So with the wood case other posts earlier in the week, I thought I would
post some pics of my dedicated touchscreen softsqueeze boxes in
Brazilian Mahogany cases. I had been holding off to take better pics,
but when does one ever have time for that?

Basic rundown:

- Custom Mahogany cases done by David Mosby  of Freightline Cases
(contact info available upon request) David did a GREAT job, was very
excited about my project, and in the end I paid him more than I owed
him b/c I was so satisfied.

- TC-10 Touchpanel computer from Very happy with this
aside from the sound chip quality. It does not have line out, so I am
using speaker to line level converters from a car audio store. Even
this setup is pretty noisy at low volume.

- I have added a soundcard w/ digitial out on one box that is hooked to
my good stereo setup. Sounds MUCH better than the stock. At some point I
will get that working with an ART DI/O that I bought.

- Boots from CF, and runs damnsmall linux. It took a couple of months
for me to get it all working. I needed to compile a custom kernel for
the touchscreen, and use a Kdive X binary from the driver author. 

- Boots, runs a modified slimp3slave, starts X, ssh's to my Linux
server and runs softsqueeze with X displayback. This setup was required
as the Geode CPU could not quite keep up with Softsqueeze and 320Mp3
playback. The combo works great. Slimp3slave was modified to allow uniq
MAC addresses, so I can have four of these boxes on my network.

- Running a custom woodgrain touchscreen skin that I did, that has been
included with later betas of Softsqueeze.

Overall it was a fun project, and it is nice to have music all over the
house now. Some pics are attached.

|Filename: skin.jpg                                                 |

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