Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-12 Thread chris.mason

Just doing some testing this morning.

The problem has appeared again, so I'm taking advantage of it!

- Direct vs proxied streaming makes no difference, the problem
- My Boom can play the Radio 4 stream without issue, but the SB3 keeps
- I can play the same stream on Softsqueeze 3.9b1 (transcoded to MP3)
- I sync'd the Boom with the SB3 and it seemed to work, although the
controls on the SC UI and the Boom UI become very slow.  I think that
might have been SC transcoding to MP3 for Softsqueeze though (seems
very CPU intensive).

So, dunno if this tells us anything, except that its probably
somehthing particular to the SB3.  Later, if I can get the problem to
re-occur I'll try MCs idea of using specific URLs from the ASX list,
and see if that makes a difference.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-12 Thread ModelCitizen

bpa;414728 Wrote: 
 ModelCitizen has pointed out that time-of-day may be significant.
 I know when testing for a BBC RealAudio bug I found that BBC servers
 used to drop data on R4 more frequency between Mon-Thur,
 about 11.00-12.00 Sunday. This is an indication that certain parts of
 the network between BBC and my PC were getting congested.
Although this doesn't seem to affect Chris, I experienced the problemm
between 7pm and 9pm as Plusnet limited bandwidth between the Squeezebox
device and iPlayer streams at that time. At other times they did not
limit this bandwidth.

It was Wireshark that eventually illuminated the matter for me.



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

Just an update...

Well, the BBC 96K WMA streams just keep working now!  Had them running
at different times of day, for long periods of time, with no problems
at all.

I can only conclude that changing the buffer time and radio time-out
fixed the issue.



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

I've attached a text file (log.txt).  Apologies for the length of the
log...not sure what I was looking for.

If anyone could take a look, and tell me if they say anything useful,
I'd appreciate it.  This is with player.source logging set to 'debug'.

|Filename: log.txt  |


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

The crash shouldn't happen, however if increasing buffered secdons helsp
a bit,  it sounds like an ISP traffic manipulation where the ISP is
rearranging live traffic which is normally a continuous stream of
packets and holding the data back and making the streams into big
bursts of data some of which is timing out. This is OK for file
transfer or webpages but no live audio.

The only way to be sure is to log the network traffic using something
like Ethereal/Wireshark and send it to SD.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread ModelCitizen

Sorry Chris but I can't see anywhere where you say that the streams work
on your SC PC using a normal software music player (I don't know what
the equivalnet if Windows Media Player on Linux is). Do they?

I've had very strange (and difficult to diagnose) problems with both
the SC iPlayer plugin live asx feeds and Listen again asx feeds. I
found that between 7 and 9 oclock in the evening all my Listen Again
streams stuttered whilst constantly rebuffering. The same stremas
played fine at the same time on my software player. With help I tracked
this dow to my ISPs attempts to bandwdith shape and th unrecognised
identity presented by a SQueezebox (yup, that's what they said!). The
ISP, PlusNet cured the problem within two days of being told about it.

I have never been able to play the iPlayer live streams on any of my
Squeeze devices. The streams just don't appear to start. There seems to
be some problem with the format of the BBC playlists (see attached
example) which reference a number of individual streams. If I copied a
single stream out of the BBC playlist it worked fine.  At the beginning
of the issue Windows Media Player could not play the BBC iPlayer
playlists either... but that appeared to change at some point and now
it can (and yes, I have no idea why).

It might be worth trying just one of the individual streams from the
playlist? Clutching at straws I know especially as you are
convinced it's an asx issue (whereas I could play all other asx radio
stations with no trouble).


|Filename:   |


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

Thanks for the replies guys.  
I'm pretty certain its not bandwidth shaping, I don't believe Virgin
bandwidth-shape, but I can check.

As for software players, I haven't checked so thats a good point, but
its quite difficult to do, as the problem is so erratic.  For example,
earlier today (1pm UK) I had this occur.  Then 30 mins later the
streams played fine.  I've not had any problem with the Listen Again
streams by the way.

