Is this under SC7.0
or SS6.x


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-24 Thread GeeJay

SC7. Go to the Audio settings for each player.  Underneath
Synchronize Power, choose Power Off/On With Group.  Save the
settings before going to the next player.


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[slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread rbl

I have just installed SqueezeCenter having used SlimServer for a couple
of years now. Gapless play works perfectly on both versions with one
SB3, but with 2 sync'd SB3's SqueezeCenter seems a lot worse. I get
gaps between tracks of upto 10 seconds, although more normally a couple
of seconds. I thought SC7 was meant to be vastly improved with regards
to sync'ing?? My wireless network performance seems fine, running on a
2GHz PC with XP Pro so that side of things should be fine. 

I read that the developers have no plans to improve this. Frankly this
is bad news Guess I'll go back to SS6.5 but frankly it is very
disappointing, and possibly time to look for another solution, unless
someone knows how to improve things?


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread CatBus

SC7 sync *is* vastly improved over SlimServer.  Long tracks stay in sync
now, poor network conditions don't throw off sync anymore.  Stuff that
didn't work well at all now works perfectly--I think it's fair to call
that a vast improvement.

That's not to say all sync bugs were fixed.  For example, gapless sync
was broken before SC7, and it continues to be broken after SC7.  No
significant change as far as I'm concerned.  You've expressed that you
don't mind the degree to which this feature is broken in SlimServer,
but many people, including myself, consider SlimServer's gapless sync
so badly broken that it's unusable.  Half a second or five years, a gap
is a gap.  I can't see how SlimServer's behavior was even remotely
tolerable, so SC7 is no worse.

I don't know where you've read that the developers have no plans to fix
this but that is not true.  There is already a bug filed on this topic
and the developers involved have expressed an interest in fixing it. 
It is an extremely difficult problem to fix, however, and the fix is
unlikely to be done anytime soon.  I don't think, however, that there
are any plans to revert from Broken Gapless Sync Method #2 back to
Broken Gapless Sync Method #1, because it wouldn't actually fix
anything and it would break the sync improvements that were actually
delivered with SC7.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread aubuti

rbl;294818 Wrote: 
 I have just installed SqueezeCenter having used SlimServer for a couple
 of years now. Gapless play works perfectly on both versions with one
 SB3, but with 2 sync'd SB3's SqueezeCenter seems a lot worse.
Have you tried fiddling with the various settings for fine-tuning sync
that are available in SC7? There's a lot there that wasn't in 6.x, and
something might fix your issues. It still won't be gapless sync,
because it's not designed for that (yet), but you should be able to
improve it.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread rbl

aubuti;294848 Wrote: 
 Have you tried fiddling with the various settings for fine-tuning sync
 that are available in SC7? There's a lot there that wasn't in 6.x, and
 something might fix your issues. It still won't be gapless sync,
 because it's not designed for that (yet), but you should be able to
 improve it.

Not really apart from setting server priority to -16 (High). I just
noticed some settings under Settings-Players-Audio, but not sure how
to set these. I am not so worried about the two players being perfectly
in sync with each other since I cant here them both at the same time,
but am worried about the gaps.

CatBus - thanks for the info. I guess I had hadn't appreciated the good
work done as not so relevant to me, but I can't help but feel the gaps
are worse, at least in my configuration.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread aubuti

rbl;294857 Wrote: 
 Not really apart from setting server priority to -16 (High). I just
 noticed some settings under Settings-Players-Audio, but not sure how
 to set these. I am not so worried about the two players being perfectly
 in sync with each other since I cant here them both at the same time,
 but am worried about the gaps.
I'm not in front of SC7 right now, but my recollection is that there is
good guidance in the help for those settings (eg, if a track
starts-stops-restarts then do this, or if the transitions between
tracks are too long do that, etc.). Given what you're saying here, you
might get some satisfaction by reducing how much the buffer has to fill
up before it starts playing.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread rbl

aubuti;294862 Wrote: 
 I'm not in front of SC7 right now, but my recollection is that there is
 good guidance in the help for those settings (eg, if a track
 starts-stops-restarts then do this, or if the transitions between
 tracks are too long do that, etc.). Given what you're saying here, you
 might get some satisfaction by reducing how much the buffer has to fill
 up before it starts playing.

Little information boxes come up if you drag your mouse over the I,
which helps somewhat, but nothing particularly conprehensive that I can
see. Think I'll have to play around with it...


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread aubuti

You can also look at some of the discussion in the threads in the Beta
and/or Developers forums. Look especially for posts by user awy, who
did most of the rewriting for sync. Probably more details than you
want, but might give an appreciation of how much work went into sync on
SC7, and how gapless sync is far from trivial.


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Re: [slim] SqueezeCenter gapless syncing seems much worse than SlimServer

2008-04-23 Thread GeeJay

I've had the same issue, rbl, since I switched to SC7.  I also had a
problem with one player starting 3-4 seconds after the other.  Never
had these problems with 6.x.

I switched back to the Classic skin, which seemed to help for awhile. 
Problems started again a week or so ago, so I switched all players to
start as a group.  Things seem to be working fine right now, so I think
I'll try going back to the Default skin and see if the problem recurs.


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