Also, I don't believe this is limited to BBC feeds.  THe WMA ClassicFM
stream (as provided via SN) also does the same thing to my SB3.

I've opened a ticket with support on this too.

Next time the problem occurs, I'll try on software devices too.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

The crash is definitely a bug but this changing of traffic may not be
traffic shaping just a artifact of the way the backbone network treats
some data flows. 

IT would be interesting to try a few other tests to see how the problem
manifests itself.

1. Disable Windows Media native in Settings/Advanced/Filetypes - this
will mean WMA stream ends in SC and is transcoded there into Flac or
MP3. I would expect the problem to go away.

2. Make the SC be a proxy so that WMA is decoded by SB3 but TCP
datastream from BBC is terminated at SC.  In Settings/Player/Audio Set
MP3 Streaming method to proxied streaming.  I believe the title is
misleading and proxying also occurs for WMA streams.  An alternative to
try would be to sync two hardware players.  If the WMA content is being
corrupted in some way then the crash will occur otherwise I would
expect no crash.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

bpa;414684 Wrote: 
 The crash is definitely a bug but this changing of traffic may not be
 traffic shaping just a artifact of the way the backbone network treats
 some data flows. 
 IT would be interesting to try a few other tests to see how the problem
 manifests itself.
 1. Disable Windows Media native in Settings/Advanced/Filetypes - this
 will mean WMA stream ends in SC and is transcoded there into Flac or
 MP3. I would expect the problem to go away.
 2. Make the SC be a proxy so that WMA is decoded by SB3 but TCP
 datastream from BBC is terminated at SC.  In Settings/Player/Audio Set
 MP3 Streaming method to proxied streaming.  I believe the title is
 misleading and proxying also occurs for WMA streams.  An alternative to
 try would be to sync two hardware players.  If the WMA content is being
 corrupted in some way then the crash will occur otherwise I would
 expect no crash.

Good ideas, thanks I'll give those a go.  I think ModelCitizen might
also have a point in this being an issue with ASX rather than WMA
directly, although its odd that the WMA stream does actually play even
for a few seconds.

On the proxying, SC is already set to be a stream proxy.  I could try
changing it to Direct!

I'll try forcing encoding to MP3 as well, as you suggest.  As I say,
its hard to be certain whats going on, because the problem is so
transient - I could get it working by transcoding to MP3, but it
doesn't mean the problem is solved.  If I could get this problem to
occur consistently, that would be a start.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

OK so first of all I tried forcing transcoding WMA to FLAC and to MP3.

Neither of those worked.  When trying to play on the SB3 or on
Softsqueeze (or Winamp for that matter), nothing plays at all. 
According to the SC UI, a transcoded stream is trying to play though.

I tried making it transcode to MP3 on the SB3 as well, with no luck.  I
also tried pushing the radio station timeout to 30, and that made no

Currently, the Radio 4 WMA stream is playing ok on my SB3, with all
settings back to default (so the SB3 is decoding the WMA stream).  I'll
keep an eye out to see when the problems start occuring again, and try
seeing of Softsqueeze, etc has problems.  

I forgot to mention I also have a Boom (had it a couple of days) - R4
has been playing without problem on that, but that doesn't mean
anything, its been generally ok on my SB3 too.

When the problem occurs, I'll compare to the Boom, and also try syncing
players as well, to see what happens there.

Thanks again for your continued help, its keeping me sane!


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

If you're using AlienBBC to do the transcode and you are using a new
Linux distro (e.g. Ubuntu 8.x) then you need a patch for and
also Softsqueeze 3.8 or later when using 7.3.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

bpa;414708 Wrote: 
 If you're using AlienBBC to do the transcode and you are using a new
 Linux distro (e.g. Ubuntu 8.x) then you need a patch for and
 also Softsqueeze 3.8 or later when using 7.3.

Ah ok, can you tell me more about the patch I need?

I'm running Ubuntu 8.10, and using Softsqueeze 3.9b1.  I assume you
mean I need to patch mplayer to make transcoding work in general for
any device, not just for Softsqueeze.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

There is a timing issue which seems to happen with new Linux distros. 

See post #27 in this thread for the updated


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

Aha!  Thats done the job.

I just tested transcoding the Radio 4 WMA stream to both FLAC and MP3
for SoftSqueeze 3.9 on my Windows PC, and both work.

I've asked Virgin Media support about bandwidth shaping, and I'm
waiting to hear back from them.  At the moment, the streams are working


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

ModelCitizen has pointed out that time-of-day may be significant.  

I know when testing for a BBC RealAudio bug I found that BBC servers
used to drop data on R4 more frequency between Mon-Thur,
about 11.00-12.00 Sunday. This is an indication that certain parts of
the network between BBC and my PC were getting congested.

The same sort of issue might be happening with Virgin - for example, at
certain times of the day, some of their network may be getting congested
and the backbone switches start dropping data packets and so are relying
on BBC to resend the dropped data - this could cause a stream to stop. 
There are many other scenarios which are not bandwidth shaping but
just traffic management.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread chris.mason

bpa;414728 Wrote: 
 ModelCitizen has pointed out that time-of-day may be significant.  
 I know when testing for a BBC RealAudio bug I found that BBC servers
 used to drop data on R4 more frequency between Mon-Thur,
 about 11.00-12.00 Sunday. This is an indication that certain parts of
 the network between BBC and my PC were getting congested.
 The same sort of issue might be happening with Virgin - for example, at
 certain times of the day, some of their network may be getting congested
 and the backbone switches start dropping data packets and so are relying
 on BBC to resend the dropped data - this could cause a stream to stop. 
 There are many other scenarios which are not bandwidth shaping but
 just traffic management.

Absolutely, I agree, there are many potential causes.  I've found
however the real audio streams to be generally very reliable (and
certainly don't cause my SB3 to reboot when they stop or stutter).

I had a reply back from Virgin, who confirmed that STM (Subscriber
Traffic Management) is the only form of purposeful bandwidth control
they utilise.  Simply, they reduce your bandwidth (up and down) by 75%
for up to 5 hours if you exceed the daily download or upload quota,
something I don't go anywhere near.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread funkstar

chris.mason;414771 Wrote: 
 I've found however the real audio streams to be generally very reliable
 (and certainly don't cause my SB3 to reboot when they stop or stutter).
As RealAudio isn't handled natively by any of the hardware players, any
issues are going to be on the server transcoding them to something the
SB3 can handle. So a stream might kill mplayer or although a very
remote posability, SqueezeCenter. It's not going to efect an SB.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-11 Thread bpa

You probably find the RealAudio streams as being reliable as the stream
is terminated in the PC which has bigger buffers etc. compared to WMA
streams terminated in the SB3.

The suggested test which make SC proxy for WMA stream was a test to see
if termination of WMA stream in PC vs SB3 makes a difference.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-10 Thread chris.mason

Hm...I didn't get to do more testing until this morning.

The changes I made to SC were as follows:

Radio Station Buffer Seconds : 4  (was 3)
Radio Station Timeout : 12  (was 10)

And I set the logging as suggested..

Now the 96k Radio 4 WMA stream is running without problem!  I wonder if
there is something happening at the quantum level soon as I
start observing whats going on (through logging), it starts working

I'll try putting those settings back to default and see what happens
too.  Ive had this happen before, where the BBC Radio WMA streams
start working, when I've changed nothing, thats one thing that makes
this issue so frustrating.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-10 Thread bpa

One user found that their BBC WMA problems were due to their ISP traffic


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-10 Thread chris.mason

Yeah I saw that mentioned before.
I don't believe that is the case for me.
I'm on Virgin Broadband.  Virgin don't use traffic shaping, they tend
to use a much more blunt instrument - STM (Subscriber Traffic
Management, they call it).  They basically reduced your bandwidth for a
period of time if you exceed download limits.  I rarely go anywhere near
those limits as it is.

I guess whats annoying is that my SB3 should be behaving in the way it
is.  If it gets some dodgy data in a stream, I don't expect it to throw
a paddy and crash, I would expect it to handle the issue more


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-09 Thread chris.mason

OK time to bump this thread!

I just got myself a Boom.  It can play BBC WMA streams without any
However, those sames streams still cause my SB3 to hang and reboot.

This is quite frustrating.  I'm not sure if it is just the BBC streams
or WMA in general.  I'd really appreciate some help:

o What logging options should I switch on to capture the most useful
o Is anybody else seeing the same issue?
o What other WMA streams would you suggest I try (none-BBC), that might
cause issues?
o Why in fact is my SB3 rebooting?

For background information, my setup is:

Version: 7.3.3 - 25411 @ Mon Mar 9 03:21:08 PDT 2009
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6

Boom: firmware 45
SB3: firmware 125

I have AlienBBC installed, so I have mplayer installed and configured
under file types, hence for WMA I have:

WMA - FLAC  : Disabled
WMA - MP3   :
WMA - WAV   : Disabled
WMA - WMA   : Native

I've tried disabling native WMA, to force conversion to another format,
but nothing happens.

Any help really appreciated!



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-09 Thread bpa

If you are using AlienBBC menus to play the BBC streams then you are
playing the RealAudio format not WMA.

What do you means by nothing happens - for example
- doesn't start
- starts but no audio
- no change from previous settings


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-09 Thread chris.mason

Nope, not playing RealAudio...I'm specifically playing the BBC WMA
I'm using AlienBBC to listen to the RealAudio streams, because they
work.  I'd prefer to listen to the higher-bitrate WMA audio.

I'm using the BBCiplayer pluging to access the live WMA streams.  I
know this is nothing to do with the iPLayer plugin by the way.  I've
tried directly playing the WMA streams with the same result.

Interestingly, I have no problem listening to Listen Again streams,
just live audio.

By nothing happens, I mean that having forced transcoding from WMA to
FLAC for example (for the filetypes setting), when I go to play the
stream, I get the connecting message on the SB3 display,
then...nothing.  No sound, no indication of a problem.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-09 Thread bpa

 By nothing happens, I mean that having forced transcoding from WMA to
 FLAC for example (for the filetypes setting), when I go to play the
 stream, I get the connecting message on the SB3 display,
 then...nothing. No sound, no indication of a problem.

Your settings have disabled WMA-Flac which means disabling native WMA 
will result in WMA-MP3.

Conecting followed by nothing usually means either a timeout or a
problem in the mplayer/lame pipeline.

Listen Again streams start within 1-2 sec of making the request. 
With mplayer transcoding, Live streams could take about 6-10 secs to
start, more if there are choices for URLs.  If your network station
timeout is set to less than 10 then this couildbe one issue. 

To debug this situation use Settings/Advanced/Logging and set 
player.source to INFO


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-04-09 Thread chris.mason

bpa;414023 Wrote: 
 Your settings have disabled WMA-Flac which means disabling native WMA 
 will result in WMA-MP3.
 Conecting followed by nothing usually means either a timeout or a
 problem in the mplayer/lame pipeline.
 Listen Again streams start within 1-2 sec of making the request. 
 With mplayer transcoding, Live streams could take about 6-10 secs to
 start, more if there are choices for URLs.  If your network station
 timeout is set to less than 10 then this couildbe one issue. 
 To debug this situation use Settings/Advanced/Logging and set 
 player.source to INFO

Sorry,should have clarified - I did have WMA - FLAC enabled to test
transcoding to FLAC on the SB3, but then disabled it (I like generally
to have things working natively or transcoding to MP3 for remote

Thanks for the advice on logging, I'll see what that shows.
Also I'll check the timeout and see if that makes a difference (I won't
be able to look into this till later, as I'm at work).


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-18 Thread chris.mason

mobileadam;407424 Wrote: 
 Hi Chris,
 Any joy with your testing?

Hi Adam,

No luck unfortunately, same thing happens.
I don't have enough time to spend really digging into this at the
moment unfortunately.  Its very frustrating - internet radio streams
can be unreliable of course, but I really don't expect it to crash my
SB or SC.  
I've gone back to using AlienBBC which works reliably for me, and
avoided WMA streams.  I don't think its just the BBC WMA streams that
cause the problem.



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-18 Thread bpa

Talk to your ISP and see if they do any bandwidth shaping or other funny
network stuff.

ModelCitizen had very specific Squeezebox BBC WMA problem with PlusNet

You should read a few posts back and forward to get the full story.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-18 Thread chris.mason

I'm using VirginMedia cable.  They don't do bandwidth shaping per se -
their approach is Subscriber Traffic Monitoring, which is much more a
blunt instrument.   They basically cut your bandwidth if you exceed
certain download/upload limits (which I rarely do).

Perhaps Virgin are doing something though..


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-17 Thread mobileadam

Hi Chris,

Any joy with your testing?

I tried to switch on the radio this morning (Radio 1) and found that my
kitchen receiver was doing its old trick of 'rebooting' after 5 to 10
seconds of playback. Rather then spending the usual hours of checking
network quality etc  I just logged into SqueezeNetwork and noticed that
my Duet controller was listed (I thought I had deleted it). Anyway, I
deleted it from the web UI and then restarted the stream and no further
reboots today!!! related? maybe?  Over the weekend I was getting entries
in the log about trying to get players from SN etc but I have disabled
the sync option so not sure why it is still doing that.



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-12 Thread mobileadam

Hi Chris,

I'm probably sending you down the wrong path again but I awoke this
morning to find one of my receivers constantly 'rebooting' when trying
to listen to a radio 1 live stream. I spent lots of time trying to
solve it (about 2 hours) and now suddenly it is working again.
Reviewing my changes (I tried to make only one change / test at a time)
it only started to work after I disabled the SqueezeNetwork integration
in SC. I then tried to reproduce the problem by re-enabling the option
but is hasn't reoccured!!! So is this just a coincidence?

So, it was working for about two weeks, then failed again this morning,
I must have seen reboots over 15 times during the two hours of trying to
fix it. If it occurs again then I guess I can rule out my current
thinking about the SN integration (although I do find it interesting
that this is along the similiar lines to my previous testing the last
time it happened).



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-12 Thread chris.mason

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the follow up.  What you say is very interesting, because I
was wondering about the same thing.  I noticed lots of sync requests,
and occasional sync errors (possibly meaningless) in the server log,
and I've tried turning off SN syncing/integration.  I'm really unclear
what that is for anyway - that whole area is something which is poorly
defined.  I rarely use SN anyway (knowingly at least!).

I'll check my sync settings again, and see what results I get with it
switched off.



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-12 Thread mobileadam

Hi Chris,

Other things that were occuring this morning which don't help with your
problem at all include my two receivers not playing the same radio
stream in sync regardless of how I told them to syncronise with each
other. Obviously my problematic receiver would shortly reboot before
reconnecting occasionally to radio stream. Now that everything is
working again they are perfectly in sync.

I have also deleted my two players from the SN site and they don't
automatically reappear now which shows that the option on SC is working
as expected.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-07 Thread chris.mason

All yesterday, I had the Radio 2 and Radio 4 WMA streams playing

Just now, I start the Radio 2 stream, and within 2 seconds, my SB3
froze and had to reboot.

This is beginning to get on my nerves.  Can anyone explain why/how a
WMA stream is causing this to happen?  I understand perfectly well how
unreliable streaming radio can be, but what I don't expect to happen is
it to cause my SB3 to reboot.

Is any one else seeing these problems?

Can any one give me some hints on which logging to switch on and what
specifically to look for that might give a clue?



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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-06 Thread Ramage

chris.mason;403631 Wrote: 
 (I posted this as a reply to another thread on listening to BBC Radio,
 but I don't think it was entirely appropriate there - apologies for the
 I don't believe this is a plug-in issue, but a problem with the WMA
 feeds from the BBC.
 I'm based in the UK, so should have no problem getting the feeds (from
 a legal perspective anyway).
 I'm running SC7.3.3 on Ubuntu 8.10, with a wireless SB3.
 (Version: 7.3.3 - 25156 @ Wed Feb 25 03:12:29 PST 2009)
 I've found that the live AlienBBC streams for Radio 2 and 4 to be
 For BBC iPlayer, I've given up trying to listen to the feeds. All the
 live feeds consistently cause my SB3 to crash and reboot. The feeds
 play for about 30 seconds (I'm guessing the buffer size) then it all
 stops. I'd love to listen to these feeds for the higher bit-rate. I
 don't believe this is a BBC iPlayer plugin issue. I have copied the
 high bit rate WMA URL into Tune in URL and I get the same issue.
 Through the More Radio.. menu, I can play the 65Kbit WMA streams
 without problem on the whole, certainly they don't cause my SB3 to
 Anybody else experienced this problem of the 96k streams causing the
 SB3 to reboot or can explain what might cause the problem?  I can
 understand that streams are not always perfect, you get rebuffering,
 stuttering and so on, but I don't expect a stream to cause my SB3 to
 Here are the URLs I've been using:
 Any help would be much appreciated!
I tested these urls using SC 7.4-25345  on ubuntu 8.04 and they played
without interruption on my SB3, Duet and Boom.   Sorry, I don't have a
7.3.3 version to test them on.

The url's however would not verify when I tried to add them to my
Squeezenetwork favorites, but I could play them from an opml file of
favorites which I use on Squeezenetwork.

Hope this info helps.


P2 266MHz, ubuntu server 8.10 SC 7.4~25258
AMD64x2 ubuntu 8.04, SC 7.4~25345
Players: Classic, Duet, Boom, Controller

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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-06 Thread chris.mason

Thanks Ramage.

I'm hesitant to go to 7.4 at the moment, still getting to grips with

Right now I'm playing the Radio 2 feed from the above URL, and its
working fine.  I've switched  a bunch of debugging on maybe it
knows I'm watching ;-)

The other thing I've done is switched from direct streaming to proxied.
Dunno if that would make a difference though.

This is an excerpt from my logs that I thought my give a clue to this
issues (could mean nothing though).  Anyone care to comment?
OutputUnderrun - is that a bad thing?

[09-03-06 10:25:00.0254]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (269)
00:04:20:06:9d:99: StatusHeartbeat in PLAYING-STREAMING -
[09-03-06 10:25:00.8438]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerOutputUnderrun (1711)
00:04:20:06:9d:99: decoder: 96 / output: 0
[09-03-06 10:25:00.8445]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (269)
00:04:20:06:9d:99: OutputUnderrun in PLAYING-STREAMING -
[09-03-06 10:25:00.8451]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState (1854) new playing
[09-03-06 10:25:00.8496]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (301)
00:04:20:06:9d:99: OutputUnderrun - new state BUFFERING-STREAMING
[09-03-06 10:25:00.8702]
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_eventAction (269)
00:04:20:06:9d:99: StatusHeartbeat in BUFFERING-STREAMING -


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-06 Thread bpa

The BBC live streams are WMA. Proxied only relates to MP3 streams. To
get the server to decode the stream change under FileTypes Windows
Media native to disabled. If you are not running Windows you will need
to install some server WMA decode support 

There have been a few other reports of other WMA stations causing
reboot of Boom and SB3.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-06 Thread chris.mason

So you're saying if I wanted to transcode WMA to MP3 to get proxied
streaming, I should disable WMA native decoding?

I'm running on Ubuntu, and have AlienBBC installed (and consequently
mplayer) so that wouldn't be a problem.  I'll give that a go and see
what difference it makes.


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Re: [slim] BBC WMA Radio streams cause my SB3 to reboot

2009-03-06 Thread andyg

Actually we need to change the wording of the proxied streaming option. 
It now works for all stream types.


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